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15318524 No.15318524 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it okay for the government to give trillions to bail out the banks, but not give trillions to bail out the people?

>> No.15318544

At a certain level money is not for spending, it is only a power game between nations

>> No.15318587

Only nihilistic idiots take resentment politics seriously. Yang already fucking lost you dumb ass. Yang Gang was always a dumb meme just adopted for the sake of counter-signalling Drumpf, but it's a dead ineffective meme.

>> No.15318589

Governments highly regulate banks and are thus responsible for them.

>> No.15318601

because people will spend it on scratchers and cigarettes, and the banks will spend it on making sure the world doesn't fall into ruin you blatant faggot.

>> No.15318610

What makes you think any of these is ok?

>> No.15318618
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You could make the case that govs highly regulate people too.

>> No.15318691

It wasn't ok when they did it the first time. We fucked up by not lynching everyone right then and there. Occupy wallstreet was subverted and became worthless. Two wrongs don't make a right. Once you realize you can just vote yourself free money the bottom falls out of the whole thing. The only thing that came out of 08 which might have fixed things would be btc. So the question is what will it do now?

>> No.15318712


>> No.15318735
File: 132 KB, 633x758, maga brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep telling yourself that magatard
yang is using your potato's tactics to win

>> No.15318777

Not an argument. Why do the banks get free government money and I don't.
>banks will spend it on making sure the world doesn't fall into ruin
lol how many levels of neoliberalism are you on?
>It wasn't ok when they did it the first time.
Yet they did it anyway so I ask again: why do the banks get money and the people don't?
>b-but if we give the people trillions of dollars the economy will collapse
It didn't collapse when the banks were given trillions of dollars. In fact, most """experts""" believe the bailout was beneficial in preventing the recession from getting worse.
>b-but giving money to the people is different from giving money to the banks
How so?

>> No.15318835

Yang's policies are stupid. Why not just drastically lower the fucking tax rate for poor and middle class people? This would add no additional administrative costs and would prevent the creation even more welfare leeches.

>> No.15318925

>12k/yr tax cut
Based Trump AWOOO
>1k/mo UBI
Yang is a socialist retard!
Call it a tax break if you want, just give me my 1k """tax refund""" every month.

>> No.15318941

Did yang hire children to run his online campaign? You know you represent him, right?

>> No.15318991

Not an argument
t. Molymeme

>> No.15319094
File: 200 KB, 1080x1065, BC652B67-46D5-467F-A7DE-5367DE2F6F66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up boomer

>> No.15319103

Raised his hand to give free healthcare to illegals
Wants gun licensing/registration

>> No.15319118

I only care about crypto.
Fuck trump fuck boomers.
Noone gives a shit about guns
If we were talking about the right to a robot army
Then it would be about sovereignty

>> No.15319128
File: 43 KB, 558x744, 25F42B54-3BCA-4BD7-B59A-27CA25CEB04C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yang is only supported by ‘how do you do fellow kids’ boomers.

>> No.15319139

lol no im voting for him. Fuck miga faggots. Let tell you either way you are FUCKED. if you honstly believe that democrats wont at some point in the future wont try to take your guns away you are delusional. You know that we wont have a republican forever? You know that trump wants red flags laws? Give me a break.

>> No.15319142

>I only care about crypto.
>Fuck trump fuck boomers.

based. Nobody on this board should give a shit about anything except for which candidate will make us the wealthiest, and the answer is objectively Yang.

>b-but muh nigger politics
>b-but muh jewish conspiracy theories
>muh schizo /pol/ memes

fuck off faggot

>> No.15319159

Also the idea of halting technological progress in the free market and desperately holding onto to dying jobs is retarded.
Trump does same thing though

>> No.15319164

>that whole boomer post
Go back to Facebook

>> No.15319173

>and the answer is objectively Yang.

>> No.15319182

>supporting a kike owned president

>> No.15319188


>> No.15319189

the same people that run the banks are the ones that write the laws

>> No.15319196

> Not taking something away is the same as giving something
How retarded can you be to think not having 12k taken from you is the same as 12k being dropped in your lap?
> Implying poor faggots have 12k to take

>> No.15319201
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>> No.15319207

yang gang my nigs

>> No.15319209

norway tried it in the 70's and it caused massive runaway inflation.

>> No.15319211

> I don't give a shit about guns
> ARMS in ID
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15319216

Go vote for Yang, Bernie, Trump or Clinton
But from all of the above, Yang will actually blatantly short the US.
You gonna buy some trailer trash pickup with your 12k.
And that’s a good thing for me, I will profit from the fall of the US.

>> No.15319218

>Governments highly regulate banks
Imagine actually believing this.

>> No.15319221

Yang was a shill operation. Nobody actually gave a shit about that leftist gook chink puppet

>> No.15319222
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>> No.15319228

You oppose make Israel great again so you vote for make China great again lol

>> No.15319232

> Giving up your guns
Fuck off faggot move to literally any other country

>> No.15319243

> Inflation increases inflation
Really makes you think

>> No.15319248

The banks will pay it back.

>> No.15319255
File: 6 KB, 211x239, 1548367894043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are one dumb fuck

>> No.15320302

"Free" money is still taxed, so you would getting less than $1k a month if you're working.

>> No.15320321
File: 627 KB, 1988x3056, You, the people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you even seen Dark Knight Rises?

>> No.15320464
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