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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.20 MB, 2699x4055, 0ycaSB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1523856 No.1523856 [Reply] [Original]

This isn't 100% /biz/ related, but here me out.

The thing is that I've been getting rejected by all sorts of girls for years (mostly due to being poor and not handsome, my own fault).

After all these rejections I honestly think that I can hook up with women if improve my life financially.

I seriously think that when I move out (find an apartment), buy my own car and find a better job and I'll be able to get women.

It's a fact that the majority of women want a man who is financially stable (this is proven in everyday life).

Lastly, what advice would you give any other guy who has this problem ?

>> No.1523861

get money

>> No.1523870
File: 61 KB, 759x1092, 1474626725853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have it all wrong. Chads success with women and money is the result of being chad.
If you get money you will still be an autist, but with money. Esentially Mark Suckerberg.
Just save some time and get a asian hambeast wife now, then make money.

>> No.1523872

RSD teaches that good looks and lots of money make a man feel like he deserves to mate with a hot woman. This gives him a confident, entitled attitude, which women are attracted to. You don't actually need the looks or money, but they help.

>> No.1523873

mz is a chad senpai.
hes white . six something.
ripped as fuck. went to harvard..
has billions...

>> No.1523878

Make money and go to the gym and you will be chad

>> No.1523882
File: 79 KB, 640x920, wisewoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing that will help you find happiness with women, is prolonged proximity with the type of women you like.

what kinda women do you like, is how you need to determine how to go about that goal.

do you like college girls, goths, preps, club whores, beach bums, biz gals, gamer gals,

once u figure out where those kinda girls hang, just go hang there matching the style and energy, put out the vibe, and play the number game.

but heres the thing bud .

>> No.1523884

>Not that good with women, I think financial success is the solution

No. You just need confidence bruh

>> No.1523905

He is now after spending millions on improving himself. if he didn't hit it big, he would be another loser like everyone else.

>> No.1523907

Don't encourage op to be a beta male orbiter. You close the deal OP or GTFO.

>> No.1523913
File: 161 KB, 660x443, 1469354368074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sounds real fuckin pimp and alpha and pua carpe diem and shit, but every body had training wheels on there bike.
and everyone started in the kiddie pool before going 12 ft(with floaties on).

>> No.1523914
File: 61 KB, 306x423, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuckerberg is the cuck to end all cucks.
>young, have billions, could be a more prolific Leo with the ladies, has enough mony to make A-list actresses his personal fucktoys
>marries this

>> No.1523916

Money means power and power is attractive. So yes.
Don't worry too much about what car to get etc but more about showing you're powerful and you got your life figured out with all of your appearance

>> No.1523918
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i highly doubt that woman is cuckolding him...

>> No.1523935
File: 1.28 MB, 2832x4256, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucking idiot, if I had zuckerbergs money I would buttfuck a different A-list actress on my personal yacht in my personal island every week. He married that ogre instead. Ergo, hes a cuck

>> No.1523940


Also do fuck of to /r/9k and never come back.

>> No.1523943
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or.. maybe they're in love?
like a mature adult couple?

also , living like a insane playboy , often distracts you from your job as ceo, of instilling confidence in shareholders, and steering the hull of a multibillion dollar oil tanker, towards profitability and away from icebergs

>> No.1523947
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>> No.1523952
File: 190 KB, 1031x1440, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shareholders and companies

You fucking beta bluepilled slave of Jews, he has BILLIONS, he could literally live the life of a God and still be able to save millions a year living off interest alone. If even that isnt enough to make him a real man that fucks hot bitches daily, nothing ever will. He is a cuck and will remain a cuck

>> No.1523956

And you please fuck of to /pol/, biz is a jewish board. And why am I not the moderator? I am so good at this.

>> No.1523963


biz is a /pol/ & /R9K/ blend at this point.

>waaaaa nobody fucks me waaaaaaa

>women are useless in the upcoming race war

>thats biz for you

>> No.1523965

most of those billions are tied to his share price.
and if he were to liquidate those shares, the rest would drastically fall.

he obviously wants to make a different.
hes trying to provide free internet to africa via satellite.

he is creating value .
his life has incredible value to others lives.


what u shit post and cum 2 weird fetish pics all day?


>> No.1523967

Are you retarded or just autistic?

>> No.1523975
File: 1.68 MB, 2048x3069, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sure he has billions in cash and houses as well. Also, he could easily be a successful businessman while being a playboy.

Yeah, the incredible value hes offered is selling our secrets to the government, Also, I cum only to celebrity waifus, not weird fetish pics. Asshole

>> No.1523980
File: 36 KB, 508x509, 1470805456261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i cum 2 pics that thousands of others guys are cumming 2 of other ppls wives and girlfriends
>thats not a weird fetish
> i call other ppl 'cucks'

>> No.1524002

Fuck off asshole stop asking this every fucking day

>> No.1524013

Dude, what the fuck ?

I don't ask this everyday.

>> No.1524028

What the fuck, this gets asked every fucking day here and I'm getting sick and tired of it.

YES money will help with women, but the most important thing is to be fit, properly groomed, and well dressed.

For clothes:

Ditch that AC-DC shirt and baggy sweater, plain blue and grey t-shirts with jeans will work.
Make sure your clothes fit properly


Shave your beard off, it doesn't look alpha
Get a nice haircut, if you're balding just shave it all off (if you're bald, you might be able to pull off a beard nicely)
Go to a dentist 4 times a year, floss and brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes twice a day


Start doing cardio, don't overdo it
Eat healthy, look up some simple EAZY and cheap recipes up on youtube and build up a "portfolio" of dishes you can make
Go to the gym if you want to, or buy some dumbbells and do exercises at home

Or read this article, but don't take everything he says seriously:


On top of that:


The more you chase women, the less they want you. This also goes the other way around, the less you chase women, the more they start chasing you. If you keep yourself occupied with learning a skill, or doing something, or making money, you don't think about women as much, and that's a good thing.

Anyway, good luck faggot.

>> No.1524031

To add to this:

Shower every morning before leaving the house.

>> No.1524037

OP, if you can't even get laid, what makes you think you have the social skills to become wealthy enough to get golddiggers to chase you?

Pussy is cheap. Lamborghinis aren't

>> No.1524038

>floss and brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes twice a day


Brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes, twice a day, and floss once a day.

Don't floss 2 minutes twice a day.

>> No.1524039


>watching RSD

>> No.1524047
File: 42 KB, 360x412, vincewolfjaw2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant lie, i watch that shit sometimes, mostly for lulz.
sometimes they will say something intersting tho.
mostly when they are just giving out general, life philosophy or behavioral psychology.

"pick up" is pants on head retarded, and a total waste of time, beyond understanding any fundamentals of body language and the psychology of implied social hierarchies , and the roles that ppl play out in social settings.

>> No.1524062
File: 30 KB, 400x278, pursuit-of-happiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the acculmination of what you eat, do, see, hear, smell, taste, etc. So essentially, if you are seen as unattractive, you need to make serious changes to your lifestyle.

Women are programmed to be attracted to successful handsome men that take care of themselves. So essentially, strive to be what you believe in your eyes would be the most attractive for a woman who's looking for a husband that will stick around and help her raise her children.

What you can do is exercise, socialize, eat well, be financially secure, dress well, have good hygiene, etc. All of these things are things that you have control over. And I guarantee you will be picking up much more checks if you follow these guidelines, for the pursuit of females is essentially what life is all about.

>> No.1524070

Sorry by's, I do all the advice in this thread and I'm still a 28 year old virgin. However, every time I see a drug bangin' thug they always have a girl around them.

>> No.1524072

Read Mark Manson

>> No.1524075
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the real trick is not to play urself like this supplicating sucka ass simp
go to church.

>> No.1524079
File: 101 KB, 513x486, 14d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously you dont spend alot of time in jails and prisons ;)

>> No.1524084

Just lie about what you do. Work at a burger joint? Say you own 7 burger shops. She laughs at your piece of shit car? Just say my audio is in for a recall bang at her place.
At the bar don't buy drinks for woman. Let the milfs come to you. Never spend money on woman. They'll feel obligated to perform. They will be amazed at your confidence of you spend nothing on them. Always wear rubber or you'll pay for the next 18 years.

>> No.1524121

>woman paying for anything

>> No.1524122

>However, every time I see a drug bangin' thug they always have a girl around them.

Girl is there for the drugs not the guy.

>> No.1524126
File: 136 KB, 768x1024, 1468743197322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what kind of girls you get when all you have to show is your money.
If you're not filthy rich I guess it's really bad.

>part time low paying jobs most of the time
>now literally jobless and homeless (living with friends/family/traveling)
>no car
>clean but dress poorly

>decent body and face
>25k in bank account (more than many people my age ever had)
>many hobbies I'm good at including drumming in bands
>not a sperg at all

I can get most women, I'd say 70% of them would be interested then I just have to flirt. Found a really good one a few months ago and we're extremely happy together.

Money will get you shit women anyway, try to be interesting instead and show you know where you're going.
Also train your eye contact, most of the work is here.

>> No.1524143

There have akschually been studies indicating that most women do the choosings, and most women will choose a mate of similar appearance to them. If you want to chase tail go ahead, but its much easier and better for your health to wait for that special snowflake and fuck hookers inbetween...

>> No.1524169

>its much easier and better for your health to wait for that special snowflake

Let's be honest here.

'That special snowflake' doesn't exist.

What do you gain by lying about this stuff ?

>> No.1524263

Ihave chicks buy me stuff all the time. They buy me drinks at the bar, buy me tickets for concerts, and even buy me stuff for my place. And I treat them as an afterthought. I'm always chasing ore chicks. Woman want men who show indifference.
OP you need to live the rest of your life like you don't care about getting laid. Woman want a men who is unpredictable and exciting. As soon as they sense you being sexually l desperate they run. They aren't attracted to nice guys. They want an assholes.
You guys are all fucking neets. I got laid all the time in my teens making minimum wage. Now I'm making 100k and still getting laid using my same tactics. And I'm average looking.

>> No.1524271

By the way I'm on my cell phone typing this. Fellow businessmen, we are always on the go. Never work for someone else unless you need it to reach your goals.

>> No.1524295

Motherfucker, how delusional are you? Women are whores. Whores dont pay men you idiot, men pay whores. Even the most not-cheap woman eill only "split the bill" at best

>> No.1524302

>what is a juggalo?

>> No.1524307

Don't you have a picture of Zuckerberg you should be ragebating to instead of shitposting on a Siberian stock trading forum?

>> No.1524308 [DELETED] 

>in bands

no shit you can get women. if you tell them you're more interested in composing music than making noise on stage, or if you tell them you're more interested in creating things than excperiencing things they literally ghost you

>> No.1524322

Dude I'm telling you from experience. Once a woman finds a man that she wants to keep she will do anything she can to lock him up. It's up to the man to be unpredictable and fall for her tricks. I go to bars all the time and tell girls I'm not buying them drinks. They are ink teased at my courage that they buy me drinks. They know I'm in demand so they buy me dinner and all sorts of stuff.
They key is to make yourself so desirable that woman want you to father their children. I have no intentions of having children so I bang these girls and don't call them for weeks. I'm always at the bar every Friday or Saturday meeting new chicks. And if I don't meet any new girls it's no problem. I don't have to get laid. I have no desperation.

>> No.1524329


>> No.1524333

Lol screw this autocorrect

>> No.1524335
File: 36 KB, 450x345, docevil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think if anyone understand "real social dynamics"
its the creator of the #1 used social networking site, with datastores full of information on individuals and groups.

>> No.1524339
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Its true I fap to my harem of celeb waifus all day, but at least I am content and have peace of mind. Im not coping by making up stories like the stupid idiot who claims hes such a pussyslayer women pay HIM for attention

>> No.1524343

But you do write elaborate fantasies where you are Mark Zuckerberg fucking random women in the ass and then post them on a Vietnamese multi-level marketing forum.

>> No.1524362
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its just someone troll playing , relax.

>> No.1524402
File: 50 KB, 306x625, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miranda Kerr left Orlando Bloom and then was with this guy. He's a billionaire.

>> No.1524445

No, she went with Evan Spaigal. SnapChat founder.

>> No.1524460
File: 97 KB, 980x490, hef-2046673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean a hot chick is dating a rich guy ????
alert the press IMMEDIATELY.

>> No.1524485

That's not the CEO of Snapchat.

>> No.1524504
File: 953 KB, 2048x3083, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She dated Stephen Packer (the fat old man in the pic) for a while before dating the Snapchat founder

>> No.1524507

News flash faggots

women are attracted to characteristics of leaders

It doesn't matter if you're a drug dealer, a business man, rock star, or the manager at Denny's. Leaders and status are for women like a huge set of tits are to men.

guess why? through human evolution men with charisma, self esteem, and a large social network control the most resources.

money and resources are just a by product of being a self-confident male. money can't buy you self-esteem, self-confidence, or social intelligence.

>> No.1524512
File: 371 KB, 1280x1920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

James Packer****

>> No.1524518
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i already did a news flash.

>> No.1524531

How I see it:

> money gives you time and resources to spend on woman
> money gives you the resources to live a clean and healthy lifestyle
> money gives you time to work on your body
> if you're self made it proves you're succesfull
> in turn this gives you confidence
> it you are interrested in your own field where you made money it makes you interresting from womans perspective
> from womans perspective you can provide for her and her (future) family

these are all the pros I can come up with, ofcourse the biggest con.

> give up time of your golden years 18 - 25 to get rich.

If you're only getting rich to get woman, don't do it. Spend time in the gym, living healthy, and talking to woman, sex will come naturally eventually.

>> No.1525971

i'm broke by your standards but i've fucked more than 100 girls

it's like trading stocks, you have to practice until you find patterns and strategies that work for you

if i had a few million, the only difference would be is that i would attract gold digging sluts