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15217531 No.15217531 [Reply] [Original]

Is it really all there is to life? Burning out your dopamine receptors, wait for recharge, eternal cycle of rinse and repeat. Whether you're fucking a beautiful girl or fapping in a sock, whether you're traveling in the wild or playing vidya, whether you're going to a Michelin 5 stars or eating microwave tendies, whether you spend your day wage chucking like a npc or staring at charts in the neet basement, the hedonistic treadmill ensures that you will never be satisfied with what you get. So what's the point of anything. I've done it all, I got ahead, I experienced all the finest things but at the end of the day I am still the same broken neet I was when I started, cursed by the intj mindset. How do I escape the eternal relativism, pessimism and nihilism my autism mind is trapped into. Don't give me meme answers like yoga meditation and read Marcus Aurelius you fucking predictable cunt, that's the equivalent of telling a black pilled incel to go to the gym and get a haircut, it doesn't work. Also when link 1k????

>> No.15217553

send me a 0.1 and ill tell you

>> No.15217556

you have a nice life anon and you're taking it for granted

>> No.15217575

>Is it really all there is to life? Burning out your dopamine receptors
Dopamine isn't even a part of life
just an abstraction you accepted and gave meaning far beyond what lies within it so that you can feel bad about life

>> No.15217595

Pleasure is worthless, but beauty is something that never gets old.

>> No.15217649

Since you asked for no bullshit, im not gonna give you bullshit
Humans are litearlly just brains reacting to stimuli and producing chemicals accordingly, thats all life really is and there is no escape from that. Just do things that make your brain release good chemicals. If you are depressed and therefore do not produce good chemicals use whatever means there are such as therapy (if it works on u) to be able to start producing them again, antidepressants work short term to rebalance your chemicals but dont go on them for a long time and if your doctor says to take them for a year take them for that long but dont take the full daily dosage, micro dose it

>> No.15217682

In response to this, I'll say:

Read the Bible
Read Plato
Read Epictetus
Read Descartes
Read Hume
Read Spinoza
Read Kant
Read Nietzsche
Read Guenon
Read Hermes Trismegistus
Read Plato again
Read Parmenides
Read the Bible again

>> No.15217700

All of that is waffle from either backwards retards that viewed natural occurrences as something special to them (ego) or some autistic german who lived during the industrial era and so of course would develop nihlistic theories to life.

>> No.15217708
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can you expand on this?

>> No.15217714

^ fuckin checkem. You know im right anon and OP

>> No.15217723
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It has always been like this anon. You need the Nietzsche pill. If it makes you feel better I, as well as a portion of /lit/, are all in the same boat.
Cliff notes: You need to live so that if you did the same thing every day it would be ok and life would still be worth living. Also, you gotta stop denying those aspects of yourself that are unsavory, they as well as the "good" parts, are life, and to deny the "bad" is to deny the good. I can go into more depth if you like. Last point, life is a bitch, no doubt, so you got to decide, kys or live, and if you are going to live, how can you live, so that point one is satisfied.
Post Christian existential angst is our generations bitter pill to swallow and overcome. There's no way around it. Many have and will sudoku, the ones who live will mostly be Herd, however there are a minority of us who will create meaning in face of the suffering and affirm our lives and suffering in the process. You must be strong, otherwise...Do your best, hopefully it is good enough, good luck anon.
When you feel bad listen to this, it is pretty cool

>> No.15217726

your view of how the world works is built upon at least a few hundred axions of pure faith. the reason you chose those instead of others was value judgements.

>> No.15217741

And after having read all that, realize that all of these authors had sad lives and went onto finding an explanation which in the end leaves you with even more questions.

The enlightenment really came when I started Schopenhauer and basically told myself "why the hell are you reading all this?".
Thanks Schoppy, maybe that was his goal all along.

>> No.15217753

Id say most of my understanding of how the world works comes from experience and then comparing that experience to scientific research. I always look for alternatives when im not sure of an issue so i explore all possibilities (unlike some people who just stick with a mindset for the rest of their lives, not saying you tho just ppl)

>> No.15217771

>reading a shitton of nonsense just to figure out how to be alive
Living is the simplest thing in the universe for animals. Only humans overcomplicate it.

>> No.15217773

Take the leap anon, ergo, Kierki

>> No.15217777

The only things that have value in this world are things that give dopamine indirectly instead of directly. Building things, raising a happy family, starting a successful business, spiritually/religion, starting the 4th Reich to get Hitler's Revenge, the holocaust never happened, but it should've and it will... all heil the rebirth of the west.

>> No.15217783


>> No.15217793

I used to be a black pilled cunt like you, and still battle it sometimes. The key is you need to stay occupied doing things that are meaningful to you. ITS AS SIMPLE AS THAT. I enjoy improving myself through working out, education, reading. I have a circle of excellent friends who all bring something to the table instead of being negative cunts. I spend a lot of time preparing my son for clown world as well. All the liberals can chop their dicks off and go crazy, that just means we’ll be stronger to set up a fucking dynasty. Power the fuck up and stop being a cunt

>> No.15217796

check em damnnnn p based

>> No.15217807
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>> No.15217834


>> No.15217836

you have been cursed with the gift of higher knowledge, this is a burden you must carry on your back for the rest of your life. very few are blessed with this curse, even fewer make it through life carrying it without throwing out their backs. you have found what you perceive to be absolute truth, now the duty of your ego is to decide if its worth living with it, or to hand back your cursed soul to your creator and kill yourself.

>> No.15217838

Not very well.

I can put it this way in a probably inconsistent summary:
All of the meaning which we give to "dopamine" as what truly lies behind the mysteries of our life is a condensing own of the knowledge of life which we learned through an experience of life as it is lived.
We say dopamine makes us happy, and then say that happiness is dopamine. We then say that happiness can be caused by giving people dopamine.
All of the knowledge regarding spiritual occurrences which we now wish to attribute to dopamine actually comes from that which we now perversely attempt to use dopamine to describe - as if happiness lies inside of dopamine.
As if it's logically impossible for dopamine to exist without an actual subjective consciousness, spatially and temporally active and independently cleaved from the entire of the unknown. Yet this is possible, and it is entirely fathomable. Dopamine exists in dead brains.
So we're learning about a phenomena by living and experiencing, and then we're finding that people report happiness when a chemical is in their brains (here's one of the platforms of pure faith upon which this so-rational dopamine theory rests - other people exist) somehow explains the phenomena of happiness from our own perspective. We then say that all that which we learned from experience can be learned from something fundamentally dead, which, ideally, is abstracted from all experience. Reducing the self to a historic and observable object and presuming, for God knows what reason, that the dopamine metaphysic is somehow more rational than any other theory.
It isn't. It goes unchallenged because it rests upon the supports of the degenerate faith doctrines of today.
Throughout history nobody of repute has ever doubted that it is possible to find a brain function mirroring every function of another person's mind (and therefore, presumably, one's own [this is an epistemologically unreachable area which we wish into existence because losing the stable f

>> No.15217840

> I used to be a black pilled cunt like you, and still battle it sometimes

This is a good explanation i think to how most ppl who know about it feel. Like last year i was obsessed with balckpill shit because thats when i found out about it but a year later its just part of life, liek you said i still have my days where i just lay in bed and cant get up but ususally im able to get on with stuff and just laugh at the things ppl say that relates to it all whereas before id just be freaking out about it

>> No.15217853

Try psilocybin cuck. Like 10 grams dried

>> No.15217855

>Is it really all there is to life? Burning out your dopamine receptors, wait for recharge, eternal cycle of rinse and repeat.

Get good with God.

>> No.15217885

I agree with the first half of this post. I was extremely depressed with my life for roughly a decade. Then I started cycling, and now I am just so happy. I bike literally all the time, and when I don't I either work on my bike or watch videos. Its so stupid because I am mid twenties and riding bicycles, but i have so much fun. I don't even think about sad shit anymore. The moral here is to find something that you enjoy doing, then dedicate your life to it. This is what all the great figures of our history have done. Trump with his business, Homer with his travels, newton with Science, etc. Obviously you will probably never become as famous as them, but find something smaller and treat it the way they did their fields. No matter what it is. If you like building paper airplanes then just do that shit for the rest of your life. Fuck it, who gives a shit?

tl;dr Find a hobby that you love doing and just obsess over it for the rest of your life.

>> No.15217934

None of those involve building and maintaining healthy relationships or being part of a thriving moral community

>> No.15218059

Bro, the secret is 3 words.
Pussy, money, weed

>> No.15218369

Once you've been black pilled there is no return. Life is meaningless. I've traveled the whole world. I've gone from poor to rich and back multiple times. I've fucked dozens upon dozens of beautiful women. I've lived a life I couldn't even imagine would be possible as a kid. Now after all that I'm more nihilistic and cynical than ever. Nothing excites me anymore. I've already done everything. I beat the game. I probably have 1 dopamine receptor left. I'm basically just sitting around waiting for death.

>> No.15218406

No family?

>> No.15218423

Life is whatever you make of it anon.
It's unlikely that literally nothing interests you. If you're normal if could be something like music. If you're weird it could be something much more niche and bizarre but by virtue of merely existing there is something that interests you. Go pursue that.
And unfortunately you also can't snub your nose at the meme answers. The definition of cliche is originally the word for the block in a printing press. I.E. it is something that is said over and over again - but not for no good reason.
Whatever you do try not to cause suffering to others because it will not bring you any joy. Maybe if you're someone who is as spent as you claim then what you need is to abandon it all and go live in the woods. If an idea like that frightens you a little bit then there you go, that's what you should do as it has clearly caused a reaction in you.
Don't do something that seems boring. Embrace the excitement. Embrace the fright. Move forward into the unknown anon. Be your own fucking man.

>> No.15218441

>How do I escape the eternal relativism, pessimism and nihilism my autism mind is trapped into.
Probably heroin

>> No.15218442

That's retarded. To mistake dopamine rush for meaning is the height of stupidity, and only having gotten your steady hits of dopamine like you claim should you have come to realise this unless you're truly a fool.
You are not now at a point where you have completed the game you idiot, you're at the very start.
You are clearly frustrated. Frustration is what we feel when we lack satisfaction and this is to spur us on to seek out that satisfaction. So if what you have been doing so far didn't work - stop doing that. Try actually look for what you want. What do you want?

>> No.15219311

Nothing. I've already done everything I wanted to do, now I'm just bored. The cope answer is to have kids and move to the suburbs like a good npc cuck but that sounds depressing as shit. I'm just going to keep doing what I've been doing, getting smaller and smaller dopamine hits with each passing year until I'm completely numb and then I'll OD on heroin or something when I'm ready to hit the power switch. God isn't real. When you die nothing happens. Genetic legacy is retard cope.

>> No.15219319
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>How do I escape the eternal relativism, pessimism and nihilism my autism mind is trapped into.
>but no I actually do not want to listen to any of the answers that work because they are too hard and im such a unique and special snowflake

If you dont want to follow the advice of those who were in your shoes and bettered their lives then step no1 is to get the fuck off my board with your tumblr blog post, you retarded queer worm

>> No.15219370

OP thinks after 15 minutes of listening to alan watts will radically change his life when in reality you need to work at meditation in order to see results
monks are the happiest people on earth

>> No.15219454

Is the wagie who is content living a superior life to the free man who is numb, sad or angry?

>> No.15220350

All these faggot christians ITT that think christianity will solve nihilism instead of create more delusional death cult nonsense is fucking pathetic cope. BE a racialist and find true inner peace.