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15223432 No.15223432 [Reply] [Original]

>my first car budget
>get some shitbox Beemer with no reverse that could've killed me on multiple occasions
>Younger brothers first car budget
>$10,000 fucking dollars
>Gets a mint SUV with no oil leaks, lights on dash, rust, or problems
>ask them why
>"He needs it to get to his sports practices safely"
>I had many places to go, never had any concern for my safety getting from point A to point B

Fuck my parents dude, Fuck my parents

>> No.15223474
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oh shit a bimmer you say?
what it is?
also /o/ is ur fren

>> No.15223487

Never got a car, or money from my parents. Get over yourself.

>> No.15223492

your better off turning that energy into something rather then ranting on an anon baord

>> No.15223496
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Your parents taught you to rely on yourself.

>> No.15223533
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What's it like having parents that would be willing to give you money? The most I got was a 10 year old prius as a birthday present. To be fair though I didn't like it at first, after a while it grew on me and not only do I save more money for LINK but it's never had a single issue. 3 years without a breakdown, not even a hiccup.

Basically sometimes when you think you're getting a shit deal, sometimes it takes a while to realize it was the experience along the way and how you react to it that will shape your success. but then again i don't exactly get laid in my car or at all so what do I know

>> No.15223546

>The most I got was a 10 year old prius as a birthday present.

There is literally nothing wrong with that. Getting any car from your parents for free is a good deal.

>> No.15223551

so your parents gave you a $5-10k present and you think you're humble?

>> No.15223552
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>he bought a $1500 BMW
youre fucking retard. kys op. everyone knows that you buy a 3k civic as your first car.
t. /o/

>> No.15223591

lmao, it wasn't even worth $2K when I got it. I take it this is going to be another "boomer forced out of the house when he was 12" episode

Yes that's literally what I just said, it's the best car I've ever had despite the fact that from the outset it's consistently mocked and people make fun of them.

>> No.15223602
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I once lent my mom 10k so she could upgrade. I'll pay you back anon wow my son is the best . Oh anon i cant pay you back but I'll charge you board until the debt is repaid and then ill stop charging you board. Sound good kthxbye

>> No.15223621


It actually worked decent besides not going into reverse gear.

Civics are for pussy faggot man-children that can't wrench and grandmothers

>> No.15223642

bro you got a fully functioning 45-50 mpg car that gave you no problems for 3 years for free, what are you complaining about? that's practically free transportation for 3 whole fucking years and continuing

>> No.15223643

At least they go into reverse

>can't wrench
Gay. Le car guys are so autistic. Not everybody cares about being a greaseball mechanic.

>> No.15223647
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>Civics are for pussy faggot man-children that can't wrench and grandmothers
this coming from a retard who bought a $1500 bimmer.

>> No.15223663

Jesus did you read anything I just said? I said that it was a great car and that OP should consider himself lucky that his parents gave him any money.

Holy fucking shit read before you type please.

>> No.15223665

Sorry that you're parents didn't love you, you were probably a massive faggot, or they were just poor

>> No.15223670

>you were probably a massive faggot, or they were just poor
both probably

>> No.15223696

>can't wrench
What the fuck? Civics are perfect for wrenching since you can easily get parts unlike beemers

>> No.15223707

>I had many places to go

Like where?

>> No.15223719


>this coming from a retard who bought a $1500 bimmer

lol what do you even know about cars. 20 year old BMW engines can take a beating and aren't as bad as the retards like you think they are

>> No.15223736

I said can't wrench because people that buy 3k civics get them because they want a reliable car that they have to do zero wrenching on.. not to say that they aren't easy as fuck to work on

>> No.15223737

Yea, you sound like a faggot for sure. Lucky they gave you anything.

>> No.15223738

Your parents gave you a car. And your bitching that your brother got a nicer one. You're a faggot.

>> No.15223754

Oh okay

>> No.15223756

So why are you complaining? You seem ungrateful and hurt and angry

>> No.15223771
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>20 year old BMW engines can take a beating and aren't as bad as the retards like you think they are
>OP made a thread to complain about his shitbox and then goes on to defend it like an autist

>> No.15223772


lol the car I got could've killed me multiple times, where as they are concerned about getting my brother a car that's extra safe

>> No.15223773



Buy your own car loser.

>> No.15223839


the engines are good. Everything else is shit.

>> No.15223846

Getting a car can save you 5 years off your life. My parents didnt give me shit, not even skills. If i would have had a car at 16 or even 18, I would be further in life. I didnt have one till I bought a shit honda at 25

>> No.15223938
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>The most I got was a 10 year old prius as a birthday present
I get you anon, got my dad's old beater and I had been delegated all transport duties of my two little brothers on top of that

It was a bright, maroon red 10 year old Ford Edge (Barely $2k), spent $100 to get it all-blacked, hater-blocking, gat-taunting, gangsta-certified tints. Cleaned it out, added some polar bear fur on the dash, some high-/fa/shion accessories and chains on the rear view mirror, and filled it up with bottles of gin, packs of smokes, playing cards and some perfumes to combat the weather. Although I did stick it up some trash thots in my time, but fucker was beat down and the rates for when it broke down raped me good. Also really shitty mpg, but it did run a good 25km at empty even though that probably exorcised my engine of it's sins

Literally the best years of my life, so much dumb and fun shit happened in and with that car, and I'm still sad I'll be leaving it when I move to a diff country soon :(


>> No.15223968

>he’s never heard of pelicanparts

>> No.15223972

I’ve got nothing from my parents who wage slaved their entire lives and continue to do so for the health of our family. Now I’ve finished medicine and am living at home while putting away all my spare money into LINK, gold/silver and saving for a down payment for a section of bush which I’ll convert into a holiday home/happening hq for me and my entire family. I cook as many meals as I have time to and contribute to the wellbeing of the household which now has 3 generations under its roof.
Individualists who separates themselves from their family are traitors to their own culture, and actively help (((tribalists))) in their endeavour for world enslavement.
Kill yourself

>> No.15223994

Can confirm. Tried to resuscitate a e36 325i four separate times due to electrical harness failure, control rod/tie rod failure, electrical harness (fucking again), and finally, that classic thing only e36s do where the thermostat fails, the coolant boils, blows up your coolant lines and boils into your ENTIRE FUCKING ENGINE

>> No.15224002
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Pickle rick was a nice touch

>> No.15224158

Also, you are an idiot for not buying something reliable with an abundance of spare parts. If you are in US, I’m not sure what that is but probably Fords etc, if you are in AU/NZ that’s Nissan, Toyota, Mitsubishi etc. All of my cars have been found on second hand online stores with the filter <2k manual and each gets its warrant if fitness because I’m not a brainlet who doesn’t know his way around a wrench.
Once again, kill yourself

>> No.15224171

Where did I say I was complaining you absolute retard?

>> No.15224284

I busted my ass saving for cars. My cousins all got them for free.

>> No.15224394

It comes with being the oldest. It's worse when your family is rich

>Growing up my parents never bought me a car
>Both younger siblings get cars
>Parents tell me they expect me to pay my way through college, go to a place that gave me a full ride
>Siblings get college paid for in full by parents
>Parents expected me to be financially independent after graduation
>My sister dropped out of her art degree to move to LA at 20 to become an actress, parents buy her a 2.5 million dollar apartment because "it's a good investment"
>Same sister is getting paid 50k a year from our collective trust to finance her lifestyle
>Youngest sibling who is only 18 also gets set up with 50k/year distributions because "it's only fair"
>I don't get shit because in their eyes I don't need it (and to be fair I don't and I'd rather it just stay invested anyway, but still)

Oh and liquidations of the trusts are based on when my youngest sibling turns 35 so I'll be deep in my 40s before I see any of the real money.

>> No.15224409 [DELETED] 

shoulda played basketballs

>> No.15224506
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>> No.15224576
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>parents buy her a 2.5 million dollar apartment because "it's a good investment"
>paid 50k a year from our collective trust to finance her lifestyle
Jesus fucking Christ, my parents had to borrow to get me 9kEUR to send me out for college, and I got it invested along with all my savings at the time (3.5kEUR) and income (600EUR/month) so I didn't have to burden them for the 4 years after.
Still think scenarios in my head of how I'll move them out of the home they bought in our shithole neighbourhood in our shitstain country and set them up with another where I now live.

>tfw i might not make it
>and won't be able to move my parents out
>they very possibly might get robbed and killed one day
Kills me inside

>> No.15224623


I blame the likes, personally

>> No.15224634


Kikes ***

>> No.15224664

get off 4chan javier

>> No.15224810

>mom had a judge gto
>dad had a mustang
>both had their parents give them cars
>parents never got me shit, let me drive their shitty beat 2001 sante fea to highschool
>donates all their money to church
>they still borrow money from grandparents so they could get a bigger house when I went to college
>never lifted a finger to help me in college
>now that I'm successful all I hear is how lucky I am to have a family that supported me

Somehow gen xers are worse than boomers. They deserve the gas chamber 10x over in my opinion. Like you graduated highschool in the 80s. The world was literally your fucking oyster and you did nothing except be the most mediocre versions of yourselves. Fuck you gen x cocksuckers

>> No.15224862

and people wonder why they get murdered

>> No.15224912
File: 170 KB, 360x346, tenor (3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no reverse
So what you just pull into a parking spot and then, that's it? Buy a new car? How does that work?

>> No.15225052
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>gen x is worse than boomers
Kek. They literally have it the worst, housing is just getting more and more expensive, and so is college and day-to-day life, while wages are more stagnant than ever, and the economy's heading into a third recession just 15 years after the first they've experienced in their lifetime, not to mention global warming's at it's worst and will continue to get worse well into their senior years, just as oil and gas prices will hike as reserves get used up and thus energy and transport will become more expensive until proper optimisation and efficiency is achieved.
Tensions are boiling in the ME, alongside soft power skirmishes that might as well turn into another cold war, as the inevitable shifting of global power kicks into gear. They are literally the most cucked generation, and they didn't even get to witness why or how, at least millennials got to see their lives get progressively fucked and not just get dropped into adulthood with a penis up the ass straight away.

Never thought of that, kek. OP's a salty LARPer because his parents love his brother more than him :'^)

>> No.15225125

>gen x
My bad dawg, thought you said gen z. Yeah gen x are pretty fucking shit.

>> No.15225498
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My car, I'm 24

>> No.15225515
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Asuka slap :3

>> No.15225715


how autistic are you that you just have to remind the world that you're an autist, just kidding, cool sticker

>> No.15225809

I feel ya anon. My sister was given a new year Hyundai Elantra while my first car was a $1500 '92 Honda Accord that I needed to pay my folks back for. I got a good private seller deal for it but still had to replace the radiator, window regulator, coolant hoses, and radio on my own. It made me appreciate that car a lot more and made me humble. Had it for a few years too until I had enough to sell it and buy an '05 Toyota RAV4 and I actually felt sad to let it go.

>> No.15226252

why would u buy a beemer
if you're poorfag
u know this cars
are not reliable righyt

>> No.15226500

>Gets a free car complains.

The state of /biz/

My parents gave me a Peugot 206 with two doors. Its a 19 year old car.

Best car ever! Never broke down never had a hick up of any kind. Driven daily on shit ass gas. Went up mauntains paths with it drove it 160km for hours pedal to the metal for hours.

Only got it cause my mom did not want it.

Even got several BJ in it.

That's what you get for getting end of life beemer

>> No.15226902

People got a car from their parents?
I didn't get a fucking penny. Not a car, not a bike, nothing.
Fucking kids have it easy, not wonder yall don't know the value of money. shit.
I just uber now. Never got a car in my life and I don't plan to. Investing my savings into more business and crypto. Fuck cars.

>> No.15227340

Sometimes parents just have a favorite kid. I worked hard and got good grades in school cause my dad promised me a bike. I still remember the day my dad took my brother bike shopping without me and he brought home his new bike. Still love my dad tho.

>> No.15227684

I got kicked out at 18 and lived on the streets of Seattle for almost a year since I was too lazy for a Summer job. Haven't talked to my parents in over a decade.

Don't do to your own kids what your parents did to you. I already saved over six digits but instead of buying myself a nice car my son will be going to private school and I plan to pay for his uni and rent so he doesn't have the debt burden I once had. Although if he's a failure I'll let him leech off my earnings and just live at home but that won't happen since he won't be going to public school.