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15255591 No.15255591 [Reply] [Original]

Stop looking at your stack every day and hoping for 1000eoy, when staking will go live you won't be ready.
you can right now configure your chainlink node get listed by the chainlink team and fucking start earning linkies!

stop being a lazy fuck, it takes about 2-3 hours to configure, the only thing that sucks is syncronizing the fucking ETh clients otherwise it's straight forward.
Oh and also get your node listed on linkpool it only costs 15 link to get listed there.
there will be more listing services coming up.
the earlier you run your node, the better REP you get, the more jobs you get, the more stinkies you get...so stop being a lazy fuck and start making your node and support the network !

here to help you guys out
you need 5 servers with ubuntu, change ssh ports, activate ufw, install fail2ban
server #1 with nginx and postgres sql(use the docker) with SSL, use nginx to load balance between server #4 and #5 parity
server #2 with chainlink docker running pointing to server #1 postgres
server #3 with chainlink docker running pointing to server #1 postgres
server #4 with parity or geth
server #5 with parity or geth

it fucking takes like 5 hours to set it all up, it's easy and you'll be happy contributing to the network et you'll earn tons of links...don't be a fucking retard

>> No.15255608

Why would I run a node when nobody in the real world wants to use our nodes as API call's

>> No.15255621

what if I only have 22 links?

>> No.15255635


1. I don't have access to any info anybody would pay for.

2. It might not seem complicated to you because you are a fucking computer scientist nerd type. I could spend an entire week trying to figure the shit out and would fuck it up. I'll wait until there is an easy step by step video that I can easily follow along with.

>> No.15255669

What a absolute hastle I'll pass

>> No.15255686

it's literally a few command lines ... everything is explained here


everything is encapsulated in docker images, you don't have to do much.

>> No.15255697

that's like 44 bucks...congratz you're gonna make it with 44 bucks bro, you're a fucking bum

usage will com, and u're gonna miss it, like I said earlier nodes get most of the jobs

>> No.15255706

it's not its just fucking 5 hours of your life and you're ready for anything.

the total cost for the 5 servers is about 60$/month

>> No.15255714


>> No.15255720

how can I better load balance and failover for my cl nodes and eth nodes? idk how to use nginx but I have multiple eth nodes running and am using the fiews eth failover docker thing. it doesn't seem to work the best tho a new connection can take some time if I unplug one of my eth nodes

>> No.15255807

i use 1 server with nginx that just does a load balance on websocket, and just put my parity websocket Ip and ports , then nginx will handle retries and reconnects and all, its super easy to set up, i'm in my bed right now, but if you insist i could go copy pas you the config for load balancing eth nodes

>> No.15255812

kek he thinks anyone is gonna be using KYCed oracles

>> No.15255836

if you want to be requested by the Defi, then i think at some point you're gonna tell them who you are

but you don't have to kyc, you could just pay the 15 eth and get listed on market.link

>> No.15256185

it would really help me wrap my head around it if you could Anon. I would be v grateful

>> No.15256250

no prob sec ill do it

>> No.15256289


here fren just put this under the http{} block in the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
default upgrade;
'' close;

upstream stream_parity {
server xx.xx.xx.xx:8546 max_fails=0 fail_timeout=10s;
server xx.xx.xx.xx:8546 max_fails=0 fail_timeout=10s;

server {
listen 60000;
location / {
proxy_pass http://stream_parity;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;

and then in your chailink node config put your loadbalancer IP (where nginx is hosted) with the port 60000 for example

>> No.15256363

What host provider are you using?>>15256289
Thanks for that

>> No.15256375

i just rent dedicated servers on http://online.net

>> No.15256400

thank you fren ! :3

>> No.15256426

Why doesn’t someone make a video with step by step for brainlets? Like setting up instances on aws etc

This will really help a lot and will double the node operators in couple fags. Guarantee it

>> No.15256430

have you thought about implementing redundancy in case the load balancer itself goes offline?

>> No.15256433
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What is load balance? Does it have something to do with cumming?

>> No.15256434
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Kek underated post.
> Serfey the big elephant stomps on neet nodes

>> No.15256451
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Imagine thinking actually believing you are going to make money running a chainlink node that noone will use. Kek. Crypto is a ponzi that will be banned soon.

>> No.15256468

if load balancer goes offline its not a bigdeal, just reboot it, the chainlink nodes will just wait for it, also you'll only lose like a few seconds of service, wich is nothing, you don't have to be paranoid about it.

the loadbalancer is lightweight, the real problem would be having an ETH node shutdown, and getting corrupt, then you'd have to resync aagain for hours...

>> No.15256494

its really really easy to run a node...
basically you have docker images all setup for you, you just have to run them...
the only thing that takes time is setting up the load balancer and that's like 10 minutes...

also i think the documentation is really straight forward here, what do you think?


>> No.15256503

do you do any email or SMS alarms for monitoring on your servers or services? I've looked into using netdata but I don't have a solution quite yet

>> No.15256517

>I don't have access to any info anybody would pay for.
I'd pay for access to them cheeks!

>> No.15256520

load balancer = balancing the load
you have 1 server you call, and that server redirects your call to many mirrored servers, this help in case one of the servers shuts down, the load balancer will just redirect you to a server that is online

>> No.15256533
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Running a chain link node is just like downloading a btc wallet and mining in 2008 goyims. Its new strange and weird and requires some manual config. Unironically going to make it. Im not really in a position to run a node but i might stake with a service in the future.

>> No.15256540

tell that to google, microsoft, oracle, swift, teh whole Defi scene, IC3 Gartner, IMB, Amazon...
i know i'm gonna make money so why don't you bring your pajeetery to some other thread? we are between linkies here

>> No.15256556

Please spoonfeed me and I'll actually start running a node I promise anon. Can you provide a guide to buying the servers up to the point of following the points listed here >https://docs.chain.link/docs/running-a-chainlink-node

I swear to god anon please I am not trolling I am just a little bit slow at times

>> No.15256567

Doesn’t having all your servers from the same provider increase the risk of multiple of them goin offline at the same time?

>> No.15256581

>he doesn't know
You're in for a rude awakening in the next months kek

>> No.15256598

yes my provider offers monitoring services, and he alerts me by email or sms.
but i remember using zabbix few years ago, it worked flawlessly, and you could do alot of things with it

>> No.15256603

>he is completely unaware
Worry not buddy, you will be.

>> No.15256613


>> No.15256665


>> No.15256672

Normos don't even know about it, corps sure as hell won't do business without it.

>> No.15256674

What the fuck even is a node and why would I want it?

>> No.15256679

well, you just gotta buy yourself a server, then install ubuntu on it (just a few clicks on online.net for example)

then once the ubuntu is installed do this (search google on how to do those)

1- connect by ssh to the server using putty on windows

2- change the default port of SSH
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Port 66666
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart

3- activate the firewall, make sure you allow the new ssh port otherwise you will lock your server
ufw allow 66666
ufw enable

4- install vim (its a text editor with syntax colors)
sudo apt-get install vim

5- install fail2ban (it basically monitors the connection attempts on your server and bans the IPS that try too many times to guess your password)

sudo apt-get install fail2ban
sudo vi /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
put this in the file:

enabled = true
port = 66666
filter = sshd
logpath = /var/log/auth.log
maxretry = 3

restart fail2ban
sudo systemctl restart fail2ban

6-install parity (ETH node)

-> sudo apt install curl
-> curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh
-> sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
-> docker pull parity/parity:stable
-> mkdir ~/.parity-ropsten
-> sudo docker run --name eth-ropsten -p 8546:8546 -v ~/.parity-ropsten:/home/parity/.local/share/io.parity.ethereum/ -it parity/parity:stable --chain=ropsten --ws-interface=all --ws-origins="all" --base-path /home/parity/.local/share/io.parity.ethereum/opsten --ws-interface=all --ws-origins="
AND here in a few command lines you have a running ETH node fully secured and running....

>> No.15256705

for staking your links, you will literally be able to live off running your node, it's literally a job...

>> No.15256716

I need to use 5 computers? I have an older PC that's pretty decent and sitting around. What can I do with this?

>> No.15256745

nothing, you need servers hosted in a server farm, with high of availability, also you need to have replicated servers and load balance them for availability.

you will put your links on your nodes on mainnet, if your server goes offline, you will lose links, because the smart contracts that request your node won't get an answer and you will be penalized as long as your node is offline

>> No.15256769

Please go on anon, I chose AWS and am starting now

>> No.15256817

Fuckin’ kek

>> No.15256858

for the chainlink node do the steps 1 to 4 again, and then just run the chainlink DOCKER for ropsten

create the .env file (its i,n the run your own chainlink node documentation)


then tun the chainlink docker
cd ~/.chainlink-ropsten && sudo docker run -p 6688:6688 -v ~/.chainlink-ropsten:/chainlink -it --env-file=.env smartcontract/chainlink local n
for the postgres server
do the steps 1 to 4 again

here i wanna help out, this one was the most difficult one, the postgres docker command to have SSL enabled

create ssl keys server.key (search google it's created with OpenSSL)
change the rights on your server.key
-> chmod 600 /path/to/server.key
-> chown 70:70 /path/to/server.key

create a .env file and put these in it
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=your database password
POSTGRES_USER=your database user
POSTGRES_DB=your database name

then run the docker with postgres
-> docker run -d --name postgres --env-file=.env -p 5432:5432 -v /path/to/server.crt:/var/lib/postgresql/server.crt:ro -v /path/to/server.key:/var/lib/postgresql/server.key:ro postgres:11-alpine -c ssl=on -c ssl_cert_file=/var/lib/postgresql/server.crt -c ssl_key_file=/var/lib/postgresql/server.key

>> No.15256889

also why no VPN for your chain link environment?

>> No.15256898

Saving this thread OP, what kind of data is worth supplying tho? Other anon brought this up, but are we just supplying the price of ETH here or what?

>> No.15256915

too tired to do it, i lock all ports with a firewall, and only allow specific IPs to connect, and i also use SSL for communication betweens servers.
but yeah you can setup a fontend openvpn and have a fully encrypted network

>> No.15256933

lmao, didn't you see market.link??
there are even Halo 5 match results.

also there are adapter to supply the price of ALL assets from almost all exchanges here look




>> No.15256938


this, also a slow anon here. I am just not used to using docker so a video would help me a lot more so I can see how to do it visually. I would pay 100 links for a good video and im sure other anons would tip well to.. not even asking for audio here just a screen capture would do it, bonus if subtitles with steps

>> No.15256947

Came here to post exactly this.
I’m saving this info and will figure out how to set up a node, or even pay someone to do it if I have to.
What can I expect once the node is running? In not well versed in the technical aspects of this technology and how it all operates

>> No.15256982

So I just buy a server and set this up? Do I need a dedicated CPU to run a node?

>> No.15257007

well once you node is running you can setup jobs for it, for example you could have a job that gives the price of ETH.

then you list your node on linkpool (market.link)
and later when all the partners will start using the network, they will choose your node and request it.

you can ask for any price per request its up to you, you are literally sellling data.

also it's even better to be KYced and listed on the official chainlink website because you'll get more serious jobs and big contracts.

right now sergey is asking for 6 jobs per minutes minimum to be accepted.

if you do the math most requests cost 0.1 link for now
and 6 requests pet minute is 6 * 60 * 24 * 31 == 267 840 requests per month

if 1 request is 0.1link then you can expect a return of 26784 links per month.

now let's consider the true price woudl be 0.01 that's still 2678 links per month

wich is massive

>> No.15257026

yeah you just buy a server install ubuntu and its just a few command lines really...
the only part that is difficul is to install nginx i think but its fucking easy....
everything is really easy to setup

>> No.15257071

Huge thanks for coming and sharing this with us

>> No.15257147

np dude! the more node operators the better we will all profit from this! more link staked = higher link price
more node operators = bigger the network value = higher the link price

this is all a virtuous circle, that will pump links price to 1000$ NO JOKE

>> No.15257257

So i've been experimenting with api's lately and i built a web scraper, is this something I could use to provide data for a node? If I just webscrape some info from some website that could be used in a solidity contract and I don't own the data, would this work?

Im not new to programming and working with API's but chainlink specifics are still foreign to me.

>> No.15257271

In addition I already have a home server that I use with 32 cores and 48 GB ram. I know how to setup geth and all that, i have all the puzzle pieces for cranking out nodes with useful data, but i gotta sort it all and approach it logically.

>> No.15257331

basically chainlink allows smart contracts to fetch data from the internet.

you create an onchain smartcontract that request a chainlink node, and the chainlink node will do the job.

the job can be anything, you just need to write an adapter for the chainlink niodes to use.

if you can code, then maybe you could write an adapter for chainlink nodes that scrapes websites, that would be fucking great

then the smart contract would query a chainlink node, and the chainlink node will scrape the website requested and return the result to the smart contract.

here is an example of an adapter

>> No.15257375


Oh holy shit I was just thinking about doing the tracker.gg api's too. This is exactly what I was looking for OP.

Also See thats what I thought, what i'm working on is more of an external adapter, but i suppose my nodejs web scraper would then feed data to a my chainlink node, which then relays offering jobs which a solidity or neo smart contract can then act on?

>> No.15257441

a chainlink node is basically an agent of the smart contract, the smart contract asks it to do things, and the node fufills its requests, the node can do anything, not just call APIs, that's the magic of chainlink...
ari juels used examples like, a node could login on steam and send a gift to someone...

that's the genious of chainlink, you're gonna have machines that could fufill any task the smart contract asks, and people will code adapters to do these things, you could ask for serious money running an adapter that does some cool stuff

>> No.15257452

oh the tracker api that would be fucking amazing if you wrote the adapter we would have betting smart contracts on esports then... do it man!

>> No.15257475

This is the most productive thread I think I've ever seen on /biz/.
Congratulations marines.

>> No.15257487

is there any purpose, if you run a node, to keep an adapter you develop to yourself and not share with other node runners?

>> No.15257543

ok now this is baste

>> No.15257548

A Brainlet guide for aws you say?


>> No.15257571

you could sell the adapter though, that's why its called market.link

people will sell their adapters soon

>> No.15257574

>It's recommended to run the Chainlink node with Docker.
You fucking retarded ITlets just use Docker. Jesus christ this shit could not be easier but you complicate it with your outdated boomer-tier "I DONT WANNA LEARN NEW THINGS" mentality

linkies are fucking retards jesus christ

>> No.15257778
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I swear I'm not a retard it's just not my field I'm just a Chemical engineer, I just want more linkies I'm trying anon

>> No.15257778,1 [INTERNAL] 

If you're a chemmy you should be able to figure out and have a robust toolbox or whatever gay thing you chemmies use to turn everything into a procedurr in 10 hours maximum

>> No.15258132

what step in the smart contract are homebrew nodes fulfilling? is the blockchain asking your node to verify data or what? if i set up a node i wouldnt need to provide data? is there any realistic minimum links required?

>> No.15258147

Audibly keked

>> No.15258432

ok I need help with the fucking cron job scheduling to get my node verified... I duplicated the job from the walthrough on chainlink, and changed all the appropriate info in the run to use the cron initiator but all my calls keep failing wtf

>> No.15258448

How many linkies are recommended for running a node?

>> No.15258705

Work at a company with weather stations all over my home country. Will be writing an adaptor along for the API which is not open and I'll have a monopoly on the data. Good idea?

>> No.15258721

Massive leverage. You should examine how much risk there is first though.

>> No.15258790
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>> No.15258799

What kind of risk? Risk in not being the sole chainlink node operator with this data? Does this also make it less trustworthy? Does setting up multiple nodes make it decentralised if I run all of them?

>> No.15258804

why would anyone do that op? the devs cashed out

>> No.15258831

>devs cashed out on their scam
>biz revives it will pure autism through usage and creates a perfectly decentralised ecology of data
>biz collectively become worlds first trillionaires

>> No.15258932

you made my day anon

>> No.15258956

so we can earn Link tokens just by running a node? can we run the node on localhost? I dont want to rent a machine..

>> No.15258971

Okay do that for me nerds while I just watch my LINK moon, I also get enough from LP already while you lose your link in your little neet node to keep the lights on

>> No.15258982

Great stuff, this motivated me to start learning again. Do not let this thread expire just yet!

>> No.15259010

Someone sensible have an opinion...?

>> No.15259108

>Doesn’t having all your servers from the same provider increase the risk of multiple of them goin offline at the same time?
Obviously this is likely to happen if they're in the same place, or owned by the same company.
I'm not sure either why OP needs multiple servers for everything, it's not like he's risking LINK, he can safely use 1 of each for his neetnode that doesn't actually see any use.
I didn't try running a chainlink node specifically but I manage plenty of other things, why can't he put all of this on the same machine. 60$ seems excessive for a hobby project, might as well have learned the know how on his local machine and waited till the setup would actually generate any kind of income.

>> No.15259110

So why not just run it through Fiews?

>> No.15259119

>"decentralized" network
>let's all just run our nodes through this 1 service provider

>> No.15259150

Most of the mainnet nodes certified by team are. But yeah market could seek out non-Fiews nodes I guess.

>> No.15259235

Speaks volumes of the team's competence. Let's hope they'll only support this practice only in this early stage where nobody uses the network.

>> No.15259259

>KYCed oracles
KYC is optional.
Read Sergey's fucking mainnet announcement you pleb.

>> No.15259288

Here's the pro tier brainlet guide
It's for Google cloud which gives you a $300 credit and then doesn't charge until you authorize once you use up the credit.
I got fucked on AWS free with a $90 bill they just charged without asking when I went over cause eth node. Use fiews or linkpool endpoints for super easy mode

>> No.15259297

Thanks anon!

Please tell me, Is it worth doing this with a stack of just 100 Linkies?

Asking for a fren.

>> No.15259298

You had a month and a half to read Sergey's mainnet post you absolute retard.

>> No.15259311

Yeah but you gotta keep maintaining it and I don’t have fucking time

>> No.15259321

Bretty gud, kek

>> No.15259477

I'm working on that too. Best as I can tell you have to set up the "fulfilling requests" sample job, then you transfer ownership of "testnet consumer" to your node. Then you set up an eth tx job with cron in the node that calls and triggers "testnet consumer".

I'm a CNC shopfag so getting that far is quite the accomplishment for me. If any bigbrained codefag master race friends can give me a few tips that would be awesome

I've gotten that far, but there are parameters in the eth tx job that I'm missing.

>> No.15259516

'multiple servers for everything' to support 100% availability is important for node reputation.

>> No.15259523

You can email me doclinkysnob@gmail.com
We can work through it together

>> No.15260171
File: 254 KB, 334x506, 1547445979873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will your chainlink node be called? I'm thinking something along the lines of FUCK_NIGGERS_FUCK_KIKES_FUCK_TRANNIES_FUCK_JANNIES