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15272899 No.15272899[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


anyone else sick of hearing this? If you can't compete with people without a hs diploma despite having a top free hs education and the opportunity to attend the best colleges in the world don't you think it might be your own fucking fault?

>> No.15272919

Illegal immigrants depress blue collar wages and damage even further the prospects of the working poor.
But, hey, fuck poor people right? Piece of shit motherfucker

>> No.15272934

What's stopping them going to college even if it's later in life? Literally nothing except laziness or bring so thick they should be on disability anyway.

>> No.15272938

Yes mr sheckle berg your right, if im not willing to work for $5 hour like Camilla over there then I must just be lazy.

>> No.15272940

This is wrong, they are crying out for deregulation not for government intervention and to put the sovereign people first. You need to placed yourself in their shoes. I am not white.

>> No.15272941

What’s a 95 IQ white dude supposed to do?
Accept squatamalan wages and drop the American Dream that everyone tells him is real?
Go 100k into debt to maybe get a degree he can’t reasonably apply?
I suppose go into trades, but let’s face it, for a segment of the white nation, there are no prospects except a malicious push towards joining the swelling underclass.
It’s not wrong for these guys to be upset.
They were lied to and they’re going to lose everything their fathers gained from the good times.
Am I wrong?

>> No.15272944

Because collage is a scam and there are more people with degree's than there are positions available.

Unless you are naturally gifted and intelligent and have a passion for some niche, and highly specialize in some highly needed emerging niche sector college will just saddle you with debt.

>> No.15272948

Imagine the hell Trump-haters must go through every day of their lives. This is all they think about day and night

>> No.15272949

What is that mr shekleberg? Pay my taxes? Can't I just be deported to sweden or something if I get caught?

>> No.15272961

>What's stopping them going to college even if it's later in life?
Stupid fuckbag, not every job has to require a college degree. Riding the back of a garbage truck is a necessary thing and should pay a decent wage. It does but if sub-minimum wage labor is mass imported then instead of elevating 1 group of poor people to a decent living standard we now have 2 large groups of people on the verge of starving.
I literally hope you die in your sleep tonight you sociopathic piece of shit.

>> No.15272976

>illegal immigrants are using my roads my police my jails my hospitals my laws my subsidies stop this

>> No.15272986

>lol you lost your job? You deserve it for being a low IQ stupid hick!!! Go smoke meth in a trailer! Lol! Redneck retard!
>Omg we need to help these big fat obese Latinos that smuggle meth into the country and are only qualified to clean toilets. My heart goes out to those poor poor people that are 8x more likely to kill someone in a DUI and have an average IQ of 89. oWo

>> No.15272990
File: 26 KB, 480x311, fact4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true at all. Lifetime earnings with a basic bachelor's is approx double and the difference is getting larger (pic related)

Go to college and get a completely mediocre office job. Even if you're thick as shit this is easily possible, you'll just have to work much harder. If you're so dumb hard work legitimately won't work then as mentioned earlier you should be on disability.

In all seriousness this is the exact same situation with democratic and republican states. Cali and co pay a huge amount of tax, republican ones require loads of support to stay functioning. Don't see anyone complaining about this.

>> No.15273002

imagine being a high school dropout menial worker that lost his job to a pajeet

>> No.15273006

>chart stops in 2009 which was when the college meme started to get real saturated


Watch this fag.


>> No.15273008

Wait mr sheklesberg, what is a subsidy and why is the government giving out trillions of it to buisnesses? So a subsidy is like consumer welfare? Why are we paying for welfare too?

>> No.15273009

Republicans don't like big government. I think you're referring to the liberals, who want the government to control every aspect of their lives, including their source of income. Republicans just want the government to mediate all the assholes that are taking advantage of our welfare system so we don't pay for undeserving cucks who don't pay into the system themselves.

>> No.15273019

>If you can't compete with people without a hs diploma despite having a top free hs education and the opportunity to attend the best colleges in the world don't you think it might be your own fucking fault?
I'm more sick of ignorant fucks saying this. Not everyone is smart or fortunate enough to go to college.

>> No.15273028

>republicans dont like big government

Imagine actually thinking this still in the age of twitter man calling for FED intrest shananigans, OPEC, and the military industrial complex. Both sides are for big government you absolutely cucked retard. Go let your wife peg you some more and leave my board

>> No.15273030

free flow of immigrant labour is free market. global trade without tariffs is free market.

if you want big daddy government to stop that you are against the free market and probably a commie

>> No.15273031

well because people are retarded but its pretty much the exact same thing, tax sinks are inherently dysgenic.

>> No.15273032

The leftists are always so concerned about poor people until the white working poor people say they don't want to have to compete with the entire planet in a scarce job market and have their low skilled wages suppressed, and then they break out the academic shaming

>> No.15273040

>free flow of immigrant labour is free market
not if they're net recipients of taxes and not if laws make it illegal to discriminate against them.

>> No.15273055

USA isn't a free market. It's an absurdly oppressive market designed to defend the interests of large corporations while strangling the middle class and small business.

>> No.15273056
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Cause it was made in 09, guess what nothings changed. Maybe you should look up statistics instead of argueing from feefees

>Not smart enough
Almost anyone can graduate from a shit one, you've just got to work harder. If you're so dumb this legit won't work you should be on disability.

>Not fortunate enough
Loads of scholarships are available. Even if you can't get one the average debt is less than 40k which is very easy to pay off. If you're born in the ghetto or something you can go later in life

>> No.15273061
File: 12 KB, 978x512, student-debt-1-share-1531247234740-facebookJumbo-v3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine still thinking going to college is worth it as a white man whos parents are in a just high enough tax bracket to cut your federal grants but too poor to pay for your college, also your competing with shanequia, miguel, and Abraham who all get 50% grants ontop of full funding for room and board. Yikes

>> No.15273062

> cant compete with immigrants with no hs education
> is not even white
> constantly proud of european "ancestors"

>> No.15273069

By this logic, every countries are commies.

>> No.15273071

> america is the most free country in the world. everyone can get rich
> everyone is actually poor due to no regulation
> It's the immigrants!
piece of shit motherfucker

>> No.15273078

I want ESLfags to leave

>> No.15273120

this can be a bit misleading.
i can only find details for Canada, but I doubt it's particularly different in the US:
the average age of masters degree graduation (not even the average age of a person with a masters degree) is 32. for bachelor's degree this is 25. for PhDs we're looking about 35-36

the average wage of a 36 year old is already about 40% higher than a 25 year old; and we haven't even taken into consideration any of the other variables of average PhD gradautes compared to bachelors graduates (IQ, general motivation, wealth)

>> No.15273175

It’s the jews fault. Fuck Jews. Send all niggers to Isreal and cut all aid to Jews and destroy all banks and giant Jew corporations. Let them parasite of each other.

>> No.15273207

Well the immigrants can survive on those lower wages, they happily come to US to do so, why not you, "poorboy"?

>> No.15273223

the red ones provide the food for the blue ones, thats why they're subsidized retard

>> No.15273224

Thing is, some of them do have degrees, they work at google for half the rate (pajeets).

Also, some people who were in working class jobs were forced to apply themselves and learn another skill of a higher tier, which lowers all of the people in that tiers wages.

Labor cost gets lowered across the board.

>> No.15273225

my gf is a columbian refugee from columbia

she only been here 3 years and already has 750 credit score,

her own car her own house and i live with her.

im currently on unemployment

she loves me so much

she is a hard worker.

>> No.15273229

they're gonna feel the pain too once LINK goes live

>> No.15273232

The free market has nothing to do with the movement of populations and borders. The free market refers to the exchange of unregulated GOODS and SERVICES.

Funny how neither of those words have EMPLOYEE, POPULATION, DEMOGRAPHIC, CITIZEN OF in them.

>> No.15273235

>40k is easy to pay off


>> No.15273301

>dude all 9 billion people in the world can just live like a devloped country.

race to the bottom

>> No.15273374


Is she black?

>> No.15273376

Immigrants can have em. I'm just knockin up my gf and getting on welfare lol.

>> No.15273385
File: 139 KB, 1024x683, 1565720004735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck all the white people in the lower class
Do you know how i know you're not white?

>> No.15273406

and ure a nazi and racist?
get a white girl

>> No.15273421

>business and finance

>> No.15273426

>Cali and co pay a huge amount of tax, republican ones require loads of support to stay functioning. Don't see anyone complaining about this.

Because the Red ones, especially in the South and Texas are full of niggers and spics. You stupid fucking retard. So fucking stupid I swear. Fucking faggots like you do zero fucking research. Go look at what percentage of the Southern states and Texas are White and then get back to me. Stupid fucking retard.

>> No.15273439

Securing the border is one of the few legitimate tasks of a centralized government.
Fuck off you globalist cunt.

>> No.15273450

go back to your shithole

>> No.15273480

Op hasnt worked in a serious business in his life. Management doesnt care how skilled you (think) you are he will drop you and the entire department for pablo or pajeet if he will impress his own seniors by slashing the budget. Source: every major fucking company in the western world for the past 12 years.

>> No.15273495

Blows my mind someone would brag about how much money is stolen from them by the government.

>> No.15273540

dude you are fucking retarded. if you flood the market with cheap labour what do you think is gonna happen? wages go down, prices for RE, food, neccessities, pretty much everything goes up. its simple supply and demand and yet open border retards cant wrap their heads around it. absolutely nobody benefits from this except corporations and immigrants. the native population loses out big time. and dont think it only affects low skilled jobs as it forces more people into higher education and higher skilled jobs, effecitvely depressing wages in those sectors as well.

>> No.15273643

Why are you demanding 50 year olds who haven't been in school for over 30 years go to university?

This is #LearnToCode tier shit.

>> No.15273651

Firms are very weary of hiring older people for entry-level positions.

>> No.15273660
File: 400 KB, 1200x950, mush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mush amigo

>> No.15273666

It doesn't really matter to me whether the poor and lower middle class serfs are brown or white or black, as long as they can follow basic instructions and are fairly docile.
Distracting them with politics, drugs and entertainment has been a pretty good strategy so far.

>> No.15273686

Until they get together and form a group

>> No.15273706

Yeah, but when they're all different ethnicities and all focused on their differences and can't communicate and have their other happy little distractions compounded with negative media exposure and the police, why would that be a concern?

>> No.15273771

Poor people can't compete with illegals not because they're more skilled but because they work for peanuts and no benefits and employers can do whatever they want to them under fear of calling immigration.