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15270675 No.15270675 [Reply] [Original]

So am a realtor and this dumby just left our 100 percent commission brokerage to go to a low rate lower broker. The broker transferred her leads to me (she forgot to delete her personal leads) Now she is panicking cause I have all the leads she paid tens of thousands for! Kek. What do biz

>> No.15270745

make her suck your dick and hate fuck you a few times a month. use the lead anyway. cant lose.

>> No.15270764

what are leads

>> No.15270776

Use them

>> No.15270816

sell them to someone you don’t like

>> No.15270856


One word response "No"

>> No.15270877
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>> No.15270900

Keep a copy and follow up in a few months. Don't be a kike.

>> No.15270916

10k rupees? why would you pay $10k for a chance at making $5000 on a sale?
how many leads are you talking

>> No.15270939
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>> No.15271001

return them to her anon. she's probably losing her mind. it will affect her children. you don't need this cunt's leads to make it do you? you can make it on your own, right anon?

>> No.15271011

Do the right thing.

>> No.15271021

Don’t be a dick anon, why mess with her livelihood over a simple mistake? The business world is small and word will spread that you’re a slimeball

>> No.15271050

Return most of them, keep 2-3 for you as a penalty

>> No.15271055

Depends on how much you like this person. They sound like an idiot.

If they were cool, give them a few leads but not all. If they were a fucking idiot then fuck them take the leads.

>> No.15271088

Retards. OP don't respond to shit. Call the leads as you please and make as much money as you can. That's the only thing you should do.

>> No.15271110

>new phone who dis?

Never respond again after that

>> No.15271118

The broker owns the leads, and can do what he wants with them. They're not hers to take

>> No.15271320

Ask someone higher up, really. I'm sure they would be interested to know if a former employee was trying to take business away to their new employer. I'm no realtor but I figure if the company can pass the leads on to someone else then they have some control over them. On the other hand if they say they should be given back to her, then maybe that's a sign to take the high road lest something bites you in the ass later on.
From the outside though sounds like she's full of shit.

>> No.15271357

Florida Realtor here. She sounds retarded.

Just respond with "ya", and then start calling all her leads.

>> No.15271459

Do her a solid and earn yourself a friend, you mongoloid. One day when you need something, you might be able to ask her for a favor.

>> No.15271500

Wtf is a lead?
Is it pronounced leed or led?
So many questions

>> No.15271505

>Ever doing someone a favor
>real estate

Oh lol

>> No.15271507

Faggot, you want help from a retard?

>> No.15271535
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Start fucking spamming her with Florida Man memes

>> No.15271554

Just reply thanks for the leads and block her. It's a female, she'd fuck you over were the tables reversed. You might think she would return a favor but the truth is she will just attack you in the future. It's the only way females respond to such things. Remember, it's a female. Do the right thing, don't fall for her roastie tricks.

>> No.15271560

Return them, mistakes happen in business. Do it for the ethical reasons.
If you’re unethical think about the risk of being blacklisted if you don’t.
If a coworker left an evelope with 10k in it you should return it, and I view this as the same thing.

From a utilitarian perspective I’ve found that being ethical and a bit white knighty in business has opened some crazy doors. Even her saying something nice about you to the right person could change your life, it changed mine.

>> No.15271589

This. Long term pays more than short term.

>> No.15271620

Does she have nice brapper?

>> No.15271653

weak moralfags
reverse situation they would not hesitate
religious and morals were made for stupid and poor people not to commit violence , thats it

>> No.15271658

Okay biz this thread has been fun.

Anyway, I just had a good laugh especially when I received her panicked texts. She is probably stressing out so bad right now over her own stupid mistake.

I honestly don't want these fucking leads, I will keep the ones the broker gave her but not her sphere/zillow/realtor.com leads. It is a lot more important for me to be ethical in front of my broker as they have giving me huge opportunities which are worth a lot more than this petty incident.

>> No.15271681

Only return them if she has a nice ass. Bitches with no ass deserve nothing.

>> No.15271692
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>> No.15271706


>> No.15271808

>call all the leads, cherry pick the best ones and make deals before hand
>stall her
>give her the list after youve got your call backs

>> No.15271822


>> No.15271851

Sell em to Jerry Graff and blame it on Shelly.

>> No.15271874

Based Ricky Roma

>> No.15271895

Extort or use leads, whichever will give you the most yield with the least amount of work.

Nice score either way, kudos to you anon.

>> No.15271963

This desu, dont respond at all. You shouldnt have even made a biz thread , thats how obvious the solution is.

>> No.15272399


>> No.15272426


Wow, trusting women. First day alive?

>> No.15272445


Is your company allowed to share your personal number without your consent? Sounds like grounds to sue.

>> No.15272466

Why do you have to pay for getting leads?

>> No.15272601

Probably leave them to her.

>> No.15272623

Just noticed 1 post OP.

Moral sentiment farming thread. Reported.