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1527807 No.1527807 [Reply] [Original]

List how you show off your winnings.

I'll start:
>Weekend vacations with sidepiece
>Withdrawing $300 from an ATM for H&maybeB
>Enjoying a delicious meal of woolen turtle (a delicacy) at hip restaurants

>> No.1527826

>show off your winnings

Kek poor people

>> No.1528651

>being so insecure you have to show off
>dat compensating

what the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.1528710

>trying to show off money

showing off money is stupid. show off your network instead.

>take chick out on date to 5 star restaurant
>have the owner come over and shake your hand and joke with you
>have him say thanks for coming out tonight and his restaurant wouldn't be such a success without you
>complementary $1,000 bottle of wine
>go to club afterwards
>walk to the front of the line
>have bouncers escort you in while having other people wait
>have owner of the club come down and say same shit to you
>free vip table with free bottle

this is the way to really show off if you want people to think you're cool. any autist can make money, it takes a rare breed to have these types of connections.

>> No.1528789
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This is so true that I'm going to have to go out of my way to point this out so that OP doesn't skim over this.

>Go to sold out concert
>Casually walk past the lineup of waiting plebs, go to the back alley
>Wait for bandmember to come out and greet you, let you in through the backdoor
>Walk past clouds of marijuana, booming bass-y walls into a nice VIP section where you don't need to be crammed like sardines with the rest of the pack
>Have singer give you a subtle shout-out during the show

>Go vacationing in rural Japan for a quiet retreat away from the hustle and bustle of the world
>See two luxury vehicles racing down the mountainside headed towards you, careening and drifting around turns with incredibly precise maneuverability
>Have them screech to a halt immediately next to you
>Drivers jump out, surprised and excited to see you so far from home
>Catch up with your old friends, hop in, go drifting on your way to Tokyo

Money is only good as one form of power. Never forget that power can be held in other respects as well, kiddo.

Best of all,

>have a stranger recognize you in public and ask for a selfie or autograph

>> No.1528836

>5 star restaurant
There is no such thing

>> No.1528850

>Forbes Travel Guide
>1-5 Stars

sure thing boss

>> No.1528946

this seems like the type of thing celebrities do, and only celebrities, who have developed this network after getting famous.

>> No.1529622

Unless you're a celebrity, this is pure fantasy. Spend less time watching tv.

>> No.1529643

money can buy a lot of that experience.

My kid wanted to go see a pirates dinner show on our last vacation. So I spent a bit extra on the tickets.

we pull up, there's a line of people half way around the block, obviously waiting hours in the hot sun to get in. People lined up to park.

we pull up and show our tickets to the valet. He greets us by name, parks our car and calls some person to come get us. get our picture taken in front of the building and head directly in bypassing the line. We get seated at a table reserved for us by the bar. Immediately get to drinking. Another person comes and asks us back to meet the cast of the show. Pictures of the kid with all kinds of 'pirates.' We're the first ones seated for the show, front and center at a table everyone else knows they couldn't afford or didn't want to pay for. We have a waiter standing by our table through the whole show to get us anything we need. Extra souvenirs for the kid. The lead character of the show reads off a special thank you to my son for coming out to watch. After the show everyone gets to mingle with pirates, all of the cast come by our table and say hi to my kid and ask him what he thought. Shows over we're bustled out before everyone else to our waiting car.

I'm not famous, I hope I never get famous. But money can certainly buy better treatment if you don't mind blowing a wad on that sort of thing. Is it worth it? I think so. Money is just paper, experiences make you who you are.

>> No.1529647

I show off my 12 inch dick

>> No.1530175

OP here, what brand of car is a panty peeler?