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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15308570 No.15308570 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15308580

only wh*te people are stupid enough to fall for such a blatant scam

>> No.15308583

Because it's a nazi frog coin.

>> No.15308599

Systemic racism that Nazis will say doesn't exist, and then in the next breath say they would never hire a black person, and then on the next breath after that complain about black people being unemployed.

>> No.15308671

Cuz niggas dumb anon

>> No.15308681

Forced diversity is racism.

>> No.15308694

>muh democrats are the real racists
get real nazi

>> No.15308699

Are we going to see blackface?

>> No.15308700

there are are. pajeets are POC

>> No.15308707

The second. I mean the exact second they show a nigger on that stage i will market sell all my link.

>> No.15308721

Do we really need to go over time preference on 4chan at this point? You can’t buy Nikes and rims if your money is tied up in a highly speculative 2-5 year hold.

>> No.15308746
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white man's burden

>> No.15308772

This. I am a proud black man and I encourage all my fellow niggas to never invest in LINK. More of Yakub's tricks, trying to keep us down.

Only buy good investments like NEO, VEN or TRX. Tron cryptocurrency, in particular, will be worth $10,000 one day.

>> No.15308990
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Define involved in this context. If you simply mean holding, well...

>> No.15309010

>Tron cryptocurrency

>> No.15309116

Don't say PoC. It draws an unnecessary distinction between whites and all other people groups. People use it as if it has a positive connotation and we should have a soft spot for them. Additionally, are light skinned Asians included when libs say PoC?

>> No.15309126

every person that is a shade of brown is included. the real people of colour are not.

>> No.15309128


>> No.15309202

Dimitri Roche is black

>> No.15309249
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>2-5 year hold
What happened to $1000 EOY?

>> No.15309290

Because Chainlink is a good company

>> No.15309389
File: 42 KB, 564x427, 1521043926552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and then complain that the jews brought them over from africa as slaves in the first place

>> No.15309406

>Do we really need to go over time preference on 4chan at this point?
All joking aside, I think biz attracted a lot of leddit normies from the 2017 bullrun. I think some of them have learned to speak Chan a little bit, at least enough to get by, but they're still liberally pozd and retarded at their core.

>> No.15309425

If this makes you not buy link you are a dumb nigger

>> No.15309430

This is bullish for Link.

Sieg Heil!

>> No.15309434


>> No.15309467

>Team owns 65%
>Team aggressively dumping
>Linkers: This is bullish!

>> No.15309933

adelyn sends her regards