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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15256861 No.15256861 [Reply] [Original]

decision time for BTC
was this move a bull trap or is it truly the start of the new bull run
shit's about to happen either way

>> No.15256905

holy keks, prophecy will be correct. 16k in october. :D

>> No.15256907

It's a bubble. In fact it makes even less sense than the late 2017 bullrun. 2017 bubble was caused by normie newfags FOMOing into crypto. Charlie Lee and Vitalik even said that they were way overvalued. What caused this most recent run? Nothing. There's no new money. Just retarded speculation and we're going back to the norm. Bitcoin is MAYBE truly worth like 5k.

>> No.15256918

bouncing off of 9600 rn

>> No.15256993
File: 222 KB, 500x500, 1564841057151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no new money.
but there's a whole lot of tether tho ...
honestly this is the only question that matter now, are they shadow printing or not, if thye are not ... the last print was over 30 days agao then we had a 100M swap followed by a 275M burn
if dark tether is a meme this run is unironically over

>> No.15256998

prolly going to spend a day or two here. unless it goes fast b/c it's been dumping straight for literally 3 days.

>> No.15257029

I know a lot of new money coming in. Have you seen the insane amount of crypto thots out there now? These bitches are new. I know a lot of older people that jumped in also

>> No.15257074


> ~~right~~ now

for now

>> No.15257079

20wk is better timeframe

>> No.15257093

well, this is it boys

>> No.15257115

yeah is we break the 100 dma the 20 weekly is the final wall
I don't think we will touch it this week tho

>> No.15257124

It was nice knowing ya friend