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15213841 No.15213841 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't millenials like mayonaise?

>> No.15213858

> basic condiments
Has to be free range ethnically sourced before sœy boys touch it

>> No.15213865

cum sauce lmao

>> No.15213866

They prefer cum

>> No.15213869



>> No.15213870

Because it tastes awful and is bad for you.

>> No.15213871

Why are there so many "millenials killed X" threads right now. Fucking glows in here

>> No.15213885

mayo is fucking trash. get fucked boomer

>> No.15213892
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>identity condiments

>> No.15213911

Just end humanity already

>> No.15214050

>How Millennials Killed Mayonnaise
>The inexorable rise of identify condiments has led to hard times for the most American of foodstuffs. And that's a shame.

>> No.15214060

What are identity condiments?

>> No.15214069

Status symbols for plebs

>> No.15214089

Thick cut fries with melted cheese and then add some mayo. I like.

>> No.15214179


godless NPC’s latch onto, and identify themselves with, consumer products.

>> No.15214180

Because Salon told them so.

>> No.15214218
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>the most american sauce

>> No.15214287

eu mayo is much better than na mayo because our mayo is actually delicious with fries and snacks

>> No.15214383

Mayo is really good, the mayo sold in the UK and US is shit though.
I don't get what the fuck you guys put in that shit, it doesn't even taste like real mayo

>> No.15214569

Onions and corn syrup.

>> No.15214594

as burger who used to live in germany i agree

>> No.15214671

they just put chemicals in fecals to make it look like mayo
as they do with most of their food in the US

>> No.15214700

Or there are nicer tasting condiments available to millenials?

Normal mayo is disgusting. Egg white and vinegar.

>> No.15214910

mayo is supposed to be made of egg yolk, oil and lemon juice.
Someone uses vinegard instead of lemon juice but it tastes far worse, the quality of the oil is also important, if you really use egg white and vinegard you're not making mayo at all

>> No.15214947
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but I agree, it's disgusting

>> No.15215002

>millennials this millennials that

>> No.15215029

fucking nasty mayo. we like deflationary nerd coins cause they keep printing $

>> No.15215347
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This is media now.
This is what news looks like.

>> No.15215357

It's just eggs and oil faggot get over it

>> No.15215378

You mean millennials don't want another source of basedbean oil? Every single condiment except for ketchup first ingredient is basedbean oil, it's sickening.

>> No.15215394

well you add some mustard and lemon juice too otherwise there will be nothing fresh about the taste.

>> No.15215602

unnecessary, only other ingredient you could say is needed is a dash of vinegar

>> No.15215615

I get my burgers with no mayo or cheese so its healthy.

>> No.15215635

Because boomers have all the wealth so we can't afford mayonnaise

>> No.15215831
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self professed vegans seem to like it

>> No.15215849

American mayonnaise is disgusting

>> No.15215947

I don't know what that white paste in the picture is, but it ain't mayo.
Mayo is not white, it's light yellow.

If you wouldn't produce shit, and followed the damn recipe, maybe people would eat it you retarded merloques.

>> No.15216048

ACACHUHALLY It's French and do you know what it's made of?

Put and mix in a food processor:
2x Eggs
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Sugar
1 tsp Vinegar
2 tbl Mustard
1.5 ltr Cooking Oil

Fun fact, theres also Hollandaise that comes from Holland, replace the Cooking Oil with melted butter.

>> No.15216075

because it's fucking disgusting is why. whenever I hear the dutch mentioned I get flashbacks of seeing them dip their french fries in it and start seeing red

>> No.15216097

>1.5ltr cooking oil
Think your oil ratio may be off dawg

>> No.15216099

boomers realize they're about to have nothing and are afraid of the day of the pillow so they're trying to get millenials to kill themselves to have a better chance of surviving

>> No.15216106

ya go ahead and put the egg whites in there too bro thats how real hollandaise and aoili is made thumbs up emoji

>> No.15216110

that's a lie, me and my 3 millennial siblings love mayo
we ate it on everything growing up and still do
it's the best no carb condiment too

>> No.15216113

For 2 eggs its more of less that, either way its a shit load of oil. I just keep pouring it in until it becomes thick, lie titration.

>> No.15216223
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>> No.15216938

What are some exmaples of idenitidy condiments?

>> No.15216961 [DELETED] 

What are some examples of idenitidy condiments?

>> No.15216980

>Blame a whole generation for your dying business.
And we're the ones that are entitled?

>> No.15216983
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Worcestershire sauce

>> No.15216998

Maybe mayo should just start identifying as peanut butter.

>> No.15217001

Theres nothing wrong with this sauce you faggot.
thousand island dressing

>> No.15217200

>casually tosses out thousand island
>viciously defends worcestershire sauce
I don't know where to begin

>> No.15217218

my man elon smashed that

>> No.15217324

I can't imagine an italian hoagie without mayo or shrimp, egg, chicken salad

>> No.15217407

Basically: Nonwhites and non literalburger food chains. The rise of in n out will reverse this trend tho. Bullish.

>> No.15217449

Mayonnaise is goat tier. 5 leafbucks for 6k calories of healthy fats is bretty good up here. I always mix it with sriracha to make spicy mayo when I'm having chicken or ground beef with rice. Shit I dip my pizza into spicy mayo.

>> No.15217593

thousand island = I like this sauce bcos im poor, and found it on the big mac
worcestershire = im a cultured man who knows his shit

>> No.15217624

worcestershire = im a cultured man who knows his shit because i know how to spell worcestershire
thousand island = who cares? nobody

>> No.15217662

Friendly reminder that the major ingredient in most commercial mayonnaise is sõybean oil

>> No.15217691

worchecssture - el;iticst white boy imma punch you
apple sauces - you gonna get up in this shit boy so moist

>> No.15217724

apple sauces - whod a nigga honk to get some apple sauces
watermelon - ye boy u know bout that watermelon

>> No.15217735


>> No.15217756

I mix some balsamic into mine and put it on sandwiches. Mayo is the utility infielder of spreads.

>> No.15217765

fat disgusting unhealthy shit

>> No.15217788
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Why are millenials killing everything? When will their lust for blood be satisfied?

>> No.15218035

same shit really needs acidity, only i hate vinegar

>> No.15218069
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>How Millennials Killed Boomers

>> No.15218079

this could be the backlash for all the boomer hate

>> No.15218092

how long does it take you to eat that much mayo? that's industrial quantity man...

>> No.15218108

Mayonaise is the most degenerate of all the sauces. How can any straight man enjoy digesting white often warm goo created by other men

>> No.15218123

Millennials have been trained to reject everything white.
>White bread

>> No.15218215

boomer detected

>> No.15218240

Because unlike you most of us aren't homosexual faggots thinking about swallowing loads and sucking dick when we eat a sandwich

>> No.15218273

only faggots eat mayonaise. it's literal queer sauce and makes you grow man tits

>> No.15218386

But then how do you make tuna salad?

>> No.15218417

To be fair this is a good thing, as only Gen X and Z have given the world anything good.

>> No.15218486

if you consume based Worscestershire sauce you know u based af

>> No.15218569

Fuck millenials and fuck mayonnaise

>> No.15218578

I love mayo though

>> No.15218581
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mayo is....soooooooooooo goooooooooood!

>> No.15218766

Woosty sauce

>> No.15218782
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>Pic rel is the author of the "article"

Also imagine eating Hellman's mayo, which has (GMO) basedbean oil and other shitty additives in it. It's not that "millennials killed Mayonanaise" (what a stupid fucking argument btw), it's just that corporations prefer profit over quality of their products, so obviously they shouldn't be surprised if they lose customers due to their bad practices.

>> No.15218850

(GMO) based basedbean oil*

>> No.15218866

They switched to s01 based products

>> No.15219089

I need to buy some Japanese mayo

>> No.15219106

You're the one eating onions products and calling others effeminate because of it. You're a meme.

>> No.15219127

And Boomer's killed canned meats that their dirt poor Dust Bowl parents ate. Tastes and trends change from generation to generation.

>> No.15220126

you're a fucking idiot lmao

>> No.15220251

>acquaints food items to cum and dicks

fucking faggot

>> No.15220562

that's why i use avocado oil mayo. more expensive but way healthier than sunflower or s-oybean oil

>> No.15220769

This person is complaining about "identity condiments" while literally applying an identity to mayonnaise (the "most American of foodstuffs").

>> No.15220800

Boomers are the only ones who eat mayo? Makes sense. It's basically just cum spread.

>> No.15220819

They love it when you call it aioli.

>> No.15220840


>> No.15221743

I love mayo.
t. dutch

>> No.15221779

Because any time i get something with mayo on it they have to unload the whole fucking jar on to my god damn sub sandwitch or whatever. I didnt as for a fucking mayo sandwitch you fucking nigger so please NO mayo.