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15306576 No.15306576[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15306588

Meat tastes better than vegetables.

>> No.15306591


That's what they get for being an inferior species. Maybe they should evolve to better protect themselves. Oh wait, that's right. That will take a long time. Good thing we did that way before them and therefore have the obligation to retain our spot as the top of the food chain.

>> No.15306594

Eating factory meat...

Not going to make it.

>> No.15306595

this but unironically

>> No.15306598
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I had delicious bacon for breakfast today

>> No.15306606

Lmao it's like us goyim enslaved and butchered for jewish consumption.

>> No.15306623
File: 547 KB, 888x600, 2C9AA046-6076-4B07-9B67-942928CCB92D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But if that pig works hard enough it can one day be one of the 1% wild hogs out there who roam free make lots of babies and have all the resources the wild will provide, just work harder bro

>> No.15306626

Find a butcher in your area and load up on steaks/burger there. Should be better quality and not that feed lot garbage and much less expensive per lb for each.

>> No.15306633

i eat meat but i won't deny that the conditions we keep many of our farm animals in are beyond fucked up. large-scale meat production is also murder on the environment and breeds abx-resistant bacteria, things that both negatively impact humans directly. i unironically hope plant-based and vat-grown alternatives become cost and taste effective enough soon, and idk why anyone wouldn't have that stance, unless you're an edgy teen who just enjoys animal (and human) suffering, i guess.

>> No.15306649

Based and redpilled

>> No.15306652

Learn how the world works man, the meat all comes from the same places. You want quality you raise your own.

>> No.15306653
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>unless you're an edgy teen who just enjoys animal (and human) suffering, i guess.
What is we farm niggers instead? They aren't humans and clearly inferiors to most animals.

>> No.15306662

but they smell bad

>> No.15306711

The animals yes; factory meat vs farm raised, huge difference. IE; eating the farmers market bacon I get from pigs with tons of rook to run around while subsisting on a diet of acorns versus factory pig pumped with steroids, kept in tight, shirt living conditions eating corn slop until slaughter.

>> No.15306726

THis sums up my feelings as well

>> No.15306728

You eat a nigger you become a nigger

>> No.15306841

This. Happy animals just taste better.

>> No.15307032

>diet of acorns
What the fuck are you smoking? Ever been to a farm? Ever been to a pig factory? The meat industry in the USA is pyramid shape, with the animal raising and breeding at the bottom with lots of players small town farmers and what not, feed lots will buy these animalsat the last stages at their lives for fattening, usually the last three months of their lives for cattle, I’m not sure on the pigs, there’s a a few players on that field, then they sell them to animal processing plants where they kill em and process them into meat and you can barely count the number of players in one hand.

To side step that and do your own... you have no idea the burden of the requirements for it, if what you buy at farmers markets comes from an actual farm who does it all, it is highly unlikely he is legit with standards of the usda, so you’re going off of trust. I had one farmer tell me they get the expired food from different places to feed their pigs, had another one attempt to convince me that their feed can “be anything as long as it has that level of fats that level of carbs and that level of protein, it could even be Twinkie’s as long as it fits that criteria”, and this farmer only had 8 sows.

I guarantee you they didn’t eat acorns or roam free and unless you saw them for yourself you’re just deluded

>> No.15307048

High functioning overman types need meat's superior nutritive value to advance civilization. If I were a pig I would be proud to die for such a person.

HOWEVER, welfare queens, free loaders, ICO scammers, Yang-gangers, NEETs, and Jannies don't need or deserve the flesh of sentient creatures. It is an abomination for these lower life forms to consume anything but onions and bugs.

>> No.15307076

What an odd comment. How the fuck do you function around people with all those labels in your head?

>> No.15307100

pigs eat smaller animals too

not saying they should be tortured

>> No.15307200

Reminder that sufficiently superior beings would automate the torture of billions of you to prevent 15 minutes of slight discomfort for one of them.
All retards hoping for alien contact, super intelligent AI overlords, genetically engineered race of 250IQ ubermen, jewish utopia - all of them are not merely wrong, but dangerous.

>> No.15307342

Morality is a spook, it's a social construct

>> No.15307343

They have been bred to be slaves (by nature/humans/whoever), retard. Odds are they would stay even if given the chance to leave. Kind of like how degenerate prostitutes who offer NOTHING to society (outside of corrupting loving males) call it "empowering" to be whores. Or how you call it empowering to waste away on 4chan.

>> No.15307357

misdirected love/empathy

>> No.15307363

It's a social universe, retard. Everything transpiring between two abstract actors does so for a higher reason assigned to it by one such actor. (Be said actor "intelligent" or not)

>> No.15307370

Animals are property

>> No.15307376

Why don't you jump into a black hole and let everyone else continue being a spook?

>> No.15307382

chink detected

>> No.15307435
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I only eat pigs raised in open air, i'm not a burgerican. Also here in Europe the standards are pretty harsh with label and protected names.
Also not my fault if ham is so delicious.

I don't take pleasure in animals being killed but I won't become a skelly protein and vitamin deficient skelly vegan either.

Besides most of those animals would simply not live in the first place if it wasn't to sustain our needs.

>> No.15307442

the way you write I can tell you are extremely inferior to me. I'm coming over to butcher you in your sleep. Sorry bro, gotta retain my top spot, better luck in your next life.

>> No.15307471


t. Chad here with a bigger dick than you. You write like a faggot. I'm guessing you're overweight and live with your parents?

>> No.15307528
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Imagine getting eaten by a fucking pig

>> No.15307559


Yea but truly advanced civs ascend into a higher dimension, thats why we never meet them.

>> No.15307833

dude I have a butcher in my town who produces meat from his own lifestock. I can go to the pasture and look at the cows if I want to. the meat is delicious and often times cheaper than the shit in the super market. just dont buy the industrial shit and youre fine.

>> No.15307861

Not everyone is as privileged as you are. Some butchers will tell you anything to make a sale. Not like you'll ever know where it actually comes from

>> No.15307892

yeah I mean wow its really hard to move to an urban area with low cost of living. I guess Ill check my privilege right now.

>> No.15307917


>> No.15307930
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Humans are livestock trapped inside a cage called Earth.
We just haven't realized it yet.

>> No.15308007

I'm french so i don't know that feel.
Our animals get big cages, not tiny cages, which is completely retarded since the efficiency you gain space-wise is completely nullified due to the antibiotics cost, the loss due to stress death, the diseases that get through the antibiotics anyway, the reputation hit when greenfags show up...

It is even more retarded since the main countries doing that have a fuckton of space anyway, like the usa china and others third-world shithole.

>> No.15308026
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>> No.15308055

Fuck chinks who torture animals

>> No.15308062

I agree but we don't even need lab meat, we just need to stop letting Mcdonalds run a million chickens through a grinder 24/7 for food that'll get thrown out anyway

>> No.15308069

Most reasonable post in the thread. Future gens will look back at us like we're barbarians(if we even last that long).

>> No.15308083


thats fucked up man

who would eat fucking nigger meat, tastes like what? coal?

>> No.15308101

“Plant based” will never be cost effective, vegetable based protein is simply more expensive and always will be when compared to meat, a lot of this is a self inflicted wound because they refuse to go GMO, which is the only way to produce it at a reasonable cost.

Then there is the unforeseen and unknown problems that may arise from the consumption of ultra concentrated plant based protein that you’d never find in nature in the quantities we would consume.

>> No.15308331

At least pigs can get laid, unlike you mister gentically superior.

>> No.15308514

It's going to be a long time before plant based alternatives can compete nutritionally with meat, nothing has the bioavailability meat does. Eating meat was the step between us being like chimpanzees forever and becoming humans
I do hate how our meat is raised intensely, but right now am too poor to afford buying better. One day I hope I can raise my own meat or at least purchase better meat

>> No.15308529

>not hunting your meat or going to a farmers market
This is America and we have choices veganfag

>> No.15308532


>> No.15308537


But what you are looked at are just europeans of the future.

>> No.15308546

The same way any human functions while knowing a language and having automatic categorizations does

>> No.15308944
File: 231 KB, 851x721, BaitPost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks just bout 100 pigs
also saged this is the wrong board

>> No.15309022

Of all the clean animals you decide to farm niggers. Anon..

>> No.15309055
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Said the genetically defective beta male who will never reproduce.

>> No.15309073

>I've never read a biology book the post
Someone never attended higher education YIKES!

>> No.15309077
File: 20 KB, 640x365, tmg-article_tall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pigs are great animals, smarter than dogs and if you were every around pigs in your life, you would appreciate them a lot more.

Yes, they do taste great, that's why it's important to treat your pig friend well, and either raise your own or only buy free range meat.

Lowering meat consumption will also 100% extended your lifespan and general health.

>> No.15309183

>Lowering meat consumption will also 100% extended your lifespan and general health.
Absolute lie.

Yeah eating less hot dogs and Walmart meat is good for you, but if you get proper local grass fed meat you can only get healthier from it.
Liver is literally the most nutritious food on the planet

>> No.15309187

lol wat? I agree about the pigs but America's problem isn't meat consumption. America's problem is sugar, seed oils in fucking everything, and too many damn meals/snacks in a day.

Fast food meat has too much damn sugar and seed oils packed into it.

>> No.15309206

objectively true, OP can fuck off