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15317611 No.15317611 [Reply] [Original]

Trips and I reveal the big announcement regarding the Chainlink Enterprise Alliance tomorrow.

>> No.15317617

OP is probably gay

>> No.15317618


>> No.15317620


>> No.15317626
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>> No.15317654

Let’s see it

>> No.15317657


>> No.15317666

It's too late OP, it was always too late

>> No.15317668
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No larp or the devil will boil you alive

>> No.15317672

Hey way to go anon - spill the beans OP

>> No.15317675


>> No.15317678


>> No.15317680

Satan has spoken, spill the beans op

>> No.15317681

Based devilish trips

>> No.15317682

Quick mafs

>> No.15317690

Based satan get

>> No.15317693

The big reveal is IT DOESN’T EXIST

>> No.15317715
File: 376 KB, 250x250, 1512937868974.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP will not deliver and is the biggest faggot imaginable

>> No.15317717

probably this

>> No.15317725

now you realllly shouldnt have said that. spill it hagrid

>> No.15317734

Better reveal something good or Satan trips will take your soul.

>> No.15317738

this better be devilishly ghould

>> No.15317781

OP is a fag

>> No.15317794

Spit it out homo

>> No.15317796

OP HUMILIATED for the 3rd time today. Larpers getting absolutely EVISCERATED

>> No.15317800

and now OP will not deliver

>> No.15317806
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>> No.15317841

That escalated quickly.

>> No.15317884
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Betta do it eddie boy or my couch is going to eat my brainz aaaaAaaaaAaaahhh

>> No.15317902


>> No.15318026

Roll again

>> No.15318106

based :) Erect my penis

>> No.15318132
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reveal or spend eternity in hell OP

>> No.15318148
File: 140 KB, 2560x1600, datawallet-3.0-screenshot-4@2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed Datawallet partnership with Salesforce.

>> No.15318186

op must deliver

>> No.15318197


>> No.15318203

Sure again

>> No.15318218
File: 91 KB, 1024x1024, 50D8C299-1A18-4C4F-B72F-4FE39271FBD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw time’s up

>> No.15318240
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OP sux cox in hell

>> No.15318258

OP mom's will die if he doesn't respond to this post

>> No.15318268
File: 21 KB, 480x480, 60619199_117360676148863_8699850663088975739_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is a Chainlink Enterprise Alliance?

>> No.15318358

Checked. Don't be a fag, OP

>> No.15318373

rolling for the announcement on chainlink enterprise alliance announcement

>> No.15318378

Wow your larp fell apart so quickly faggot

>> No.15318444

The Holocaust never happened

>> No.15318450


>> No.15318468

Hey OP, we're waiting

>> No.15318474
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>> No.15318479

Double-trips. OP's definitely going to the hot place if he doesnt follow through.

>> No.15318484
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>> No.15318586

Damn checked

>> No.15318597

give it up OP

>> No.15318604


hell is canonically freezing

>> No.15318625


>> No.15318634


>> No.15318658

Who said anything about Hell? Purgatory is located inside of the Sun.

>> No.15318660

this fag always does this and never delivers shit. stop giving him attention

>> No.15318682

TFW when the big reveal WAS revealed. Nothingburger hot off the grill.

>> No.15318689

I'm with you Anon. Fellow insider and I've stopped myself from posting crumbs so many times. It's hard. We're all going to make it.

>> No.15318696

Checked and based

>> No.15318798

You better crumb all over this thread or I’ll make you crumb, OP. And trust me, your asshole will never be the same after that

>> No.15318810
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Op plz

>> No.15318926

Can I get swiss and fresh Jalapeno's on that?

>> No.15319808
File: 319 KB, 1276x3100, chainlink punch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know max possible is 10$, because like when we reached 5$ everybody dumped on everyone.
Same will happen here.
No news will bring us to 1k, it's time that will do it.
Links will change hands soon enough you faggots will be bitter for selling at 20.
Good luck holding those 50$ bags. I believe you will take a loan to buy at 100.

>> No.15319812
File: 39 KB, 676x676, 1525231020384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet another prime example of OP being a faggot

>> No.15319913


>> No.15319920


>> No.15319925

Fucking faggot

>> No.15320025

singles, dubs, trips, or quads and OP is a massive nigger faggot who will most probably die alone

>> No.15320040
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This thread is ruined so I'm just going to include a picture of a random anime girl in this post

>> No.15320054
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cute meido

>> No.15320071

So the big announcement is that it doesn't exist and is a larp, faggots.

>> No.15320077

Everything seems to be in order here

>> No.15320113


>> No.15320117
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How original

>> No.15320168
File: 161 KB, 468x659, hot and sexy toon drawing cartoon anime teen photo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice dub dub

>> No.15320358

Unlink the link!

>> No.15321291

I shat

>> No.15321643


>> No.15321933

>spill it
you nigger he already did. CEA was the announcement, that's why he posted the picture

>> No.15321970


>> No.15322445

Ok I'll explain how the scam works. Chainlink is registered in cayman islands with off shore bank accounts. Sergey promotes chainlink on conferences and pays money to other start ups for mentioning chainlink. This drives up the price, which the chainlink team uses to cash our with 700k bombs (https://etherscan.io/token/0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca?a=0xdad22a85ef8310ef582b70e4051e543f3153e11f).).

In the end they will milk all you NEETS for your savings.

>> No.15322473

based and correct. NEETs are too stupid to realize nothing about Chainlink is "organic". It's all paid/fake partnerships and media mentions

>> No.15322543

So he paid Oracle and Google to talk about Chainlink ?

>> No.15322630

He doesn't need to pay Google or Oracle, just one guy who has enough power to write a blog post. The board of Google/Oracle doesn't review insignificant blog posts or marketing "partnerships" with literally whos.

>> No.15323185

trying wayyy too hard dude, try again.

>> No.15323204
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>> No.15323224

>not even pregnant Sergey

>> No.15324252


>> No.15325267

Jews did 911

>> No.15325298


>> No.15325468
