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15298289 No.15298289 [Reply] [Original]

Since the old thread was informative and hit bump limit, here is v2.

OLD TREAD: >>15291987

There is literally nothing that a normal person can do.
The elite wants us dead.

>Europoor (Western part)
>No car (can't afford one)
>Salary: 1200/month
>Apartment cost : 700/month
>Food cost 200/month (Health is important)
>Internet cost: 50/month (Not watching TV, no need for phone)
>Electricity + gas cost: 150/month
>Monthly savings: 100/month
>Yearly hypothetical savings 1200 euro

This is the majority here btw (The salaries fluctuate from 1000 to 1800), how the fuck can you even save a decent amount of money with that amount?
Houses cost here from 300K to 2 mil
How can this shit be legal?
You can't even spend those 100 euros because of fear of the tax bill and maybe the water bill at the end of the year.

>> No.15298308

Newsflash buddy boyo, it's pretty much the same in the west unless you've got some qualifications.

>> No.15298429

if the last thread taught me anything i need to move to norway. i'm tall blonde and hate the sun. should blend in nicely.

>> No.15298448

We can't do anything if your cuck german government choose to move debt on privates to fake low public debt.
And you voted for GREENS.

>> No.15298496

I mean 700 is still pretty low for the whole apartment. And 1200 sounds poverty tier for west eu. If that salary is normal then u gotta get some roomates bro

>> No.15298528

not op since I just copy&paste the last thread
if I pay 700€ I expect to have at least 80m2
but on top gas and electricity

fuck having to live in a crowded place

>> No.15298578
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And imagine that the green ID still remained...
Lord Kek is indeed with us.

>> No.15298606


Thats 300 a week! No way are you that poor, unless you only work part time.

>> No.15298622

Not op from the last thread:

he said he is doing plumping on service call, which is shit tier payment.
you can read it here early on but he started to talk in kraut
>>15291987 (Cross-thread)

>> No.15299197


So... after a thread, how does one get out of the system?

>> No.15299257
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get a nice plot of land
get sulf sustaining as much as possible
minimal lifestyle (not retarded minimlistic)
find a wife who supports that lifestyle

>select all tractors

>> No.15299355

To the European audience. I think you should take the Swiss pill. I live here in the most expensive city, paying 2000 CHF for rent. Yet, I'm able to save 2500.- per month, when I manage not to spend too much for alcohol, partying and hookers. I think I earn slightly above average in IT, but not too much. Taxes are pretty low and public service in general is very good. Hairdresser minimum wage is 3900

>> No.15299411

the jews will not let you save, that's why we have (((inflation))) the jews don't want you or me to compete with them or land and houses, they want to own it all, that's why they hate btc and have been suppressing gold prices for years, they want to make sure that saving and preserving your purchasing power is impossible, the perfect citizen is a cuck who rents his whole life and spends all his shitty savings on some garbage consumerist BS

>> No.15299416

>I think I earn slightly above average in IT
What about people who don't hold degrees?

Is is that easy to get a job in Switzerland?
Don't they have their own wagies to do the job?

>> No.15299469
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Hey, I don't hold a degree. I grew up in the deep countryside, managed to get my self into graphic design, and from there into web development. It was all self taught through.
But that doesn't matter too much. Construction worker also can earn pretty good here. See the average salary for a mason (pic related)

>> No.15299486

It's 5792.– CHF on average. You only need to have an apprenticeship. The apprenticeship has a very high value in Switzerland.

>> No.15299585

>Hairdresser minimum wage is 3900
Your hairdressers earn the equivalent of about US$46,500 per year?! That's kind of insane.

>new grad electrical engineer earns US$1000/mo
>minimum wage is something like $5/hr or $750/mo
>this was raised just this year, 2018 and earlier it was $600 or so
>average wage is about $1200/mo even after experience
>young people work two or three jobs from dawn until late night plus weekends to scrape by
>only way any of them survive is by living with family
>house prices are US$600,000 and up in Taipei for even crappy old concrete boxes that need to be torn down
>literally a million bucks for a new decent apartment
>only way people afford them is rampant property bubble financing, or else rich family
>but now property values are declining because the China bubble is bursting
>rent is typically $300/mo for a room, $500/mo for an apartmnent in the outskirts, $700/mo for a tiny concrete box apartment downtown

>be expat
>make $5000/mo
>have no idea how anyone else can survive here

>> No.15299615

looks comfy

>have everything you need
>get cancer
>have to sell everything to finance treatment
>or just die

>> No.15299700

growing up in a purely city lifestyle, all kind of chemicals everywhere
growing up on a farm with oldschool stuff, not much plastic

guess which group has more likely cancer

or ignore the part above and
>not living in america

>> No.15299739

Yes, and I think the hairdressers here are one of the least paid group you can find here. But of course, you have to compare the salary with the cost of living. Google "the big mac index".
The cost of a big mac is one of the highest, if not the highest in our country. Still, even the lower class can have a very decent living here and there are almost zero homeless people here. Those who are homeless, have either decided for this style of living, or they are refugees in transit.

I think in your region, its far more complicated, because the region is so much bigger and a lot more dynamic. Look at mainland china – many people were poor rice farmers two decades ago, now their sons and daughters are doing big business in the big cities.

>> No.15299765

Read Marx faggot, it will lift the veil from your eyes.

>> No.15299791

Veil from one faggots eye is completely worthless. You have to fall the veil from 60% of faggots eyes. But it will not happen, unfortunately

>> No.15300938


How difficult is it to find somewhere to live in Zurich and an IT job as a poortuguese? I'm aware there's a shitload of poortuguese working as construction workers (and other kind of trades) over there and honestly I don't want to mingle with any kind of poortuguese people?

>> No.15300966

>>new grad electrical engineer earns US$1000/mo
>>minimum wage is something like $5/hr or $750/mo
>>this was raised just this year, 2018 and earlier it was $600 or so
>>average wage is about $1200/mo even after experience
>>young people work two or three jobs from dawn until late night plus weekends to scrape by
>>only way any of them survive is by living with family
>>house prices are US$600,000 and up in Taipei for even crappy old concrete boxes that need to be torn down
>>literally a million bucks for a new decent apartment
>>only way people afford them is rampant property bubble financing, or else rich family
>>but now property values are declining because the China bubble is bursting
>>rent is typically $300/mo for a room, $500/mo for an apartmnent in the outskirts, $700/mo for a tiny concrete box apartment downtown

What the fuck, those numbers are really similar to the ones in Portugal. I wasn't aware shit was fucked over there in Taiwan too.

>> No.15301056
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>be finland
>be poor
>be unemployed
>get ~1k€ a month from welfare with +1k€ more if you really need it.
>be no longer poor
thanks based socialism

>> No.15301057


Just as an additional note on my professional skills, I'm working in data science nowadays.

>> No.15301238
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Yeah, that shit worked so well in Venezuela and the USSR.

>> No.15301416

650€ a month here, living with mommy