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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 80 KB, 1024x1024, D5vAhHoXkAA3lkO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15215133 No.15215133 [Reply] [Original]

ripple is the most legit project, its even more legit than bitcoin. ripples marketing budget (300M$) is bigger than most of your shitcoins whole fucking volume. ripple is backed by banks, governments, jews and financial elite such as institutions.

stop fucking buying your pajeet coins or 2-men university dropout bedroom team shitcoins.

ripple has over 200 clients which most are banks etc. your shitcoin has nothing or just speculational partnerships NOT FUCKING CLIENTS.

if you aren't holding any ripple, you are not gonna make it.

just go gamble with your pajeet tranny shitcoins and let us, the REAL MEN buy the OG XRP. ripple is actually older project than bitcoin.

ripple got offices all around the world and its expanding fast. XRP is going to be the coin for the financial elite.

in the 2020's normies will FOMO FIGHT to even gain the required 21XRP to even open a fucking XRP account.

buy now or cry later. they have already chosen the next bitcoin.

>> No.15215157

I thought the 13th (tomorrow) was going to be lift off for this shitecoin
Also is this a satire /thread?

>> No.15215162

wtf isn't xrp the backbone of that pedo forum

>> No.15215163

Imagine needing a marketting budget for a fucking investment.

>> No.15215242

>ripple is backed by banks, governments, jews and financial elite such as institutions
fuck all of them and fuck you too fucking retarded boomer
this is the only useful application for xrp

>> No.15215250
File: 155 KB, 1280x1280, tgKb1NW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many minutes of airtime your shitcoin get on national television ? HOW MANY??

>> No.15215259

they must be afraid. wonder why. ripple is CMC top3 coin of the world.

>> No.15215292

this thread is surely satire

also $589 EOY 2018

>> No.15215330
File: 41 KB, 799x388, sdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not selling u faggot. go buy your cool hipster startup coins with sub 100MM$ lunch money budgets

>> No.15215374

Oh no he bought the ripple meme.
Ripple needs to destroy their supply? Why would they destroy their own $? Because no one will buy it knowing they'll continue to sell billions to us.
Look at the supply, circulating supply, inflation rate, study the numbers of who owns how much. Do you got it?
You're more likely to make $ on shitty deflates on DDEX. Why are they making more money than alts? Tokenomics.

>> No.15215388

13th is tomorrow. I heard something was going to happen? Dumb rippletards.

>> No.15215414


But. In fact. Nothing will.

>> No.15215450
File: 312 KB, 1242x1698, 1564845548687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

13 hours