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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 58 KB, 333x600, sweet_T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15227666 No.15227666 [Reply] [Original]

You get to pick only one:

1. You make 1$ / minute, but, you get anal cancer on your 60th birthday.
2. Ability to change your skin color.
3. A magical notebook, if you write anyone name on it, they'll die within 5 minutes.
4. 10k / month, cute average looking wife, 2 kids and 1 golden retriever.
5. Dominated by a qt ASIAN girl, you get internet connection and a cage where you sleep.
6. Dildo manufacturing company with 5.000 employees.
7. Change your sex (real stuff, not like traps) and become a porn star making 6 figures per year.
8. Imorability, resistance to any disease and teleportation, but, you lose 70 IQ points and become an alcoholic
9. Ability to understand chink market and huge returns. Asians will hate you and you'll never have sex with an asian ever again.
10. Move to NYC and sell hotdogs.

>> No.15227683
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O em gee, nice digits.
*self hi5*

>> No.15227686

All of these options sound awful

>> No.15227702


>> No.15227709
File: 53 KB, 600x553, 3811539-5014dd08f0b05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick one annon, don't be a number 7.

>> No.15227712


>> No.15227716

9, obviously 9.

Asian women are NOT attractive.

>> No.15227767

Literally every single one is shit.

I choose 3 and kill Craig Wright and a few other people I don't like. Actually fuck it, I short companies then write the names of important people in the notebook.

Yeah 3.

>> No.15227786

>A magical notebook, if you write anyone name on it, they'll die within 5 minutes.

will writing my own name work?

>> No.15227794

>6. Dildo manufacturing company with 5.000 employees.

That's 5 employees

>> No.15227808

whats wrong with the dildo company, nr6?

>> No.15227827
File: 55 KB, 500x500, 9842439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8. Imorability, resistance to any disease and teleportation, but, you lose 70 IQ points and become an alcoholic

I've already checked half of those boxes!

>> No.15227845

the real question is will it work on all people that have the same name as the persons name you are writing, or does you have to think of a specific person or write his own name.
Otherwise i might just write Mohammed, Ali, Ahmed, Muhammed and wipe out 99% of the middle-east.

Ironically if you filled out the notebook with names, with the intend to kill as many as possible, only black people would remain.

>> No.15227867

>1. You make 1$ / minute, but, you get anal cancer on your 60th birthday.

>> No.15227909

this desu
i'll take dmt when im 60

>> No.15227930

you forgot :

11. filter the unfanny tripfag and short btc

>> No.15227931

To be honest, if the 5000 employees of the dildo company arent just pencil pushers and HR quota hires, it sounds like a pretty good investment. With the degenerancy going on, this is a constantly growing market. Also a dildo isnt a product you will be buying used, so there is always a constant stream. With some creative marketing like the dragon dildo thingie, you could make the big buck.

>> No.15227934

9. Ability to understand chink market and huge returns. Asians will hate you and you'll never have sex with an asian ever again.

>> No.15227938

in the death note animu it was explained that you have to imagine the person's face while writing his name.

>> No.15227946
File: 130 KB, 951x729, 3249330-well+we+don+t+even+go+by+a+bump+system+on+_eac8fc374425a31bff76f67582ec4be9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'll take dmt
That won't help, it'll make things worse.

No, it doesn't, you'll have to kill each one of them individually.

It's ok...

The reputation?

If you write your own name, you lose half of your lifespan and get the ability to switch genders.

>> No.15227960


>> No.15227962

dmt just makes me comfortable with death so i can die peacefully at 60

>> No.15227980

9 is probably the best. 4 is also a pretty good deal

>> No.15227984

Cut your anus out and get a new one. Problem solved.

>> No.15227995
File: 530 KB, 522x357, fummly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 is also a pretty good deal
You have to picture it.

>> No.15228015

8- I'd love to have an only slightly above average IQ

>> No.15228027

The drawback is that your wife is white and has a large dog keeping her company while she's alone at home.

>> No.15228042
File: 14 KB, 457x581, 1503816349373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have 2 kids together, pretty sure you can talk her into BDSM in 2 - 3 years, if you're into that kind of stuff.

>> No.15228054

I pick 1 and kill myself before I become 60 yo boomer.

>> No.15228062
File: 55 KB, 200x200, 63966477e630645c27303c97549eda781479391768_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you coming onto me? stop trying to steal my varginity

>> No.15228108

it's between 6 or 9, neither have any negatives

>> No.15228118

making dildos is a bad thing in the eyes of people?

>> No.15228146

open my own playboy mansion linked with the dildo company, hire sloots to model/advertise the product, have sex

>> No.15228215

How about I just roll instead?

>> No.15228295
File: 9 KB, 121x125, hello.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, enjoy your qt Asian dominatrix.

>> No.15228347
File: 57 KB, 640x674, 88a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hire sloots
>have sex
That's a sex harassment lawsuit.

>> No.15228356

4 and if you pick anything else you are wrong

>> No.15228366

3. and it better have room for at least 6 million names

>> No.15228374

Why would I not select 4, especially if I am in a third world country

>> No.15228410

4 is the safest, 3 has the most potential but I don't know if I have what it takes to make a living out of killing people.

>> No.15228418

personally i would do the same, but. some anons don't want kids

>> No.15228422

Just dump them and your wife, that is what I would probably do and live comfy incel neet life

>> No.15228431
File: 75 KB, 696x770, 2570986c9ec6b0d6ed1f62d034a5a30b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the golden retriever?

>> No.15228433

you don't fuck the hired sluts, you imply it with your marketing image which then attracts real the real sloots

>> No.15228439

Sell it or give it to the wife to make the departure as peaceful as possible

I want a cat

>> No.15228453
File: 72 KB, 960x720, golden retriever crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will abandon the dog? YOU MONSTER!!!

>> No.15228457

you're tying yourself in with that option - you can make more money with option 6 or 9 and get to choose how many children you want and what type of pet/dog you want. i'd assume it'd be 10k for life working 40 hours a week also, sounds fucking lame breh

>> No.15228467

>i'd assume it'd be 10k for life working 40 hours a week
OP doesn't mention anything about a job

I can make 10k a month and work something to make even more. Only problem with that salary is inflation, but it's still not that bad

>> No.15228469

Who said anything about work?

>> No.15228485

9 of course, 4 isn't so bad too.

>> No.15228499

OP do u gotta work?

>> No.15228528

1. At least then I know that I'll live till 60+

>> No.15228630

Yes, you will have a 8 to 4 job.

>> No.15228655
File: 316 KB, 2048x1536, Sweet T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anal cancer will kill you slowly and painful. Constant pain will make you finger your anus ever 10 - 20 minutes.

>> No.15228666

you can always kill yourself

60 years of 1 dollar a minute beat 600 years of wagekek

>> No.15228737

>checks his own digits
really color me surprised

>> No.15228751

1, then I'll have monthly colonoscopies starting at 55.
it's basically a free $518k/year income per year to neet with, and the survival rate is almost 100% if the cancer is detected in the earliest stages.

>> No.15228769

1, then I'll have monthly colonoscopies starting at 55.
it's basically a free $518k/year income per year to neet with, and the survival rate is almost 100% if the cancer is detected in the earliest stages.

>> No.15228778

I'll take one death note please. Easy as fuck to change the world as I see fit with such a tool.

>> No.15228863
File: 189 KB, 485x365, fresn_only.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart! I like it.

>> No.15228938
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>> No.15229022

how are you doing mr fagit

>> No.15229029
File: 53 KB, 583x608, I4tn8yb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only one that isn't clearly terrible is #2, and that is terrible if you are white. It's like applying to college all over again...

>> No.15229042

Reddit thread

>> No.15229054

3. Of course, power >>>>>> money

>> No.15229056

Would i get taxed on $1/hour?

>> No.15229068

Then no, fuck that. I can get that already

>> No.15229127
File: 141 KB, 600x499, 79c1dad0b4d9f749ae415c6d2b2b362d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing fine, fren. Got a new look and name. <3

Yes if you're scared and fill the forms.

>> No.15229263

For me it's 6

>> No.15229368


>> No.15229490
File: 38 KB, 400x400, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you'll be shoot the moment someone gets a glimpse of you.

>> No.15229688

Fucking 9. Easy. I only fuck at trad aryans.

>> No.15230397
File: 2.91 MB, 4256x2832, Side-Business-Taxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far you guys didn't take the bait and chose the good ones. I'm proud of you anons.

>> No.15230447

The real question is whether or not I could talk her into 6 more kids

>> No.15230494

>6 more kids
You already have 2, that would be 8 total. Can you survive that? The 10k/mo won't help even in a 3rd world country with so many kids.

>> No.15230560

8 is just minimum really, maybe freeze some of her eggs while she's young and we can keep having them until we get pretty old.

$10k a month on top of investments and proper handling of it would be plenty. Besides kids aren't actually as expensive as the memeline pushes. That's just an attempt to stop people from breeding

>> No.15230573


>> No.15230804

4 is all I want in life. The final red pill to happy life is the blue pill