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File: 1.07 MB, 1125x1390, 1551726339009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15241390 No.15241390[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Guys what does it feel like?

>> No.15241431

feels like 14 more years left of child support I have to pay

>> No.15241433

Like Chainlink right now

>> No.15241443

did she just unplugged from the matrix

>> No.15241451


>> No.15241458

Disappointment and shame afterward.

>> No.15241474

You keep making same threads every god damn day. What's the point? Are you THAT pathetic in real life?

>> No.15241482

just imagine if you invested all that child support into BTC

>> No.15241484
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Hi boisss

>> No.15241501

2 years here stay strong anon

>> No.15241504 [DELETED] 


>> No.15241510

How many link to disappoint a woman like this?

>> No.15241520


>> No.15241521

Same as anal with a trap

>> No.15241750
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All day anon kun

>> No.15241753

imagine letting your daughter walk around in that outfit

>> No.15241758

God I hate these "Tushy"-style high-waist panties.

>> No.15241780
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25 and tkv

>> No.15241788

Become a neet and she can't claim shit
T. Neet single father who still gets visitation (don't live in Goyimerica though)

>> No.15241797

Based and deadbeatpilled

>> No.15241808
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>> No.15241809

Exactly, if we get called that anyway might as well live up to it

>> No.15241826
File: 125 KB, 1080x1349, 61667854_110032383463090_2403430796968008247_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn Muslim for me anon

>> No.15241875
File: 90 KB, 640x793, tumblr_3c37a87db724a8e62b8bdd6558941315_2fa706a9_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tee hee i can be your gf tonight

>> No.15241885
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Anon i heard you liek red dress n shiettttttt

>> No.15241919

If my daughter dresses like that I would cave her fucking skull in. I carry my hammer around just for this. Just for when that feeling takes control of me, where I don’t fucking care about prison. Prison seems like it might be better than this shithole of a life working for shekelstein. Then, all this licentious whores will understand the fucking shit they’ve put me through for years

>> No.15241923

Turning 34 in a few months. Dateless, boob touchless, archmage status. I kissed and cuddled with a girl but that was 16 years ago with no intimate contact since giving up.

>> No.15241958
File: 132 KB, 500x381, 687474703a2f2f6c6834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find a gal to smoke weed with, you will get laid with ease. If you got no charisma you will fail.

>> No.15242001

I don’t like cannabis, plenty charismatic though.

>> No.15242019

Holy fuck. My nofap ends now

>> No.15242036

>bro just do drugs
Go shit in the street you degen

>> No.15242037
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>middle school
is this chart for the darkies?

>> No.15242041


>> No.15242048

BTW glowniggers everything ive ever said is satire

>> No.15242056


Imagine having children for real

>> No.15242058

Pussy. Unless you have kids abd are worried about CPS, quit being a bitch.

>> No.15242062
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>> No.15242064

lol some bony chick with a mediocre ass kills your nofap? You know the reason why girls pose this way, is because if you saw them from any other angle you'd go running. I'm talking 99% of the time. If she had a nice face why would she show some mediocre backside instead? Kinda makes you think. I hope it makes you think about not ruining your nofap, nigger.

>> No.15242072

t. incel

>> No.15242075

Nah I'm good

>> No.15242090

redpilled post

>> No.15242096

Almost, never should've gone for that kiss though. You blew it. I mean I did too. We could've been real wizards. It was only about 5 seconds after that I realized what a horrible mistake I had made. But reaching into a pit of vipers and getting bit, it doesn't take long to realize you fucked up.

>> No.15242097


>> No.15242106

volcel, sadly.

>> No.15242114
File: 200 KB, 279x412, smelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the smell

>> No.15242117

pointing out a girl doing the back arch to imply she has more ass then she does and you're shitter posting ass calls him an incel... good lord above it truely is an npc word low IQ peasants keep using for everything. hurr he insults m'lady FUCK YOU INCEL HURR I SHOWED HIM SHE WOULD REWARD ME AND TOUCH MY PEEPEE IF SHE WERE HERE! kys eternal virgin

>> No.15242119

Wait, just making out makes you not a wizard? I thought you only lose the ability to manipulate the chromosphere if you fuck a pussy.

>> No.15242163

lol seek therapy

>> No.15242178

It's only incels posting these pics

People that fuck bitches don't have 500gb of whores saved on their hd

OP is a loser, he will never fuck this girl so what's the point? Picture doesn't even do anything for me because I fuck pussy lmao

Thot posters are all virgins unironcially

>> No.15242182

t. nigger

>> No.15242183

No u.

>> No.15242190

The only sin of (((modern society))) is to not touch a woman. Consider that

>> No.15242191

>npc retort
>low iq response
>doesnt argue just shit posts
want to know how I know you 're an underage virgin "enjoying" summer alone shit posting on 4chan? I wait your low IQ npc retort that outs you as just another dumbass shitter that'll be working at a gas station for life

>> No.15242220

Not really. Incel culture unironically is toxic like feminist freaks say. It's totally unhealthy and left unresolved more unhealthy things spin off of it, like something rotten might spread to something else.

Incels should all be sterilised or locked up. There is a fundamental difference between incel and volcel. To be able to fuck but not doing so is good, takes strength of mind and will. To want to fuck, basing everything you ever do or say around fucking and toasties and muh huoergamy and muh women r stoopid, but STILL not being able to is wholly pathetic.

I respect true volcels or the genuine mtgow fellas, but incels should be locked up.

>> No.15242236

The girl in OP's pic only has 5 years of child support left. Tops.

>> No.15242237
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Just think logically

>> No.15242239

There is no incel “culture” just as there is no rape culture”, it isn’t a thing.

>> No.15242242

feels similar to knowing your family's financial future is secured by the UND masternode you bought for 2k

>> No.15242267

She told me I was sweet; I tore up her graduation picture.

>> No.15242282

Of course there is. You're looking at it. Retards that don't go outside putting women on a pedestal while simultaneously "muh rossties are stoopid". Porn addicted virgins that buy women's socks on twitter. Half of the transitioning trannies were probably incels at one point lmao

Fuck incels, they're not on my team but they persistently try get you to fight their corner by trying to point out how unfair muh women's mate selection is. I personally couldn't give a shit how unfair it is because I'm winning

Incels are rotten and that spreads to other things, popularising cuck memes or fetishes which then innocent teenagers are exposed to and so on. Fuck incels

Maybe time to turn off the video game and fix your fucking life imo (not you but incels)

>> No.15242297

imagine a fleshlight with bad breath

>> No.15242311

A small subset of folks doesn’t constitute culture. The journalists reporting on this crowd tried to focus on tying them to Elliott roger and other acts of senseless violence paying little or no attention to the major points involved. Kind of like laws to van assault rifles from school shootings, the greater factors are being missed and it’s by design.

>> No.15242326

Are you really unironically sincerely trying to claim there is no incel culture? Lol, be serious man. I'm not talking about the media saying incels are all crazed shooters or w.e., but clearly incel culture exists

>> No.15242347

Dude, look at your own mom, time will tell you there is no winning corner with woman.

>> No.15242352

Yes, I’m telling you a number of chat rooms and boards with a largely anonymous user base frequented by maladjusted individuals doesn't really constitute culture or any authentic sense. Where are the public futures espousing advocacy and acceptance? I see sexually frustrate, pornographers addicted men with poorly managed mental illness with a means to communicate and bounce their ideas off one another. If they constituted culture in your mind then okay. But at least come to some agreed upon terms. Even feminism as a long-standing ethos can’t agree on shit.

>> No.15242359

Incel culture will slowly be turned to mean anything other than a cartoonish caricature of masculinity, which can be easily controlled

>> No.15242363

Man you're in a dire state dude. Try turning off pc and going outside more. I'm not saying women are faultless but you're just bitter to tell you the truth. That's women's nature just like it's mine and yours to do what we do. Cope more faggot, crying about it on runescape isn't going to help you

I love all women

>> No.15242379
File: 38 KB, 702x447, big_think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate both women culture and incels culture
t. 500 IQ

>> No.15242382

People still play RuneScape?

>> No.15242394

And what I'm saying to you is that woman is being used to control you in the way by which you are most vulnerable

>> No.15242399

It feels like this.

Try a pool cleaner vacuum while underwater, especially with a heated pool, it will give you the best orgasm of your entire life.

The fans rapidly but gently smack the head of your dick while giving really strong suction.

Obviously stick your fingers in first to make sure it's safe, not every pool vacuum is the same.

I've had blowjobs from 3 different women and 4 different men, I've used vacuums, cock-pumps, fleshlights, vibrators... and NOTHING compares to the pool cleaner.

I'm not even fucking kidding right now, if you get the chance, try it.

The only thing that is even remotely close to how good that pool vacuum felt was straight up vaginal sex with this fat chick who had a really warm snatch, it was like sticking my dick into a wet loaf of banana bread straight out of the oven, and yes this fucking pool cleaner vacuum was better than that.

I don't own a pool or else I'd be doing it every day.

Unfortunately the owner of the pool caught me doing it so I'm not allowed to be within 1000 feet of his house anymore but it was so fucking worth it, I'm telling you that fucking pool vacuum is like heaven.

Honestly the only reason I even want to make it is so I can afford my own house with a heated pool and of course a pool vacuum.

I can't wait to buy a dozen different brands and styles of pool cleaners and fuck them all.

I live for that day to come.

>> No.15242405

Remember that kid that sat on the hot tub drain that had all his intestines sucked out? Poor bastard has to be hooked up to a machine now.

>> No.15242406
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NO incel. if she is 18 and dresses around house like that you have to do God's work...otherwise Chad will do it

>> No.15242412

Wait, wasn't that just a Chuck Pualinggluk short story? Or did that really happen?

>> No.15242416

you live in a fairy tale kek. women are absolute trash. so are the people who make these threads and worship lookism.

>> No.15242429

I don't know I couldn't think of anything else
Ok subculture then, barely any difference really. Either way it's not healthy, I'd rather not debate semantics of whether or not it's really 'culture' or what constitutes real culture because I personally don't have autism or aspergers syndrome and would rather discuss what we were actually discussing
Incels unironcially are toxic lol, those feminists are right

>> No.15242437

A forum with like 2000 posters worldwide is a culture nowadays lmao
Watch out for the scary incel boogeyman whoa !

>> No.15242442

Sure I do yeah because I interact with women as opposed to reading second or third hand experiences other people have with women on reddit posts or grrentext stories hahahahaha you have no experiences of your own, youre an experience cuckold

>> No.15242481

your white knight is showing.
try a better strawman next time.

>> No.15242518

It’s true. My mom said so, she’s knows everything and is a total whore IRL.

>> No.15242521
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Nice programmed response haha you have no thoughts of your own, just same sold responses. Boring
Turn off pc, go outdoors. Good luck

>> No.15242525

All you had to say was you weren’t up for a debate from the outset, faggot.

>> No.15242558

No I am but why do you think it isn't culture? Seems bizarre to me. What brings r9k together? Or the discord that have formed from that and whatever else? I'd prefer to just skip the bit about what constitutes culture or not because it seems pointless. Incels are having real impact in various ways so what isn't real about that

>> No.15242577

what does her butthole smell like

>> No.15242594

How do I profit from thristy incels?

>> No.15242599

Oh, I see; you’ll gladly continue arguing your point, but only if people see the light and agree. Is that it? We don’t get a better understanding of things without a reasoned exchange, but I have Aspergers for not seeing eye to eye with you?

>> No.15242602

Become a pimp!

>> No.15242622

>I'd prefer to skip the part where I bring arguments
Lol, congrats on being the most retarded person in this thread. Here's a news flash for you: r9k puts women on a pedestal, incels hate women so your comparison is stupid, just like you are

>> No.15242634

Not at all man I was just joking honestly, I'll concede if you convince me. Sometimes like prodding to see how people respond in rage lol, brings out the best in people sometimes imo unironically. If you can convince me incel culture doesn't exist then I'll let you know
Ok I guess so then since you said it

>> No.15242644

how does that change the disappointment?

>> No.15242647
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t. woman

>> No.15242660

By becoming one? Finding the wellspring within which is not dependent on external stimulus?

>> No.15242686

I’m not denying the impact of the ‘culture’, I only assert that any impact is embellished and without enough consistency or consensus to fall under the definition of culture. Even the label “incel” is poorly defined as any of the men could pay a working girl for sexual experience at any given time. You’re a victim of social engineering, swallowing the talking points and regurgitating them without giving any thought to the source or derivation for the word ‘incel’. Just like “rape culture” it doesn’t really exist in any genuine, authentic way. There is a behavioral pattern that draws some stupid label to define parameters that were never there to begin with. National “x” day is another example; hey, anon, did you know today is national (insert some consumer based product) day if the year? Who the fuck invented that?

>> No.15242722

Noatinwl donut day, national pizza day, national car wash day, national Israel has no right to exist day. Fuck the Jews and fuck you. Fuck you right in the shithole. I’ll open up cuts in your Kike body and spread poop in them until you revel the location of shekel shack. Greedy, HIV positive ass nigga.

>> No.15242746
File: 69 KB, 750x921, 666258d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey boys TONIGHT!!!

>> No.15242797

I've seen this response before too. But no, I'm not a woman I'm just not an extremist incel. I don't even particularly like women either, but it's nothing personal. For incels (you) it's personal. You hate women because you can't fuck women. It's easier to complain than it is to resolve your issues or hit the gym, or do good things, or join a club, or actually try to build some semblance of a life outside of spamming pol tier infographics created by inexperienced wizards. I really don't care if "the game was rigged from the start" most of your experiences with women aren't even your own. You just read screenshots, memes, twitter screenshots, screenshots of girls tinder profiles, whatever..

By incel I mean involuntary celibate, so virginal adult men that hate women but simultaneously everything in their life revolves around women, that have more or less have done what you just accused me of doing which is swallowing talking points of other incels in echo chamber, or ingesting thousands upon thousands of memes and screenshots of women behaving poorly etc, which has caused them to grow bitter about all women despite never actually having experienced that for themselves. Maybe it is too soon to put a label on it, but clearly something is happening and maybe not all people involved in whatever you want to call it are actually celibate, or virgins, or voluntary celibate, or misogynistic, or extremist. I don't care what it's defined as or how loose the term incel really is or whether or not it can be 'culture' because of how they communicate and organise, but I recognise something is happening and shit is bubbling over. What would you call it then? Loose group of edgy faggots encouraging each other to hate women because of tinder screenshot?

>> No.15242818

LMAO fucking pussies i got my succibuss from /x/ one a circle made of cum and them i bust ANOther ufcking not in the circle and then i put that noserubbing symbol and then 5 white candles because whitepower to summon a bigg thicc succumbus to suck my 4 INCH FUCKING cock,yes guyes it's 4 inches and i'm proud,so i can bust IN THE VAGIN and after i've done that ill snort cocain from my dickrolls and asscrack, only downside is that you will pay some kind of childsupport but in energy, BUT I GOT UNLIMITED POWER, I'm a fucing wizard and none of you retardes can stop me or even imagine the things i can do.

>> No.15242857

Based fucker

>> No.15242923

you are projecting the incel stereotype to mean "people who insult my precious wamen" way too fucking hard you seething white knight.
i hate women as much as i hate incels, both are wrong, boring, lookism-oriented, sex-focused parasites.

>> No.15242926

Like your approach! :D

>> No.15242954
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>> No.15242990



>> No.15243051


>> No.15244066

like u finally made it

>> No.15244084

Imagine being this good of a goy

>> No.15244093


>> No.15244119


Also, fpbp

>> No.15244191

paying for a prostitute feels like a total waste of money i'd assume.

>> No.15244220

That's not how it works in the US. You still have to pay the original child support amount even if you take a lower paying job or even if you quit. They will take your passport, throw you in jail, and garnish any wages.