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15307109 No.15307109 [Reply] [Original]

Scammed by dirty ausfags!!!!

>> No.15307134
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>> No.15307137

Ausfag here. What did my shit country do now? What does Horizon state do and how did the garbage government on this nation fuck it over?

>> No.15307153

>muh white team

>> No.15307167

Every single Australian project has been a huge scam kek

>> No.15307174

was this couldmining? I saw some instathot roasties get toasted with innovamine. they stopped posting that shit pretty quick

>> No.15307179

Qnt and power, Australian are worst than pajeet. Never trust the white fella

>> No.15307184

Crikey mates what the bloody hell happened?

>> No.15307190

This. Never trust an Aussie lads. We're all scamming pajeets.

>> No.15307215
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Is Vid available downunder?
Would've thought so, Instagram influencers on Bondi would love this platform.

>> No.15307273

I just market sold my HST for link. I guess i shouldnt diversify into shitcoins and just buy btc and link and maybe eth

>> No.15307293

I have like 23 HST which was worth 120$ in Jan 18, right after I joined crypto. I had high hopes for it and believed this tard who said it'd be worth billions. Good thing I saw how shitty it'd become and didn't buy any more, instead having gone into LINK.

>> No.15307294

>I guess i shouldnt diversify into shitcoins
>Buys StainStink

>> No.15307321
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>>I guess i shouldnt diversify into shitcoins
>>Buys StainStink
And you'd prefer what? Link basically took over web3 i will just sell the pump

>> No.15307352

>that writing
They may be in australia but whoever wrote that has shat on the streets of mumbai countless times

>> No.15307360

Don't forget the worst of them all... CanYa Coin. Fuckin outrageous lads.

>> No.15307388
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No u

>> No.15307394

The "legal things we can't talk about" excuse is exactly what Confido used lmao

>> No.15307414

why are there so many aussie scammers

>> No.15307430

Who could have guessed an island made up of criminals abbos and kangaroos would have so many scammers about

>> No.15307439
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Australia is fairly based, I enjoyed my 7-month Stint in Queensland. But Crikey, you have the worst politicians ever in a western country.

Australia just got lucky. Inherited good customs and democracy from the UK, got lucky with natural resources and the location as a massive isolated Island with a terrific climate.. But its people got complacent and lazy, politicians at the forefront. Australia has created nothing unique of its own, pollutes like a motherfucker and has so many entitled fat boomer fucks.

The "right people" are very close to winning elections, but so far no sugar. Get it together lads

>> No.15307537

Oi mate Tony Abbot was a bloody saint

>> No.15307535

Good assessment. Complacency and trades and Banana Republic killed Australia

>> No.15307698


I have to admit I know little about him. I was in AUS back in 2017, all I remember was Malcom Turnbull being a dumbass boomer

>> No.15307822
File: 230 KB, 1280x720, [Erai-raws] Jashin-chan Dropkick - 08 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_14.51_[2018.09.12_16.50.24].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our politicians might be a bunch of do nothings but at least they ain't corrupt.
I guess that just adds to the complacency.
Well, chinks are shaking things up a bit, might start to see more hardline politics in the near future.

>terrific climate

>> No.15307904


Hey, I'm from Finland so I suppose I was able to appreciate the heat. Locals would complain from December on but I thought it was amazing! Sure beats the +9 degree eternal gloom of Helsinki.

>> No.15307962
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what did this shitcoin do? they got sued by based satoshi?

>> No.15307970
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>> No.15307972

Queensland has nicer weather than the rest of Australia though. The rest is kind of a shit show.

>> No.15308042

>but at least they ain't corrupt
That depends on your definition of corrupt, anon.

>> No.15308058

>Our politicians might be a bunch of do nothings but at least they ain't corrupt.
oh my sweet summer child

>> No.15308059

Do you really have this fucking shit and nano tattooed on your leg? Literally just kill yourself holy shit you're fucking retarded beyond belief

>> No.15308091


Chinese money is a big issue for AUS, and will be in the future. All your politicians screaming "inclusivity, musnt be racist towards Asians!", I bet your ass some of them are balls deep in some Chink Yans.

Also see recent UQ incident

>> No.15308113
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Kek post moar plox
> balls deep
Yes plz

>> No.15308464

It's not him, he's just reposting from somewhere else, probably a retarded redditfag going by the Nano tat.

>> No.15308480

Yeah this is 100% true. "The Lucky Country" was meant to be an insult, and it says exactly what you said there, we are basically a trust fund babby nation and Britcucks and now Burgers baby us through life with training wheels on. But retards here started taking it as a point of pride and forget the meaning behind it.

>> No.15308520

Dude Aussie politics is corrupt as fuck. I know from the inside. My brother works big 4 accounting and was also involved with Young Liberals in uni, and he has former liberal pollies working in his workplace. He tells me they are all snakes, cutthroat as fuck and never to be trusted. All they want is positions of power and prestige. Honestly couldn't think of a more corrupt place than the higher echelons of Australia.
Abbott was just another corrupt loser retard. Only different was he tried to swindle a new demographic and it sorta worked. You got fooled. He'd sell you out in a heartbeat.

>> No.15308779

>Our politicians might be a bunch of do nothings but at least they ain't corrupt.


>> No.15308963

Fuck this, put a lot of money into PowerLedger.