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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15288300 No.15288300[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me, le small business owner
>government wants to force me to pay my employees more than 7.25/hr(
moving to 10/hr in my state by 2025 and make me pay them time and a half after 40 hours aw week)
>most min wage employees arent even worth that much(my accounting/payroll/scheduling guy has a 4yr degree and only makes 13/hr)
well, looks like im going to have to lay off half my staff, hope your happy now libtards

pic related, average racist liberal, even though they call US racists even though I employ many PoC

>> No.15288356

> pays 50 bucks/day employees in the US
kys nigger

>> No.15288365

sho like dem fried chikins

>> No.15288373

Outsource or automate.

>> No.15288394


>> No.15288467

>Outsource or automate.
>I deserve more money for doing something a literal teenager could do
le entitled millenial falcon face
grow up kid
economists agree your retarded

>> No.15288560
File: 235 KB, 500x511, gommunist memeball3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let bernie tell you how to run your business, he's got so much experience with these sort of things. That he appeals the most to college educated but unsuccessful millennials and zoomers, only goes to show he's got the pulse of what is going wrong and so naturally best knows how to fix it.

>> No.15288640

I worked entry level jobs (factories, warehouses, restaurants) and I worked harder jobs.
The harsh truth is most minimum wage jobs aren't worth minimum wage,
~50% of the time you don't even really do anything.
I hated commies even when I was paid minimum wage.

>> No.15288821

>well, looks like im going to have to lay off half my staff, hope your happy now libtards
sounds like you don't even deserve to be in business, get fucked boomer

>> No.15289039
File: 14 KB, 278x188, AAE9DF15-7BC5-48E7-BB1C-B51E770738B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whines about having to pay his workers a bit above the bare minimum

You were always doomed to fail if your business model couldn’t sustain while paying your workers a livable wage. There’s a reason you were a SMALL biz owner, and a failed one at that. cope harder you fucking tranny

>> No.15289059

The only reason why I hated my minimum wage job was its simplicity honestly.

>> No.15289076

agreeing with these people honestly, your business is probably shit

>> No.15289168

Not all jobs deserve a living wage retard. Theres not enough productivity in cooking french fries to command $15/hr. If you want more money, increase your fucking skills, that's how it works.

>> No.15289209

>most min wage employees arent even worth that much
Here's the thing dude, you're actually wrong according to supply and demand.
Minimum wage employers don't understand what inflation is; they're stuck in the past.
They don't realize that $10 or whatever doesn't buy what it used to buy. Good workers cost more, thanks to inflation.
That's why going out to eat at fast food places is a nightmare now. Only niggers and felons are willing to work for such low pay.

You need to realize that you get what you pay for. And if you're only going to pay $10, then you're going to get $10 worth of labor, and that's not much!

>> No.15289421

Fuck off boomer.

>> No.15289442

fuck employees I wish I could just enslave mine. digitl cash will help me do it.

>> No.15289447

> minimizing employee's effort, but he needs them
> liberist because he runs a shitty service and he's a jew
> can't really afford automation, because he's a nigger
> Wants to outsource, where? In Mexico? Not gonna happen under Trump's age, nig

Fucking poorest countries pay more for employees, what do you run, some wc cleaning service company?

>> No.15289455

You pay your accountant 13 bucks an hour? Off yourself, hope your fake business fails

>> No.15289505

Which fucking accountant works for $13.

I'll hire 5 right now.

>> No.15289551

Probably a mexican illegal immigrant he's paying and blackmailing.

>> No.15289595

Don't want to pay a living wage for low productivity work? Automate your shit. Oh you can't afford automation? Your business model fucking sucks. Go out of business and KYS.

>> No.15289613

Fags like you forget the excessive tax rates that make everything more difficult. Cut wasteful spending, then cut taxes 75%+ across the board. Business will flourish.

>> No.15289623


Based. Most minimum wage positions could be easily combined. They're a result of a lazy business owner generally.

>> No.15289673


>I don't know what inflation is

This is why the average CEO could lose 98% of their monetary value tomorrow and if they didn't know it wouldn't affect their living standard in anyway.

Enjoy bankruptcy.

>> No.15289687

It's not even the tax but all the paper shit you need. Want to start a company? 75% of your work will be bureaucracy.

>> No.15289709

>>be me, le

>> No.15289744

In eurocuckland they pay 2-3 times the taxes you pay, a worker costs 2 times his pay because of taxes, and they still pay more than 50 bucks / day.
Kys whining nigger.

>> No.15289758

Raise the prices of your french fries if your consumer base is shrinking. Don't put your failures on those earning your profit like an incompetent Boomer or your profits will soon vanish alltogether and you are going to be the one complaining about low wages

>> No.15289767

>well, looks like im going to have to lay off half my staff, hope your happy now libtards
I am actually

>> No.15289769

Until you zoomie faggots have tried to produce and sell a quality product at a competitive price on a market that includes other coddled, fickle zoomie faggots and clinically retarded minorities while relying on zoomie Faggot and retarded minority labor, STFU. In the meantime just kys.

>> No.15289797

This. What used to be a summer job for a teenager to have beer money is now a job where retards believe they should earn enough to raise a family. There's a reason flipping burgers isn't considered a career.

>> No.15289800

I just rised the prices of my product. People still buying and my employees are loyal. But then again my product makes people addicted

>> No.15289812

Until you can't afford to pay someone, shut up and work alone, fucking jew.

>> No.15289821

When adam smith invented minimium wage jobs he specifically said they were "only for teenagers"

>> No.15289841

Tell that the 40 year old ex-banker that works at my Burger place since 2009.

>> No.15289879

No, burger jobs are for teenagers ONLY

They were specifically desighned not to be a livable wage

>> No.15289893

Reddit pls go

>> No.15289911
File: 51 KB, 340x568, IMG_0573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck out of here you commies. These mindless jobs are just supposed to be a temporary thing while you work on improving your hirable skills. Only stupid faggots and degenerates get stuck at low wage jobs for the rest of their lives you fucking sub human oafs.

>> No.15289921

This sentence makes no sense at all, you dumb goy faggot.

>> No.15289934

>supposed to be
says who??

>> No.15289953

The guy seems to enjoy the job, let him. Teenagers can work for people like me though, but if they get caught they better shut up or will never work for anybody else

>> No.15289990

Econ 101

>> No.15290066

Spics seem content with mediocrity. I worked at a restaurant when I was a teenager, for about a year. When I quit, I went on to better things, own a successful business now. Went back to that restaurant 15 years later, some of the same spics still work in the kitchen. All the white waiter/bartenders that were there when I was also left for better things, got replaced with the next generation of young people. Why don't the spics try to better themselves?

>> No.15290094

Found the mentally retarded boomer ancap.

>> No.15290102

>couldnt afford to pay employees decent wages
>scaling back as a result
what's wrong here? you're not seriously blaming minimum wage for destroying small businesses in America are you?

>> No.15290175

>Layoff workers who can't produce $10/hour worth of productivity
>go out of business

Gee, tough decision to make. Get fukt commie.

>> No.15290180
File: 19 KB, 703x911, IMG_1499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me nigger
Double checked. Its not just spics, its a mindset of the inferior I've seen it affect people of all races. They have no vision so we must be the shepherds and the ones to profit.
Actually a based zoomer who can think for himself. Your poorfagness is seething. pic related

>> No.15290194

Lol, you're going to be singing a different tune in a few years when you can't find a decent job.

>> No.15290201

>Why don't the spics try to better themselves?

Probably came to the U.S. without a high school degree and minimal understanding of English. Predictable result; if I so much as visited a country without the fluency to rent an apartment or to order food I'd consider myself decently fucked too. Retarded that this upcoming election is centered on enabling that instead of on something useful.

OP should be thanking the liberals for bringing in more $3 per hour labor.

>> No.15290208
File: 10 KB, 645x773, dumbass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be liberal moron
>Don't understand supply and demand
>Set minimum wage at x dollars
>doesn't realize that if the labor provided by the worker is worth less than x dollars than the employer has no reason to hire them
>Employment goes down
>be liberal moron
>see that poorer people have a harder time getting an appartment
>Set maximum apartment price at x dollars
>doesn't realize that if the value of mortgage/upkeep on the apartment building is more than the money recouped by the rent now set at X, the owner will go under. Doesn't realize that landlords also have an opportunity cost since they could known down their apartment buildings and just put up high rises or office buildings, which pay more.
>Most rent owners sell their apartment complexes
>Fewer people have apartments. Problem is worse
>Be liberal moron
>See that Gas is being used too much
>Set gas price at X dollars
>Creates a shortage because people just load up on cheap gas
>Gas shortage gets worse
>be liberal moron
>Never learn from my mistakes, just keep doing it over and over and over and over

>> No.15290233

>implying any of this is related to liberalism
absolute state of burgers

>> No.15290286

You're just spewing high school-level Econ 101. Also, using the word "liberal" is cringeworthy as fuck.

>> No.15290338

>implying they will find a buyer at a profit for their appartment complexes if it isn't profitable to rent them out
Guess you are going to sell to the tax payer anyway brainlet

>> No.15290342

What don't you understand about jobs being for peasants. I positioned myself well with crypto and real estate to never work again. Faggots like you rely on Mr. Shekelbergs handouts to eat dick every week.

>> No.15290448

Ha, nice LARP, zoomer.

>> No.15290497

Supply and demand is not communism lol

>> No.15290574

With all due respect, if you don't have the slightest grasp of the semantics of US political culture, STFU about it.

>> No.15290644

>be non-american subhuman
>don't know anything about American politics or terminology, or why words are used as they are in American politics
Just shut the fuck up, you obsessed mongrel. Doesn't your country have its own website for you to be retarded on, instead of you having to come to an American website? No? Guess your country is irrelevant, then.

>> No.15290691

bootlickers like you will get the rope too

>> No.15290711

business owners get too uppity over this. all you have to do is increase your prices, as everyone else you're competing with has to do the same thing too.
deny any overtime, obviously because that's not worth it.
now you're still making the same amount of money, your workers have the same purchasing power because of inflation, and nothing really changes

lets be honest, if you could have fired half your staff, you already would have. if not, why don't you like free money?

>> No.15290746


>> No.15290763

>that RECESSION is coming!!
>h-haha it's gunna get ya

look at this fucking crab in the bucket cuck

>> No.15291129

Agree with OP and Im not a businesses owner but its just obvious - you cant be payed more value than you actually produce/are worth as a unique employee, and youre gonna have to be payed somewhat under the value youre producing/worth. But even if all these minimum wage employees ARE worth $15 an hour or whatever, ALL other wages are going to need to shift up slightly, at least for the same environment as these minimumwagies, because then the added work and responsibility of jobs above entrylevel no longer is worth it, because Tyrone is making nearly as much or as much as you flipping burgers. Shift managers, Managers suddenly want more because they didnt become less valuable in relation to Tyrone, but Tyrone just got a payraise. People working in niche highskill jobs making $16 an hour suddenly are gonna wonder why they're working so damn hard when Tyrone makes $15, now they will ask for a raise.
Also, imagine you are an employer. There are two 'labor markets' you have access to, legal and illegal. Illegal workers are shittier and carry more risk but you can pay them much less - the more youre forced to pay to a legal worker the better value an illegal worker has by comparison. Especially with sanctuary cities, why hire legals at all if your business is of the type that could get away with hiring illegals.

>> No.15291168

You've been lied to my friend!
Dems want to socialize healthcare, which allows you to be more competitive with large business. They wan't to lower your tax, but increase tax for people making 1 million+ a year.

You've been lied to, my deer friend anon.

>> No.15291174

>you cant be payed more value than you actually produce/are worth
Yeah, tell that to the retards who try to vote or organize into unions.
When you think about what they're doing, it essentially boils down to:
>Let's force them to believe that we're more valuable than we really are!

>> No.15291210

Theyre hoping to force their hand to where labor simply wont be available to employers at what below what they want to get paid - employers NEED the labor and if they cant get it except at that price, they'll pay the price.
Except wait not everyone is part of your union and they can hire illegals/outsource, and even if you succeeded the extra cost youve created is gonna get paid by diminishing quality somewhere else or higher prices

>> No.15291246

I chuckled.

>> No.15291305

>~50% of the time you don't even really do anything.

Last time I worked at a factory, the work was non-stop. I always had to keep up with the machines. The only time I don't do anything was during breaks.

>> No.15291367


>> No.15291506

that's not 'Liberal'
all of those actions you described were state Regulations
the term you're searching for is statist

>> No.15291529

>~50% of the time you don't even really do anything.
Speak for yourself. Most of the jobs I've worked that have been low wage I worked my ass off for. The only two jobs that I haven't worked as hard was because I either had to learn all day or make sketchy sales. Fuck sales btw. Never doing that BS again. Why should I generate leads for you when I could do it for my own business?

>> No.15291575

>my accounting/payroll/scheduling guy has a 4yr degree and only makes 13/hr
Fuck that. Outsource that shit. Make the kid come to his senses. I've been blessed to make two times that without a degree while living at my mom's at 19. You're a dick.

>> No.15291589

>two times
maybe ~1.3x but you get the point

>> No.15291687
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>Me nigger
Yes, you certainly are

>> No.15291792

yeah thats how technology advances dumbass. learn to use technology to replace labour. if everyone had a cheap slave to do his work industrial revolution wouldn't even have happen

>> No.15292371

All were lefty sentiments and policies. promotion of state regulations is in the left camp. Right end of the spectrum wants less regulation and government intervention in economy.

>> No.15292822
File: 844 KB, 1242x1185, D97EE897-E3EA-404B-BB77-9663DF36BF91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liberals don't deserve a living wage or even any rights. Prove me wrong.

>> No.15292936
File: 43 KB, 615x439, jobcreators.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pays workers homeless wages
why don't you just quit and start a better business?
>well, looks like im going to have to lay off half my staff
good, do all the work yourself.
>liberals are the real racists
there are plenty of racists on this board. Ask them what they think of liberals.