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File: 3 KB, 200x200, monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15279882 No.15279882 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, what happened to Monero?

>> No.15279884

this is the end for monero

>> No.15279896

its nothing but a tool for bitcoin, it will exist alongside bitcoin but to think its going to overtake anything is silly. also, it cant scale, theres only such few people looking to be THIS private

>> No.15279914

>theres only such few people looking to be THIS private
it's one of the only coins that allows ANY privacy. Bitcoin sure as hell is not private. Everything is public.

>> No.15279922

more stable than bitcoin now
should be 1 to 5 % of your portfolio

>> No.15279929

thats why people will use bitcoin and then use xmr when they need to

>> No.15279941

I'm inclined to agree; what's interesting to me however is how a coin known as 'the' privacy coin was almost 400 USD back a year or two ago, but now is stuck under $100

>> No.15279951

It rose from #14 to #10 in the last few weeks, that's what happened.

>> No.15279980

imagine anyone actually unironically investing in a coin made for criminals

>> No.15279989

>what is wasabi

>> No.15279995
File: 118 KB, 737x398, monero3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Big XMR fan here. But XMR is exactly 5% of my portfolio with the other part all BTC. I think this is the 2nd best crypto until or if ETH ever gets its shit together but BTC overwhelmingly dominates the space so it makes no sense to own pretty much anything else.

>> No.15280019

Because the whole market was pumped up

whats wrong with that?

>> No.15280053

cash is used by criminals, cars and roads too. Oh and don't forget to register your butter knife.

>> No.15280076

the difference your ignoring is xmr was specifically made for privacy (mostly criminals) and cash was "made" for general purpose (mostly general public)

>> No.15280101

ah so only pedofiles use encryption, we dont use it every day to talk with servers when browsing the internet, our banks dont use encryption to secure our funds either, its all just criminals using encryption.

>> No.15280276

anyone here mining this?

>> No.15280308

Im definitely interested in this level of privacy just on principle, it seems like such a great coin, I wonder why it has so little hype compared to Bitcoin and total shitter coins/scamcoins

>> No.15280330

XMR was made to be like cash
Also who gives a fuck about the label 'criminal.' Criminal can mean not having a fucking television license. If you give a single fuck about whether something is criminal or not, beyond how that impacts risk to yourself, you are retarded and live without any morality beyond what those stronger than you command.

>> No.15280352

I genuinely wonder what the energy/GPU costs of mining XMR compared to BTC looks like

harder for pajeets to shill on here I guess, but yes it is surprising that it seems to lack the sort of media attention that BTC ETH and BCH have

>> No.15280364

Too much bullshit surrounding privacy coins, dumped it for NOIA

>> No.15280519

We are moving into Grin

>> No.15280646

Doing better than any other privacy coin.
Zcash was 800 and is now under 50.

>> No.15280660

Have fun with those fees and you can't use it with amounts less than 0.1 BTC

>> No.15280689
File: 93 KB, 1129x687, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XMR stockto-flow comparison with BTC. Arrow is where we are. XMR will soon have a higher SF rate than BTC. In the long run ETC will reign with its tenthening.

>> No.15280696

ETH, sorry.

>> No.15280697

XMR is a bit of a dark horse. Give it time

>> No.15280750

Stf doesn't work with alts according to 100t himself

>> No.15280772

stock to flow for an commodity that doesn't get consumed is such a fucking ignorant thing to do, you really show how dumb the crypto space is when you do shit like this.

>> No.15280829

Yes it doesnt work because XMR isnt a store of value... Oh wait, it is. SF doesnt work for most alts, since there's a lot of them, but XMR is unique in this space.

Your statement is a whole new level of ignorance. You are saying you understand more of economics than saifedean ammous, who is a teacher on this subject?

>> No.15280879

You’re a retard KYS

>> No.15280902
File: 73 KB, 1874x949, KCVae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me again who this is bearish

"Bitcoin has unforgeable costliness, because it costs a lot of electricity to produce new bitcoins. Producing bitcoins cannot be easily faked. Note that this is different for fiat money and also for ****altcoins that have no supply cap, have no proof-of-work (PoW), have low hashrate, or have a small group of people or companies that can easily influence supply etc.***

Saifedean Ammous talks about scarcity in terms of stock-to-flow (SF) ratio. He explains why gold and bitcoin are different from consumable commodities like copper, zinc, nickel, brass, because they have high SF."


XMR is different from all this.

>> No.15280924

DUSK makes Monero (and tari) completely obsolete. gg

>> No.15281107

Grin is a scam nobody is buying your bags faggot

>> No.15281166

>thats why people will use bitcoin and then use xmr when they need to
Eventually bitcoin will be monitored so heavily that people will just stick with XMR. Otherwise they would have to come up with too many explanations.

Right now I have a 50:50 split between xmr and btc but I'm thinking about moderately increasing xmr.

>> No.15281178

Fuffly dumped on your asses to buy watches.

>> No.15281195

it's really just a meme

>> No.15281202

>fudding this hard
oh boy it must be good then, thx bought 100k grin

>> No.15281343

My 3900x mining it right now.

>> No.15281480


>> No.15281516

Don’t care

>> No.15281610

>bitcoin is special because I say so

>> No.15281616

I love laughing at monerocucks

>> No.15281772

Grin isn't a store of value coin, but calling it a scam shows that you must have sub 70 I.Q.

>> No.15281870

People use it to buy drugs on the dark web , no ?

>> No.15281976

stay poor

>> No.15282001

>currency is not a store of value
Sounds like a scam brother

>> No.15282058
File: 32 KB, 659x529, 1525245556244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks a currency must be store of value
You're more retard than I've thought. You don't know a single thing about Economics. Congrats on your single digit I.Q.

>> No.15282098

grin is pretty shit bro. not a single unique selling point.

>> No.15282162

I'm sad my vegas will be useless, I don't really want to get rid of them for micro atx boards and ryzen 3600s.

>> No.15282374

It should have even better privacy than monero, its a pain to use though.
Also early bitcoin whales funded it.

>> No.15282516

The usage will improve in the future, as more wallets and softwares are released. Grin is in the very early stage.

>> No.15282565

Tbh Monero is the only truly decentralized and unshutdownable coin. It's designed to be run by botnets/malware. Bitcoin is not. Bitcoin uses large server farms that can easily be shut down.

>> No.15282616

Also has anyone been trying to swing this shit lately? Fucking impossible.

>> No.15283112

why would u swing a coin controlled by russian mafia? look at the order book, the moment u try to sell a decent amount like $100k u can sell it instantly but nothing is going on the books

>> No.15283163

Optional privacy is not real privacy.

shitcoin pajeet spotted

its been hugging 800k sats like a fucking magnet lately

>> No.15283212
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>> No.15283248

slavic/asian mafia groups probably own a huge portion of the xmr mining botnets and many of the top-100 XMR wallets

how could this be bullish for XMR?

>> No.15283277

implying they wouldnt just dump the coins immediately

>> No.15283312

It's going to be really fucking surreal when Monero actually does overtake Bitcoin in the future. It may be 10, 15, maybe 20 years from now, but it's basically inevitable because it is so much more advanced than Bitcoin or any other pure currency coin. Monero makes Bitcoin look like the dinosaur that it is. Not scalable? Monero scales perfectly at the protocol level with adaptive blocksizes. Bitcoin can't even agree on a 1 MB blocksize upgrade. The only thing limiting Monero scaling is hardware and data rates. Grin? Less private than Monero. Fair emission curve but I don't see that saving it. It doesn't have the fanatical community that Monero has and MW is nowhere near as cool as

On top of all that, RandomX ensures that every fucking piece of hardware with a rudimentary CPU equipped with wifi for IoT bullshit will be secretly cloud mining Monero with its tiny hashrate (multiplied by a factor of about a billion toasters/garage door openers/refrigerators) for every single hardware manufacturer in the world. This shit is about to get wild.

>many of the top-100 XMR wallets
Monero doesn't have a richlist.

>> No.15283318

>*as cool as

>> No.15283366

Silence is good. No news is good news. It'll prove itself incredibly useful in the coming years. If national gov. around the world adopt crypto, you'll want to be safe from their prying eyes.

>> No.15283805
File: 76 KB, 569x569, logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you all think you've missed it, but it has yet to really begin. $495 is peanuts for this coin.
Just wait.

>> No.15284878

Saifedean is a retard, not uncommon for an academic.

>> No.15284896

Privacy coins are a meme. Remember when 2018 was supposed to be the year of the privacy coin?>

>> No.15284902

Monero isn't a privacy coin, it's money.

>> No.15285058

criminals use cash

>> No.15285107
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Absolute most ZOG'd opinion there is

>> No.15285153

if btc was still worth $60 there would be malware miners still running all over too, and if xmr grows in price there will be server farms mining it

>> No.15285777
File: 47 KB, 660x685, l7ilgq358fv21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15285856

What was that!

>> No.15285911

Mining Monero with my 56 core HP Z8 workstation. One of the few coins worth it. Going to be big in 2020/2021. Most of the guys in here got no clue what theyre talking about.

>> No.15286420

Professional criminals will use/are going to use Monero.

>> No.15287228
File: 251 KB, 1280x904, 1541847253109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Professional criminals
Did you mean banksters and government?

>> No.15287273


I used to care a few years ago pre-windows 10 about privacy and end to end encryption without any flaws but then realized that my footprint made me more suspicious than anything else

>banksters and government

central banking is separate from the state exactly like the church is separate from the state. except for islamic banking.

you think you're free lol

>> No.15287384

My country had way too many regime changes over the past century, I'm not going to risk some random communist seizing power tomorrow and having instant knowledge of how much money I have.

>> No.15287405

if you actually think DUSK is a shitcoin you’re completely delusional

>> No.15287429


what's the problem with transparency? capital gains tax?

you'd rather have opaque shell entities mirrored offshore on a black budget agenda or wat

>> No.15287453

monero is literally perfect at what it is made for. There is no need for it to balloon in price.

>> No.15287481

Privacy coins will only see their big days once the sovereign debt/fiat currency bubble pops and pops hard.

Govts will try to tax the shit out of everyone while inflating their currencies. That's when people will look into digital currency privacy. Not before.

>> No.15287575

I just told you, the problem is a possible change in the political spectrum.
Communists are gaining popularity on a global scale in case you haven't noticed, and there's precedents for what they're going to do once they're in power.

>> No.15287822

Getting my rig ready for the fall season.
I have a Radeon VII, 2 XFX 580's and 1 MSI 580 hoping to pump at least 5 kh this year

>> No.15287849

All things considered, the algorithm for XMR is a hell of a lot easier to mine with so a decent rig of 5 kh should only pull 1 kilo watt of power or less depending on settings. Where as almost all btc miners are passed 1 Kw of power and the difficulty is passed anything profitable unless you have a massive farm.

>> No.15287943

While I do support xmr, all low hashrate coins are insecure/ vulnerable.. government or any other large entity can easily 51% attack this, or bch. Xmr devs have gotten around this by literally changing the consensus algorithm each time they felt someone built ASICs for xmr. This has kept the mining relatively decentralized, but is definitely not a viable strategy for long term.

>> No.15287990


you're telling me that lol

the precedents were anachronisms of unimplemented variations around the theme but not of the full essence without revolving around one

>> No.15288002

btw nobody on this thread mentioned the recently disclosed vulnerabilities on XMR and maybe thats teh answer to OPs question


>> No.15288012

Im all in XMR due to a hint a tarot card reader gave me (yes srsly.) got 120 XMR. will I make it?

>> No.15288182


>> No.15288189
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anon I..

>> No.15288552


>> No.15288741
File: 306 KB, 1440x1006, 1555221814605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>central banking is separate from the state exactly like the church is separate from the state
so you have never heard, that central banks are buying government bonds with new printed "money"? you must living on the other side of the moon then.

>> No.15288762

I am in the same boat anon. 105 xmr. 100% portfolio.

>> No.15288811

may I ask what exactly the card reader said?

>> No.15289484
File: 12 KB, 250x246, 1555770025047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm holding 21 monero for over 1 year and 2 months and this shit doesnt brought me any profit. I bought them from an legit exchange and im maybe currently holding an unknown amount of Pedo money which is laundered on that exchange.

If i were smart and would've invested the same amount on Dividend stocks i would have generated more Cash flow......

I aint gonna sell tho , hodl it forever since i dont need that money. Im currently sitting at a slightly +% above cost averaged buying price of that monero amount....



>> No.15289521

cringe. next you're going to say "fat cats"

>> No.15290160

Best Monero fork is Safex Token. Alongside Safex Cash this will be THE privacy coin/market/network.

>> No.15290663

Which one? The current CryptoNight variation or the future RandomX?

>> No.15291901

The democratic-socialist want to tax me 72% if I make more than 24k USD/year.

Fuck em.

>> No.15292234

>recently disclosed vulnerabilities on XMR
let me guess, you're going to post old vulns... yawn

>> No.15292346


>> No.15292375

it called bitcoin out and bitcoin sit on it with it's fat ass

>> No.15292389

so bitcoin being up 170% this year and 2380% in the last 3 years is nothing?

>> No.15292571


>> No.15293571


>> No.15293777
File: 136 KB, 925x556, 1565994384835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out for that Randomx algorythm change homie
Don't buy any more cards for monero

>> No.15294018

All that this shitcoin does is bleed sats. I consider it one of my greatest justs. What a shitcoin with a shitty community.

>> No.15294151

Shill me Safex

>> No.15294160

Monero is one of the top performers in sats, it rose from #14/15 to #10 because of this. One of 3 coins that are actually green in sats over the last 30d, others are down double digit %.

>> No.15294715

It's not the strategy for the long term. RandomX is coming in a few months and if that doesn't work they'll adopt a simple ASIC. (RandomX will work though.)

>> No.15295036

Damn, it was so fucking comfy back then.

>> No.15295046

People have sex without condoms all the time