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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15240790 No.15240790 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15240799
File: 858 KB, 1078x1201, Screenshot_20190811-220409_Cut Paste Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15240804

such gains

>> No.15240809

People are realizing biz was right again.

>> No.15240828

But why is it happening now? There were no rumors, no larps, nothing. Everyone assumed web3 would be a nothing burger
What's the deal?

>> No.15240835
File: 85 KB, 894x543, hopium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will all bend the knee


>> No.15240841

Omg sergey just dumped another 700k

>> No.15240843

No devs can actually code smart contracts and oracles. Companies will all adopt Link for their smart contracts and oracles.

>> No.15240852

Tard level Fuds won't work here

>> No.15240858
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>> No.15240873

Don't worry, it'll correct tomorrow

>> No.15240883

The market is doing the opposite of what biz says

>> No.15240894
File: 34 KB, 481x640, 15562138974324978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1000 EOY IS FUD

>> No.15240897

There was a larp a few hours ago from some dude pretending to be bffs with the devs
It produced a small pump and people freaked out and started buying and pumping it even more

>> No.15240901
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, bogd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he bought in
>doomp it

>> No.15240912

A slab of turkey neck and it's hangin' from a pigeon wing

>> No.15240922

There’s a dozen larps a day. None of them pumped anything.

>> No.15240956

lol you think some shit on /biz/ pumped it?

>> No.15240971

Not sure how anyone can even allow themselves to think that shilling on this relatively low populated board will produce any ripple in the humongous crypto ocean. I guess with shit like Brapper but with any other coin trading in the double digit thousands at least, no way some 4chan shilling would ever do anything. I shill my actual opinions, I’m open to shilling if it’s sincere too but anyone trying to “dump” their bags by lying is not going to gain anything other than luring someone into a mistake.

>> No.15241391

You'll be lucky to make that in a year

>> No.15241602

With the NEO and WAVES news, people are becoming more and more aware that pretty much all of crypto will rely on Chainlink, and that Chainlink thus deserves to be in the top 5 at least.

No he doesn't think that, but he wants you to think that.

>> No.15241671

>kill ze volume
>push it sideways
>he sold
>pump et

>> No.15241691
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>i bought at $4.20 lz 420 fgt and went into a 3 week coma

>> No.15241695

you fucking moron

>> No.15241699
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Shilling get people excited, excited people make memes. Meme spread throughout the internet and enter the subconscious mind to make meme magic work. How fucking new are you, faggot?

>> No.15241713

Sergey stopped dumping, therefore the price is allowed to go up.

>> No.15241718


837 % plus in 1 year to this point.

You really think Bogs & co wouldn't notice at some point?

>> No.15241730


>> No.15241744
File: 190 KB, 1300x865, 1563592879040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except its literally dumping. Sub $2 end of week

>> No.15241781


Even if that should be the case. Who cares? Wait a few years... don't you get it? Go buy One or some crap if you want to win 10% within a week before it absolutely crashes.

>> No.15241782

Everyone assumed trufflecon was going to be a nothingburger as well. It seems like we get a hype pump regardless, because people want to buy in just in-case there's something.

>> No.15241878

Chainlink, not even once.

>> No.15241939

>TFW chainlink was a better investment than Bitcoin

lmaoing at your life

>> No.15242089

Its gonna go back down in like a few hours, nothing to get excited about as it wasnt caused by any announcements or any conferences

>> No.15242105
File: 28 KB, 594x355, bull pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone see the thread last night where i rolled dubs and said I'd buy in

well seems Kek is very real feels good mane

>> No.15242776

I bought 437 link at 2.50 did I do good?

>> No.15242788

>buying the absolute top of yet another lower-low pump

>> No.15242852

lmao you fucking idiot

>> No.15243039

Inverse head and shoulders on the 4 hour and this is becoming a bullflag so I'm confident it will rise.