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15258591 No.15258591 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin's original plan was to become a peer-to-peer electronic cash used by the whole world, with large blocks that could allow anyone to write on-chain, as the Bitcoin Wiki page on scalability from 2015 shows:


The vast majority of the various stakeholders supported this plan, and because the Core development team refused to implement the plan, there was a very popular client called BitcoinXT created by another set of Bitcoin developers to institute the hard fork to significantly raise the block size limit.

Everything was going well, with 1. the majority of mining power signalling support, 2. the majority of big industry players signing a letter signalling support and 3. /r/Bitcoin upvoting XT posts to the top of subreddit's front-page, but then Theymos instituted a censorship regime on /r/Bitcoin and banned anyone who mentioned BitcoinXT:


So the very high level of support and communication needed to execute a successful hard fork couldn't be attained, and the 'Bitcoin' branding remained with the chain with the majority hashrate, BTC.

>> No.15258594

BTC is pursuing a different scaling plan, that keeps it limited to 300,000 on-chain transactions a day, and a ridiculous second layer solution called Lightning Network, that has numerous fundamental problems that make it a niche product with limited uses.

So with an inability to grow its daily transaction rate above 300,000 a day, and attract more merchants and retail usage, BTC is now a get-rich memecoin, that depends on advocates continually pumping its ability to make people who hold it rich.

It has no utility beyond transferring wealth from later investors to earlier investors, aka a ponzi scheme. It has insignificant utility in actual peer-to-peer commence, because it's limited to 300,000 transactions per day. Every other transaction will have to be done on centralized servers, like exchanges. 99.9% of people will never be able to touch BTC.

>> No.15258607

Your right, that's why we have RSR.

>> No.15258646

Well if crypto stands any hope, it needs a complete reset to wash the bad taste out of the worlds mouth.Only solution is for everything to crash to near zero and something to learn from it and rise from the ashes.

>> No.15258651

It wouldnt be used as a medium of exchange for commerce by the masses. It will be used as a store of value hedge against the market like gold. This can only happen if bitcoin proves its a good hedge in the coming recession and it is publicly endorsed by mainstream people. If huge investors start pouring huge sums of money into btc, we're going to see this shit all over the news

>> No.15258723
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Thanks ranjeesh for this informative copy-paste of years-old narratives, I'm going all in BCH now. This narrative didn't help BCH in the past but I'm confident it will any day now and our social attack on BTC will finally start to gain traction. The important thing is enabling our fellow indians back home to be able to buy everyday goods in decentralized fashion!

>> No.15258755

Think about why it didnt help BCH?BCH was a better coin, but BTC is the bIgger NAME, more HYPE.Unfortunatly, name and hype with nothing else 99% of the time comes crashing down to zero.

>> No.15258961

>Bitcoin's original plan was to become a peer-to-peer electronic cash used by the whole world, with large blocks that could allow anyone to write on-chain,
>BTC is pursuing a different scaling plan, that keeps it limited to 300,000 on-chain transactions a day, and a ridiculous second layer solution called Lightning Network, that has numerous fundamental problems that make it a niche product with limited uses.
>So with an inability to grow its daily transaction rate above 300,000 a day, and attract more merchants and retail usage, BTC is now a get-rich memecoin, that depends on advocates continually pumping its ability to make people who hold it rich.
>It has no utility beyond transferring wealth from later investors to earlier investors, aka a ponzi scheme. It has insignificant utility in actual peer-to-peer commence, because it's limited to 300,000 transactions per day. Every other transaction will have to be done on centralized servers, like exchanges. 99.9% of people will never be able to touch BTC.
this. i've understood this for a few years now. everything will crash to near 0 (with the exception of Resewrve Rights (RSR). they don't scale. it might not be possible to scale a blockchain.

you might wanna add that satoshi wanted everyone to be able to mine btc on their computer.. she didnt account for pools

>> No.15258992

>Bitcoin is dead

yes we know that song

>> No.15259004

i'm only holding reserve rights (rsr).. but i'm keeping any eye out for blockchains/nonblockchains that can scale.. maybe spacemesh, radix, coda, unit-e, etc.. i have doubts any of them can...

>> No.15259022

Oh look another OP who opened a 100x leveraged short. These threads always come out when btc drops and if you can’t see that they’re desperately fudding to avoid liquidation you are retarded. Same shit was said when btc was $500

>> No.15259028

it's true what op said though

>> No.15259032

Care to address any of the facts presented?

>> No.15259077

Have sex

>> No.15259474
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>> No.15259582

2017 already happened anon

>> No.15259615


>> No.15259684
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you hold a crypto with billions in circulation and a max supply of a 100 billion, dipshit. Don't compare to BTC ever.
This might be 100% spot on but still be bad for BTC price. Being used as money and changing hands fast in high volumes means price is stable.


Good currencies are horrible stores of values and right now we buy BTC for future value and our own greed. Sorry to burts your p2p cash bubble but heres something that satoshi wrote that will help explain money's history

this will help you make gains outside of BTC if you must

>> No.15259712

pajeet detected

>> No.15259719

>keeps it limited to 300,000 on-chain transactions a day
for now nigga be patient btc will increase block size when needed so far it works much better than i anticipated in 2017

>> No.15259728

>inb4 satoshi was a black transwoman

>> No.15259866
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>>inb4 satoshi was a black transwoman

lmao was just fucking with you all. this guy was satoshi. i mined back in 2011.. bitcointalk.org was so different back then. small community of 130+ people. now it is full of pajeets.

>> No.15259901

bitcoins other problem is very few people own most of the supply.. so it makes the rich richer

>> No.15259915

why does stupid fucking coinbase say i dont have suffient funds in my bank account when i literally have 15-20% over what im trying to put on the exchange?

>> No.15259941

130+ iq people*

we all made a pact to accumulate 10,000 btc and never sell

we knew it would get to $100,000. i sold in 2017. not buying back because i have same concerns as op..