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File: 12 KB, 887x100, pimple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1530127 No.1530127 [Reply] [Original]

It was good while it lasted edition

/biz/ discord:

Stickerbitch's calendar:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

-- Robinhood FAQs --
- VISIT THE WEBSITE FIRST - www.robinhood.com
> How is it free?
They invest your unsettled funds after a trade. It's also pretty basic software.
> When is it coming to my country?
Probably never. They only have plans on an Australian beta.
> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
If it takes more than 3 days, try emailing their support. They are very good.
> Is this the place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?
> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
No, that would actually be illegal. Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.
> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
thinkorswim is bretty gud if you want to go open a second account with real broker.
Otherwise you should be using stockcharts.com, finviz, or Yahoo/Google finance for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.
>How do I git gud?
Technical analysis
Fundamental Analysis
-Finance lessons by Martin Shkreli on youtube
>If I have Robinhood do I need to worry about 'Free Riding' violations?
No, it's not applicable for limited margin accounts (instant), and if you don't have instant, RH won't let you buy with unsettled funds.
> Can I use Robinhood on my PC?
Yes, download an android emulator. Setup is extremely easy. http://www.memuplay.com/

Previous Thread: >>1527503

>> No.1530130

reposting my tips from last thread:

$EKSO - Buy at $5, sell at $5.3 or $5.7 depending on volume and where resistance is at.
$SEED - Buy at about $2.5. If it breaks below $2.3 this is dangerous so watch.
$MRNS - Buy at $2.4-2.5, sell at $4. This is low float and probably the strongest pick for tomorrow.

Good luck fags. t. guy who recommended EKSO and OPTT last night

>> No.1530141
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NVDA still rising. I am still long GLD, GDX, and GDXJ

>> No.1530142

what happened in pic related?

>> No.1530209

>autists blaming pimple for their losses because they didn't listen
>pimple kill unknown
>everyone suicides

idk if he's still around but he probably made people $50k-100k on his RGSE call

>> No.1530218
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>Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:
doing God's work OP

>> No.1530219

>AGTC up 4% AH
t-thanks... I can eat food tomorrow

>> No.1530224

Will Mrns be able to hold until friday?
I'm looking at meso

>> No.1530235

MRNS will probably take off tomorrow given the volume we've seen today.

>> No.1530241

But I'll add that there's always good picks every day for profits. It's just a matter of knowing what signs to look for in the candlestick, level 2, etc as well as doing DD in the SEC filings, news and other stuff

>> No.1530244

I'll watch it tomorrow morning

>> No.1530248

should I set a limit order for $2.4?

>> No.1530250

This reads very similar to 10PercentTrader's stocktwits post.

>> No.1530253

Is limit order to $2.4, but if it doesn't go that low snap it up at $2.5

>> No.1530256

I like 10 percent trader. I do the same kind analysis he does and generally come to the same conclusions. Today I don't like his FCEL and SMIT recs tho based on the DD I have done for them, though I generally do check his shit normally.

>> No.1530260

autistics always ruining things

>> No.1530302


>> No.1530325 [DELETED] 

I have so little money recently, im seriously considering breaking off my engagement even though shes the love of my life.I NEED gains on RH, its a matter of to be or not to be now.

>> No.1530339
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Sold the peak on oil ETFs today. Up $500.

>> No.1530341
File: 95 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160928-234917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pimple was right, SMIT did well

It would've been nice to ride RSGE yesterday and SMIT today, except I didn't pay attention today.

Pimple bless us with your algo again pls

>> No.1530346

MSTX has been downhill for the last 5 days. It should spike a bit up tomorrow.

>> No.1530351

Shut up

>> No.1530363

Am I bringing back bad memories, anon? Where did the market touch you on Sept 20th?

>> No.1530369 [DELETED] 
File: 200 KB, 1080x1232, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I read that insiders are doubling down on NVAX. A sign to hold NVAX?

>> No.1530377

SMIT should have another run tomorrow. Get in while you still can. Buy the dip.

>> No.1530382
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Where do you think that will be, friend?

>> No.1530429 [DELETED] 

I'm trying hard to piece together how Pimple bro does it. So his program finds low float 52 week low stocks then the program might check to see if the average volume has been picking up and then checks the sec filings for key words that might indicate a good buy in time before volume picks up. His program is constantly checking the sec filings for those type of stocks and when it catches a term or phrase it alerts pimple. Then pimple goes through the report and searches to see if the stock really is the right one to buy and if it is he posts it here. Am I right or am I missing Something? I feel like there may be more to it like the way he gets the computer to scan for important terms like "good" or "bad" news which is so subjective.

>> No.1530432 [DELETED] 

I'm trying hard to piece together how Pimple bro does it.

So we know his program finds low float, neat 52 week low stocks which the majority of his hits have been.

Then I guess the program might check to see if the average volume has been picking up and then checks the sec filings for key words that might indicate a good buy in time before volume picks up.

His program would constantly be checking the sec filings for those type of stocks and when it catches a term or phrase it alerts pimple.

Then pimple goes through the report and searches to see if the stock really is the right one to buy and if it is he posts it here.

Am I right or am I missing Something? I feel like there may be more to it like the way he gets the computer to scan for important terms like "good" or "bad" news which is so subjective.

>> No.1530437 [DELETED] 

I'm trying hard to piece together how Pimple bro does it. I think I know but I need some insight.

So first we know his program finds low float, neat 52 week low stocks which the majority of his hits have been.

Then I guess the program might check to see if the average volume has been picking up and then checks the sec filings for key words that might indicate a good buy in time before volume picks up.

His program would constantly be checking the sec filings for those type of stocks and when it catches a term or phrase it alerts pimple.

Then pimple goes through the report and searches to see if the stock really is the right one to buy and if it is he posts it here.

Am I right or am I missing Something? I feel like there may be more to it like the way he gets the computer to scan for important terms like "good" or "bad" news which is just so subjective and would be the hardest part of designing this program.

>> No.1530441
File: 17 KB, 300x100, 175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying hard to piece together how Pimple bro does it. I think I know but I need some insight.

So first we know his program finds low float, neat 52 week low stocks which the majority of his hits have been.

Then I guess the program might check to see if the average volume has been picking up and then checks the sec filings for key words that might indicate a good buy in time before volume picks up more .

His program would constantly be checking the sec filings for those type of stocks and when it catches a term or phrase it alerts pimple.

Then pimple goes through the report and searches to see if the stock really is the right one to buy and if it is he posts it here.

Am I right or am I missing Something? I feel like there may be more to it like the way he gets the computer to scan for important terms like "good" or "bad" news which is just so subjective and would be the hardest part of designing this program.

>> No.1530444

nope, he's able to get in before volume rises at all which is what makes it so fucking incredible.

>> No.1530449

Cant the part where the program finds the "good news" make up for the need for volume.

>> No.1530453
File: 368 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160928-232027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy cow, did anyone else get this?

>> No.1530463

Also I feel like a tiny spike in volume could mean investors who have been paying close attention to the stock buy in before Pimple could be a good indication of good news coming. A tiny spike out of the ordinary is all it would take to alert the program.

>> No.1530469
File: 29 KB, 150x144, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you fags in on AUPH or ARLZ ?

>> No.1530472


Actually, screw me. Posting from my laptop. Not worth it. I don't have the balls to play margin especially on Robinhood's terms.

>> No.1530475

I just want them to enable unlimited day trades. I don't need them to look out for me by limiting my trades.

>> No.1530477

then get $25k

poor fag

>1.5k account

>> No.1530480

I have about $330 buying power.

>> No.1530489 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 230x249, ssdfsdfsdfsdfr234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICTI shit itself during after hours.

Buy immediately at open and sell the bounce

Easy 10-20% gain.

>> No.1530490 [DELETED] 


Meant to type "ITCI"

>> No.1530510

should I set a limit order for 13.60 right now?

>> No.1530590

So what's our exit strategy for those of us who are holding SMIT?

>> No.1530682

>have $300
>fall for the mstx ruse
>gain back a bit and am at $177 at the moment

poorfags unite

>> No.1530683

Holding until 2.3-2.5 then pulling the ripcord.
>implying we don't explode on the launch pad

>> No.1530684

premarket looks good, it's at 2.09 right now

>> No.1530689

How the fuck have my stocks been changing all night? I've been at work since midnight and my portfolio has been losing money steadily all night. How the fuck is this possible when the market isn't even open? Is robinhood retarded

>> No.1530690

Aftermarket and premarket sales.

Robinhood doesn't offer it, but other brokers do.

>> No.1530691

I know but theres no market open at 3am. And how is it changing now when pre market does start u til 7am? Chicago breh here central time, is something going on?

>> No.1530697

I got lucky with RGSE and made 58 bucks that day. Wish I had more, but I still got a decent gain.

I might drink a shot every time it dips.

>> No.1530699


>> No.1530717

Are we not going AHPI anymore after pimple said to watch it last night

>> No.1530719

Don't listen to the SMIT shill.

>> No.1530722

What are today's opening buys looking like?

>> No.1530727

Just as likely for the price to collapse. Don't get left bagholding.

>> No.1530728

SMIT is going to pass 3 today.

>> No.1530732


Watch them all in PM. I'm not at comp rn but those are the picks I like.

>> No.1530737

Anybody watching $AQRL? It's been steadily climbing for awhile but it's volume makes me hesitant

>> No.1530739
File: 9 KB, 401x367, 1474516877417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talks of bagholding
>shills SEED

>> No.1530741

$ARQL I meant

>> No.1530747
File: 599 KB, 1440x2560, tmp_18470-Screenshot_2016-09-29-07-45-36301312399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1530755

dust or nugt?

>> No.1530759

He explicitly just said to watch it. There was never any other indication of doing anything with it.

Does everyone here really have this much FOMO?

>> No.1530760
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>> No.1530767

He's said to just watch everything, is code word for don't blame me if you lose money

>> No.1530768

I'm looking at jdst it dipped yesterday

>> No.1530769

He said sometime this week maybe.

>> No.1530770

AEGR mah niggas

>> No.1530773

Does anyone have an opinion on jnug?

>> No.1530774

It's at 14.95 now

>> No.1530776


>> No.1530777

stay away unless it dips hard

>> No.1530779

i just want to be able to use robinhood for fuck sakes reeeeeeee

this general makes it all seem so fun. id get involved with you guys but im not paying 20 AUD per trade

>> No.1530781

Quick guys, what did the pimple say to watch yesterday?

>> No.1530783

Your calorie intake.

>> No.1530787

He said watch not buy. And he said to watch AHPI

>> No.1530788
File: 25 KB, 394x458, 1474516564875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smit seriously looks like it's ready for another mission

>> No.1530789



>> No.1530790

I'm a 400lb hacker tyvm

>> No.1530791
File: 212 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-09-29-09-17-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /onemonthfreegold/ here?

>> No.1530793

Is gold the same as instant? I don't see anything about gold in the app

>> No.1530794

How u git dis

>> No.1530797

It's a special promotion for robinhood that grants some of the top % gainers money based on their current portfolio.

>> No.1530798
File: 371 KB, 2158x1340, tmp_18470-IMG_20160907_163655204668922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got it and have a rager over AH trading and harder memeing!!

>> No.1530800


gold is not the same as instant

with gold you get charged per month (rates vary based on plan you choose) and you get a small margin. also you get to trade in premarket and aftermarket hours (limited to 9am - 6pm, not 4am-8pm like a real big boy broker)

for example I pay 10$ / month and get a $2000 margin. this means if i have $1000 of my own cash I actually have $3000 buying power

I've had gold for about 3 months now ask me anything

>> No.1530801


>top % gainers

Why are we getting it again?

>> No.1530802

It's got AH/PM trading and (simplified) leverage.

I had a very fancy notification in the news box and it said my first month would be free, so I signed up. Now I just have to make $10/mo and it's worth it, because they don't charge interest on leverage.

>top % gainers
It can't be this because my portfolio is shit

>> No.1530805

does it still give you a boner??

>> No.1530807

pimple where are you we need some GAINS

>> No.1530810
File: 39 KB, 389x641, cc12f8d2c3[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it made me really mad actually that they would limit the outside-market hours like this

pic related is what it looks like in your transaction history

>> No.1530812

Just because something was shit yesterday doesn't mean it will be shit today.

>> No.1530814


>> No.1530816

THLD all in

>> No.1530817


>> No.1530819

investor meeting to vote for a reverse stock split.

can't understand why that would be good.

>> No.1530821

All the volume Smit had is gone, moon mission cancelled?

>> No.1530822

AHPI is spiking.

>> No.1530824

looks like fucking shit

>> No.1530825
File: 20 KB, 694x250, Screenshot_2016-09-29-08-09-49_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REEEEEE! Is there another app or something? This is very aggravating. I'm willing to pay monthly or per trade.

>> No.1530826
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>> No.1530828


>> No.1530829
File: 46 KB, 671x665, 1460520370028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like it

>> No.1530830

sometimes rs can lead to a shortage of shares possible 52week low market valuation and the bulls rally.

>> No.1530831

UStockTrade has instant cash settlement instead of a margin account so they don't have to follow daytrading restrictions.

>> No.1530834

rgse is doing weird shit

>> No.1530835

anyone else catch the cosi dead cat bounce? fees good

>> No.1530836

please tell me you arent holding that still

>> No.1530837

Thanks senpai. I'll check it out.

>> No.1530838

are we getting in on MRNS or EKSO??

>> No.1530839

nope, just trying to find something to buy today.

>> No.1530840

it's not really even the daytrade restrictions that bother me so much as the high-volatility "protection" bullshit...

>> No.1530841


im waiting for the frog to come back

>> No.1530842

UVXY today feels like a down day

>> No.1530843

It's very rare that I get cucked by those. I'm still not sure what causes them because I trade high volatility penny stocks all the time.

>> No.1530848

Smit volume heading back up, I have hope boys

>> No.1530849

keep an eye on BAS

>> No.1530851

Who else got $ITCI and $MRNS for 5% of at opening?

>> No.1530852


>> No.1530853

BABA is cucking me right now

>> No.1530854
File: 97 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-09-29-06-50-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is AIRG.

Its currently extremely low volume.

>> No.1530855
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>> No.1530856
File: 127 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-09-29-06-49-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody interpret this low volume please

>> No.1530857

Looks like it's not gonna do much today

>> No.1530858
File: 163 KB, 392x324, just fuck my hair up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1530859

Because they're finished and bankrupt. With the falling price of oil you can't expect them to go up any time soon. And besides how many shares would you have bought for only a gain of 9 cents each?

>> No.1530863
File: 28 KB, 400x260, angry kid computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you cannot sell this stock s it will potentially mark you as a pattern day trader

>> No.1530864
File: 14 KB, 316x202, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1530866


>> No.1530867

>9 cents each
I'm not saying it was a good buy but 13% is great gains and it's dishonest to imply otherwise.

>> No.1530869

No one. Someone mentioned we should watch it and a bunch of people got memed

>> No.1530870

All I see is red

>> No.1530871


>> No.1530872

it's a JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP market ladies and gentlemen

>> No.1530873

AHPI down to .79

Buy now?

>> No.1530875

COSI has good movement

>> No.1530882

why would you buy?

>> No.1530883


>> No.1530884


>> No.1530886

Absolutely no idea

Is it a moon mission in disguise?

>> No.1530888


its runnin!

be careful guys!

I just exited because im a pussy but i made 40$

>> No.1530890

COSI is bankrupt, and maybe possibly has a buyer.

Too much volatility, too easy to be worth $0

>> No.1530892
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>> No.1530893
File: 514 KB, 500x477, QhaN3IT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UVXY was a big mistake fuck me in the ass

>> No.1530894

SMIT loading up on volume, hovering around 1.90. Hoping Houston clears this one

>> No.1530895
File: 205 KB, 760x760, whatever you say, computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still have 350 shares of MSTX which shows no signs of bouncing back
>can't sell my BAS until tomorrow and I have no idea how that will preform
>invested in SolarCity which is going no where
>gold stocks continue to disappoint

>> No.1530896

it's getting pumped pretty good. i've seen it dip from +50% down to +30% then back up to +50%

>> No.1530897

Me too man, me too

>> No.1530898

i don't think so. we couldn't find any catalyst last night other than a reverse stock split today.

>> No.1530899
File: 237 KB, 300x315, ruff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo currently in OPTT and out of day trades until tuesday. should i just use my fourth and be locked for 90 days or hold til tuesday?

>> No.1530900


Still have hope for MRNS?

>> No.1530902

hold. you'll make it back within 90 days easily

>> No.1530904

got in at 8.20 yesterday btw with about 155 shares.
p. scared right now that it looks like its just going to keep plummeting

>> No.1530905

I'm debating betting on the COSI deal going through

>> No.1530906

how much will you lose if OPTT drops a dollar? more or less than you could make back in 90 days?

>> No.1530907


what percentage of your portfolio is it?

>> No.1530908

50% other 50 is in amd
go ahead and laugh all you want i know i fucked up im just looking for some insight now though

>> No.1530910

TOPS low float possible runner. bounce of the 61.8 retracement

>> No.1530912

Holy shit dude

Do you need a suicide hotline?

>> No.1530913

>Only sold half my EKSO shares yesterday

>> No.1530914

>tfw still holding 2500 of MSTX at .61
And that's far from my worst trade.

>> No.1530917


>> No.1530918
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>> No.1530919
File: 107 KB, 1058x705, 4772795__e188297988ce060ed77289f0d306731a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2500 shares of mstx at .61

>> No.1530920

>try to buy AMD dip
>pressed sell by mistake

>> No.1530921

Shit dude I felt bad holding like 10 shares of amd for too long I cant imagine how you feel

>> No.1530923

does anyone like robin hood gold or is UST better?

>> No.1530924

Is it possible for you to average down the price to .15 or even lower? Going to .16 is a pump and dump for MSTX.

>> No.1530925

i wouldn't sell it today.

>> No.1530926

Don't fucking baghold you chimps.
Cut your fucking losses. MSTX is dead.

>> No.1530927

my anxiety is up the roof panicking and hoping this shit doesnt lose me too much until tuesday.
i just made a fucking 300+ gain tuesday listening to frogkino about rgse

>> No.1530928

Why do you have to wait until Tuesday?

>> No.1530929

How is it bagholding? I'm suggesting he buys a metric fuckton, waits for it to rise 1 cent above his new position(hopefully like .12) and day trade that shit like hell to break even or gain a penny.

>> No.1530930

do you think it'll be okay if i hold til tuesday though?

>> No.1530931

How do you know of you're marked as a patern day trader? It says I can't sell anything or I will be marked as a patern day trader. Will it say this if you are already marked?

>> No.1530932

No you've got one more, bud.

>> No.1530933

I'm out of daytrades, though I still have my fourth left, I'd rather not be marked a PDT and not be able to trade for 3 months

>> No.1530934

There's a place for it the Account tab, way down at the bottom

>> No.1530935

You're telling him to buy thousands and thousands more shares in the hopes that there is a pump and dump at some point in the future, because breaking even is more important to some people here than minimizing losses.

>> No.1530936

>was trying to get in PACD at close yesterday
>robincuck only showed I had $96 available despite my buying power being over 400 without any outstanding orders
>just gave up

>> No.1530937

Why can't you sell it tomorrow or monday?
Are you planning to buy more every day?

>> No.1530938

What's the meme stock to buy at the moment

>> No.1530939

Nah, dude. Out of day trades until tuesday I used my last one trading RGSE last tuesday.

>> No.1530940

if you bought it today you can sell it tomorrow

>> No.1530941



>> No.1530944

apparently fucking nothing

>> No.1530945

Don't do this.

>> No.1530946

But why can't you sell it tomorrow or monday?
You don't need a day trade to sell unless you bought it the same day.

>> No.1530949

if you've been marked you'll know. either the buy or sell button will be grayed out on stocks you've bought or sold that day

>> No.1530950

Just took a .65 loss on SMIT

Good lesson.
Now in THLD 1.18, AMDA .93, and PTN .59

Lets see how she gooooes.

>> No.1530951

Oh wow I'm a fucking retard. Thanks dude.
God dammit. Don't wanna sell at a loss now though.

>> No.1530952
File: 7 KB, 255x220, disgruntled mick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you spin my head right round, r ight round
when you go down
when you go down down

cosi filed for bankruptcy, don't be fooled
catb was the stock to buy today and that's on its way down already

>> No.1530954

Yeah dude apologies for my autism showing>>1530951

still pretty new to this shit

>> No.1530956
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>> No.1530957
File: 30 KB, 336x259, 1470456502443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which of these looks the most promising for tomorrow/next week?

>> No.1530961
File: 151 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160929-103108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything we touch dies

>> No.1530962

Yesterday I had the same problem. It's sort of complicated. I bought 200 shares of seed and sky juice. I sold my seed and I was out of day trades. So I turned trade protection off for about an hour without making any trades but without my knowledge my robinhood then decided to buy 2 more shares of seed. I turned protection back on but I was scared it labeled me already. This morning I sold my 2 shares of seed and sky juice from yesterday and it won't let me sell anything else again and it keeps telling me that I shouldn't make any trades.

>> No.1530963
File: 56 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-09-29-09-30-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy AHPI
>planning to set stop loss
>flagged as day trader yeaterday
>can't set stop loss
>can't sell
>can only watch my money dwindle away till tomorrow

This is fucking frustrating.

>> No.1530966
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>> No.1530967

Lol anon i have literally all of those on my watchlist too

>> No.1530968

Didn't RH say something about it being a glitch that was happening to some people and that you should contact them?

>> No.1530969

This is just one of those days my dudes.

>> No.1530970

Forgot me trip.

>> No.1530971

what possessed you to buy AHPI????

>> No.1530972

>dat volume
Gonna keep climbing? What's the catalyst?

>> No.1530973
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>> No.1530975


Looks like its too late to get in to me

>> No.1530976

I missed it! shit! I know better now though, I won't try to chase

>> No.1530977

They said there was a glitch where they would notify you about high volatility stocks.

>> No.1530978

is this the real pimple?
somebody confirm??

>> No.1530979

RAD is going to be at a monthly low if this dip keeps up. Will probably be a decent gainer in a couple days.

>> No.1530980
File: 185 KB, 499x499, 1465398311144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too late
Are you sure?

>> No.1530981

Is it too late?

>> No.1530982

You need to tell us the catalyst and how high it will go.

>> No.1530983

Y u gotta be slow this time

>> No.1530984

I was a stubborn retard for refusing to sell for several days when it was up and gambling on results, I deserved it. I woke up in the afternoon on the 20th and felt like shit before even seeing the price/results.

Theoretically, I could average down but I don't want to. I've fucked up several times trying to average down on losers before the price drops severely lower (IMNP...yeah), so I plan on keeping money around for better stocks.

>> No.1530985

It's real.

>> No.1530986
File: 2.78 MB, 2772x3591, 1456012078855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn you gotta be quicker man

im in at .523

>> No.1530987


Idk man its scaring the shit outta me

>> No.1530989

>Alerting people when the rocket has already left earth.

>> No.1530991
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>> No.1530992

>implying I didn't initially tell everyone when it was .37

Welp. Sitting on the space station, fellows. Don't chase right now. Just watch and observe it. That's how you learn.

>> No.1530994

So are SEED and SMIT losses now? Should I just go ahead and accept that the bag is mine?

In Seed @2.97 and SMIT @ 2.00 btw

>> No.1530995

Come on man, what's the catalyst? How high do you think it will go and will it keep climbing into tomorrow?
I don't see any recent SEC filings.

>> No.1530996

Shoulda tripped
and also said "GET IN NOW" cause that shit mooned literally right after

>> No.1531001


>> No.1531003


>try to buy when its at .40-ish
>fukcing robinhood treats market order as 'current price +5% limit'
>price skyrockets right then
>order doesnt get filled

>try again a minute later
>average price .50
I think I fucked this up big time

>> No.1531005

Roughly how big is your portfolio

>> No.1531006

Use limit buys.

>> No.1531007

yes i know
i wanted market order because i wanted IN RIGHT NOW

it didnt work out

>> No.1531008

Dont chase you fucking nigger learn order types

>> No.1531009

Limit buys


>> No.1531010

too late?

>> No.1531011


there are times when its okay to do a market buy

>> No.1531012
File: 36 KB, 436x654, 9af3bcfa47841d3ad511e3aa5ef743fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got the timing wrong but its gunna be alright boys

lets make some fucking money


>> No.1531013

what do you not get.

you never under any circumstances use market, ever

>> No.1531017


>> No.1531018

what caused ENRJ to move?

can the volume keep moving throughout the day?

i need to know whether or not to minimize losses or hold for later today

>> No.1531019

You should never market buy. I'd rather miss a ride than slip and bust my head.

I apologize for giving the later than usual call. I forgot my trip. My fault guys.

>> No.1531021

feels good to be robinhood GOLD, signed up this a.m.

>> No.1531022

ENRJ volume keeps climbing but the price keeps falling. Might be over, might make another run. No idea since I don't know what caused this.

Can you tell us the catalyst? I don't see any SEC filings or news. Does your algo also pick up random P&Ds?

>> No.1531023

No big deal, dude. It's cool you're still posting here and giving us insight.

>> No.1531025

Don't worry about it bro. You still made a good call. Still, with all the meme stocks being shilled in this thread it's hard to tell without a trip.

>> No.1531027

What's the word on PTN? I'm in at .61 and it's already at .57 getting kinda nervous here. Hold or get outhe while I can?

>> No.1531029

should we dump enrj if we got on late? do robinhood instant day trades reset after every Friday?

>> No.1531030

How do you feel about golding smit as of now friend? Couldn't day trade when it hit the moon yesterday and I'm trying to minimize my losses atm

>> No.1531031

One word (acronym): OPEC.

The algo "reads" the news as well. Then looks for the symbols in the range that I specify.

>> No.1531033

Fuk u

>> No.1531034

I was in at .60

Just bought more now sitting at .587

>> No.1531035

I would minimize my losses. It could potentially run if for some reason a large amount of people get itchy fingers, but I don't think that's going to happen.

I would get rid of it. I can't foresee other things good coming from it.

>> No.1531036

Wasn't the announcement yesterday? Why would it spike now?
And if that's the cause, do you think it's going to make another run?

>> No.1531038

hearing good things about AUPH
they said they have good news which will be released tomorrow
it is a pharmaceutical company, so buyer beware
undervalued atm

>> No.1531042

I don't even read the news like that, so I wouldn't know when it was announced.

>> No.1531046

ernj is hovering above that 61.8 retracement i could see a semi rally if volume proceeds it

>> No.1531047
File: 7 KB, 596x80, z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AUPH had a drug that had good data but was misinterpreted to be a failure, if you want to hold I expect it to be back at 4/5 soon.

H-Hi guys, as I said yesterday we now had a small bump up and are flat lining, its only the start of the day so we shall see if buyers will be coming in for that smooth steady uptrend. There is no news so if it doesn't move today then that is expected. .60 is still the target in 2 weeks.

>> No.1531048

>undervalued atm
Why do you say that? Their total assets are like 1/3 of their market cap.

>> No.1531053
File: 12 KB, 217x200, crying feels emo kill self.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit you're right i read the wrong stockchart

>> No.1531054
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Pretty triggered but shit happens

Rebound tomorrow i guess. I only had 1/3 of my money in ENRJ so its not so bad.


>> No.1531058
File: 30 KB, 400x300, 1467682852903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my trip so nobody saw it immediately. My fault, guy.

>> No.1531060

Lost ~$1000 on it. Don't put anything in you can't afford to lose. It's cool Pimple, still <3 you>>1531058

>> No.1531061

anyone have a position in xgti i was thinking about going long on that company they look solid

>> No.1531062

We see your ID now so atleast if there's any more amazing gainz to be had in this thread we'll know.

Love your work btw.

>> No.1531064

Are there any potential prospects for someone with no day trades as of now?

>> No.1531065

also wondering this as well

>> No.1531067

Curious, does anyone ever short these stocks that spike?

>> No.1531068

guys don't come here and just leech of pimple provide too faggots go get a 7 day free trial at intelli.trade

>> No.1531069

I had to use my fourth daytrade a couple of weeks ago.

>> No.1531070

when do day trades reset

>> No.1531071

we're still doing great from these finds

if we connected on it we wouldve made easily 30-50% profit on the trade

I'd risk 100 dollars in the red to make 2000 in the green every single time

UWTI is a good week hold for some solid gains

its not a rocketship but its going strong after OPEC meeting results

SDRL appears to have bottomed out and is rising off OPEC results too

SDRL is a dogshit company though so i wouldnt go for it but if you see an opportunity then maybe take it

>> No.1531073

shit dude, didn't they lock your account then?

>> No.1531075

Most of us use RH, which doesn't have shorting.

They don't. Each one expires after 5 trading days.
So if you made one on Monday and two today, you'll get 1 back next Monday and 2 back next Thursday.

>> No.1531076

one guy here did

i thought he was crazy but he pulled it off so bless him

>> No.1531077

Nope, they just cockblock you from daytrading for 90 days if your balance is under $25,000.

>> No.1531078

that fucking sucks dude

think you might just get a real broker then?

>> No.1531079

what the fuck no one told me that I thought there was a quickly reset

how is waiting a full fucking week better than waiting 3 days for a clear

>> No.1531080

They just don't let you buy and sell the same stock in the same day. At all. So, it's basically not even worth using the app.

>> No.1531081

real brokers have the same shit

its a federal regulation not a broker feature

>> No.1531084

Riding the jnuggy back up tomorrow for gains

>> No.1531085

It's a federal regulation.
I thought about switching to UST but now I've got leverage from RH Gold. I can still make swing trades, for example I made over 100% on RGSE by holding overnight.

>no one told me that
What did you think "4 day trades in 5 trading days" meant?

>how is waiting a full fucking week better than waiting 3 days for a clear
Because you can still buy other stocks with your unsettled funds.

>> No.1531086


>> No.1531088

T. Some guy who hasn't been using RH from before RH Instant

>> No.1531089

>BAS jumped back up
>Forgot about my limit sell

>> No.1531090

fuck dude how did you get on the rh gold train?
are they just giving it out to random accounts or what?

>> No.1531091

I've been waiting like 2 weeks for RH instant to clear, how long does it usually take?

>> No.1531092

>are they just giving it out to random accounts or what?
Yeah, I think so. There was randomly an offer in the news ticker this morning.

>> No.1531095

>5 trading days in a week
>make trade Friday, next Monday is new week
>logical that trades would reset as it's a new week

>> No.1531097

What kind of retard has a limit sell

>> No.1531101

The kind that makes gains you faggot.

>> No.1531103

Not logical at all, since it says "in 5 trading days" and not "per week." It's obviously a rolling timeframe.

>> No.1531104

Use your head.

When it gets volume, it will spike. I told everyone to just keep an eye on it (so they can set alerts, or whatever). You never want to be late to a low float party. I take a small position in stocks like this ahead of time for that very reason.

Nice call with BAS.

>> No.1531105

Clear? Your day trades expire five days after the trade was made. So use them sparingly. Still, that isn't the point of RH instant. The point is that you don't have to wait three days for your funds to "settle". Day trading is just a bonus, but federal law restricts it. If we keep riding these trains to the top we will all have 25k and the day trade restrictions will be lifted so we can day trade as much as we want.

>> No.1531110
File: 9 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SMIT fell to 1.75, but their volume is growing.
Vol / Avg. 373,949.00/188,011.00 according to Google.

Please Kek, send this one back into the clouds for me.

>> No.1531113

I bought some AHPI just in case. I'm down, but not really worried.
Do you think a spike within the week is a sure thing, or just possible?

>> No.1531118

The fuck is going on with gold? it's fluctuating like crazy

>> No.1531119

It's possible. Like I said in the previous thread, give it a week or a couple. It's poised to run.

>> No.1531121

I took the bait too anon. Guess I'm holding it till it goes up enough...

>> No.1531122

I never said buy it. I said watch it. I literally typed in all caps not to buy but to watch.

I usually take a position myself but I'm trying not to meme anyone if anything bad happens. Why don't you guys listen?

>> No.1531124

Because they lack reading comprehension and patience

>> No.1531125

Double Dubs check'd

Didn't go in myself, will wait for the Frog Signal in the sky.

>> No.1531126

niggas wanna get in early so they're not chasing

>> No.1531127

Is this safe to buy in if I'm out of day trades? How high do we think it will go?

>> No.1531129

>is it safe to get in without any exit strategy?

you know the answer

>> No.1531132
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>> No.1531133

What's a good price to get into HTBX? You mentioned it'll run on Q3 earnings or Q4?

Charts showing horizontal movement the next 2-3 months

>> No.1531134

you can't expect every person to listen to you. at least half of the people here are retarded including myself.

some will learn and some won't. but at the end of the day it's still an experience everyone is partaking in

>> No.1531135

This basically.
I'll just wait for it to go up though. Looking at it it's gone up for the past 3months. Doubt it'll chang in the next couple of days.

>> No.1531136

god man my condolences you gotta listen to these braindead retarded fucks that try and put words in your mouth
especially after you've helped make so many users including me hundreds and thousands

>> No.1531141

Look at the chart again. It didn't go up the last 3 months, it spiked a week ago after trading mostly sideways. It could fall back down.

>> No.1531142
File: 79 KB, 251x242, r4rrrrrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you were too late you bitch.

I'm beginning to think you're just trolling us and got tipped off on RGSE from another source

>> No.1531144

What's the deal with MRNS? Will it increase tomorrow?

>> No.1531145
File: 97 KB, 1024x904, 1471731477293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah because that was the only stock he predicted would go up right faggot?

>> No.1531146
File: 49 KB, 690x460, 1465936472619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too late

Try again.

>> No.1531147

He wasnt too late, that pic means he already road it into space. He listed it way before 2 times just without his trip, and once before with it.

>> No.1531148

pimp wasn't late bro, you were. saw it posted at .4

>> No.1531151

this was today's forecast pick so I'm wondering this too

>> No.1531154


>> No.1531156


Yes he was. It was already spiking when he posted it. Anyone dipshit could have picked up it up on a screener. There was no time to get in.

>> No.1531158

LN's going back to $50, maybe back to $51.
Buy now for safe gains.

>> No.1531161

It was under 0.4 when he posted it.

>> No.1531163

frog dude had a communication error today

posted the stock tip without the trip and nobody had his ID tagged in this thread previously

when he finally put it on again the window was so short we got burned

learning experience, nothing mroe

>> No.1531165
File: 1.15 MB, 200x200, 1467811980760.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no point arguing with him. He's dead set on being right since he can't do basic math and look at the time that I first posted it and cross reference a chart.

>> No.1531167

He should have posted the tip with Pepe instead of Wojack.

>> No.1531169

3k margin.. What should i go all in without any research?

>> No.1531170
File: 111 KB, 540x405, 1431573940594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know, why the fuck is there a limit on day trading anyway? if you're over $25k in liquid for just throwing at stocks you're already bordering on being a rich motherfucker.

why the fuck does the limitation only exist for the poor fags? the explanation is so that people don't "lose too much," right? it's my fucking money so why does the government give a shit how much I lose?

just another fucking scam so that the rich have it even easier staying rich.

>> No.1531172


You're a phony. Try /r9k/

>> No.1531174

Try ENRJ again?

>> No.1531175
File: 11 KB, 238x212, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calling the FrogGod phony

>> No.1531177

When I day trade on Polo I make a lot of retarded calls and lose money.
Most people are even dumber than I am.

The truth is that day trading isn't a path to wealth. It's a hobby for the already-wealthy.

>> No.1531180
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>> No.1531183

i did some research into alternative methods of deflating stock bubbles that dont involve implosion, detonation, or 401ks burning, and the T+3 transaction period along withday trading limits has a pretty big effect on cutting down market volatility

its about controlling volume and trying to have a little of control over volatility in the market.

the T+3 transaction period is a natural delay that happens because of how long it takes to complete a stock transaction, but it can be artificially extended probably by the SEC or Regulation T as a deincentive for volatile markets and idiots throwing their money into shit causing the prices to go awol.

>> No.1531184

should i get on rgse dip?

>> No.1531187
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>> No.1531188

tell that to Tim Grittani, Tim Sykes, Connor Bruggerman, and all the other fucks

>> No.1531189
File: 1.78 MB, 360x203, 1465512493120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what it is about this woman.

>> No.1531190

AUPH moon mission

>> No.1531191

Hey dude, so like. Wtf should I be studying or knowledgable in to become more accurate in stock forecasting? I'm the same guy who dropped my email to you 8000 times

>> No.1531192
File: 67 KB, 591x603, 1451765220030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hands off

she's yours if you give me a share of BRK.A

>> No.1531196

What do you guys think about TGD today? Buy the dip?

>> No.1531198

so again, why does this only apply to the poor and not everyone? why do people with $25k specifically in rh have unlimited day trade potential?

>> No.1531199

>selling your waifu for money

>> No.1531201



>> No.1531202

Can pimple confirm?

>> No.1531203

As I said before, I really don't know man. I just dove in head first and got better because I actively lost and won a few times. Technical analysis is a good start, but you have to see the bigger picture and put things together.

My hands aren't on; just 'mirin. She's alluring. 10/10, my guy.

>> No.1531204

>Wah, you didn't help me make free money
Jesus, you people.

>> No.1531207

>trading your waifu for a long-term hold that will definitely crash in the next few years when Buffet finally dies

>> No.1531210

>it's so hard to give insider tips

Fuck u cunt

>> No.1531213
File: 43 KB, 533x800, 1375306929324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last chance.

>> No.1531214


>auph set to more than triple from here on
i don't know if i trust it
but don't say i didn't want you

>> No.1531215

Fuck me should of chased BAS at .50 but out of meme trades

>> No.1531220

When you have over 25k in your account, the government thinks that as sufficient to make a living off of stocks given a 16% a year compounded income on the original 25k

401k managers and funds need multiple daily trades in a worst case scenario to save their clients money

most people in the market have less than 25k although more capital is present in big investment banks and the top 10-5% of traders in the world, and because most of those have liabilities and contacts to other people and other partinetfsidc44boi3j5bnj04wibmt40n34 9w

i dont even know man

wallstreet hacks want to have their secret club or some shit

>> No.1531221
File: 10 KB, 144x144, IMG_2550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in on it. Fortune favors the bold.

>> No.1531224

wew fuck me i lose

brb going to /diy/ to learn how to tie a noose

>> No.1531227

holy fucking shit i invested (only 80 shares) in that earlier and can't trade until tomorrow
boy am I glad about that limitation
see you on mars friend
on my way to the yacht club

>> No.1531228

>partinetfsidc44boi3j5bnj04wibmt40n34 9w
You alright, buddy?

>> No.1531236

Is like to partake in getting rich my nigguh

>> No.1531237


>> No.1531239
File: 70 KB, 700x380, tmp_18977-Kim-Chi-RuPauls-Drag-Race-Season-8-Logo-TV-Tom-Lorenzo-Site-32040363019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm buying a few shares of MSTX.
A limit buy at .105, .08, and .07 are set up.

If it just hits .11 I make profit. That's 10%+

>> No.1531240
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payed tuition for a lesson this morning on stocks

>> No.1531247
File: 363 KB, 600x600, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah luckily I made ~800 on RGSE and only lost ~200 on SEED pic very related

>> No.1531249

I wish you luck on skillful limit sells.

>> No.1531250

>made ~800 on RGSE
Nice, man.
I really wish I'd had RH Gold on Tuesday.

>> No.1531260

>$1-2 gain per share at $49 a share

I'll pass

>> No.1531263

It's about 4% in 1-2 days with almost no real risk.

>> No.1531266

I just figured I'll get in now around .10 a share then set up to average down. I'm expecting the new product they are testing to atleast have some positive news. It just needs enough to bring the stock up a few cents.

>> No.1531272


>> No.1531274

I panic sold for a loss. I hope not.

>> No.1531275


A gain is a gain.

>> No.1531280

I did

>> No.1531281

You said that charts alone are holding something from you. Where should I be looking if not at the chart?

Does your program pick the stock before you check the news and sec filings?

>> No.1531284

I started with 1,755.
Currently at 1,071.
I just want out with my money.
In NWBO with a loss of 251. (I went all in at .70) I think it can get back up. But I have no idea how soon that will be. What should I do anons?

>> No.1531286


He doesn't have one.

You people are gullible idiots.

>> No.1531287

auph dip just ended

>> No.1531293

follow the frog man

we're averaging like 80% gains per day

>> No.1531294

Thinking of putting hella cash into X today, if anyone wants to join me

>> No.1531297

where is he tho
I had uni all of today so I couldn't follow these threads. Did he show stuff today??

>> No.1531299


>> No.1531304

He called ENRJ today, the call came very quickly so I missed out myself though.

>> No.1531305

The AI module parses SEC documents and the news. It's doing OK and it gives me a little confidence even though it's pre-alpha. I do have to keep my eye on it though. Sometimes it's wrong.

>make humanly impossible calls
>dude there is no program

>> No.1531306

I need some safe picks I can camp on while out of town and busy. I have a couple weeks to look into them. Really want low validity slow growers. Any tips are appreciated.

>> No.1531308

Another potential .90 cents gain on RGSE it's down to 4.10 and I'm pretty sure we all agreed it had to be at 5 by Friday

>> No.1531309

today was a bit of a hiccup but he called a stock with 60% gains

>> No.1531312
File: 66 KB, 276x183, hehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-Hi guys, AMRS here. We may be retesting the .55 high again hopefully we break it to .60 soon. Within 1 week is my estimate now.

>> No.1531313

>make humanly impossible calls

Except you haven't made any except for RGSE, which from what I hear, was mentioned on other forums early too.

>> No.1531314

Literally no one is agreed on that.

>> No.1531315

* low volitility. ... fuckin autocorrect

>> No.1531318


So from my understanding they had to hit 5 to get convertible shares. But they already hit 5 this week - so does that rule still apply

>> No.1531320

thanks anons, I guess I'll have to sell at a small loss and just become a frog follower

>> No.1531323

Are you new? Salty as hell dude. Just read past RGTs he has a list of calls at this point over the last couple months.

>> No.1531324

Thought the condition was on Friday it had to be at 5. It has hit that but needed to be stable at 5 and they would do anything in their power? Am i tripping? Frog pimp?

>> No.1531327

X took a dip today. If smit can go up a bit more I might jump in

>> No.1531328
File: 40 KB, 420x420, IMG_1311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go boys.

>> No.1531331

not the right frog

>> No.1531334

Not the right ID either. hes been in this thread.

>> No.1531337

come back to us pimple frog!

>> No.1531339

I'm just a separate, hopeful, frog.

You're needy.

>> No.1531340
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>volume: 100,000


>> No.1531341
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>> No.1531342



>> No.1531353



>> No.1531360


>> No.1531362

What an awful day. Everything is just bleeding.

>> No.1531364



>> No.1531367





>> No.1531369




>> No.1531370

was thinking of getting into VIX this morning when I noticed how staggered everything was

>> No.1531376

Former AMD,CLF,AVP, shill here. Pick of the week ORIG .90 a share was $2 a share till CEO started talking bankruptcy to scare bond holders into selling back to the company before maturity. Good game for a pop.

>> No.1531377
File: 507 KB, 3600x2400, 1469971866634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell is happening




>> No.1531380

DB taking a shitter, SPX crashing.

>> No.1531381

>take a shower
>come back
>dow down 1%
What the fuck is happening

>> No.1531385

what the fuck is happening
i bought BAS at .70 and it shot up to .88
now it's only at .74
why is every stock fuck at the moment?

>> No.1531388



>> No.1531393
File: 13 KB, 820x220, ss+(2016-09-29+at+01.09.34).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[REEEEEEEEs in the distance]

buy dips everyone

>> No.1531396

Buy TVIX or is it bottoming out?

>> No.1531398

In with ya bro. Chart looks o-kaygo to me

>> No.1531399

Too fucking risky to buy anything right now

>> No.1531400

buy it faggot
it'll rise with the nasdaq

>> No.1531401
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>> No.1531403

>meanwhile at NXPI

>> No.1531406
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lets play




>> No.1531407


>> No.1531408


>> No.1531411

what the fuck are all these stocks I've never heard of that people are making retarded gains on

>> No.1531413

>a fucking 30bil blue chip went up 10% while the market was crashing
What the fuck is going on

>> No.1531415

Merger rumor (or some such shit) with QCOM, which also saw a small spike

>> No.1531416


I remember a thread probably a month ago where someone called this stock out

god dammit I didnt listen

I never listen

>> No.1531417


Got an estimate of how soon itll pop?

>> No.1531418

and of course that means SOXL spiked too

>> No.1531420


>> No.1531436

That's the question, NASDAQ threatens to delist, they got till March or September to comply, potential for reverse split, However the stock was at .70 a share and climbed back to .90 in last week , rising oil plus a potential for a good earnings report could put it back into the $2 range, in a few weeks ORIG

>> No.1531437
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AUPH is still up on this shit market day, means something good is on the way. New data released tomorrow. Get in on this anons.

>> No.1531438


>> No.1531442

GNCA taking off like a rocket. Meet you guys on the Moon

>> No.1531443

Never again.

>> No.1531444

You guys think DB is going to fall more?

>> No.1531449
File: 77 KB, 500x500, 1474510647101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jnug ready to pop. hop in for a stratosphere mission

>> No.1531458


Wait what

>> No.1531459


>> No.1531461

Anybody have an idea about how high THLD will go tomorrow?

>> No.1531468

Why does this have over 20x the average volume?

>> No.1531471

Positive trial 2 results for their drug announced today

>> No.1531472

Then why is it red?

>> No.1531478

Anyone still on this SMIT ride?

>> No.1531481


>> No.1531483

New thread when

>> No.1531494


>> No.1531500

should I sell my position in nwbo and buy 500 shares of auph??

frog poster side thru pls

>> No.1531514


Herpes market is already saturated

>> No.1531517



>> No.1531521


>> No.1531524

Oh sweet pimple, please bless me with AHPI gainz
If Kek wills it.

>> No.1531684
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EGLT ? Why you falling?

>> No.1532300

What's Friday's opening buys looking like?