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File: 649 KB, 1543x4845, 1565824207553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15254387 No.15254387[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

at what age did you give up? im 25 now and money didnt cure my depression. neither did lifting. im just tired lads. very very tired of life.

>> No.15254425

i hold chainlink to

>> No.15254441

Holy shit

>> No.15254473

>I don't rape anymore it's cool

>> No.15254476

Girls like honesty... Alot

Maybe you should a little more honest anon

>> No.15254493


30 now. Should have just offed myself back then

>> No.15254505

29. Im 31.

>> No.15254521

i think travelling/moving to another country will change your life.


do ayahuasca/shrooms

>> No.15254541

That's the best part. Made me kek as well.

>> No.15254551
File: 80 KB, 766x960, losthope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this real? Holy fuck

>> No.15254561

Fuck women

>> No.15254568

Yeah, didnt some dude on /pol/ do this? Or was it /r9k/?

>> No.15254600

it was definitely just some loser trying hard to make a point

>> No.15254605

this thread is just one more reason as to why i don't need to exist anymore. can't match with those kinds of women even if i wanted to and i'm 6'4, fit, have had multiple long-term girlfriends and have lost count over the number of women i've slept with. but all my tinder matches are nothing but overweight, or single moms, or ridiculously trashy

>> No.15254613

I read it every time

>> No.15254618

I'm 25 as well I realized when I was driving yesterday that these next 5 years of my life are probably going to be my most important.

>> No.15254627

This post doesn't make any sense. Stop complaining if you're successful with women and getting pussy you bitch

>> No.15254646

just become chad yourself
problem solved

>> No.15254652
File: 32 KB, 545x362, 385023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 25 and realized that this is the crossing point of the potential to go back to uni and get a degree. Got depressed as fuck when I realized I'm already oldfag tier even though I thought I was young

>> No.15254656

i used to have no problem, now after 30 i have no success

>> No.15254664

I'm pretty sure the girls on there thought he was joking.

>> No.15254671

get a load of this virgin

>> No.15254679

Loneliness? It's a hollowing thing.

>> No.15254701

I get the point being made but ffs it's fucking Tinder. It's already bottom of the barrel.

>> No.15254709


>> No.15254734
File: 691 KB, 2888x1480, 98e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have a question. What's the best way to monetize being a Chad? I've always had an easy time with girls which is nice (can say whatever and act however and still get laid, girls don't care about my money or pretty much anything other than my keeping my attention)

How do I profit from this until I'm too old and ugly?

inb4 larp

>> No.15254737

Go on an Ayahuasca retreat. It will give you a new perspective on life.

>> No.15254750

Like I would tell you... fuck you.

>> No.15254771

This has been posted a lot but incase you didnt know, if you are 30+ Tinder charges you 2x for premium and puts you in the unattractive category. They dont want boomers on the app.

>> No.15254775
File: 258 KB, 1400x570, fe61a6cbfc4025c965d74608116f7163220d3e170fae5e1e52bd00888da4288c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And no modelling and shit. Male models make shit-tier money and it's demeaning. Come on, help a brother out

>> No.15254792

I know the feel bro. Depression is a chronic disease and something we might have to live with forever. The song Cranes in the Sky by Solange is the best encapsulation of it- https://youtu.be/qogqro-lg1o

>> No.15254802


That's because 30 year olds with their shit together pull more than zoomers

>> No.15254838

Fuck, lots of 25 year olds here. I'm one as well. I'll probably make it, though. I work an administrative job and do outdoors stuff in my spare time. We'll make it lads. 14/88

>> No.15254843

11. 29 now.

>> No.15254880

are you me?

also 25
>got /fit/
>got rich
>built social skills

only fat whores interested. fuck this shit. Id rather fap it to porn

>> No.15254883

Messed up the job interview for my dream job and didn't get hired.

How do I cope

>> No.15254896

How's your face?

>> No.15254918


that should answer any further questions

5 years ago used to get 7s+. I guess tinder has inflated thots egos to ath now

>> No.15254922

Lol something like 70% of relationships are now formed via online dating. They are normal people, if you have not realized looks are basically everything you are either very naive or just delusional

>> No.15254939

Just get a corporate job and learn to be charismatic. You will traverse the ranks at light speed

>> No.15254943

Try carnivore diet

>> No.15254945

>go back to college at 25
>people call you old man
>no one invites you to anything
>considered a creeper by anyone who knows your age

>> No.15254954

Ching Chong chow mein

>> No.15254977


Because you're not good looking.

>> No.15255064
File: 602 KB, 800x800, asexual-flag_800x800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

26 now, I'm planning to give up around 30

by "giving up", I mean giving up any effort to get a gf/wife and just go all in with making artwork like I used to. One of the happiest periods of my life was during college when I basically did MGTOW but didn't know that that's what it was called and identified as asexual instead (I grew up with verbally abusive parents so my self esteem is basically 0 and I never talked to girls because I thought I'm too disgusting of a human being despite being okay looking). I basically just watched a fuckton of porn to stay sane, and at the same time it was the last period of my life when I had a lot of creative output. This year I made it a goal to become /fit/ so that next year I can 100% focus on getting a gf, if next year doesn't work out I don't know what I'll do.

>> No.15255145

Fuck them. They dont matter and you'll forget then when you leave

>> No.15255399

Try carnivore or keto diet or vitamin d supplements for your depression. Also make sure you don't have low testosterone.

>> No.15255554

Imagine getting upset about this or caring about it.

All this means is you have a million chances and you can never fuck up so badly you can't get a hot bitch anymore. Doesn't matter if your a literal pedo. If you have money, power and put some effort into looks you will always be able to get hot women.

Feels good man. Only incels will disagree.

>> No.15255571

I love when the bots start importing threads to biz to get more responses. Hook, line and Israel doesn’t have a right to exist.

>> No.15255652

Fake, I've seen the exact same image except with a completely different Chad, you fucking incels will believe anything sluthate tells you lol

>> No.15255707

I know so many ugly and average dudes who used to get laid in high school. Now they're all incels or get laid once every 2 years from a fat chick

>> No.15255735

TRT will make you young again.

>> No.15255740
File: 36 KB, 500x507, Virgin female very loyal wants white children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you were introduced to a pure virginal women, who had a lovely and kind personality, wanted lots of white kids, hated feminism and Jews, was extremely loyal, was a good cook and would never cheat on you, BUT, she had a really bad acne problem, which caused her to fear social interaction so she retreated into her bedroom and was afraid of meeting others, and because of this she became depressed and started over eating and got fat.

Would you marry this woman?

>> No.15255756

Are you literally retarded? Everyone wants to party with the 25 year olds because they have more money for booze and drugs. Have you never been to college or did you just never get invited to any parties when you were there?