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15295663 No.15295663 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realize that Europe is doing pretty okay as a whole, especially compared to the rest of the world, and when the recession hits there will be no apocalyptic collapse because the EUR is one of the most reputable currencies on the planet and that's all that matters

>> No.15295675

>Europe doing okay as a whole
Kek, on an individual level its okay if you don't care. On a systemic level, brexit and Italy will kill the Eu and Germany for good

>> No.15295680

more like EU rope

>> No.15295682

You forgot that a recession will bring hated and jealousy.

>> No.15295685

Who knows if brexit will even happen. And Italy and Greece so far haven't been enough to bring it down. They should just be kicked out if they don't improve at all.

>> No.15295687
File: 212 KB, 966x543, german.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize that Europe is doing pretty okay as a whole
Pretty cuckoled

>> No.15295706

This is the only problem I can see and it could cause a split if things get bad, but I think enough people should have a positive enough view of the EU for that to not happen very easily

>> No.15295796

I just love cats they are the best looking and funniest animals on the planet

>> No.15295819

No. Life is a circle. Elites abused of the poors and if a recession means they can't take care of the poor they will revolt. The king is dead long live the king.

>> No.15295914
File: 170 KB, 500x334, Pygmy-Marmosets-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A challenger appears

You're probably right

>> No.15295923

>Don't leave Britain, plox, we love you
>Hell we kick them dirty southerners out
The EU is more than done

>> No.15296216

Can't go wrong with munkees

>> No.15296222

Europe has one of the worst of the developed economies. In no way is it doing "well" unless you literally discount almost every other advanced economic entity in the world. Fucking Australia has a better economy than Europe. Where do you people come up with this shit? Do you never leave your house?

>> No.15296231

You're deluded.

Europe is like a tinderbox ready for the right spark.

>> No.15296293

Proofs or it's just empty talk

>> No.15296295

Both are improving as we speak

>> No.15296303


>> No.15296304

Europe has one of the best because it's not relying on mining or exploiting natural resources as much as the rest of the industries (China, US, Australia).
Plus, it provides the best means of transportation in the world. Trains, trams, subways, planes, cars and even trucks, their engines etc
in b4
>>muh but Bombardier, Boeing, GM, Facebook, Apple...
Well these fuckers use aggressive techniques to buy competitors and their techs with them, but creating the techs is mainly European. Even big data analysis, deep learning, machine learning are being led by private European companies that are then bought and abandoned by the brains that create the next tech.

I'm obviously not taking into consideration the difference of level reached through military research labs, just referring to the democratised techs we have public access to, but it consists of a big part of the GDP.

>> No.15296311

The right right now is too retarded to bring EU down

>> No.15296349

I admire your patriotism but this is sophistry. Believe whatever you want if it makes you feel better. Not gonna waste another minute on an effort post but, um, check your interest rates. Then check why they are that way. I'll leave you to your homework.

>> No.15296392

Are you saying the EU is doomed because of a 2 point difference to US rates? That sounds about as believable as DB collapsing the EU, which people have been touting for years now.

>> No.15296406

I don't understand your point about interest rates. See https://www.global-rates.com/interest-rates/central-banks/central-banks.aspx

Also about Brexit, big, even small and familial British companies are panicking and creating subsidiaries in EU countries to keep their place in the market because without it they are absolutely fucked. Jaguar land rover is probably being bought by PSA group after panic building a huge plant in Nitra, SK and running out of treasury.

>> No.15296416

>the EUR is one of the most reputable currencies on the planet and that's all that matters
this is a joke right? at least the USD is backed by the biggest military on the planet, the EUR is backed by... what exactly?

>> No.15296425

>t. burger

>> No.15296494

I've been hearing the EU will collapse since 2010. It's stronger than you think.

>> No.15296582

Europe as a whole, sure. But that won't stop idiotic populists from fucking everyone's life up on the national level. No investments are being made.

>> No.15296591

And since 2010 they've imported millions of brown people and managed 1000% gains on their rape rate. The ness can try to hide the crime but they cant hide the sales. Sweden has seen a 90% increase in mace sales and that is WITHOUT the news trying to actually warn them of the new dangers.

>> No.15296621


It's not like you burgers would use your military against states with nuclear weapons.

>> No.15296640

We've been building up a supply of shitskinonium which we'll dump on you if you challenge the petroeuro.

>> No.15296673

Have you seen the results of the last EU elections? The EU is moving towards federalism and opposition to it has grown dramatically. Depending on how well Britain does outside of EU, more countries can soon follow.

>> No.15296921

EU would collapse without Italy. Brainlet

>> No.15296948

>Italy and Greece
Greece and Italy gave birth to the dream of Evropa, and they should be protected as its cradle.

>> No.15296951

I lacks the support of any national military leader. Germany is losing officers and generals by the day, French, Austrian, Polish, Spanish and Hungarian military leader have openly spoken out against the plans of an EU army planned and lead by civilians. Under the hand, their are talks about Putsches if the EU cucks take it too far. Politics tried to replace the generals that openly oppose the plans, and failed badly. The EU will never be united, not without a civil war, and the pro EU fags lag the man power and support

>> No.15296981
File: 503 KB, 400x300, chim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sour american's comments everywhere...
I can sense some turk too.

>> No.15297003


Banks are literally on the verge of CHARGING people for storing their money in the banks, which will trigger the largest bank run in human history. The deflationary collapse is here.

>> No.15297016

I got a feeling it won't cause a big bank run
which is scary in another way

>> No.15297055 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 645x729, 1508831242706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmmmilidary strong! freedomm!!!! we stronkest everrrrrr!!! milidary best biggest in deee woooorl!!

>> No.15297081

Why so defensive? Did I hit a nerve? A federation without military is just a shell. EU cucks openly talk about wanting to establish an EU lead army, but they find no qualified people among national military leaders that support it, let alone soldiers willing to protect and die for the EU bureaucracies. Also I forgot to mention Italy and Greece, whoes military leaders are the most probable to Putsch before handing over power to the EUMC or such joke shit like CivCom

>> No.15297546

doesnt matter. the refugees are consumers, workers and even if they dont work they can be used for social dumping. german economy would profit massively from letting another million in.

>> No.15297583

Banks in the us already do this with shitloads of fees and people happily pay Jew Fargo and Bank of America

>> No.15297670

lol butthurt mutt jannie really removed my post? why?

your brabbling about european army is total nonsense, the success and stability of europe do not depend on it's army (whether it will manage to build a eu army or if it's the state's own armies). And where that idea of likely putsches in europe come from is a mystery to me. pol? only amerifats and the sub 100 iq altrighters of europe can bring forth such bullshit. putsches may happen in turkey but not in europe retard

>> No.15297713

>Europe is doing pretty okay as a whole
I dunno man.
The cities over here are fast becoming majority African, and even in my very own street in small-town rural Western Europe there are multiple families where even ~10-y-o girls wear full-body veils.

>> No.15298205

t. amerifat incel, getting all my facts from /pol/

>> No.15298519
File: 44 KB, 474x760, YouthUnemploymentRate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the lost generation, they never had a job never will have one
Do you really think they are going to become great supporters of the EU and the euro in special.

this whole thing is going to collapse, if it's not economically then politically

>> No.15299028


You're way too fucking optimistic.

>> No.15299049

>Even big data analysis, deep learning, machine learning are being led by private European companies that are then bought and abandoned by the brains that create the next tech.

Lol no. US has us beat on this front.

>> No.15299050

>It is about the gibs and how much gibs ME gets
Spoken like a true mongoloid
>Putsches don't happen in my shithole

>> No.15299154

The Euro is the problem not the solution. The Growth and Stability Pact is too inflexible, forcing economic contractions at a time when governments should be running expansionary fiscal policies.

Remember, the problem in a recession isn't too much money being borrowed; it's too little.

>> No.15299165

So this is the cringe and bluepill thread.

Sad that the redpill thread got archived.

>> No.15299184

> Inverse bond yields in the biggest economy essentially propping up the entire EU are pretty okay