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15251235 No.15251235 [Reply] [Original]

I got the job and leave Sunday
12 week contract
7 days a week, 15 hour shifts with overtime
will visit multiple countries
working as a server

am i about to neck myself?

>> No.15251277

How much hours a week and what's the pay?

>> No.15251279
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Do you get any days off? Like the day the passengers get off and new passengers get on? Anything?

>> No.15251310

I worked on a cruise ship that Sergey Nazarov was also onboard.

Man, was he rude. When the buffet was served he barged through everyone else to be first in line, and when he sat back down he would always pick off other people's plates, even if they were sat a different table.

At the pool he would frequently divebomb, splashing everyone. The lifeguard tried to stop him but he would just scream at them, so they gave up.

I remember very clearly how his cabin had a 'toilet malfunction', making it overflow and spread shit onto the corridor.

What an asshole

>> No.15251340

105 hours a week, 10$ an hour for the first 40 hours then 15$ an hour for the next 65

Zero days off, though you are free to leave the ship at night on your time off

>> No.15251344

This is why nobody likes you faggots. You inject your retarded cult shit into every fucking thread. Stay in your containment threads for fucks sake.

>> No.15251352

>105 hours a week

>> No.15251356

When did I say I was fan of LINK you fucking spaz

>> No.15251379

>slave ship

>> No.15251384

Sounds horrific. I would try it out and see how it goes. Worst case its a shitty 2 months. Best case you discover the hours are a meme and you slack off 50% of the time or more.

>> No.15251386

1k eoy faggatron. I'm gonna be parking my lambo in your mom's garage. Suck it

>> No.15251392
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whew lad that is some real wageslaving. It does come with room and food though, so I guess that makes up a bit for the low hourly pay. Save those bucks friendo, get you some corns!

>> No.15251404

Shut the fuck up idiot.

>> No.15251446

It doesn't matter if your shitcoin moons or not. This thread isnt about it. What the fuck is wrong with your brain that 20 threads at all times is not enough?

You are a rude, shitty, stupid person. Get the fuck out.

>> No.15251464

say that again to my fucking face and i'll slit throat open and shit down your mouth pipe you fucking faggot

>> No.15251482

>no days off
>working beyond 40 hrs/week

Sounds like 12 weeks of hell.

>> No.15251495

>post about cruise ships
>full-on LINK shitfest within fifteen posts

>> No.15251694

I've seen adds for the same job and thought about doing this as a bartender.

Most places the bartender has more power because you can leverage the booze against a lot of people. They can't really rat you out for giving then a little extra free booze so hopefully I can get some qt pie to suck my dick and make the 12 hour days worth it.

I worked 80+ hours a week working retail managing a shoe store and only barely cleared 45k a year and was literally always on call.... So you really pick you slave house anon.

Just don't spend any of the fucking money and buy a house or invest and it'll be worth getting pissed on for 3 months

>> No.15251919

what you better doing is something tech, if you can get into it. Know ppl do/did sound+lighting, they were safe because no other fucker knew how to operate anything, reasonable hours, reasonable accommodation, got left alone and didn't get shit on. The rest, bar staff, 'entertainers', got fucked big time, incredible hours, pretty much sharing a shift bed, etc.

>> No.15251940

Are your living expenses covered?

>> No.15252323

You will get paid dogshit and have to share quarters with like 3 other dudes on rotating shifts. If you want to join a cruise ship, do it as a professional maritime worker or like a nurse practitioner.

>> No.15252334 [DELETED] 

Why do you think all cruise ship workers are

>> No.15252351

Why do you think all cruise ship workers are Filps? They work like a dog for three years and send it all home so their family can buy a house.

>> No.15252371

So $16.5k in 3 months, and your expenses are covered. I would do it.

>> No.15252387

I once pooped and threw it at a wall on a cruise ship. I called one of they crew over and made a janitor clean it up. It was one of the best feelings in the world, making degenerates like yourself clean up my poop. I went back to my room and masturbated to the thought of that twink cleaning my poop off the wall.
God speed anon, you have a lot of work to do.

>> No.15252391

Lvn/lpn - handing out pills/other med stuff
Cna - change the diaper and other grunt-tier things

>> No.15252524

Btw where did you find this job? Something like this may be a solution to my debt issues... I am young and healthy enough to do this for a limited period of time.

>> No.15252543
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>> No.15252564

what can do you on a cruise? I want to take my dad on one. Is it crowded? Are there open bars?

>> No.15252577

And the moral of the story is to use your money to quit your job instead of buying mountain dew.
Also neck yourself anon
thats disgusting

>> No.15252583

how do?

>> No.15252591

>he doesnt make wagie janitors clean up his poop
will not make it...

>> No.15252594

>3 months without seeing sunlight
>Working hellish hours for almost no pay
>Sharing a bunk with a smelly pajeet who's on another shift
>Serving luxury food all day and being lucky to get a cheese toastie at the end of it
>Always faking a smile, even when you're having the worst time of your life
Go for it OP.

>> No.15252601


>> No.15252644

>what can do you on a cruise?
Eat, watch shows, look at the boomers
>Is it crowded
If you pick the prole ones, yes
>Are there open bars
Not on the big ones. I've been on some with them.

>> No.15252655

This. My friend worked as a cook on a ship and he loved it. I guess he just drank and got laid a bunch by some hoe who was also working there. Could be a nice getaway while the world goes to shit around you.

>> No.15252683

Are cruises as dumb as they sound? My family is begging me to join them on one. I suggested we just go to some tropical island if they want a get away.

>> No.15252748

Cruises are fine, but it depends what company you go with. Some of them have quite a lot of fun things to do onboard, but some are basically just floating casinos.

>> No.15252795

This. Most likely you will just have mealtimes that will be super intensive.

>> No.15252896

Depends on the type of cruise and the "class" of cruise. If you are going for a $100 budget experience dont bother. You'll need to spend about 1500-1900 per person to get the "VIP" experience. Some ships are actual cesspools and others are luxurious beyond belief. I personally sail Norwegian and I also have been on the Queen Mary 2. Amazing experiences every time. You get dumb drones like OP at your whim. My other post >>15252387 really shows how far they'll go for you. On one trip they even let me bring a local prostitute back on the ship without question. But do not use carnival or a shitty budget brand cruise. Always go premium or go home, because you'll be stuck on that shithole for a week.

>> No.15252911

>Just meals
Three packed sittings of lunch and dinner with prep time in between? OP's going to be dead on his feet.

>> No.15252934

It's why I keep coming back never change biz

>> No.15252989
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At least you can fuck the crew op. I wouldnt fuck with the passengers though. Im sure you will spend your evenings going to different cabins

>> No.15253141

I went on one in spain and it was good

Just get off the ship when you can, its nice to see different places

>> No.15253263

What happens if you quit your job as soon as the ship leaves the harbour? Do you get to stay on the boat and just chill out?

>> No.15253269


The pay could be better, but IDK how you're supposed to keep working non stop without a day off, that is not normal bro. I would have a mental breakdown.

>> No.15253323

> $15 an hour to work non stop for 12 weeks away from home with barely time to sleep
Haha for what fucking reason.

>> No.15253344
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>> No.15253401

Tbh if you're under 30 and have nothing better to do it could be a fun time and even a bit inspirational.
There are worse jobs for less money and it is a interesting stepping stone on the way to get your life together.

>> No.15253409

Better than the military desu

>> No.15253503

>am i about to neck myself?

Yeah. Imagine working all day every day for $15/hr without ever having a day off. Jesus anon.

>> No.15253694

what if you accept the job but quit in the middle? like if it's a 5 day excursion then you're literally on a cruise ship for free. It's not like they can kick you off at some random port

>> No.15253780
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Worked in entertainment (showband) for 6 months. Being a server will probably suck because of the heavy workload but there is a lot of cheap booze at the crew bar and thirsty foreign women trying to get greencards. But if you make friends with people who work in the spa you will get laid. Thank me later.

>> No.15253802

Also dont listen to these other fucks. Do it anon- dont expect to make a lot of money but you will have stories to tell for the rest of your life

>> No.15253918

Wouldn't be bad if you are fat. You would lose weight working 105 hours a week, you'd save up good money. Honestly doesn't sound like a bad deal if you just force yourself through it. Depends on what they make you pay for (food, etc.)

>> No.15253938

My family (and usually by proxy me) sail Royal Caribbean and Princess regularly. We are basically maxed out on the loyalty programs for reasons so we have access to the more exclusive lounges. Thats the gig you want OP, no sure what line youre working for but being a waiter in the loyalty club is the gig. Very low stress and everyone there is refined and polite, no riff raff makes it to that level. At the end of every cruise you rake in good tips. Im mid 20 so I just go there to fill water bottles with free booze for later. I've been on 35-40 cruises in my life so I know all the tricks to cheat and jew the system. AMA if you want