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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15294121 No.15294121 [Reply] [Original]

>No amount of money is going to make women like you if you’re a bald manlet.

>> No.15294124

Haha faggot

>> No.15294129


Tell that to Jeff Bezos you beta cuck

>> No.15294134

True, At least the hot women. You could pull an elon musk and get a hair transplant, But you'll need money for that of course. If you're a manlet and in shape the only way you will be fucking a 10/10 woman is by escort services.

>> No.15294136

>tfw tall and bald but woman are so tiny they cant see it from down there

>> No.15294224

Came here to post this

Although, his wife wouldnt actually like him. It would just be for money.

>> No.15294237

Bitching about it in /biz/ is the cure, keep it up, you’re doing well.

>> No.15294253


>just become the richest man in the world bro

Ok maybe if you’re a billionaire but when talking about actual attainable levels for wealth it isn’t enough. A 500k /yr job isn’t enough to compensate, neither is having 5-10 million dollars. You need to be a human deity to get away with being bald.

>> No.15294261

Bezos had wife before make it...

>> No.15294266

Get plugs already you fuck

>> No.15294287
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>No amount of money is going to make women like you

>> No.15294288
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He wasn’t fully bald then either. Probably had a normal head of hair back when he started dating his wife too.

>> No.15294375

Make them fear you

>> No.15294378
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>tfw 6'1"
>that face you have a thick mane

>> No.15294392

5'10 here, I got girls before I was bald and I still get the same amount if not more after shaving my head.

Although I'm relatively handsome and have a nice shaped head, your results may vary.

>> No.15294404

I'm a bald manlet (5'7) and I've banged about 40 women (20 were hookers). I'm not even rich
Just get a good beard, shave your head and hit the gym. Serious advice

>> No.15294419

You don't need even 500k lmao. All you need is a basic 50k a year job and women will be willing to fuck you.
If they aren't, then you are probably a beta who tries to pay a woman to fuck you. The key is to have a decent income (which implies social status), while being masculine and never making a woman the mission in your life.
You severely underestimate how pathetic most men are, getting into the top 20% is not that difficult.

>> No.15294471


>you severely underestimate how pathetic most men are

When I go on Tinder and set my gender to female so I can see the competition it’s literally Chads. I swear like 9 out 10 dudes on there mog my ass

>> No.15294544

Tinder is a game for Chads. Don't bother with it if you're not one. It's far, far easier to pick up girls in real life.

>> No.15294550

how much eth to make it?

>> No.15294560


>> No.15295076
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>tfw bald
>tfw manlet
>tfw dirt poor
>tfw I still get girls

Admittedly I've got a fat cock but the roasties probably don't realise that until I take my clothes off

>> No.15295125


No it isn’t. Women will think you’re a creep if you cold approach. Asking women out at work is a very bad idea unless you work at some shit tier min wage job where nobody gives a fuck. Also at meetup groups women are complaining about all the creepy guys who go to those solely for the purpose of picking up women. The only hope is to be some social butterfly extrovert with a huge web of connections so you can meet women via friends, but if you’re an introvert who only has a few friends max then you’re fucked.

>> No.15295136
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>> No.15295155

>meetup groups
Wtf is that?

>> No.15295162

Don't cold approach. Join a social circle outside of work and attain status through your skills.
An easy example is dance. It's not hard to learn and if you commit to it for a few months, you're already ahead of most of the other men who will be there.
Think with your head.

>> No.15295309

Baldness is curable. But there are very very powerful interests preventing the cure from reaching the public because the processes that cause balding also play major role in memory formation, i.e. intelligence, as well as heart beat regulation and cholesterol inhibition. Neurotrophin factor, and folical stimulating factor, and other proteins that prevent balding are being deliberately targetted by a variety of products.
Baldness is just one symptom, other symptoms include weight gain and androgyny.
So, theres a grain of truth to the wives tale that every strand of hair is a memory, thats why the weight of entire governments is being exerted to prevent this medicine from reaching the public.
Totally unrelated but doesnt Xi Jinping have an immaculate hairline? I wonder what his secret is...

>> No.15295347
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Conversation went a little something like this
>nice hairline, Donald
>hairpiece beats being a cannibal anyday of the week, Xi
Adrenochrome's one a hell of a drug yall
Not even once.... well, maybe just once...