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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15290328 No.15290328 [Reply] [Original]

I have been here all summer, and have created a personal list of rules, which makes browsing /biz/ an almost bearable experience. Now, I am not dumb enough to consider /biz/ even close to a legitimate source of information for ANYTHING. I just come here to laugh at desperation and make fun of loser NEETs.

Here are just the top three (3) rules that I follow:

RULE 1: Do not ever believe a single person in this shithole. Nobody knows shit about shit. Everyone is talking out of their asses, and 95%+ of posts are made by useless, although sometimes semi-successful, trolls.

RULE 2: Do not buy anybody's bags. The ONLY reason anons mention any shitcoin ever is to use some idiot to pump their heavy bags, or to dump their shitcoins on them. P'n'D discord shills, especially, are always extremely transparent and insufferably cringey.

RULE 3: All charts and T.A.s are useless garbage. Do not fall for it. There wasn't a single anon or a Twitter cunt ever, who was right 3 times in a row, or more. That just doesn't happen. Tea leaves are more accurate than this shit. You have to be an absolute moron to be fooled by it.

What are your personal /biz/ rules and observations, newfriends?

>> No.15290353

fuck off summerchild

>> No.15290420

So you've been here about 2 months, and now you fancy yourself some sort of expert?
Here's my secret golden rule:
lurk moar, you dumb normalfaggot.

>> No.15290429

>RULE 3: All charts and T.A.s are useless garbage. Do not fall for it.
This is wrong. It's just that most people are bad at doing TA. Good TA is very helpful.

>> No.15290556

the real way to do it is so complicated it requires 8 hours a day to even have a chance and would make most peoples brains hurt

>> No.15290579

Ahh, to be young again.

Pro-tip: you have to know something about the subject to sort the signal from the noise and the wheat from the chaff.

>> No.15290602

About once or twice a month there are a few anons who make rare posts. They don't have a trip or name or anything, but I recognize them by their post style and charting techniques. They are always spot on in their analysis, so I always look out for their threads.

I suspect they are professional traders, their TA looks so much better and more advanced than your average /biz/lets.

>> No.15290611
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fuck off summerfag

>> No.15290649

Any archive links, or biz thread ids I can look up on warosu?

>> No.15290697

No I didn't save anything or bother remembering ID's anon. You will just have to look out for them.

>> No.15290702

biz shilled eth and neo when it was cheap as hell
two years ago it was shilling link when it was 20x cheaper than now
kys faggot

>> No.15290705

link is overrated and the only thing deserving of the hype is the actual smart contract platform it enables, not the backend oracle shit.

only tech-illiterate /biz/tards disagree.

>> No.15290719

>biz shilled eth and neo
It also shilled every failed pajeet shitcoin in existence, you dumb fucking animal.

>> No.15290745

Completely retarded. Absolute brainlet tier post. Smart Contracts and Smart Contract platforms already exist, and they are fucking useless without Link.

>> No.15290803

just dyor idiot

>> No.15290811

stinky linkies still shilling fucking link, jesus christ i fucking swear. I don't care if you make 1000% ROI.

stinky linkies

>> No.15290955
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>> No.15291003
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>I have been here all summer
Opinion discarded

>> No.15291016
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good rules OP, niggers in this thread acting like you are a summerfag are fucking retarded, OP has 0 indication of being a newfag

my personal favorite rule
-Always FUD to get retards to spoon feed you
this works with literally anything, dont understand what LINK does? FUD it
dont understand how QNT is different than Ark? FUD it with that comparison, act really fucking smug about it too.

basically cunningham's law "the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer."
works fucking fantastically on biz, everyone here is so emotional about their investments they jump at any opportunity to prove the depth of their knowledge

>> No.15291030

Tech-illiterate /biz/tard spotted

>> No.15291047

>/biz/ shills literally everything
>"j-just do your research bro"
Yeah that's what you'd have to do WITHOUT /biz/ shilling, and the end result is exactly the same. Dumb fuck

>> No.15291053
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4 times in a row, faggot

>> No.15291084
File: 167 KB, 750x823, B011C583-00F6-4F9F-B496-3596B4F77567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Completely retarded. Absolute brainlet tier post
Brainlet cope
You’re like a person with down syndrome trying to pick a fight, kek

>> No.15291113
File: 48 KB, 499x499, 1565529342798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a good example of my second rule:
-bait faggots as often as possible
preferably by acting as blatantly retarded as you physically can
ie. purposefully disregard information in a post you are replying to, or reply multiple times to the same post pretending to be seethingly desperate for attention

>> No.15291133

Cringe, fuck off

>> No.15291134

I'm not pretending

>> No.15291300

This might be the single worst piece of advice I've seen on /biz/. How the fuck are you supposed to make money if you dont buy PnDs? You just need an IQ above double digits to sniff out the obvious discord trannies just as they start shilling, you set tight stop-losses and you sell at comfy +50% profits. Did this with FTM, VID-T, RSR and most recently SENT. I can't fathom how stupid OP must be to think he's got this place figured out.

>> No.15291869

I could get to know her legs a little better.

>> No.15292191

>I am a summerfag
>here are the opinions of a summerfag

>> No.15292280

>>Electricity is overrated because it doesn't do shit by itself and can only power machinery and appliances

This is quality of pajeet being hired today folks

>> No.15292328

oh my god

>> No.15292505

Pretty good bait, already has lots of replies. Can't imagine this post is serious.