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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15261256 No.15261256 [Reply] [Original]


>wage per month
>biggest bag



>> No.15261266
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>> No.15261268

>>wage per month
>>biggest bag

>> No.15261269
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>> No.15261273 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15261281


>> No.15261298
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>>wage per month
>>biggest bag
Okex bucks

>> No.15261320

>another comparing dick sizes thread
Fuck off already. Nobody cares about the size of your bags or your income. Men will always find a way to fight and size each other up like animals, and on an anonymous imageboard you can only do that through your stats. Imagine sacrificing your identity online, especially on such a redflaggish website, for a few seconds of ego stroking. Vain dumbasses, especially the ones that upload pictures as well for more attention.

>> No.15261325

>13k I make logo’s

>> No.15261333

0, I'm a neet
>biggest bag

>> No.15261340

imagine caring this much about an anonymous shitposting forum

>> No.15261341


>> No.15261343

>you dont need to know

>> No.15261361


Just killing time at the office.

>> No.15261374
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>wage per month

minus 80

>biggest bag

>> No.15261375
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>> No.15261397

> 8 inch
> FTM and XFT

>> No.15261410

>wage per month
2k USD
>biggest bag
LINK, my only bag

>> No.15261412
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>> No.15261424

>1000$ (turd world)
>chainlink all in 55k stack

>> No.15261425


>> No.15261428

1600 (euro)
Everything I own is a bag - XRP, LTC, shares in a failing bank (brexit).

Wtf am I doing wrong I'm supposed to be smart. Feeling entitled hurts more than I can explain.

>> No.15261439

lots of lies about income, all neets prolly in welfare. why else spend time
on a anon forum

>> No.15261443

>145 iq
choose one faggot

>> No.15261444

Are you a pro graphic designer?
Please I just want to make money too. Let me suckle on that fat information titty.

>> No.15261456

You're gonna make it so hard lad.

>Wtf am I doing wrong
You aren't buying Chainlink for one.

>> No.15261479

>I'm supposed to be smart
anon I...

>> No.15261484
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I just use fiverr and let pajeets make my designs for 1$

>> No.15261531


>> No.15261544

Yeah I fucking know. I let my brother talk me into XRP, and guess what, literally no joke his IQ is verified genius level.
And he always, ALWAYS fucks up. If anything I've learned from this not to listen to him ever again.
It's fucking insane. It's meant to be the smarter you are the more easily life comes, but in my experience, and I think the experience of most others, this is not at all true.
The memes about high IQ people winning by selling their bags to the below IQ people are utter nonsense.
All that having a high IQ has bought me so far is a constant sense of dissatisfaction and embitterment because of my sense of entitlement, an inability to communicate with about 70% of people without wanting to strangle myself because of their stupidity (and worst of all because they always fucking SUCCEED), and insatiable mind that tortures me with thinking. Constantly.
The only positive I can think of is that I do seem to be able to cope quite well without crutches. I don't get addicted to things, and am able to resolve to be optimistic about the future in spite of everything.
But sweet fucking lord if I see one more RETARD make 100K...

>> No.15261555

y u gota do dat

>> No.15261569
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Its me. DONT'CHA LIKE ME?? C'mon my wife says she'll move back in with her sister if I don't do better with the logos

>> No.15261570

>4k LINK

>> No.15261592


>> No.15261594

You bought his bags

>> No.15261644

my best friend is high iq as fuck my 138 is brainlet compared to him, but he never listens and never bought link, the other day he kept trying to talk me into quantifying this and taking profits etc...
to understand how the memes work you need wisdom not intelligence, you need a high philosophical iq and to be able to think in the psychedelic realm, this is why bizfags are all in link, it never made sense to invest everything in it against any investing advice ever given, but it's going to work because of memetics

>> No.15261716
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>no I'm insecure

>> No.15261743

Hey retard. Go against all your high IQ doubts, and go all in Link and make 100k for yourself for once you fucking big brainlet.

>> No.15261751

>2k (just got out off high school)
>ELD (stocks)

>> No.15261777

No job so -$1500/month atm
181 IQ
7m ONE

>> No.15261790

May I have a Big Mac sir, please?

>> No.15261800


>> No.15261833

Out of curiosity what kind of jobs do you guys have

>> No.15261843


>> No.15261868

>i don't wage I have 20k passive income
> FTM and COTI

>> No.15261965


I help Asians with choosing an English name, choosing an university, and once in a while helping with finding apartments.

>> No.15262006

I bet cocksucker. Like all of the people have who waste lifetime in 4chan? Do you have a better idea? Maybe getting fucked in the ass also. Is that a job? One time my girlfriend put the finger in my asshole and since that day i bought a huge dildo and force her to fuck me with that one. I hate normal sex since that day.

>> No.15262021

Honestly I didn't dislike the prospect of LINK, but then a few weeks ago an anon posted a reference to the blockchain and it seemed to heavily imply that the devs were selling it in chunks. I can't really remember the details but it put me off.
Also just generally speaking I think I may be done putting my money into cryptos until I see how everything plays out with Libra and whatever the fuck coin China says its releasing.

>> No.15262044

6k Euro
65 XMR

>> No.15262071


How did you start?

>> No.15262075

Yeah they are selling to Oracle dude. Everyone knows this, Oracle literally said it in their conference last month and Sergey made a blogpost announcing it a few days afterwards as well.

FUD fags are relying on people not doing their research and not actually watching the conferences, and are making out like the team is market selling on Binance. It's a load of trash. If that was actually happening we would have plummeted to 20 cents within days as all of /biz/ exited in tears.

>> No.15262125

>no idea

>> No.15262254


>> No.15262312
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>1300 (Rumania)

>> No.15262370

Go check the chainlink blog and then watch the oracle conference, then check that Binance offers OTC services then, check the daily sell volume over the last month and the dates the 700k batches left the wallet, then read the whitepaper where they said that wallet was partitioned away for funding and selling to institutions running nodes in the first place, then use your so called big brain to make the connections.

>> No.15262452
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69 BTC

>> No.15262593
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Anyone have any of their lessons on a torrent? https://fourpercent.com/

>> No.15262962


>> No.15263071
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>900 bucks

>> No.15263610


>> No.15263840

Personally I think you guys are all just incredibly lucky and your drugs are now inducing rationalizing delusions letting you believe for it to be due to said drugs. Kind of like how schizos might be hearing God's voice (here Sergey in form of Jesus), making them believe to be a chosen stinky (disciple/apostle). Or maybe it's more akin to a parasite ala toxoplasma gondii. Either way, just enjoy having gotten lucky.

>> No.15263947


A third-worlder

>> No.15264186


>> No.15264204

>409€ (Socialwelfare in germany, unemployed)

>> No.15264332
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>> No.15264708

700 eur/month
14 btc

>> No.15265295

I'm genius level IQ too. However, I do get addicted to most things, like an obsession. I also have aspergers though. Anything that should be easy is fucking not. My predictions in regards to crypto are always almost the opposite, then when I counter the same thing happens on my response. I think this game is for people who are normal but have just enough nous

>> No.15265334
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>> No.15265402

> 128

>> No.15265438

Wage: 7500 pre tax / month
IQ: don’t fucking care. I’m the smartest person I know regardless of a grade
Biggest bag: UGAZ bought in at $11.50. Hoping a blizzard kills the Eastern coast.

>> No.15265554

70k rupees

>> No.15266040
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Link since 2018, bought at 18cents

>> No.15266432 [DELETED] 

>120k software engineer at Google
> I have some Google stocks but looking to sell it all for BTC and start working at a crypto company. I'm from Israel and a big fan of Coti.

>> No.15266462

>>15261256 (OP) #
>120k software engineer at Google
> I have some Google stocks but looking to sell it all for BTC and start working at a crypto company. I'm from Israel and a big fan of Coti.

>> No.15266589

Like this game good confirm bias
>enough to gamble on crypto
>idk over 120
>FTM COTI DUSK (at 6mm MC)

>> No.15266605
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>> No.15266645