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File: 271 KB, 690x508, 1566009714541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15288367 No.15288367 [Reply] [Original]

i'm about to go down and drink one of these motherfuckers
convince me otherwise

>> No.15288371
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>> No.15288382
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>> No.15288384

Based af I’d get a vanilla though

>> No.15288391

not onions you niggers it's 38g protein

>> No.15288396

its a free country dude if you want to balloon yourself up to 500 lbs you go right ahead faggot

>> No.15288400


is that some healthy living app where you search for the calorie count of whatever, are you from california or some hipster onions drinking pescatarian turned vegan

>> No.15288404

I bet its delicious but 32oz is huge. Maybe get a small? Enjoy it

>> No.15288414

Good lord, I feel like puking just looking at that

>> No.15288423

you will feel like shit if you aren't huge

>> No.15288424
File: 143 KB, 640x628, s61aopaac3k11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>263 g sugar

>> No.15288426

haha, imagine taking your braphog for that, she would just keep gaining weight haha

>> No.15288454

Beetus juice

>> No.15288469

Damn I didn't know Baskin Robbins had that. Might get one today

>> No.15288970

Drink two.

T. Healthcare fag who wants your shekels.

>> No.15289014

Post this on fit

>> No.15289048

Hope you give someone your private keys in your will, because after you die from a heart attack the crypto will just burn otherwise

>> No.15289053

Way too much sugar dude, that's the worst thing about this

>> No.15289063

cant be real

>> No.15289081
File: 101 KB, 300x300, monkaS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amerilards are now drinking milkshakes with 1/4 kilo sugar in it

>> No.15289111
File: 115 KB, 992x992, 1563726918915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this real? It should be illegal to sell this in any country.

I bulk and gain muscle and weight with 2600 calories, and on off-days not even that... christ

>> No.15289140

>I bulk and gain muscle and weight with 2600 calories
Wtf are you 4 foot tall?

>> No.15289143

>2600 calories
That's 2kg of rice...

>> No.15289299

A manlet yes, but not the worst. Five foot nine. It sucks, but any more and I lose all my abs and balloon up. I wish it wasnt so but it is.

>> No.15289305

I'd tell you to kys but it sounds like you're already planning to.

>> No.15289315

I'm jealous friendo, I'm 6'4 and eat close to 4K calories/200gs of protein, and I'm still skelly mode

>> No.15289345


Youre lucky as hell man, cutting is nearly impossible when you cant have any appetite. Barely been losing weight at 2000 calories these past months..

>> No.15289364
File: 28 KB, 499x481, de15df26e9bf61c4f5672a08dc60a50b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>total fat 135 g
you need a max of 100/day.

>> No.15289400

Your beetus is going to catch beetus if you drink that.

>> No.15289464

>8% Vitamin C

>> No.15289488

So it's got some vitamins in it, that means it's good for you

>> No.15289507

Get 2. Theyre so cold and sweet. I cant have just one. Ill buy two, leave one in the fridge and have later. Good choice anon!

>> No.15289543
File: 243 KB, 3200x1680, FC0536E1-F181-4A78-8957-38BCE89D9237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insulin dependent adult onset type 2 diabetes.
Convinced yet OP?

>> No.15289560


holy shit. Never looked at it that way

>> No.15289639
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, 1564697903481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink onions maybe twice a week when I get lazy

Is this too much?

>> No.15289757

That's fucking shit for a 1-man shake that would cover the daily caloric intake of an average young male.
I could eat four or even five big whole eggs, get almost as much or even more proteins while consuming only a fifth part of the total calories of that mass produced shake.Not to mention that they would probably taste better

>> No.15289818

Thats a poor shop mate

>> No.15289844

this milkshake is god tier , all u guys fudding it are pussies

>> No.15289884

You're obviously tiny as fuck. I'm 220 abd muscular, 2600 is my maintenance. I have to eat 3100 to gain.

>> No.15289890
File: 59 KB, 645x729, 1512501059430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat bad

>> No.15289967

Where's all that fiber coming from?

>> No.15289970
File: 53 KB, 1192x670, 1562759341609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the money you spend on the dia betus is money you could by link with

>> No.15289975

Hol the fuck up, aren't you supposed to be eating more proteins? I am roughly the size of the other anon and according to the /fit/ sticky formula I should be getting around 267 grams of protein (1.5g per pound of bw)

>> No.15290009
File: 9 KB, 247x204, 1557348036244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


263g of sugar?????????????????????

Jesus Christ i thought i'd have diabetes with my 120gr yesterday

>> No.15290043
File: 143 KB, 800x600, am_150723_obesity_obese_overweight_couple_800x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15290100

sigh.... what happened to americans

>> No.15290145
File: 326 KB, 750x1217, 8D62AFE6-A093-489F-B52B-88589599AF4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ice Cream Shake
>333 grams of carbs
>263 grams of sugar

That drink is a shepard for the devil

>> No.15290153

Where can I invest in your weight anon?
I expect it to moon

>> No.15290232

I wanna know the price tag on that

>> No.15290300

+1 this.

>> No.15290608

>eating half a pound of white sugar in one sitting
this shit is more degenerate than cuck porn unironically

>> No.15290890

Fuck me, that's like a day and a half worth of calories! I wager it's tasty, but god damn.

>> No.15290909

Ya but what about the farts. 5 large egg farts is devastating to all those in the vicinity.

>> No.15290915

>serving size 1 serving

>> No.15290934

I'm pretty sure I'd vomit about 1/3rd of a way through that.

>> No.15290937

Try intermittent fasting. It's not a meme

>> No.15290949

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.15290972

My husband is 5'6, you're fine bro, just get fit. He isn't even /fit/ and he turns me on because he's a genuine chad tier kind of guy. It always kills me a little seeing dudes under 5'10 who let it dominate their whole life when Im sure there are women out there who would really love them if they just loved themselves

>> No.15290990

Im just thinking about how the money Ive spent on Dunkin Donuts these past two months could have gotten me like 2 ounces of silver instead and I'd probably be a couple pounds lighter

>> No.15290994

why not put % on sugar too

>> No.15291005
File: 66 KB, 388x389, 1543120663848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

letting discord jannie trannie faggots marry was a mistake

>> No.15291039

Not a tranny anon, they are disgusting, also I wish I was a jannie sometimes because the actual jannies are shit at their job on so many of my boards
Almost everything sold here in America would be well over 200% DV, if we suddenly labeled DV% on sugar people would lose their minds

>> No.15291070
File: 28 KB, 657x527, 1475742676501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not a tranny anon
fake and gay
post non-op pussy and timestamp

>> No.15291107

>I wish I was a jannie
The absolute FUCKING state

>> No.15291154
File: 16 KB, 351x329, 1500628548641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish I was a jannie

>> No.15291175

>1.5g per pound of bw)
That’s a waste. Not needed.

>> No.15291329

>has male partner
>not a roastie
>going to post my pussy
lmao no
If you browsed /an/ you'd understand anons, that board is so fucking garbage, I feel righteous anger and wish I could delete threads left and right, the fucking dog and cat spam, the fucking zoophiles
Don't you wish you could just delete chainlink threads past #2?
It's a good thing Im not a jannie, I would be tyrannical

>> No.15291743

thanks just drank 100kcal

>> No.15291811 [DELETED] 

and your nazi facist ass would get mod status revoked. I was a mod once and when I went on a proper deletion spree of some cuck/blacked threads I was told no no personal bias isnt allowed when modding r9k.... so if you ever wonder why those shitty cuck/blacked/ threads keep having 10 in existance but 1 pro female straight thread gets banned.... the mods are super queers pushing the queer and tranny hypno lifestyle with THEIR bias...but hurr bias isnt allowed modding .

>> No.15291857
File: 96 KB, 1100x734, woman-outside-holding-her-buttocks-as-though-she-needs-the-toilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would drink it using my asshole.

>> No.15292587

Watch your filthy mouth, /an/ is better than most boards in this shithole

>> No.15292600

Not even for cutting?

>> No.15293170

that's a good source of vitamins, you should probably drink two to be extra healthy.

>> No.15293198

>263 grams of sugar

That is fucked

>> No.15293238


>> No.15293267

How about fasting instead you fat fuck, No human being should be consuming this.

>> No.15293356

this shit has more calories than I've consumed in the last 2 days

>> No.15293373

baskin robbins still exists?

>> No.15293415
File: 659 KB, 2000x1629, 250g sugar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15293462

just cut carbs to under 100g/day and eat as much protein as possible
t. fit fag

>> No.15293963
File: 248 KB, 1024x784, 1565237165307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like a fun way to have a liver failure desu

>> No.15294034



>> No.15294882

>serving size: imperial
>ingredients: metric

>> No.15294899

what the fuck??
>2,600 calories
that would feed me for about six days

>> No.15294929

More like 4 inches.
It's important to differentiate between calories and Calories (aka kilocalories).

>> No.15294946

This is why sluts and roasties should never be allowed to have any power. Look at this Roastie here already conspiring with the wreckage she would cause.

>> No.15294962

It's literally the amount of calories someone needs in an entire day. Is this real? No wonder America is fucked.

>> No.15295083

You're right, OP can easily make the shake himself with the ingredients he has at home. Good thinking anon.

>> No.15295109

No. All those threads give the board actual fucking character. Fuck you and the way you think. GET OFF MY BOARD NORMIE

>> No.15295134

I used to make these drinks at a DD/BR when I was a teenager
>4 scoops of ice cream
>4 pumps of chocolate syrup and liquid sugar
>whole milk
>top w/whipped cream, oreo chunks, chocolate drizzle
A bit much.

>> No.15295148

Look at the nutritional facts on the right

>> No.15295175

Where the fuck do you even find something like this? Don't tell me this is normal for fast food places like McDonalds?

>> No.15295198

Don't you see the BR logo on it?

>> No.15295199

Chainlink threads are cancer and always have been, outsider

>> No.15296294

>263g sugar
go ahead just make sure to buy some insulin too

>> No.15296301

go weigh out the 236 grams of sugar

>> No.15296373

You say it like it's a bad thing

>> No.15296571

holy fug do burgers actually drink this and not feel disgusted

>> No.15296690

what the fuck, that's almost a day's worth of calories in one drink.
What's the price?