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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 396 KB, 574x563, Screen Shot 2019-08-17 at 12.12.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15289719 No.15289719[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>slowly cuts back on patreon content
>almost totally stops posting on snapchat
>instagram gets "removed"
>hasnt been on twitter in two weeks


>> No.15289736

smarter then 98% of people here

>> No.15289759

lol she really is, thats the funny thing. ive never followed her but this info i just gathered from people posting about on /b/ and /pol/ and i put 2 and 2 together. She made hundreds of thousands of dollars and then called it quits.

Its not like she was just going to do that same shit for the rest of her life.

>> No.15289762

Maybe she had a revelation and finally realized how creepy it is for all these beta nerd cucks to actually buy her bath water.

>> No.15289768

The world is fucked but it is idiotic to blame the people who abuse it in their own favor

She found a niche and capitalized on it big time, she deserves all she has made

I just hope that some kind of global catastrophe happens ASAP so our collective suffering can be over quick

>> No.15289770

Based. And since "she" is a dude she can just take the wig off and no one will recognize her

>> No.15289781
File: 16 KB, 90x78, genius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. she's unironically smart af, she's a 4/10 disgusting roastie with the body of a 13 year old and an acne-filled face who cakes on makeup, dyes her hair pink, and leveraged that into attracting an army of neets to make herself a multi-millionaire without even having to do porn. mia khalifa got fucked, creampied, and facial'ed on camera repeatedly for less than 12 grand.

>> No.15289789

I heard she pulled millions. pretty based desu

>> No.15289794


> following an instathot’s every move

Have sex incel

>> No.15289804

Fucking life is not fair

This bitch has like 150 million from doing from leveraging the basement dwelling rotting low lifes like the people on this board..

Being a cute girl is OP

>> No.15289805

this unironically. pathetic life you've got there OP

>> No.15289806
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I could become a pornstar and dildo myself in front of a webcam, but my dignity prevents me from doing that shit. (for now)

>> No.15289810

>>instagram gets "removed"
yes, I wonder which species of cancer decided to file complaints

>> No.15289832

>food poisoning
haha she was probably shitting diarrhea and puking chunks, nasty shit flying out of both ends, bet she didn't look so glamorous any more.

>> No.15289837

sure smarted found piar company which make her popular.
dumb faggets think she is the smart keeek

>> No.15289845

No one cares for YOUR nudes or videos tho. If there is no demand you won't make shit from it

>> No.15289851

Belle Delphine confirmed /ourgirl/

>> No.15289853

hmnnmnm does this mean there is a vacancy in the market now?

>> No.15289854

>he fell for the fake picture
stop calling her smart. she's just a whore

>> No.15289857

>muh dignity

>> No.15289863

you think she made over a million? i was wondering if she made that much

>> No.15289864

lol Imagine the smell. I wonder if she took any pics when she had nasty diarrhea haha someone should ask her

>> No.15289868
File: 192 KB, 269x279, roastie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what fake pic?

>> No.15289875

retards...belle is life

>> No.15289877

she isn't the 4/10 girl you think she is, that pic wasn't her

>> No.15289885
File: 1.52 MB, 480x852, 68807875_421529825132083_7272451469256614811_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LARP, obviously. I wouldn't care two dimes about my dignity if all it takes to become a millionaire is being a cute girl with a dildo up her ass.

>> No.15289886


>> No.15289902

well she's 19 and her estimated net worth according to most websites is in the 500k range. i feel like that's only adding up the estimated gains from her 4000+ patreon subscribers, $50/month snapchat followers, etc., and not taking into account the absurd amount of money she must have gained from straight up donations and desperate neets.

>> No.15289905

I was talking about gay4pay.
I already know that women don't give a fuck about me.

>> No.15289908

Sex is overrated, rather enjoy it as a fantasy than do it with a disgusting skank that are willing to have sex with me.

>> No.15289913

>make millions without everyone on the internet seeing your vagina
>no sex, just memes and a pink wig with a very tightly controlled image

There’s a reason only she pulled it off. She just had what it takes. Now she can sit in her room playing autistic nerdtendo shit for years pulling in thousands a month from passive investments. I don’t get the hate. The vast majority of people here want to flip shitcoins while sitting in their room and make millions scamming dumber retards into buying bags. Belle Delphine is just a female /biz/inessman.

>not fair

Are you 8 years old? What adult actually talks about ‘fair’ life? How retarded can you get.

Cat-owning legbeards.

>> No.15289916
File: 28 KB, 400x500, 54D16607-FEF7-4401-A182-9B8B33EE0E45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's not even that hot with makeup on
6/10 at best
chick in pic related is hotter probably fucks better too. q

>> No.15289923

...but >>15289868 shows the picture of a 4/10. idk what fake pic you're talking about, but the pic i posted is a bland mediocre female. chubby cheekbones, reindeer nose, gopher buck teeth, ears too big, etc. that's disregarding her body which is completely flat.

>> No.15289927

Okay im out of the loop here biz. What did she do to earn huge amounts of money? Did she earn millions on the bath water or what

>> No.15289930

nigga she is unironically an 8/10 at least with a dream body, that fucking "no makuip" pic is fake you faggot

>> No.15289950

also the pornhub scam, etc.

>> No.15289957

this picture is her without makeup >>15289868
. she's a 4/10 in any major city, 6/10 if you're in oklahoma or somewhere with no attractive women.

>> No.15289972

>150 million
Yeah, nah. It's not that much. Take a chill pill you angry incel before you shoot up a Walmart. Or better yet have sex.

>> No.15289999
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" without makeup "

>> No.15290013
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This probably caused the public shootings. Inclels probably thought their queen was going to take dick on camera. They snapped not long after. She uploaded at least these two and make neckbeards seethe uncontrollably.

She’s a fucking troll.

>> No.15290020
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>> No.15290063

She must have and she didnt spent any of it. There is no posts with pink lambos etc.. She is probably gonna go to college and comfy living with her boyfriend. Godspeed belle delphine

>> No.15290082

She probably narrowly escaped lawsuits with the bathwater thing.
Most likely she is focusing on her top 50-100 donators personally and is probably making close to the same.

>> No.15290091
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if she'd jar it I'd be interested

>> No.15290195

She should still try to keep capitalizing while she can & not wait until she burns through all her cash and tries to make a comeback after she becomes irrelevant & haggard. That'll be a funny day

>> No.15290211


>> No.15290214

Based thot. Fuck the beta cuck sõyboys who gave her money, they deserve it

>> No.15290227

>tfw not born a girl to pull something like that

>> No.15290235

Prettier? Yes
Smarter? lolno
Her pimp on the other hand is, not only he landed a somewhat pretty girl but he also convinced her to become a patreonthot and let him be her manager.

>> No.15290249

I don't know why people are so angry at her?
The whole buzz sure is more entertaining than other e-celebs.

>> No.15290280

>dream body
U ok?

>> No.15290290


she'll probably delete everything, change her hair colour, last name, and be practically unrecognisable. after 5 years no-one apart from her weirdest fans are gonna even remember who she is anyway.

>> No.15290299

Based belle exit scammed.
Time to go all-in Brap Gracie now.

>> No.15290307

>Smarter? lolno
lmk when youre selling bathwater at a 1000x price

>> No.15290308

i really hope some psycho takes care of this bitch. im so sick of seeing her fucking face

>> No.15290315

This. Solid escape plan, all things considered. Well meme'd Delphine (and handler).

>> No.15290332

>a few years of "work" to make a few mill to cost of of for the rest of your life.
your just mad your not hot like her

>> No.15290347

She doesnt have to change shit actually. I think she is from brighton. Community is full of fags and artist queers. If she decides to leave nobody irl recognizes this woman without a pink wig on. The people who would are peak basement dwellers who dont study in cambridge.

>> No.15290370
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>> No.15290371

>make plastic surgery
>make 13849673498 gazillion
>make plastic surgery
>live like nothing happened

>> No.15290439

Good for her, I hope she comes back in a year and makes more stupid shit that actual retards will buy from her

>> No.15290445
File: 398 KB, 1333x661, based nova.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these pathetic incels in this thread

ahahahahahah goddamn 4chan is pathetic

>> No.15290458

Oh boy, how much did you give her? Let it out

>> No.15290467
File: 23 KB, 430x330, 1546485034188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15290474

>she's sooo smart! guys she sold bath water, she's actually a business savant

find a rope my man

>> No.15290483

if its so easy then sell bath water too

>> No.15290499
File: 37 KB, 398x376, pepe laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude she's so smart, wow
>if you're so smart, why didn't you think of it!

all these fucking cumbrains on /biz/, what a disaster

>> No.15290538

t.seething poorfag incel

>> No.15290542

stupid fuck, she sold her honor, not only her bathwater.
you're the kind of guy that would've been glad if your mother did the same and gave you pocket money

>> No.15290571
File: 40 KB, 387x437, 1424235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she sold her honor

>> No.15290583

>she sold her honor, not only her bathwater.

Western sensibilities are different, Ranjid.

>> No.15290590

You'd sell your anal virginity for less than 1k dollars, so who are you to speak?

>> No.15290594

Dude if you think shes an 8/10 you must never get laid because shes average at best and then who knows without all that makeup,oh and where the fuck are her tits??

>> No.15290625

Seriously this

>> No.15290636

>stupid fuck, she sold her honor, not only her bathwater.

she successfully monetised what dumb thots give away for free. i'm sure she's ever so worried about her 'honour' whilst living in her 10 mansions around the world - and living rent free inside your head.

>> No.15290639


>> No.15290645

You dumb cucks realize she had a pimp, right?

Whamen don't actually make money. And if, for some reason, they scam people out of enough money to live comfortably for life on they just spend it on trivial shit in a year or so and become parasites again

>> No.15290648

how does it feel to be retarded?
oh sure - wait - I'm living in the west, try again
pretty sure I'm speaking like that because I received a good education

Go on an sell your ass if you want to make money anon, I'll be next door living the most peaceful life a human can have thanks to my principles.

>> No.15290657


>> No.15290667
File: 13 KB, 209x241, vdsfsef1224London.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I saw her irl back in April when she came to our office to meet with one of our senior CPAs who handles SMEs.

I would not have been able to tell who she was if people weren't talking about her coming beforehand. Before you ask, she was all over the news here so even boomers knew who she was, so no incel office.

I looked it up and she reported 1.2M last year in total, which she already topped in Q1 of this year. Note that this is in pounds so it's nearly 1.5M USD. So yeah, she's basically set for life already and will most likely be able to disappear forever without anyone noticing her on the streets.

Dunno about you wagecucks but I'm jelly as fuck. Kid's not even 20 and already done while I have another 30ish years left of waging. Oh well

>> No.15290672
File: 9 KB, 199x253, 12542432154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does it feel being an emotional beta cuck

>> No.15290700



wew lad you're a special kind of retard

>> No.15290726

stupid bait is stupid bait
you haven't reacted to my whole post, feel free to pimp your mother out you literal Œdipe motherfucker
good for her man, honestly, not having to wagecuck her whole life is a bliss - still, I wouldn't do the same if I was a girl anyway.
thots are thots, you won't marry thots and have them bear your children

>> No.15290757
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>> No.15290807

Indeed, the "boyfriend" (who previously enjoyed, but slightly struggled scamming betas with fake girls) made very good use of her.

He was her "marketing manager" or some bullshit lol. Look it up, they're a U.K registered company with her as the "actress".