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15273709 No.15273709 [Reply] [Original]

How are you preparing for the inevitable collapse of the human race? The suffering is going to be unprecedented.

>> No.15273720

> hottest month on record.

records have been going what, 100 years? fucking scare mongering. The ice of the earth will dissapear with or without humans contributing to global warming.

>> No.15273740
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>> No.15273742

Yes thanks to industrialisation. Climate change is always happening but the rate at which it is going currently is going to fuck us up. Humans are a parasite and the Earth's immune system is purging us.

>> No.15273743


I'm prepared for the chainlink powered rapture. smart contracts will decide who gets the mark of the beast and who ascends to heaven.

>> No.15273747

>records have been going what, 100 years?
You are such a complete moron. You have the dick of the fossil fuel industry *and* Trumps dick so deep up your ass I can see the glans peeking out your lips.

>> No.15273750

>How are you preparing for the inevitable collapse of the human race?
I have my popcorn ready.

>> No.15273763

well it's mid august now and i am in my home wearing a jumper because it's cold
it's 16c, what happened?

>> No.15273790

hello, man made global warming shills?
plese i'm cold?
we only had 2 months of summer?

>> No.15273795

The global warming meme has gotten boring.

>> No.15273820

Dont know if people are unironically or ironically non chalant about climate change but as a engineer its scary that do many people think its a joke/hoax

>> No.15273828

people dont understand that the earth goes in cycles from a warm period to an ice age, we are still technically in the back end of the ice age because we still have polar caps. Once they melt the new water will reflect sunlight back into space and cause the earth to cool back down and go into another ice age

>> No.15273830

The only thing that is going collapse is your anus.

>> No.15273838

How can we profit from this?

>> No.15273849
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The fact that all the whites against it want to ban whites from having plastic straws and make whites pay more taxes is why its seen as a joke. It's not treated like a global threat or they'd go after india and china, instead it just looks like another white guilt festival

>> No.15273865

>inevitable collapse of the human race
what it means:
>a bunch of third worlders are going to die
oh no what are we gonna do ?

>> No.15273870

How would whites demand your country to stop polluting? India doesnt belong to whites anymore.

>> No.15273878

it is a hoax, the left are abusing it for fear votes, we're not all going to die in 12 years or whatever
fucking al gore episode all over again, ridiculous.

>> No.15273879

They'll die first, but due to positive feedback loops the temperatures will rise faster and faster and eventually we won't be able to grow any food at all. 1st world countries will just die slower than the rest.

>> No.15273885

War. If the planet is literally dying and humanity will die out because of 2 overpopulated countries destroying it and plaguing the seas, they would invade and destroy those countries. They don't even fucking tariff them, so obviously the people at the top don't take it seriously and only convince you to sacrifice for their gain instead. If this is an actual extinction event like they say, they sure don't act like it.

>> No.15273889

well actually Europe and the east/west US are flatland and places like Holland are actually BELOW sea level already so there will be alot of wester n places that will suffer. And since the majority of western populations live on the coast there will be alot of losses. Central popualtions will be absolutely fine tho and p comfy seeing the cosmopoloshits drown in their own feces

>> No.15273897

Prove that it is a hoax? There is as close to a scientific consensus that climate change is real as we are going to get, the deniers are paid by coal and oil jews to say its no big deal so people can pretend like everything is fine because 1 'scientist' said everything is fine.

>> No.15273899

Uh... water reflects sun much worse than ice. Also, there is a difference between a glacial period and an ice age.

>> No.15273910

It is exaggerated 10x.

>> No.15273915

per cubic meter yes ice reflects it better but water has this neat ability to not be able to melt therefore in the long run it cools the earth down, that is what happened before the last ice age and the one before that ad infinitum

>> No.15273918

The study the UN uses (to prove that climate change is real) hides the actual data to come to its conclusion. A Canadian professor sued the author to reveal the information. He won the case and the author had to either reveal the information or pay 600k. He paid 600k. Look into Michael "Hockey Stick" Mann.

>> No.15273919

Sometimes I fantasise about making an off grid house in the middle of nowhere but honestly if things get as bad as I think they're gonna get I'm just going to blow my brains out instead. No point surviving an extra pointless couple of decades on a dead planet.

>> No.15273921


>> No.15273929

Republicans would defend this or claim it isn't real just like the holocaust

>> No.15273930

To be clear, at current levels of 410ppm CO2 sea levels are primed to rise 120 feet / 36 metres at equilibrium and CO2 is only continuing to rise. Also as massive ice glaciers melt they release even more methane into the atmosphere exacerbating the problem. It's a positive feedback loop.

>> No.15273933

If global warming is real it could be the last hope for the white race as it would potentially kill millions of shitskins worldwide...Burn baby burn

>> No.15273940

> 1970s
> Muh global cooling
> Muh mini ice age
You don't really believe the new narrative do you? Its just an extension of the Protestant ethic goyims to keep people working hard and taking care of the environment while spending more and more on cheap consumer goods from China

>> No.15273946

There are new studies released by the IPCC every year that are only confirming it even more without a shadow of a doubt.

>> No.15273977

this guy was water level boss in the UN
he says the consensus is the opposite, says the science/scientists aren't being listened to and he shows an example of what really is happening at the end
there is loads of this kind of stuff on youtube, you don't see or hear of it in the main media though ofc. the scientists aren't being talked to, you only hear from a 12 year old girl and crazy people holding up traffic
another lead scientist from princeton saying more co2 would be better for the planet

>> No.15273982

your first clue is "on record". human have only been documenting this shit since late 1800s/early 1900s. fact is, the earth goes through cycles of warming and cooling over thousands of years. humans have been conditioned to believe that they think that they are the cause of global warming. Sorry, i mean global cooling...? oh yeah thats right, climate change. the elite are using this to usher in a new earth worship religion

>> No.15273995

square meter
We are in an ice age, but not in a glacial period. Glacial periods cycle relatively fast naturally, but ice age switching comes and goes with some specific events very very rarely. Talking about hundreds of millions of years. There have been ca 5 ice ages ever. Humans have never existed in a non-ice age. The current atmosphere carbon levels are taking us out of one for the first time.

>> No.15274027

Elon Musk please save us
They know not what they do

>> No.15274067

Lol Happer is a fucking sycophant. He is paid by the elites to deny the harms of climate change.

>> No.15274081

explain to me why there hasn't been a cooler than normal year, in the last 47-now 48 years, and we've been through SEVERAL solar minimums? A solar minimum happens about every 11 years....And why the ice in the arctic is melting at unprecedented rates? And why the last 4 years have been the four hottest years on record, and 2019 will very soon be probably 3rd, in what will be the 5 hottest years on record?

>> No.15274094

>scientist paid 600k to hide his data
This story sounded stupid enough so I bothered googling about it but found nothing. Can you elucidate us?

>> No.15274138

because you are looking at a tiny snippet of information in a trend that goes back millions of years
everything has happened before, look how hot it was back in the minoan, roman and medieval periods
the 11 year cycle is nothing, it's like watching a larger version of the seasons cycle, there are bigger cycles happening over hundreds and thousands of years
>do you learn anything watching the 1 minute bitcoin chart?

>> No.15274156

do you mean carbon? or do you mean carbon dioxide? cos one's an element and one is a compound. which one is it? am i leaving enough carbon footprints... i mean clues

here's the biggest clue - we expire CO2 + (CO2 = bad) = get rid of goyim

>> No.15274177

The deniers in this thread are honestly so delusional it's unreal. You guys are falling for lies pushed on you by people who stand to benefit from controversy around this issue and that is fossil fuel corporations and the current bureaucrats and bureaucracies that subsist on donations from these corporations. They are killing humanities future to make a quick buck and you are helping them do it.

>> No.15274210

nobody wins except the left who are power playing, but they are going to be the leaders of the dead. we're all going to lose by not being prepared for the starvation that's coming when random frost kills entire fields of crops, people living in cities will spread disease everywhere
when it's warm we are comfy, there is food and we don't need shelter

>> No.15274234

Uh, carbon dioxide contains carbon. The name of the molecule itself should give you a clue. Soooooo, more carbon dioxide in atmosphere also means more carbon in atmosphere. I am amazed at your writing abilities with that IQ.

>> No.15274258

this man

>> No.15274279

Most, if not all, of them are just shitposters and trolls, not deniers.

>> No.15274282

I just got myself some VID, already got +15 000%, gonna take the money and go partying

>> No.15274358

This is why humanity is doomed. We should have genocided the entire world when whites still had the power to.

>> No.15274361

If you cared about the environment you would advocate for the genocide or sterilization of the 3rd world/china

>> No.15274391
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nobody noticed these patterns yet?
i am disapoint /biz/ where are the autists?

>> No.15274415
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>> No.15274427
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we tried bro...we tried

>> No.15274441

>when you are at Imperial age and everyone is still at Bronze Age

>> No.15274442

i wonder how long record keeping has been going on in a lot of the areas where record highs were reached

i like how things remained bitterly cold as fuck where i live, but it rose in areas where it was typically already not that bad in the winter
it feels like holding LINK during the brief 2018 alt season, but with weather

>> No.15274478

We need to go full nuclear and power cars with hydrogen instead.
Burning dinosaur shit is so backwards and renewables are a meme.

>> No.15274534

>it's gonna turn out that the the formation of minority groups is the 'great filter'
The absolute STATE of carbon-based life forms.

>> No.15274575

Exactly. People say that we don't have a right to tell China and India that they can't pollute. That's bullshit we didnt know back then how dangerous the pollution was but we know now. If we tried to tell them what to do, they would declare war on us but i mean come on they're pussies with shit armies the US and Europe could fuck them up but then we would need to bring all the manufacturing back to the US and pay people fair wages and nobody wants that. Wealthy people would rather have 3rd world slaves.

>> No.15274636

>He is paid by the elites to deny the harms of climate change.
The elites are the ones who push climate change you stooge. Do you really think there is a SINGLE msm news narrative that goes against them?

>> No.15274743

Last summer we had like 30 months of +30 celsius and it was fucking SHIT. Now this summer it's been 2-3 weeks of +20-25 and rest of it has been max 20 mostly under and raining more than last summer. Where the fuck is the climate change you faggots?

>> No.15274761

The elites have every reason to want you to BELIEVE in climate change. Every single media outlet, university, company pushes it. No entity denys it, any dissenting individual is crushed and ridiculed by the hivemind.

>> No.15274850

Climate change is fundamentally an engineering problem.

>> No.15274934

>It's not treated like a global threat or they'd go after india and china
They tried to start something - the Paris Agreement. Once other nations saw how it worked, they could've been on-boarded. Unfortunately, people like you are too stupid too understand that concept - and there's alot of people like you. That's why we're doomed, unless you all simultaneously kill yourselves.

>> No.15274951

actually it wasnt, download the dataset and do your own analysis

>> No.15275068

>winter: just because it's cold right now doesn't mean global warming isn't real :^)

>> No.15275082

Paris agreement literally gave money to china and india for them to pollute more lmao

>> No.15275098

We survived an ice age with sticks and stones and you’re complaining about summer?

>> No.15275136

Everyone in this thread is talking about how global warming isn't real from a greenhouse gas level, what about the moutains of trash in the Pacific and Indian ocean, and the trash and waste dumps everywhere inland that are destroying ecosystems which sustain greenhouse levels?
The real Redpill is that climate change is real, but as with everything the government and elites want to pass the responsibility and cost on to YOU. They want to tax and limit YOU for their sins. If france was so worried about climate change they would demand the EU to stop propping up polluting and unprofitable buisness models with QE and demand that they print money to reform energy and waste systems across the entire bloc. Furthermore they could demand Nordea sovereign, a sovereign wealth fund that owns most of the world's equity, stop buying up Oil equity and fund green instead. The rich don't want that to happen, the government doesnt want the rich to be angry if that happens, Thus we are stuck with government systems protecting the rich as usual and trying to keep the discussion limited to fuel emissions and gas taxes on the voters.

>> No.15275143

Tfw from one of the few blue regions

>> No.15275202

Looking at short-term charts and panicking whilst refusing to look at the long-term trend.

Yup, sounds like biz.

>> No.15275257

>unprofitable business models

You can just make your own with clean energy :). Let me guess, you can't because you probably don't even understand basic economics or energy or anything by that matter. Please, I want to learn from you how green energy benefits my life, if you can deliver me that energy for cheap I'm. Dunning-kruger fags like you is what's going in society, you could be actually doing something useful in society, instead you spread propaganda

>> No.15275281

They're killing us because theres too many of us. Man made climate change is real, but not in the way everyone thinks.
They know oil is playing out, and need a new revenue and power base.

>> No.15275326

Me at the company picnic

>> No.15275353
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>> No.15275388

Except I do both. I work in a hedge fund in commoditys, energy sector specifically, so good job trying to divert the discussion but that wont work, maybe you'll have to actually stop memeing and reply to my actual points, woaw. The point isn't that clean energy is economically efficent, funny thing though at this point the Energy cost of energy to obtain oil is about 3% for shale compared to the historic .5% in the texas oil fields whereas green energy is about 5%, so we are closing in fast. So yes green energy is "unprofitable", however oil is quickly catching up to being unprofitable, and furthermore europe props up its cheap energy bubble like everryyyyy other country with trillions in central stimulus, yet there is no stimulus for green energy despite clearly being less polluting then Oil or coal based energy. If oil WAS profitable at the current cost and margins why have trillions been lost in the shale scam? Every single government economic policy eventually returns to subsidizing oil because energy subsidy is how the economy moves period, you can forget going to space and robot workers if it costs more to extract oil then it can produce in energy output.
So yes, while green is unprofitable we could be making it more profitable then oil, simply there is no money for it because of the OPEC US mafia and the Retirement bubble. So forgive me but im going to ignore your boomer tier argument, no i do not want to get "woke" about how global warming isnt real so I can prop up your pension fund another decade, sorry grandpa!

>> No.15275639

what utter bullshit, you dont really believe that do you? Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.15275655


>> No.15275679


Unironacly this is the truth, you have been lied to. Co2 doesnt affect the warming/heating. It affects how fast plants grow though. And the comfyst co2 levels for plants are around 1k ppm. SO fuck off you fucking retards blaming co2 for "global warming", or "climate change". They fund these "scientists" who dont understand that science is not based on consensus but on hard facts, which co2 doesnt have a lot, so please explain to me, why do they deserve billions and billions of dollars for their "research" if the narrative hasnt changed in the last 20 years? Its still co2s fault, but the funding has gone way up.

This shit stinks and you know it. It became politicised as fuck, and its misleading. Cant wait for the moment when they get debunked.

>> No.15275680
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you dumb fuck
to sign up for the paris agreement is to kill yourself, and your country (and in the case of the west, this would be the only countries that are full of people that give two fucks about the global environment anyway)
we're getting to the point where our nations are run on nuclear, you impatient leftist faggot; bitcoin mining practically guarantees a private nuclear revolution
show the world how virtuous you are through leading by example, following the paris agreement yourself
let's see how you enjoy living like a third worlder rather than doing as the white man does, and overcoming the limitations of natural resources by inventing ways to generate or replenish the resources that you need

>> No.15276066

>he doesn't know about the petrochemical overlords

Color me suprised a boomer wants to keep buying cheap plastic goods from china kek

>> No.15276095

Of course they don't because the actual extinction will happen in around 100 years. The people at the top won't be around anymore at that time so why should they care?

>> No.15276281
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In the next 50 to 200 Years every Industry which is polluting the environment heavily will be outsorced to outer earth either to the moon or the mars or in orbit around earth.
It only makes sense since our planet basically is THE one place which can inhabitate so much living individuals at the same time.


>> No.15276314

By harvesting braps from cute women so they don't reach the atmosphere.

>> No.15276336

Im gonna do some quick TA on the temperature chart.

>> No.15276359

This, this, THIS!

>> No.15276483

Even if OP is right, who cares? There is absolutely no solution to this problem. It's either over or bullshit. Pick which way you want to cope because it would take nothing less than the second coming of Jesus igniting a global metaphysical revolution to save us all

>> No.15276511
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>Global warming isn't real, and if it is real it is not caused by human activities

>> No.15276544

From what I've seen, Europe and us/canada, japan/Australia actually do a good job on emissions, even with burger gas guzzlers. It's fucking Chinese and pajeets fucking everything up. But you won't see any libshits speak out against it and will continue using subsidized garbage. I actually try to lower my impact by growing my own food when i can, even while waging. Use cloth bags at supermarket for shit I can't produce my own. On days it isn't too hot i just open up windows

>> No.15276628

How do you feel about nuclear? As far as I see it, I think it's the only realistic option especially with growing energy demands of the globe. France gets like 80% of its electricity that way while burgers haven't built one in like 40 years. Just build new generation reactors and don't build them along geologically unstable zones.

>> No.15276634

I can't believe there are people that unironically fell for the climate change meme on this board.

If it was real the real estate market would price it in. Also, if it was real, clean energy would do fuck all for it and the only solution would be the complete destruction of industrialized faggots. All these green-energy fags are just brainwashed virtue signaling goyim.

>> No.15276645

we need chainlink for this

>> No.15276675
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>> No.15276685

hi r*ddit

>> No.15276687

Fuck off climate alarmist. The climate has been changing since the earth began, and we have the same probability of going into an ice age as we do a heating cycle. Global warming is debunked propaganda to guilt westerners into dramatically reducing their standard of living so communism can be more easily implemented.

>> No.15276706

This is funny, because the people who make the biggest deal about climate change are literal NPCs who get all their Approved Opinions™ from CNN or whatever.

>> No.15276726

This. I could honestly get on board with it if the shitlibs were actually realistic about the measures we'd have to take to improve our impact, but they all seem to think we can live in a world of single family homes with air conditioning, air travel, out of season vegetables, fast food, etc. and everything will be fine as long as we drive electric cars.

If climate change was real even going full hunter gatherer would not be enough to stop the momentum.

>> No.15276728

> posting a weak comeback ripoff of a hugely successful meme while insinuating the people who don’t believe the government are NPCs

>> No.15276808

Nuclear is also very expensive, I agree it is probably the best bet at the moment, but currently the nuclear market has insanely depressed uranium prices and still costs around 6-7% energy cost of energy, so its actually a bit higher then renewables all told but part of that could be contributed to the ridiculous price of actually constructing a reactor which is a one time fee meaning the actual cost of energy could be as low as 3-4% long term which would make it cheaper then renewables in the long run.

Either way I am still pessimistic on energy as a whole, if you look at the economy as a system of energy rather then the mispercived thinking it is some sort of new system we call "economics" then it becomes clear all this monetary stimulus and funny money is being thrown in a pit of unprofitable buisness models geared towards a world used to an energy cost of energy that is <1%, so no matter what or how we choose to replace oil we will face growing pains from a less prosporus economy that cannot continue to produce such high % growth worldwide when ecoe has nearly ×6 over the last 30 years.

Its also interesting to look at how inflation plays into this, inflation in many ways is a direct subsidy to the Energy consumers, oil may only be profitable historically because there are no long term prospects for it priced in, bassically the US raided the future to prop up global supercredit and all that.

>> No.15276880

The ultimate redpill is realizing that the earth is actually a prick and humans are doing the right thing with mining and forestry and making cities. The planet must be subjugated to our will.

>> No.15276895

>If it was real the real estate market would price it in.

lmao, 2008 hasn't taught you anything

>> No.15276917

Newsflash buddy. The US government in the person of Donald Trump doesn't believe in global warming, or at least they pretend not to to please fossil fuel lobbyists .

>> No.15276926

Humans have been recording temperature for closer to 500.

>> No.15276945

lmao do you real think people that live at sea level and have millions of equity tied on the line wouldn't dump if they felt it was a threat? All those beachfront hotels the world over?

Yet nobody is fucking selling. You got chink'd dummy

>> No.15276958

We didnt. But people act like we did. Now we have overpopulation and white guilt. Worst of both worlds.

>> No.15276965

Real estate is in a massive bubble. If you honestly believe houses are correctly priced you're a hopeless moron.

>> No.15276975

I stack ounces of ice

>> No.15277011

Why would you blow your brains out if SHTF? Strife gives meaning to life that's why so many people (men primarily) fantasize about civilization collapsing. If things get really bad, anon, I think you'll find more desire to live than you've ever had.

>> No.15277029

>all those buisnesses arent selling

Topkek m80, they arent selling because they are just letting them get fucking destroyed and then selling them off to "tax deferred relief area REIT's" for not much loss, tax deffered REIT's are bassically a ponzi with a lagging profit withdraw of 7 years mandated by the IRS so you bassically can rollover equity at the top right now into one of these REIT's and hold for 7 years at 10-15% average then cash out with absolutely 0 capital gains tax. Meanwhile none of these REIT's that are buying these relief area real estate that need millions in repairs for enviromental disaster like flooding or fire are ever going to turn a fucking profit, they "project" that 10-15% return but in reality they don't spend the money and just pay off the people who got in first about 2 years ago by selling off all the profitable property first leaving the suckers holding destroyed real estate with 0 value.

Get absolutely fucked you brainlet, you have literally 0 idea what you are talking about and I dont think you understand how much real estate is actually being destroyed by natural disasters.

>> No.15277038

Notice how every single time (((they))) show this map almost all the record hot areas either have no people at all or is a third world shithole with no infrastructure and no one to prove if it's true or not?

Funny that.

>> No.15277040

The whole housing market being inflated is inconsequential brainlet. You'd expect people near sea level to sell and move to areas where they won't be inundated. Yet literally no one has abandoned their beach houses or shuttered their resorts.


>> No.15277055

Where I live was covered by a sheet of ice over a mile thick only 12,000 years ago. I for one welcome my new beachfront property.

>> No.15277066

>The elites are the ones who push climate change you stooge.
So they can lower the public perception of plastics, fossil fuels, agriculture and other billion dollar industries? I don't think so.

>> No.15277067

> collapse of the human race
It's mostly near average, or cooler at human habitats

>> No.15277076

> interchanging global waring / climate change
your kind every fucking time

>> No.15277159

>The people at the top won't be around anymore at that time so why should they care?

>> No.15277221

>and he thinks the presidents runs the government

>> No.15277237
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>shitlibs are using something to push their insanity so it can't be real
Hey, maybe you idiots should sell yourselves into slavery, cause you know.. shitlibs are anti-slavery too

>> No.15277296

we can determine the temperature of the Earth back on a geological time scale, with rough estimates. the closer the time, the more definitive we can be. you're retarded.

>> No.15277421

>real estate market would price it in

>> No.15277457

Nah man. Records go pretty far back. Like hundreds of years. Monks always kept records of the weather in relation to crops and their have been monks in Ireland since very early Christianity. Hence why it's known as the Isle of saints and scholars.
Also you're just wrong - yes the earth does go through massive climate changes without people but we should actually currently be in an ice age and are very much not because of human interference.

>> No.15277471

No we don't, no it sn't.

It's human carbon emissions. All this has been predicted by the amount we emit. It's the most studied thing in the history of humanity.

If you still even now think it's a hoax when it's observably happening you truly are a dunning kruger idiot beyond help.

99% of science agrees.

But I guess just you believe Ben Shapiro and /Pol/

>> No.15277509

Sounds like the rich will get away with it via insurance. Land of the free, I guess.
The problem is oil is predominantly energy, but it does loads of other things. Plastics and fertilizers are also pillars of modernity, and these are, from my understanding, are currently derived from oil. You could subsidize green or nuclear, but then what? No fertilizers, so we starve anyway? Genuinely curious Anon, if you have a perspective to offer.

>> No.15277544

Maybe so. They're still fucking right.
You guys think you somehow know more than the entirety of climate science.
You don't. You just don't want it to be happening so you choose to believe it isn't.
Guess fucking what - no one wants it to be happening. But it is happening and we've literally known it would happen for over a century. Even now when you can watch it with you own eyes you still don't believe. Derangement is the only word for it.

>> No.15277563

You haven't even understood the basics.
It's 12 years to reduce emissions to stand a chance of staying below 1.5 degrees of warming. Try not to be completely uninformed next time.

>> No.15277574

Me I’m spending not saving and most of my spending is on entertainment related things that make me happy.

I do hodl some crypto thought.

So some of my entertainment spending is in places I expect will be under the ocean in my lifetime like various island nations. I went to the Solomon Islands recently. Protip: there is a lot of crossover between these vulnerable island and poverty so sex tourism is pretty good on them I highly recommend. I put a live conch shell in some girl’s vagoo for $20USD while she blew me her whole genetic line will probably be drown in 5 years so kinda short timeline to experience them.

>> No.15277589

You are a genuine mongoloid and most likely the product of inbreeding.

>> No.15277594

Yes they do understand that because the people who understand the cycles better than anyone are the same people who are now saying this is a crisis.
It's a stupid argument because it was climate scientists who studied the earth's historical cold and warm periods yet you don't believe them now when they're saying humans are causing this warming. Delusional.

>> No.15277770

>Plastics and fertilizers are also pillars of modernity
Not to mention lubricants that'd be necessary for wind energy

>> No.15277858

*le tip of my fedora*
how do you do fellow enlightened redd*tors

>> No.15277863

Yeah lots of lube because the wind people are all fags.

>> No.15277865

>I highly recommend monkeys
No thanks

>> No.15277883

climate change fags are so gay

>> No.15277907

Kek. In all seriousness though, even if we cut all fossil fuels, I don't see why we would need to cease drilling for oil. It still has a wide range of applications, medicine too, and it's not like you're combusting it at that point. I still think there's no way around revitalizing nuclear energy. Sure wind/solar may be efficient but it's highly dependant on the weather at any given time. Orbital mirrors when?

>> No.15277918

You are right, I dont focus as much on the food costs derived from energy other than transportation, but food is energy for human labor in a way so you are correct oil becoming more expensive would have rippling effects through an automated food production society. I keep singular sectors out of my analysis in general though, food is an important one but there could be leaps of progress in food production that would reduce total dependence on oil derived energy by large amounts, however that would simply shift the savings of raw energy into other sectors reducing total oil cost and total oil contribution to energy but keeping total oil extraction at similar levels. So I guess my argument is that products directly derived from resources of crude energy like petrochemicals will naturally flow with market prices where as those prices will be dictated by how cheap energy is overall, thus if there is a large scale shift to nuclear fertilizers might become cheaper just because of total oil energy needs greatly falling causing oversupply to underdemand.
Your right though that is a scary thing, considering population growth is measured as a percent of change entirely dependant on the change in cost of oil for food to sustain that exponential growth. I wont claim to know an answer, simply if oil is phased out food will have less competition for oil in general driving down prices one could assume, wether thats actually true or not i dont think we can know at this point.

>> No.15277919

I have trouble believing this because the area I live (North Texas) is marked as “average” on that map. I know for a fact this has been one of the most mild summers we have ever had.

>> No.15277936

>believing what the Jew wants you to believe
Just how dense can you be.

>> No.15277972

It's scientific fact.

>> No.15277986

Maybe it was but globally June was the hottest month on record and 8 of the 10 hottest years on record in the last decade.

>> No.15278015

Is it really going to happen, this time?
Weren’t we supposed to be out of oil, by now?
>Be alive in 1990
>It’s over by 2010
>Be alive in 2000
>It’s over by 2020
>Be alive today
>It’s over by 2050

>> No.15278031

You’re missing my point.

I’m saying the fact that the square on the map in which I live is (either inadvertently or purposely) correct, it calls into question the validity of the entire map. Something tells me it may be the latter.

>> No.15278045

I meant ***incorrect***

>> No.15278083
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>> No.15278136

Have y’all ever been to China? Place is fucking disgusting.

Let’s say you’re edgy and/or retarded and you disagree with the 99% scientific consensus that humans are impacting the climate.

Your capitalist utopia looks just like China. 600M+ chinks are expected to come down with a chronic respiratory illness in the next 10 years due to the pollution.

You’re an actual retard if you believe that this is all some liberal hoax. Go breath in some China smog ya cunts.

>> No.15278143

retards here don't care, they'd rather see countries like USSR, Iraq, Iran, and saudi do well

>> No.15278162

I see you too, Anon

I'm going into oil and natural gas, and I'm a little worried about the whole thing. My instructor had the decency to address climate change on our first day of class, saying basically we, as a society, should covert our energy needs, but there will petroleum derived products for the foreseeable future, and we shouldn't, as individuals in the class, let our economic situation detract from being good stewarts of the earth. Good stuff, but I still fear for my economic future.

>> No.15278182

I agree, the science is very clearly settled. Over 99% of science agrees.
Virtually every scientist is certain that we are heading towards a disaster if we don't take action now.
If we don't take action now our food production, which is growing linearly, will be outstripped by our population growth, which is growing exponentially.
Malthus's Catastrophe is a mathematical certainty why can't these dunning kruger idiots get that?

>> No.15278183

Poles were ice-free multiple times since humans and polar bears exist.

We are still here, faggot.

>> No.15278245

And I want to tack on, that's a real problem. As long as Chevron, BP, and Shell are the best employers in the tri state area, you'll be hard pressed to break the big oil cycle - people need the jobs, but the jobs need subsidies if the new industries are going to take off, but the new industries won't get the subsides because big oil has a lobby AND the people in these districts have jobs - that's a double whammy for a congressman. People aren't dumb, I'm feeling more and more that the system is broken in very real ways. Nobody in this thread wants to say it, but I will. Solar isn't paying hundreds of people $80k/yr, of course they're stick with big oil.

>> No.15278314

>implying Euro's shit where they eat

>> No.15278324

Buyin moar SENT

>> No.15278373

>there could be leaps of progress in food production that would reduce total dependence on oil derived energy by large amounts
Seems pretty unlikely, considering any innovations in food productions (besides a low number of small scale permaculture projects) are:
>more pesticides, as pests become increasingly resistant
>more GMOs to make plants increasingly resistant to the ever greater amount and variety of pesticides we need to use, resulting in more and more genetically identical plants which can all be wiped out by a single disease
>more mono-culture to squeeze out every bit of efficiency for greater yield at the cost of everything else
All the while:
>aquifers are depleting
>top soil is depleting
>phosphorous is depleting
>cheap oil is depleting

We've been maxing out efficiency while the foundation on which this insane level of production is based and maintained is being eroded on several fronts.
Note that I haven't even mentioned climate change, which is already starting to put significant stress on the system and can be expected to grow exponentially in significance.
Oh and we need to about double our production by 2050 to feed everyone.