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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15271679 No.15271679 [Reply] [Original]

why is it that when people on /pol/ talk about finance they're overwhelmingly retarded? it's honestly amazing how fucking stupid some of them are. They are even stupider than the pajeets on /biz/

>> No.15271691
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There is considerable overlap between biz and pol

>> No.15271698

because the """""smart"""" ones are here comprising 40% of this board numbnuts

>> No.15271723

Because /pol/ buys into a lot of sensationalism, which fucks with their judgement and understanding of things.

You have to have an idea on what is going to affect prices in the short term, but what is also going to affect them in the medium to long term.

Also, utilize historical data to understand the likelihood of price actions.

>> No.15271730

because most of them suffer from paranoid schizophrenia. combine that with the fact that they have below 80 IQ and you ge the average /bizpol/tard

>> No.15271746
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>bring up economics on /pol/
>Find out /pol/ is profoundly retarded when it comes to economics

>> No.15271760

I’ve found more accurate discussions of economics and business on /pol/ than on /biz/. I’m here for crypto shitposting.

>> No.15271773

/pol/ ideology can be boiled down to "everything is everyone else's fault. My group is blameless and victimised and everyone else needs to change to accommodate me/us while I/we don't have to change anything. Everything is black and white and everyone in my group will be defended no matter what while everyone outside my group will be harshly judged no matter what. "
Now ask yourself if that's the sort of ideology that appeals to intelligent, self critical people who appreciate complexity and nuance.

>> No.15271786

There are plenty of rich and successful people with that exact mindset. In fact, I’d say most people who are about “””””””””””nuance””””””””””” are pseuds and are wageslaving for an engr firm.

>> No.15271796

true blue 98 IQ take

>> No.15271803

In my experience biz at least knows both full blown communists and free market libertarians are retarded all together.

>> No.15271812
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>> No.15271813
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/pol/ack /biz/raeli here. can confirm, /pol/ is slightly worse than /biz/ at making money.

>> No.15271818

cringe, wake up faggot, outside university every group thinks this way except whites, we don't have ANY exclusively white country anymore
and when you research into why and who caused it, the answers are plain to see

>> No.15271832
File: 60 KB, 720x364, 20190816_004636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ is stup-

"ethereum" has about 3000 mentions and bitcoin has 60,000, so they talk about LINK almost as much as ETH

>> No.15271839

4chan is a den of low IQ, lazy losers. What did you expect?

>> No.15271863
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>compared with /g/

>> No.15271869
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>and /v/

>> No.15271888

I remember on the date that that Shemitah fake happening was supposed to occur, people on /pol/ were freaking out because the stock market was dipping like 10 points or something. They'd never looked at the markets before and had no idea that small fluctuations were normal.

>> No.15271892


>> No.15271904

Are you sure you are not letting your bias view getting in the way and have you have them a chance before dismissing because of muh hurt feeling?

>> No.15271969

cuz most of them are pretty stupid nowadays. it was different pre election

>> No.15271979

nu-pol is pretty retarded at anything that isn't finding clever new ways to blame others for their own shortcomings and insecurities

>> No.15272023
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>it was different pre election

>> No.15272033

Hmm. Probably because they're retarded OP.

>> No.15272090

there was more optimism and hope. now it's endless blackpills and misery mixed with a bunch of retarded boomers from facebook

>> No.15272098

/pol/ was also flooded with /r/thedonald refugees when they lose their subreddit, causing most of the real /pol/acks to go to infinity chan.

>> No.15272101
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>misery mixed with a bunch of retarded boomers from facebook
This sounds like hell on earth

>> No.15272103

And trump ended up being a kike jewish retard. Kek, the deal with the devil always backfires in every way

>> No.15272104

/g/ is also not even a quarter as intelligent or knowledgeable as they used to be. the wiser ones were on 8tech but no more

>> No.15272110
File: 3 KB, 512x512, A4C52CA1-6118-478A-911F-EDA21DA14E60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this bluepilled

>> No.15272111


>> No.15272118

you just gave the perfect example tho

>> No.15272127

/pol/ is just a Reddit board

>> No.15272153


The thing about Trump was that he was being attacked constantly by the power structure at that time for being a Nazi.

And he was saying some shit that was obviously pandering to nativism in the USA.

When you've got power though, all the jackals come out and line themselves up to serve in your administration. Usurp your power. If you're not smart enough to say no, and try to get people that are 100% loyal to your vision, you're completely fucked and they serve their own agenda.

The high rotation of staff and the leaks that come out of the whitehouse is proof enough that Trump doesn't have that sort of loyalty from his staff.

And the staff that have stayed the entire length of the administration are all high finance cocksuckers or his family.

>> No.15272160

Excuses can't rebuild a country. Just drop trump already and stop pretending he's useful.

>> No.15272169

Trump is the best we got.

>> No.15272226


Trump's just a reactionary boomer that is trying to preserve his world from the 20th century.

But that world is gone, and it would take very radical moves to even get close to a system or demographics like that ever again.

>> No.15272284

Not that hard make it illegal for illegals to work and a felony to hire any illegal. Get rid of welfare programs for illegals as well. Abolish chain migration laws and DACA. And set up pesticide and wooden door facilities.

>> No.15272313

/pol/ is the real b8 board

>> No.15272323


Thing is, there is a symbiotic relationship with everything you just said and business/stock market/corporate profits.

Not saying he is right to ignore it, but that is the reality. And that's the reality of most people that he has hired in his administration because they never believed in that type of idealism.

>> No.15272326


Yeah, not an argument commie kike. Your system will always collapse and eventually people will see that's the point of it all, making it easier for you to enrich yourself through crimes against humanity.

>> No.15272351


Remember to repeat "diversity is our strength" as you walk through the streets of your historical capital without seeing a single European

>> No.15272377


America's capitalist system has been more responsible for the movement of foreign racial groups into the country moreso than communism.

Ironically, it's the Eastern European shitholes that lived under Communism that are the most homogeneous. The commies wanted to side-step the various ethnic European rivalries after 1945 completely.

>> No.15272389


Because /pol/ is full of conspiracy theorists who desperately and finally want to have some theory come true. Do this for a few years, and you will lose touch with reality completely.

>> No.15272397



>> No.15272421
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As you know, madness is like gravity…all it takes is a little push.

>> No.15272440

/pol/ are emotional thinkers

>> No.15272448

Don't forget /pol/ was also flooded with literal Boomers after the QAnon hoax began. Fucking Sean Hannity was retweeting that shit.