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15215154 No.15215154 [Reply] [Original]

I'm probably going to buy a suicide stack of 0xBTC. I haven't been convinced by the arguments I've seen so far not to buy it, it just seems like FUD. The pro-0xBTC shillers are doing a much better job of convincing me than the FUDders who seem like trolls.

If you have a good argument for why someone should *not* buy *any* 0xBTC, let me know in this bred. I'm not going to buy more than I can afford to lose.

>> No.15215205
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The unconvincing reasons I've heard so far not to buy it are:

> It doesn't pump with legacy Bitcoin
> The PoW has no point if it doesn't secure the blockchain
> It was premined by the creator(s)
> It is a scam (unclear what this means)
> It was made by Indians
> It is mined by FPGA miners
> It is centralized
> Most of the hash power is in one mining pool
> Anyone can fake the proof of work function, there is a bug in the contract
> It has no volume
> The marketcap is too small
> It has wash trading
> Anyone could clone the contract in 5 minutes and make a competitor
> It is 70-80% owned by one or a few whales

If you think I missed any, tell me.

>> No.15215306
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I'm not interested in reasons not to buy that are true of all coins, such as "It doesn't have inherent value."

>> No.15215338

just do it. if there were better arguments, you would have heard them way before

>> No.15215343
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In addition, there is a routine copy pasta containing "BIZ FPGA MINER SCAM" that is the least convincing of all arguments due to its crazy seeming, rambling tone. Its arguments are also covered above, but it's worth mentioning.

>> No.15215353

I have a contrarian approach. If the FUD is convincing & complex then you should buy, but if it's effortless shitposting it's a shitcoin. Arguments are the strongest when people have to rationalize their shitty decisions.

>> No.15215370

>I’m a faggot

it’s a scam. i don’t have time to educate you but its been covered before literally every 5 minutes. if you still want to buy it, have sex.

>> No.15215371

How about you do your own research and learn a thing or two about crypto and make your own decisions instead of being a sheep.

>> No.15215408

> It doesn't pump with legacy Bitcoin
How is that even an argument

Just do it and forget about it, a suicide stack doesn't even cost that much for 0xbtc. There are no real arguments against 0xbtc, it just is what it is and in my opinion that kind of trust is valuable, just as Satoshi intended it to be when he invented the bitcoin protocol. And this is simply the bitcoin protocol implemented on ethereum so it basically shares the same value.
The con is that this doesn't mean in any way that it will take off, there is a realistic chance that it will just stay obscure and fade into nothingness but I think there are worse gambles than this in the crypto space. And no project is adopted until it is, so the current state of adoption and reach doesn't say much about future developments.

>> No.15215411
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>I have a contrarian approach. If the FUD is convincing & complex then you should buy, but if it's effortless shitposting it's a shitcoin. Arguments are the strongest when people have to rationalize their shitty decisions.

I think that's smart. FWIW, I do think some of the 0xBitcoin FUD is smart on the surface. I was convinced at first by some of the talk about how PoW is pointless. The reply from a pro-0xBTC shill, explaining about how it's a distributed auction and you pay with electricity, was smart. I never thought of it like that.

I still see that PoW could be wasteful of the world's energy resources, so I'm not convinced that it's not at all bad. But realistically I don't think it will get to the point where it is actually killing the planet.

>> No.15215422

How many more reasons do you need? Retard

>> No.15215433
File: 9 KB, 225x225, Mone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How about you do your own research and learn a thing or two about crypto and make your own decisions instead of being a sheep.

Yeah, I did do my own research over the past month and I am preparing to buy. I can afford to buy/lose about 0.1% of 0xBitcoin's total supply, but I might not get that much. I only asked biz to show me anything I hadn't considered.

>> No.15215446
File: 4 KB, 225x225, bastard Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The con is that this doesn't mean in any way that it will take off, there is a realistic chance that it will just stay obscure and fade into nothingness but I think there are worse gambles than this in the crypto space. And no project is adopted until it is, so the current state of adoption and reach doesn't say much about future developments.

Affirmative. It might not take off, but I can afford to lose my investment.

>> No.15215508
File: 122 KB, 640x640, DTYES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How many more reasons do you need? Retard

What I'm saying in that post is that I thought those reasons were B.S./FUD. For example, I looked into the premine FUD which is often claimed on biz. A 0xBTC shill posted convincing evidence that it wasn't a premine which I looked into. After that it is obviously a BS claim.

I looked into everything on the list already, more or less.

>> No.15215577

>it’s a scam. i don’t have time to educate you but its been covered before literally every 5 minutes. if you still want to buy it, have sex.

This is really low effort. I'm zero percent convinced by FUD like this.

>> No.15215612
File: 30 KB, 340x500, knocked-down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just do it. if there were better arguments, you would have heard them way before

I think you're right. This bred was just one last shot at hearing arguments against it.

>> No.15215623


who cares, use your brain fag or loose all your money

>> No.15215626
File: 343 KB, 1152x2048, tv_vs_fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A suicide stack won't hurt. Honestly the fud about it is eerily similar to when BTC threads started showing up on /g/.

The reality is that most of the criticisms I ever see can be said about almost every project. It is a Bitcoin with eth compatibility. I think the biggest problem is that everyone kinda forgot that BTC is a currency before a gambling token, and the fud is from the latter perspective. MUH MOONSHOTS. It's a cool project, and it is dirt cheap. As far as investing goes, eth has always been the best chance for any of these memetokens to make it. If you're bullish on eth, then this could be the currency to go with it to serve as an EXCHANGE currency (and not a token). If you think eth is a dead project, I'd steer clear.

>> No.15215632

Why you should buy ZBUX instead of 0xbtc.
-ZBUX do not have bagholders like 0xbtc.
-ZBUX and 0xbtc both have security of Ethereum network but 0xbtc waste energy by larping as POW coin.
-ZBUX developer is an honest man listen his podcast.
-There are only few meme token and ZBUX is one of them.
-read about Nerva or MSR these coins are better than this shitcoin and they have their own separate chain.

>> No.15215650
File: 143 KB, 1000x1000, serge-birault-speakingsword1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you think eth is a dead project, I'd steer clear.

I'm long on Ethereum. I hold a few hundred ETH, though I think it is kind of a bad store of value and should be thought of only as gas [which is what the 0xBTC shills say as well].

I agree with your take on 0xBTC. It's not the typical biz moonshot which is probably why it's FUDded so constantly. It's just a long shot with a possible future.

>> No.15215676
File: 53 KB, 640x703, b169fbd6aa20498da3602989c4dabe8e1c749666_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why you should buy ZBUX instead of 0xbtc.

For real, everything you gave as a reason to buy ZBUX is exactly the opposite of how I think. ZBUX has terrible distribution, just look at the top 100 holders on Etherscan.

I do agree the ZBUX has the same security as 0xBTC since they both use Ethereum.

About NERVA and MSR, I don't know much about them, but I don't think a separate chain is a plus. Plus, how are you talking about security of ZBUX from Ethereum, then implying a separate chain is good? Not consistent.

>> No.15215747

>Why you should buy ZBUX instead of 0xbtc.

Why frame it as "buy x instead of y"? It's not like a person could do both....

>> No.15215995

>who cares, use your brain fag or loose all your money

Why even bother to say stuff like this? You basically prove the other side's argument.

>> No.15216014


i don’t see you denying that you’re a fag, therefor i win. faggot. go shill 0xshitcoin in mumbai whorehouse.

>> No.15216045


So is your brain.

>> No.15216093

Do you really think you'll convince anyone when talking like that?

>> No.15216155

>"hey /biz/ should I buy 0xBTC?"
>proceeds to make 10 obvious shill posts about it
I'm new to this board but your posts make it seem like a scam.

>> No.15216179

Asymmetric opportunity if I ever saw one. Throw $100 in it, if it goes to zero, big deal, on the other side.. Who knows?

>> No.15216283

>14 posts by this id
What an organic and convincing thread. Certainly this must be a genuine new buyer and not some retarded discord tranny.

>> No.15216313

>I'm new to this board but your posts make it seem like a scam.

I already said I'm going to buy it. I'm open to any new reasons [other than the FUD I listed] not to buy it, but no one is presenting any.

"Give me reasons not to buy".... I don't see how a random person asking for advice on something makes that thing into a scam.

>> No.15216350

>nobody is able say something bad about it
>must be an organized shill thread
OP specifically asked about reasons not to buy 0xbitcoin.
Feel free to state your points, all we have so far is 'you have no brain and will lose money' which is not really a sound argument.

>> No.15216367

OP is the literal, dictionary definition of a shill.

>> No.15216372
File: 88 KB, 736x1058, fe2b0d486100830ba5416a3f4e64503f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What an organic and convincing thread. Certainly this must be a genuine new buyer and not some retarded discord tranny.

Yep, I've been on the Discord. I'm definitely getting into the idea of 0xBitcoin or I wouldn't have asked. I don't even fully know what you mean by "discord tranny", someone who uses Discord? That's a lot of people.

>> No.15216385

I'm also getting some FOMO from it.

>> No.15216388

The point still stands, please say something inherently bad about it.
Even if OP is a shill, I prefer shills for projects with no apparent downside to literal pajeet 'buy before the airdrop, 100x pump soon' shills.

>> No.15216458


0xBitcoin was a /biz/ invented FPGA miner scam token.
Almost everywhere online 0xBTC threads are deleted, ie plebbit, its that big of a scam.
The actual daily 24hr volume on 0xBTC is under $10,000 - CMC reported volume is 95% wash trading
Don't believe me then buy $300 worth of 0xBTC and watch the price move by 20%

Around the time that these miners were pumping 0xBTC they shilled /biz/ CONSTANTLY with it.
There was at least 15-25 spam threads about it daily up until they dumped their bags on all the anons buying in.
It was a coordinated pump and dump and these 0xBTC scamming faggots think that /biz/ has forgotten about what they did.
Lots of anons were fooled into buying it at $2-$4.
Now there are tons of bag holders of this shitcoin and ALL of the 0xBTC threads on /biz/ are made by these miner faggots where they coordinate /biz/ shilling in their 0xBitcoin discord.

This project has a better chance of always being worthless than even worth $5.
No one will really tell you the truth about this scam because so many ppl were suckered into buying it on /biz/
Truth is, not many ppl are smart and wise to scams and it takes a high IQ to realize that 0xBTC is a miners scam token.
What's more is the FPGA miners mining this shit are now only making about $0.08/0xBTC and it keeps dropping.
It's incredibly not profitable for anyone besides FPGA fags to mine this shit.

Don't fall for this fucking miner scam token, its always going to be worthless.
>entirely community driven
>zero money for marketing or exchange listings
>scam artists for devs - who literally orchestrated a pump and dump on bizlets
>miner shill faggots who constantly spam threads about it bc they are so desperate for you to buy their bags because LITERALLY NO ONE IS BUYING THIS SHIT ANYMORE

What's more is that 0xBitcoin DOESNT EVEN PUMP WITH LEGACY BITCOIN!!
>do not reply to 0xbtc shills

>> No.15216478

No reason to use this over any other ECR-20 token. Plenty of tokens with PoW and more volume than this shit. Btw you can always you know just buy ETH if you enjoy getting dumped on by pedophiles instead of the streetshitters from the 0xBTC discord.

>> No.15216510

>Even if OP is a shill, I prefer shills
>Please say something bad about it
A bunch of discord trannies (for example, you and OP) posting long fake conversations is pretty much the biggest red flag possible lmao

>> No.15216543

>Plenty of tokens with PoW and more volume than this shit.

What are some other ERC-20 tokens that are PoW and have more volume?

>> No.15216578
File: 815 KB, 1600x1200, shakugan no shana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A bunch of discord trannies (for example, you and OP) posting long fake conversations is pretty much the biggest red flag possible lmao

First, I've seen many threads about 0xBitcoin with long arguments from both sides. Were they all "fake conversations"?

Second, are you saying you buy based on whether or not "too many people shilling"? That seems like a sheep thing to do. If there was a very solid crypto out there, you would not buy it just because of some shills?

There are always going to be shills.

>> No.15216590

>What are some other ERC-20 tokens that are PoW and have more volume?
>Were they all "fake conversations"?
Probably. Look at OP.

>> No.15216595

Any other erc20 token was created with one mouseclick by some developer who decides how to distribute his tokens. This one wasn't, distribution happens entirely via a decentralized supply/demand channel which is mining.
This is a big part of what gives bitcoin value. Even if satoshi premined a million btc, most people believe he's dead and can't access them, so there is not one big entity able to control huge chunks of supply by himself.
Look at xrp or chainlink, the biggest concern for both projects right now is that the developers dump their near infinite stacks for personal gains. Btc or 0xbtc miners had to put in energy to extract coins, so their perceived value is not zero.
Volume would come with adoption and market coverage, a few people in this thread already pointed out that this is the risky part, adoption is never guaranteed.

>> No.15216648


ETH doesn't have a predictable supply. They keep printing more ETH. Plus, they plan to switch to proof of stake soon. Then what?

>> No.15216803


5 reasons; faggot. faggot. faggot. faggot. faggot.

indian shitsmear faggot coin. 100% fake. 100% scam. 100%mined by the same devs that sold there bags constantly to thousands of biz newfags. no one will touch this shitcoin. no one believes OP is a real buyer not a scamming faggot.

>> No.15216864

pajeet discord tranny fpga miner scam token, poo poo, pee pee, doodoo and kaka.

>> No.15216870

You do like talking out of your ass while shitting on the street, don't you? Even with Ethereum's kekworthy supply increases, it still stores value better than you shitcoin. How can you claim to be a store of value when a single BTC buy would destroy your shitcoin's orderbook? Fuck off, Rajeesh, gb2discord.

>> No.15216890

>You do like talking out of your ass while shitting on the street, don't you? Even with Ethereum's kekworthy supply increases, it still stores value better than you shitcoin. How can you claim to be a store of value when a single BTC buy would destroy your shitcoin's orderbook? Fuck off, Rajeesh, gb2discord.

First, it's not "my" shitcoin. I'm becoming a bigger fan though, the more senseless hate I get for being moderately supportive of it.

We are talking about 0xBTC's theoretical ability to store value. Remember, BTC was worth almost nothing at its beginning too.

>> No.15216967

The theoretical value of a fucking ECR-20 token that has nothing unique about it is zero. Feel free to argue otherwise

>> No.15217042

>The theoretical value of a fucking ECR-20 token that has nothing unique about it is zero. Feel free to argue otherwise

What does BTC have that is "unique", though? Some other coin has copied everything possible except adoption. 0xBitcoin is like that, but in the space of proof of work ERC-20s.

>> No.15217105

Except for being the first true crypto, the defacto price mover of every other cryptocurrency, decent liquidity for an asset, second layer development etc, nothing much really.

>> No.15217110

0xbtc don't need POW because it's an erc20 token and have security of etherum network.

Muh erc20 shitcoin, muh hashpower,muh proof of work

>> No.15217140

Wait for his bullshit explanation as to why PoW is not useless for his scam coin. Pure kek material.

>> No.15217190


It's because PoW is the distribution method how the value is set.

>> The unconvincing reasons I've heard so far not to buy it are:
>> The PoW has no point if it doesn't secure the blockchain

>> No.15217215

So the whole point of PoW is to distribute this coin to the early miners, screwing everyone whoever decides to buy at a later date. Got it, that's a great distribution model. No wonder your shitcoin's volume is nonexistant.

>> No.15217285

Mining rate is fixed and self regulating, just as it is for bitcoin. Even if you say people premined it before it appeared on biz (roughly one month), they would have made something like 250k 0xbtc, less than 5% of the current supply. There are only 6 wallets with more than 100k 0xbtc though, at least 3 of those are exchange wallets, including the top wallet with 230k, that's some sort of Mercatox' cold wallet.

>> No.15217347

>So the whole point of PoW is to distribute this coin to the early miners, screwing everyone whoever decides to buy at a later date. Got it, that's a great distribution model. No wonder your shitcoin's volume is nonexistant.

No. The coin is cheaper at the start because no one believes in it at the start. If people believe it is going to have future value, they buy in and get rewarded for their optimism.

>> No.15217458

By the way, in the other thread there is an interesting overview about the number of miners in the early days

>> No.15217508

>by the way, here is more shill spam

>> No.15217583

More like
>by the way, here is more data that supports the points I and a few others have made in this thread
But let's ignore data, alright

>> No.15217960

i'll get a stack if people this stupid hate it this much

>> No.15218403

>>by the way, here is more shill spam

I think it's valid to talk about this in the thread. It counters one of the major FUDs.

I'm not hearing any new FUDs so far in this thread.

>> No.15218806

>me smart me contrarian investor

>> No.15218853

that's not what contrarian means. "faggot faggot faggot poo poo doo doo pajeet fake scam doo doo pee pee" is not a popular opinion, it's the monkey scrawling of a mental defective

>> No.15218883

Sorry anon you just don't get it. That's why you buy GPU miner bags. "Bitcoin but better". Literally the oldest scam in the crypto book.

>> No.15218935

do you have any actual argument? 0xbitcoin is mined like bitcoin but has additional utility from being an erc20. the previous statement is a readily verifiable fact.

>> No.15218995


>> No.15219067

What's the other option? Distribute the whole supply all at once to the guy deploying the contract and screw literally everyone besides that one guy over?

>> No.15219197

>What's the other option? Distribute the whole supply all at once to the guy deploying the contract and screw literally everyone besides that one guy over?

Exactly. PoW is best because it's open to literally anyone in the whole who can get a CPU [at first] or a GPU [once CPU is not competitive]. All they have to do is spend as much electricity as they think the coin is worth.

>> No.15219283

t. bruno

>> No.15219329

The whole supply was still distributed to several people who mined it before this was ever shilled on /biz/ so your argument is invalid. Furthermore, there's no need to have a mineable token as Ethereum tokens are already secured via Ethereum's PoW. Typical scam.

>> No.15219345

>The whole supply was still distributed to several people who mined it before this was ever shilled on /biz/
you are not making sense.

>> No.15219353

But they didn't get it for free, so they can't dump it below a certain price in order to not lose money. That's the difference to other erc20 copy paste tokens, where the creation cost is zero .

>> No.15219364
File: 127 KB, 474x457, 1561299103649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read your other thread where you got owned by a newfag, Ranjeesh. You mined this shit for a whole month while the difficulty was low before ever introducing this to the public.

>> No.15219386

i'm sorry something is wrong with your brain. that must make life much harder for you.

>> No.15219413

assuming this isn't a thinly-veiled shill thread, which it definitely is, if you've looked into this coin and honestly believe it could be a worthwhile investment, you should buy some. in fact, buy a lot.

>> No.15219461

got 2650 of these fuckers stored away waiting for the halving. this is probably the coin im dumping my gains into at the next bull run.

>> No.15219467
File: 15 KB, 240x240, DoppioAnimeFull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have some strong opinions about this coin, friend.

>> No.15219577

Waste of electricity
Dumping since one year and more to come
Actual volume is not existent
Waste of electricity
Waste of electricity
Bagholders waiting to dump on you
Waste of electricity
Never will be used for anything

>> No.15219620

Yes, I do but this thread has it's course with you not managing to trick a single anon into buying this shit. Your bitcointalk forum thread, your reddit etc. are all a wasteland, so now I'm concentrating my efforts on driving you faggots away from the one place where you're still not banned from. See you tomorrow, Pajeet!

>> No.15219635

>The whole supply was still distributed to several people who mined it before this was ever shilled on /biz/
The whole supply isn't distributed. Not even a fourth of the total supply has been distributed so far. And the date when /biz/ shilling started is a non-relevant metric. Is Bitcoin a scam because they didn't immediately start shilling it on 4chan?

>> No.15219656

>404, argument not found

>> No.15219665
File: 100 KB, 394x329, Comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Care to comment?

>> No.15219719

>Yes, I do but this thread has it's course with you not managing to trick a single anon into buying this shit. Your bitcointalk forum thread, your reddit etc. are all a wasteland, so now I'm concentrating my efforts on driving you faggots away from the one place where you're still not banned from. See you tomorrow, Pajeet!

What is your problem?

First, I'm not trying to trick anyone into buying 0xBitcoin. I asked for arguments against 0xBitcoin.

Second, you can't tell how many people are swayed to buy or not buy by reading a certain thread. Now that I know you are the frog guy, I remember 0xBTC-hating posts you made over the past month or two that I read, and you for sure didn't persuade me not buy.

At best your rants were neutral or redundant to FUD I already saw. You definitely never added anything original to the FUD list I posted up above.


>> No.15219846


>> No.15219949
File: 39 KB, 1434x736, Medium Post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just read your other thread where you got owned by a newfag, Ranjeesh. You mined this shit for a whole month while the difficulty was low before ever introducing this to the public.

You are practically converting me into a hard core 0xBTC lover!

How can you say it wasn't introduced to the public in the first month? The other thread [the one you just mentioned] showed evidence it was introduced to the public on the first day in a Medium post, at the very least. That post got 941 claps. There's no date on the claps, but social media posts get the majority of their claps when they are first posted. That was 6 of February 2018, which coincidentally is when 0xBitcoin was launched [proof is at Etherscan].


Plus, pro-0xBTC posters have posted links to other articles, Reddit posts, and other source that were published well within the first month.

Your argument is falling apart. Did you lose money anon? What is your problem, I can't imagine.

>> No.15220081
File: 316 KB, 2208x2158, Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look, I just did a Google search for "0xbitcoin" from 6 February 2018 to 6 March 2018. There are Reddit posts, Bitcointalk posts, Medium posts, YouTube videos, lots of random bot posts from aggregator sites, and so on ad infinitum.

That is just the first month. How can you say they didn't release 0xBTC to the public in the first month?

You are deranged and your FUD posts are not effective because people like me will look into your claims. My whole point of this thread was to find *original* things against 0xBTC, not the same FUD.

>> No.15220229


>> No.15220264

do the nedful sir, yes good coin.

>> No.15220440
File: 48 KB, 1024x524, JJKO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is it that you always disappear when someone points out your B.S. on a 0xBTC thread? Now I know you are the frog guy, I remember you doing this exact same behavior on older threads.

This was the first time I replied directly to you, dispelling your B.S., and now you disappear on me too.

Are you afraid? What's your problem?

>> No.15220612

lying about projects is some weird way of jacking off for losers. once their bullshit is debunked they abandon the thread.

>> No.15220854
File: 1.22 MB, 1700x2000, 287kneey3dk11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lying about projects is some weird way of jacking off for losers. once their bullshit is debunked they abandon the thread.

I think it is some kind of thing where they know if they lie in a slightly believable way, it is frustrating.

But, I think it is a good service they are doing, even if they are just jerking off, because genuine 0xBTC people defend the FUD and that helps convince people that 0xBTC is a good project.

Thinking back over the past month plus, frog guy probably helped convince me to be mildly long on 0xBTC.

Maybe he is part of the 0xBTC community and is tricking us into defending the coin.

>> No.15221260

Ignore the haters.

>> No.15221277
File: 42 KB, 500x557, 882whj2_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the guy r.now

>> No.15221315

>frog guy probably helped convince me to be mildly long on 0xBTC.

>> No.15221471
File: 197 KB, 700x700, Vector_norm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What I mean is that pro-0xBTC people responded to frog guy's B.S. with good arguments. Like I said before, I was initially leaning toward believing some of the FUD (like "PoW is useless") until people refuted it. So FUDders are kind of useful to a project.

I'm not saying I buy on FUD. I buy on convincing anti-FUD.

>> No.15221494

i've read quite a few 0xbtc threads. it's always the defenders who have evidence. it's very rare for 0xbtc attackers to show evidence. 0xbtc attackers don't even seem to understand the utility of evidence

>> No.15222295
File: 91 KB, 760x400, 0xbtc-stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I learned from this thread is that 0xBTC FUD peaked a while back and now FUDders can't bring anything new to the table.

It should be obvious that I wasn't convinced not to buy ITT.