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15285443 No.15285443 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me biz

>> No.15285450


>> No.15285454

bsv or link

>> No.15285461

Why RLC?
I was thinking to something more fat

>> No.15285465
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It doesn't matter what coin you buy, you will die of aids long before you can take any profits man. Why u no like pussy? Resist the jew brainwashing.

>> No.15285596

I think you’ll be glad to know there is a gay chainlinking themed oracle token. post the meme nighers

>> No.15285616

This chainlink seems very interesting, i've got good vibes about it

>> No.15285831

>implying the vagina-jew can't give you the aids

>> No.15285845

>likes (((pussy)))
Never gonna make it

>> No.15285859

RLC will make enemas obsolete

>> No.15285869

Anal sex is way more likely to give you aids. If you are receiving it then even more then when you are giving it.
T. Not a brainlet

>> No.15285891

The team opposes same sex marriage.

Buy XRP they were at pride parade.

>> No.15285894

No coin, only knee pads

>> No.15285917

all money will go into bitcoin, also faggot money just like female money and nig money also islam money and jwish money and so on.
of course white male fedora money was in first but that is just who it is.

>> No.15285944

>180+ IQ
ze master Daira Hopwood
>negative IQ
Jimmy Nguyen and Craig Wright threesome
>absolute faggot

>> No.15286045

Hold my balls softly while I fuck your mouth faggot

>> No.15286063

This makes you a faggot too anon

>> No.15286076

Don't buy LINK, it's for strong heterosexual men

>> No.15286086
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I will literally marry a female deer when I make it.

>> No.15286155


>> No.15286167

But anon...

>> No.15286209


Getting aids from a vagina is rare, like 1.2% chance from fucking some negress unprotected. For anal sex that chance goes up to pretty much 100%. That's why I don't give a shit about preventing the spread of AIDS as it only affects niggers, gays and degenerates. People we need to get rid of anyway.

>> No.15286307

the fuck is wrong with your education?

>> No.15286326

He is right, youre the one that got brainwashed, fren.

>> No.15286336


>> No.15286350

>For anal sex that chance goes up to pretty much 100%.
U wot m8

>> No.15286372
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> Progressist scientific education:
> oh no this illness sounds racist/omophobe
> let's cover the facts and make people believe bullshit

>> No.15286472

pussies look like bleeding grizzled meat
I get grossed out every time I randomly stumble upon straight porn
The absolute state of this board.
First of all, HIV and AIDS are completely different things. If you engage in unprotected sex, you can get HIV (AIDS is the final stage of HIV, which is very rare in first-world countries right now given that it takes a pill per day now to keep your viral low undetectable).

No, there is a 1.4% chance of being infected by HIV if you engage in unprotected sex. However, pre-exposure prophylaxis (or PrEP), which has gotten immensely popular, almost eliminates the probability of getting infected.

On a side note, straight people also actively engage in anal sex, but homophobic bigots won't seem to forget about that.

>> No.15286494

> pathetic try to reframe facts
> seriously writing "Homophobic bigots"
Omg, what the fuck is wrong with this board.

>> No.15286535

Cope, have fun dying of HIV then

>> No.15286549

Since Hiv spreads through sperm and blood, there are obviously different ways to get it, even if you do BJs and like to drink cum.

It's a very serious illness, despite gaybo here trying to minimize it.

>> No.15286563

Oh grow up you barrel tickling shitcock

>> No.15286633

Fucking based

>> No.15286642

obviously this

>> No.15286718

Everyone knows she's a beard. You haven't fooled a soul.

>> No.15286722

It has been scientifically proven multiple times that you cannot get HIV through oral sex. While some sources claim that there is a theoretical possibility, you would literally have to let a guy cum in your mouth that is full of blood with three freshly pulled teeth. It's very improbable.

Of course, that pertains both to straight and gay people.

Spit or swallow, don't let it wallow. Acids in your stomach will kill the virus if you drink cum. It just astounds me that people are not aware of such simple facts (even though I do understand that the collective IQ of this board is in the double-digit territory).

Yes, HIV is still a serious illness, but it's not lethal anymore in first-world country given that patients can obtain free therapy. On top of that, there is a lot of advancement when it comes to curing HIV. Scientists have figured out how to cure HIV in mice.

Contrary to what boomers from /smg/ tell you, HIV has been a 'gay disease' for years, and it's actually rare when gay people get infected in developed countries nowdays.

>> No.15286738


>> No.15286845

Ok gaybo, but it's still not safe to swallow an unknown nigger cum, even if love wins always, because of other sexual diseases.

If you let him cum into your guts because you'like it to drip from your degenerate anus, then of course there's no acid to save you, even if they told me that some rainbow underwear can cure aids.

If you look at statistics, of course gay male people is 100% exposed, since not all normal people do anal sex.

> https://www.sciencealert.com/crispr-has-completely-cured-mice-of-hiv-here-s-what-you-need-to-know
Good to know, now if an hiv infected gay fucks a mice, this poor animal can be cured.

And yes, hiv still remains a serious illness, this is the reason why i avoid contact with gaybos and if they speak i leave the room.

>> No.15286855


>> No.15286951

Are you a Muslim man?

>> No.15287002

>other sexual diseases
They are easily curable unless you are a third-world pajeet who cannot be tested.
On top of that you, have to be retarded to fuck niggers given that they are five times more likely to have HIV than white gays (look it up).

>not all normal people do anal sex
Gay people are just as normal as straight people given that there over a hundred species with homosexuals couples.

Plus, not all gay people engage in anal sex. They mostly do oral.

>if they speak i leave the room.
Good to know that your fat homophobic ass gets intimidated by smoking hot gay chads.

Anyway, your posts just prove that the level of homophobia directly correlates with ignorance.

>> No.15287013


>> No.15287089

It's based on a PoF (proof of faggotry) consensus platform for decentralized viruses. $69 eoy

>> No.15287100

God hates fags, don't bother trying.

>> No.15287266

That's why Peter Thiel is one of the most powerful people in the world and crypto.

You are on the wrong side of history.

>> No.15287315

> They are easily curable
This is still not a good reason to drink uknown people cum, expecially niggers

> Gay people are just as normal
Yea, of course gaybo, you're as natural as your plastic dildo

> Gets intimidated
No, i avoid to share air with pederasts, since they're filthy and can have other contagious diseases.

> The ignorance meme
Ignorance of your pathetic daisy propaganda you mean? I know even that, was just trolling you.

>> No.15287318

Satan loves fags and AIDS. Your best bet as a dedicated faggot is to ask for grant money from Satan to spread faggotry and evil in general.

>> No.15287334

> He knows who the Prince of the world and the most powerful one is

>> No.15287336

>gay people are normal
No anon, they are fucking degenerates, not even people.

>> No.15287382

Anon, it's just a matter of time.
Paedphile normalization is the next check in the LGBTQ+ agenda.
Love wins.

>> No.15287441

Love wins

>> No.15287462

Maybe Sent

Those are all good starter coins for basedyyys

>> No.15287475

what about chainlink?
I heard that a lot of gay people hold it

>> No.15287543

dude I don't like homos either but you're spouting literal paranoid gobshite. Get a coherent argument going or go home, you're making /hm/ look like a bastion of rationality.

>> No.15287923

If you feel uncomfy reading this then you're already brainwashed.
Rational arguments, do we really need that? I'm not against homos, but i like to trigger faggots.

I don't care at all if someone wants to suck nigger cocks, but if a gaybo tells me that hiv is not much of a thing, this is a bit too much.

>> No.15287948


alan turing was gay and he's scheduled to appear on the 50 british pound note and he's now post mortem canonized so just get that and stfu


>> No.15287961

Alan Turing was gay and he asked to be cured.
If LGBTQ+ satan didn't take over, we could have found a cure to homosexuality by now.

>> No.15287976

>Racist homo

>> No.15288511
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>> No.15289492

We live in the current year my friend. It doesn't matter if you gay or straight, white or normal, man or woman. You are a human being, that's all that matter!

So, regular advise applies to you:
Hold BTC, hold some solid and promising alts (ETH, ATOM), hold small caps with serious teams, connections and tech behind (NOIA, LTO)

>> No.15289512

No they are not fucking normal people, inform yourself >>15287336

>> No.15289592

Alright, people with mild mental illnesses like depression or personality disorder are normal or not?

>> No.15289629

Not really if they stick out due to their illness, no. Why the fuck are you defending those degenerates? It is nothing more than a fetish and pure degeneracy.

>> No.15289668

enjoy your lime disease. those fuckers are infested with ticks, you shouldn't even pet them let alone fuck them

>> No.15289680

I t-think (hope) they were kidding anon

>> No.15289706

nah /g/ had a legit deerfucker in the desktop threads. it's a shame he got banned, his rice was superb

>> No.15289792
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