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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15296712 No.15296712 [Reply] [Original]

Discord tranny pajeets know this one little trick to get rich. Will anons fall for more fake ass fud and not buy in before the big pump that's coming? It's anyone's guess.

Stay Tuned.

>> No.15296723

Sirs you need to buy SENT ONE MATIC 0XBTC LINK VIDT many moons yes

>> No.15296755
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"Croikey mates we got a live one right here!! Just like I was telling you all about back at camp. Now watch real closely, as I sneak up behind him, and Jam my thumb, RIGHT up his Butthole."

>> No.15296834

SENT has already had better returns then LINK on btc ratio. it was literally shilled at the bottom.
i will be holding my comfy SENT bag till btc is 100k

>> No.15296873

Why are you streetshitters so obsessed with butts and shit? Ahh right

>> No.15296895
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>> No.15296944

hello sirs do not fall for the pajeet indians scams sirs, they try to trick u into not buy so u no become muchly rich. Someone pay indian to tell ppl not to buy thing so they no become rich. Do not trust these indian sir indian are very bad man very bad scammer sir

>> No.15296961
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Are these actual pajeet fudders? All three posts seem almost too real to be satire. This is odd gents.

>> No.15296966


In seriousness though I love the idea that the latest hot new Indian scam is to go on /biz/ and convince people to NOT buy things. Like there are boiler rooms full of pajeets huddled around computers tricking people into not buying stuff while earning 0 money because you don't make money when people don't buy something.

Those damn Indians and their scams!

>> No.15296983
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Well if we assume they are waiting for their latest check from their telemarketing job then they too want to fud for that sweet accumulation.

>> No.15296992

nice try getting people to buy the top faggot kys op

>> No.15297048

ive heard that multiple times already, the first top has been breached and is acting as support right now.
sentinel will pump n dump all the way to 500m cap while asshurt incels scream

>> No.15297078

>call center Indian's are accumulating
This is really the narrative you want to go with?

>> No.15297083

No. I have been making jokes this whole time. But thanks for playing.

>> No.15297087

If nobody buy scam shitcoin, then scammers cannot dump their bag after manipulating the price +5000%.

>> No.15297090

>teleports behind you

>> No.15297116

Look at the charts, it's nowhere near top against ETH. I'd say 2x - 5x short to medium term.

>> No.15297141
File: 60 KB, 1198x671, fatassSENTstack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*teleports behind you* “heh, nothing personnel kid”

>> No.15297156 [DELETED] 

The words you used make it clear you have no experience. You just made a thread out of excitement, you know nothing of TA. You f anything from the chart you posted, that looks like a top if I’ve ever seen one. And the volume is low, looks more like it would be likely to continue down instead of a reversal

>> No.15297181

i'll stick with SNTVT

>> No.15297439
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remade it with better logo

>> No.15297466
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buy volume dropped from the two peaks, last 3 candles has no volume whatsoever
time to escape before you get shafted on that dead cat bounce

>> No.15297527

most people on biz are already up 5x and you all be buying our bags soon enough kek

>> No.15297538
File: 71 KB, 1174x522, volumelagsprice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

volume is a lagging indicator, as you can see in my chart first price increases then volume comes.
the latest 2 pumps started on very low volume

>> No.15297602

I'm accumulating more SENT, one of the only cryptos with an actual product you can download on google, and a free VPN

>> No.15297674


Wow hello sir, yes me too I too accumulate more of the SENT, it is the #1 most best VPN in the world and also the only VPN on the Google.

You could at least try to sound like a real person, holy fuck.

>> No.15297682

Imagine if people were going around like


No one fucking talks like this

>> No.15298353

Most volume comes on the spikes cause retards fomo, it's better to buy when no one else is

>> No.15298368

100000x this. Never ever

>> No.15298369

This. 0 volume is actually B U L L I S H

>> No.15298396

sir what do you mean manipulate de price sir

what you mean devs own 90%+ of the tokens sir

>> No.15298454

first it was no one is buying
then it was its all fake volume
now it its all manipulation
i wonder what comes next

guess you will just stay deluded forever, also devs only own 20% of the supply

>> No.15298548


It literally stinks.

I read those four characters and my nostrils literally fill with fetid stench.

I really hope people on this board are legitimately giving real money to this project cause it would just make the whole thing so much more hilarious.

>> No.15298791

most people that bought are in profit, and some big whales are accumulating.
im quite interested on the average net worth of people who fud sent and when they got in crypto

>> No.15299076


>Coping this hard

>> No.15299204

What if... what if it's all three of those things? Fucking retard

>> No.15299222

zoom out

>> No.15299590
File: 56 KB, 1270x547, zoomout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did

>> No.15299706


There is 500 genders OP. Use the correct nouns please.

>> No.15299887

Thumbing my tight ass while I bag sents

>> No.15299981

no zoom out less

>> No.15300168

Picked up a little more while its relatively down.

>> No.15300296

>I'm getting Mysterium Network vibes

>> No.15300308

I do.

>> No.15300350


>> No.15300814
File: 51 KB, 1270x548, lesszoomed out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here it is

>> No.15301177

Mysterium is a total shitcoin, they probably stopped development and now they are enjoying those nice ico funds.
On the contrary sentinel only raised 1.89m$ so if they wanna get rich they have to make sentinel pump.
Also Mysterium is built on eth which is a dying blockchain, all dapps have moved away some are building their own blockchain like sentinel.
Also Mysterium forces their shitty token on you, sentinel allows to pay with any crypto thanks to IBC.

>> No.15301764

sentinel is more then just a dVPN anon.
its also a interblockchain mixer and it will have a dchat implementation and a private nets implmenetation that will be aimed at corporations banks govs and already existing vpn providers that wanna offer their bandwidth on sentinel platform

>> No.15302230

I like that sent has products aimed at institutions and not only consumers

>> No.15302785

i think sentinel will see the biggest growth from institutional adoption ,most employers need secure ways for their employees to communicate.
connecting to some airport public wifi is for example the easiest way to leak sensitive data while traveling abroad

>> No.15303148

Up next. Mars. Buy the top /biz. You always do.

>> No.15303539
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>> No.15303594

Name another project that has raised 2m, coded through the 2018 market, has strong hands, built on gen3 blockchain tech (COSMOS/tendermint), and has an actual hardware partner to help with software distribution. I'll wait.
(Btw, SENT has never gone under ICO price)