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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 187 KB, 660x473, XSNStakenet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15233930 No.15233930 [Reply] [Original]

Volume spiking on XSN today. Huge sell walls taken down on Coinall (Partner of OKEx).
I wonder if this is the calm before the storm.

XSN is just a small bag of mine, after seeing it here shilled here the past few weeks. It's price is pretty stable, but this volume spike caught my attention today.

Offchain transactions allows for instant private peer to peer transactions, with no personal infos involved. Enhances BTC and LTC users greatly with their upcoming releases. - The Stakenet Multi Currency Lightning Wallet, and the Lightning DEX.
Someone out there knows something I don't, I wonder what....
Anyone else but me, accumulating this while it's dirt cheap? Not even $7 million marketcap, so it's got a LOT of room to grow.

>> No.15234085

Yes im buying as much as i can afford each month. These Masternode are gonna hit the same valuations as DASH did back in 2017. Bitcoin is gonna be too expensive once retail gets back into the market and then the next best thing would be coins like XSN that builds around Bitcoin and if lightning swaps becomes the next big way of exchanging value, then Stakenet are gonna have a massive lead in this market. So its a nobrainer if u ask me :-)

>> No.15234091

I wonder if OKEx will list Stakenet, considering Coinall is owned by OKEx.
Pretty impressive volume, but let's give it a few days and see if it continues like that

>> No.15234230

Wise thinking. It's the actual reason why I decided to invest in XSN in the first place. Their movement on Lightning is cool, and I hardly see this technology mentioned much anywhere, while it opens a LOT of doors for BIG investors to buy with MILLIONS of dollars, with next to no fees, compared to centralized exchange solutions (Where you also risk getting hacked and scammed).

I'm sure OKEx will list it eventually, they've been listing a lot of projects recently.

>> No.15234777

Got 1 masternode running as a suicide bag, the rest is in LINK.
Hope you're right OP, there is no way but UP from here

>> No.15234792
File: 273 KB, 826x1403, 1565128989067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flipped my SENT bags for this gem. Perfect timing!

>> No.15234836
File: 87 KB, 622x477, 34fpel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good move anon. SENT is a fucking scam either way, nice pump tho..

Investing in XSN is like investing in the future. Lightning swaps will be used to trade with unlimited transactions/second with next to no fees.
Whales are gonna Love it

>> No.15234865
File: 681 KB, 4028x810, 1552772447307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy passive earnings from my masternodes, can't beat that.


>> No.15234879

Oh god, please let XSN pump, just one time. I am still raw from the losses on this one, team is shit and has been semi-scammy since the PosW days. Please let me get off with minimal losses...

>> No.15234902

POSWallet trash

>> No.15235172

poorfag for poor country almost getting a masternode. Damn I hate being poor fml

>> No.15235241

Imagine being this poor to Larp with my pic lmao, kys fag.

>> No.15235365
File: 3.17 MB, 2048x1304, neet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only alt I accumulate.

>> No.15235557


how? how much do you have?

>> No.15235626

Where did all that volume come from?
600% jump from yesterday. CoinAll's orderbooks spiked.
A ton of buy pressure popped up out of nowhere. 170k in buys, 45k total for sale

>> No.15236084


>> No.15236124

How do I set up a node? Help a fellow anon out

>> No.15236260

Send exactly 15k to a wallet.
Once you do, I recommend setting up with Stakenet's MN hosting service. Very easy to setup, it's done trustlessly, paid in XSN, and you can leave your wallet closed 24/7
Here's a tutorial

>> No.15236299

Their dev is been in prison... I shall pass

>> No.15236318
File: 210 KB, 960x640, image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice FUD, lmao.. Trying to accumulate much? Lol

>> No.15236392

Was that your pic?
So is hime clearly shilling?

>> No.15236418

how much do you have to make several BTC income a year with these low prices?? if XSN go up you will make 10+ btc a year only by holding??

>> No.15236425

too many exchanges, we need more volume

Buy Shock @ ddex.io/trade/SHOCK-WETH

>> No.15236436
File: 53 KB, 641x435, the final redpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carlos paid his debt to society
Let him be

>> No.15236485

Their dev looks very much similar to a notorius scammer. Even if he's not him, this is a HUGE red flag, tought.
Look it up to criminal tassonomy the 800 literature is full of scientist who told that even to look similar to criminal morphologically is a red flag

>> No.15236549

Almost everyone who attacks XSN tends to have poor grammar and broken English. Why?

>> No.15236767

You just said one of the devs was in prison.
Now you're saying that he only looks like someone that went to prison.
Even if that isn't what you're thinking, it's a HUGE red flag against whatever you're trying to insinuate.

>> No.15237332

Because there isa scientific proof in the800 literature about criminal tassonomy. You can't deny it

>> No.15237417

the fud is getting so retard... I need to accumulate, send me some XSN

>> No.15237586
File: 136 KB, 1200x1679, Brainlet_2917d6_6615771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they are literal pajeets trying to scare people away, lmao

>> No.15237820

>pajeets hate that XSN is taking a little exposure away from the 30 threads they have going for their PnD-of-the-week coins

>> No.15237865

What the fuck is that? Let me guess...
A shitty worthless ERC20 TOKEN..

>> No.15238111

Lightning is the future. Former dev from Coinbase built his own DEX on lightning for ERC20 tokens.

Stakenet is way more than that.. check this out:


>> No.15238280
File: 143 KB, 820x684, Senzanome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lightning is the future
Is this how you look?
nice trips tought

>> No.15238323
File: 181 KB, 638x1000, brainde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol... centralized...

>> No.15238355

let's make a sum uo about this project:

> -99% from all time highs
> no whales support in the coin
>on shitty exanges (no normies)
> team is poor (never binance)
> no one beside autistics will use it
> LN is not used
> dev arrested in the past

Try to get to conclusions

>> No.15238542

All I can say is >>15237417

>> No.15238623

You faggot fucking dipshit scammers are a cancer. DYOR about what is needed to perform a lightning transaction. Their tech is a fucking joke and when this dies dont say I didn't warn you.

>> No.15238799
File: 169 KB, 706x619, braingf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it a joke?

>> No.15238822
File: 44 KB, 640x610, 1518013724875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right. There's 20 threads up at the same time for how many other coins that are shoved down everyone's throats on /biz/, and you choose to sperg out about the one lone XSN thread going.
Explain specifically what you mean about Stakenet's tech being a joke or get fucked.

>> No.15238977

How is it centralized? It's not when used via masternodes you absolute retard. You can't compare Lightning on BTC with XSN, since it's a completely different setup

>> No.15239369

The fud people come up with in these threads is truly awful. XSN has had a small presence on /biz/ for a long time and its core people know what they're talking about. All this time, no one has been able to piece together some convincing fud, but it doesn't stop brainlets from trying.

>> No.15239512

Lame ass fud, it's one of the most unique and useful projects out there, yet people fail to realize it, fucking sad

>> No.15239627

I’ve looked into this project. The community is about 4 people that spam biz in hopes to get ppl to pump their bags. They believe in a project that hasn’t shown any evidence that they can pull off what they are saying. They don’t explain how they will achieve anything in great detail. Not even how they will perform trades between ETH and BTC. It’s all just talk about this amazing end product but no explanation of how to make it. That’s why I won’t buy. If the devs can explain how they plan to accomplish all these things then I will buy, but so far no one has and if you ask In The community no one knows or seems to care to know.

>> No.15239993

that's way more than minimal wage in poland
I envy you nigger

>> No.15240138
File: 17 KB, 361x330, 1516985193937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, seriously, chill out.
I'm trying to accumulate here.

>> No.15241050
File: 1.03 MB, 224x313, u.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't afford masternode

>> No.15241477

>If the devs can explain how they plan to accomplish all these things
One of them has been in prison back in the days. What can them explain to you? How to escape or survive in prison?

>> No.15241589

He doesn't have shit because it's my pic, and i took it some months ago so digits aren't accurate.

You say they didn't explain how they're going to do those things, but did you ask them? I assume not, because I did ask them and got a pretty detailed answer. Also it's written in their light paper retard.

>> No.15241604

Thanks Anonbro

>> No.15241869

Price predictions for next 5 years? I'm thinking 10bux a piece

>> No.15241970
File: 143 KB, 706x619, braind2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15241977
File: 93 KB, 602x590, xsn wp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They believe in a project that hasn’t shown any evidence that they can pull off what they are saying.
TPoS has been running since May 2018
The Cloud Staking Service since July 2018
They executed the world's first Lightning Swap in October 2018 and ran a brief testnet afterwards.
MNaaS has been running since December 2018
Cold Staking from Ledger/Trezor has been ready to go for months, but Ledger/Trezor are incredibly slow at updating.
Their multicurrency wallet has been in public beta since July 1. Swaps are working. Here's a lengthy YouTube video showing it off.
>Not even how they will perform trades between ETH and BTC.
Pic related.
> It’s all just talk about this amazing end product but no explanation of how to make it. That’s why I won’t buy. If the devs can explain how they plan to accomplish all these things then I will buy, but so far no one has and if you ask In The community no one knows or seems to care to know.
No, it's been 18 months of raw effort that goes almost completely unnoticed in crypto because of petty tribalism and a lack of paid, aggressive, obnoxious shilling.
>I’ve looked into this project.
Have you really?
Earlier you said he didn't go to prison, "he just looks like someone who did and that's a RED FLAG". I called you on it, you didn't respond. Now you're just gonna repeat the same thing with no evidence or sources to back it up?

>> No.15241993

yeah good one anon

>> No.15242031

Their light paper is the most surface level bullshit, I’ve read it. It doesn’t tho into any depth. Just makes promises, open your eyes dip shit.... you night a coin full of empty promises that doesn’t even explain how they will make them a reality.

>> No.15242051

> Reads “Light Paper”
> Conplains about lack of technicals in “Light Paper”

Read the full White Paper then dumbass

>> No.15242052

Nine of these advancements are even worth noting. Cool they copied some BTC and dash code and three it together. Who the fuck cares.

That’s a terrible explanation, in fact it just makes it seem like they will be using place holder tokens for ethereum and eos. They will not succeed with that. Look at the other exchanges that tried doing that. No one wants to trade shitty place holder tokens.

>> No.15242065

Ohhh, the pajeet is upset because no one is buying his shit scam coins.
>Nine of those
>and three it together
Nice english faggot

>> No.15242069

Also: nash will wipe the floor with these guys.

>> No.15242070

>you night a coin
Lol transjeet please

>> No.15242124

I’ll give you one chance to explain how they plan to make BTC and ETH interoperable on a dex. If it makes sense I’ll buy 15k stakeconnect.

>> No.15242135

I'm not here to shill XSN raheesh, just to call you out. Now go use the toilet. Don't forget to flush.

>> No.15242136

Anon you should read the white paper to judge
you can'tjudge from english level, hecouldbe an indian PHDfor what you know
what is nash?

>> No.15242146

Why when XSN Dex aggregator pulls liquidity from other DEX's. If Nash has good liquidity then XSN DEX will have XSN DEX + NASH DEX + every other DEX liquidity on their orderbooks all direct from your wallet

>> No.15242150

Intersting fact: their dev used a hole in the toilet to escape from prison

>> No.15242160

Pragmesh, my son, is that you?

>> No.15242169

When some of the products are out, and at least 10% of people in crypto will understand what Stakenet does, 50$+ is achievable.

>> No.15242204

Funny how here >>15236485 you say
>dev looks very much similar to a notorius scammer
I don't see how looking similar to another person I a red flag when these devs have been delivering on their promises.
Looking at your posts in this thread I can tell you are a pajeet with your broken english.
>Their dev is been
>is hime
>Very much similar
>the 800 literature is full of scientist who told that even to look similar to criminal morphologically is a red flag

Here you say
>the fud is getting so retard... I need to accumulate, send me some XSN
>nice trips tought

I could go on but you're not worth anymore discussion from me.
This board needs flags.

>> No.15242206
File: 682 KB, 1242x1145, BB139652-750D-4C4C-9E88-AEC32E63D621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend to read the Whitepaper.

>> No.15242228

he changed his identity and became stakenet dev
Jokes beside: This project is cool, but probably will die because no normie traction

>> No.15242247

Stakenet won't die. The project has barely even begun and the devs have a lot of ambition. Just gotta have patience and accumulate. This and Link the probably the too best projects in crypto atm.

>> No.15242257


>> No.15242314

The normies are just a herd of sheeps, when the wallet is ready the team is going to get in touch with crypto influencers to test it and give it a review. What do you think their followers do?..

>> No.15242315

They invented lightning swaps and trustless proof of stake - both of which serve a great purpose and working - and that's not worth mentioning? Come on, man.
The devs have stated before that there will be no need to use placeholders with their approach. It will be full native interoperability.
>This project is cool, but probably will die because no normie traction
All the normies will come running to XSN after you turn your prison break novel into a documentary about Carlos Matos breaking out of the pen. No worries

>> No.15242365

the problem isn't the project itself (just another shitcoin) but the shills. All these projects, obvious samefags posting and shilling, copy pasted explanations on why this is such a great project. just bad

>> No.15242484

If you find the thread redundant, thank the angry token fanboys who spam every XSN thread with the same easily refutable copy paste garbage FUD.
The one you're regurgitating right now has been chewed up in 100 different mouths by this point.

>> No.15242639

>team is going to get in touch with crypto influencers
don't crypto influencers ask for money?
XSN team is not so loaded

>> No.15242801

They didn't invent lightning swaps, get your facts straight. They are the first to do it on main net though.

The team are not going to pay, "if they really like the tech, they will do it for free. If you pay them, they won't give their honest opinion".(words of the team)

>> No.15242934

>The team are not going to pay, "if they really like the tech, they will do it for free. If you pay them, they won't give their honest opinion".(words of the team)
it's a failiure

>> No.15243000

For you, for me it's a win.

>> No.15243199

Checked and based.

>> No.15243746

will rent a room in my house in the north of england, bill free in exchange for a masternode per year. leave email

>> No.15244441

>They didn't invent lightning swaps, get your facts straight. They are the first to do it on main net though.
My mistake.
That's quite an offer.

>> No.15245353

yeah it's like half market value at that price. s'all good though. i own this place anyway, so won't cost me much at all. free masternodes just for existing sounds good to me. i've got 4 bedrooms free btw all.

>> No.15245761

That's a nice offer, but i really prefer to be a homeless with all my XSN stored in a ledger up my butt instead of giving MN for a room.

>> No.15246115

That's kinda gay anon

>> No.15246172

what a time we live in though, wherein a tramp can decide between having a roof over his head, or having a masternode up his ass

>> No.15246279

holy shit look at that volume. this has to be wash trading right?

>> No.15246835

what? why? because it's only 30btc?

>> No.15247089

It's an unusually sharp spike.
Livecoin and CoinAll used to be a bit more competitive with each other. I'm guessing that LC ended up winning out for awhile because it doesn't have KYC. CoinAll has been somewhat dormant recently.
I think LC put their Stakenet wallet in maintenance last week. Maybe that might explain why there's more action on CoinAll.
I hope it's a whale accumulating.

>> No.15247128

Can't be too careful. No homo
