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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15265469 No.15265469 [Reply] [Original]

so what happened to the Trump economy?

>> No.15265483

its doing pretty well

>> No.15265504


Fake news is trying to crash it

>> No.15265535

Boomer orange man pumped the economy with tax cuts now it's time for the dump.

>> No.15265577
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>> No.15265596

Needs more rate cuts to win 2020, or else all this shit comes crashing down

>> No.15265602

Trump before the election said the stock market was artificial and propped up, what changed?

>> No.15265615

zoom out and dialate

>> No.15265629

Literally nothing. It’s still artificially propped up

>> No.15265680

I'm a toolmaker. There's definitely been a resurgence of US-based manufacturing.

>> No.15266182

>I'm a tool

>> No.15266948

No there isnt. It's like going through a 4 year drought and it rains one day and now you believe it will rain all the time again. US based manufacturing has been leaving the country at a crazy rate the last 20 yrs. Now with automation on the horizon, not a good sign for resurgence, especially in an industry that will be completely automated in another 20 or less. In Jan there seemed to be a little bit of pick up, but it didnt keep up the pace of the jobs leaving, because by Mar 1000's of manufacturing jobs were already lost. There has been like 2 years in the past 20 where it wasnt fucked. If the economy continues to plummet the demand for many high dollar manufactured goods will cease. Like vehicles, equipment, etc. Not to mention this makes cheaper imports a better deal for regular consumers. The economy is really fucked, it was fucked before, but Trump has indeed made it worse. People that think Americans can out last the Chinese in a trade war are braindead retarded. It's not even all about the money perspective, it's the civil uprisings. The Chinese will be able to contain their already slave class, USA is on the verge of civil war everyday as it is. It will hurt what's left of the middle class the most because they will see the biggest quality of life dropped. The already poor classes will be backed by the middle class for once and things will get bad. Even more investors will leave the US. The silk road is in the making, and the US will be nothing but lighter Mexico but more expensive and shittier. Sure, I like USA tools the best, I work with tools myself. But I have seen an increase of people buying these tools used or buying new ryobi and China/Taiwan shit the past 3 years. Shitty drill bits, everything. The same with vehicles, used or cheap shit like Kia, Honda or Hyundai. Trump fucked up, he busted his nut to soon and now the mess is kind of hard to clean up. The market is at the mercy of the most evil men who dont give a fuck about any country

>> No.15266961

He's fixing it good!

>> No.15267059

holy wall of text, shitbird!

>> No.15267554

Sorry for the text, but I didnt think I could convey the message any shorter

>> No.15267629
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What will happen to the wall street guys? Lower level dudes just getting out of college and working in finance

I just like the way you express yourself, asking for a friend

>> No.15267692

People in finance have a pretty wide spectrum of jobs. Most end up going into accounting, which is a field that can't really be automated.

>> No.15267741

Underrated kek

>> No.15267763


About 80-90% of walstreet financial "jobs" will be automated out in the future.

>> No.15267796
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t. ZOG defense league

>> No.15267828

He blew it with bad tax policy, no infrastructure bill, and tweeting trade policy daily.

>> No.15267873

Did he really intend to fix things in the first place?

>> No.15267896

They're gonna get Sergey'd

>> No.15267898


Hey at least the rich got richer

>> No.15267914

I’m talking about investment banking analysts, quants, private equity associates and front office hedge fund employees

>> No.15267915
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Dumpft Trumpfth

>> No.15267983
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>your next post will be dubs

>> No.15267999

Trump's a goldman sachs stooge like Obama. and rapes kiddies just like clinton. Best thing Trump has done is put tariffs on other countries and those are fucking taxes. The state of american voters and their corporate stooges
inb4 blue and red tards >Obama and Trump are nothing alike

>> No.15268000
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>Nov 7 2016
>"We are going to MAGA!"
>Nov 9 2016
>"We are going to MIGA!"

>> No.15268011

I will vote for him again >:]

>> No.15268072

save us bernie

>> No.15268190

Probably not as automated as this board claims. There are always new mutual funds, ETFs, and hedge funds being propped up with new strategies all the time and that requires a decent amount of labor and management...even for a passive index fund. Some of the first private hedge funds were created already based on cryptocurrencies. Fund managers will have a hard time to keep up with the demand for crypto and marijuana ETFs if the SEC finally approves them.