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15212972 No.15212972 [Reply] [Original]

Is there no hope of making it if you haven't completed highschool by your mid 20's? I live in Canada and I'm just about fed up, I can't handle these difficult highschool courses.

>> No.15212983
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>difficult highschool courses

>> No.15212986

>high school courses
what is it like operating at such a low brain capacity? i'm honestly interested

>> No.15212987

This has to be the biggest LARP on /biz/.

>> No.15212993
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post the brainlet you think OP is

>> No.15212995

They honestly are not easy nowadays. Maybe I'm just a retarded brainlet but I am seriously struggling.

>> No.15213004

THESE are the "people" you're taking your financial advice from. A flood of pajeets and people in their mid-20s who can't finish high school. AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.15213013

>he's an actual retard
Buy LINK and you will make it

>> No.15213014

Damn anon that's rough. Are you diagnose with anything? Do you have adhd? An addiction? Average iq? Are you just not trying?

In any case you really should use all of your might to finish fucking high school. Once you are done with that you dont have to go to college but you absolutely need that fucling high school diploma

>> No.15213015
File: 358 KB, 1692x1167, bobonooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What shitcoins are u in?

>> No.15213038

I have a wagecuck job that pays okay (my friend helped me get it) but I'm honestly just a stupid brainlet and I can't manage to get these courses done.

>> No.15213048

What courses are they?

>> No.15213050

What courses are the most difficult for you? I would guess math and that stuff

>> No.15213055

Math and science courses, right now trying to learn about statistics and probabilities

>> No.15213060


i could've done well in high school but i thought it was pointless in the grand scheme of life.. made 7 figures off crypto with no college, you can too if you apply yourself OP

>> No.15213069

>Buy LINK and you will fit in

>> No.15213077

What material are you using? Check out textbooks like Calculus by Thomas. They start from the very beginning defining set of numbers and very basic stuff like linear functions, but they have everything and are full of excercise

>> No.15213081

You being a brainlet is irrelevant, brainlets finish high school all the time. If there is nothing else wrong with you, you need to get your motivation and future plans in check so you put in a real effort and finish what you are missing to graduate.

What classes are giving you difficulty? Also dont they just kick you out of high school if you havent graduated by the age of 20? I thought they kicked you out and made you get a special degree which was equavelent to a hs diploma but called something completely different

>> No.15213082


>> No.15213092

Just the course materials. I'm trying to learn about the different distributions right now I don't quite understand it for example the uniform and normal distributions

>> No.15213105

I'm trying to learn math and yes i dropped out now im trying to finish the courses

>> No.15213131

I don't really remember any statistic textbook right now but there Is a YouTube channel that helped me a lot when I was doing statistics 1 for econ. Its called "jbstatistics". Again, check out his video playlists. He starts from zero giving the definition of classical probability, but also explains most of the distributions you'll see on this courses. I will leave you the link to the channel

Honestly OP, its 2019. It has never been easier to learn anything. Highschool has shitty and outdated material. Always look for good textbooks and download them from libgen. Of course, it Will be useless if youre a lazy nigger. But then your problem Is not being a brainlet. Persevere anon, and good luck.

>> No.15213145

And for math, I strongly recommend Calculus by Thomas like I said. Get your shit together and finish highschool. If you cant do this you cant do anything in life. But I don't say it because finishing high school is only for smart people. It isn't. The thing Is, if you can't overcome this, you won't overcome anything.

>> No.15213157

Unironically, study 3 hours a day

>> No.15213169

The problem is I have an exam next Monday and I don't know this shit at all I'm losing hope

>> No.15213182

what the fuck OP just look at youtube tutorial videos. This is what everyone does these days and it works until you get to only the most advanced college courses. JFC

>> No.15213184


>> No.15213188

From all the topics you need to know how many do you know?

>> No.15213198

Stop doing the bare minimum and then complaining it's hard. Keep going and you'll understand it eventually.

>> No.15213208

It doesn't explain what I need I can't find it I can post the example questions if it will help

Not very many desu I will not pass at this point.

>> No.15213220

If you don't work and have the whole week, stop complaining and sit your ass. I've been there. I won't lie to you. Its more likely you'll fail. But it won't be wasted effort because either way you have to give the exam sooner or later. Start tomorrow. Watch the videos from the beginning. If you don't get the math, use the textbook I recommended. Practice as much as you can after learning the theory. Like I said, you're giving this anyway so you might as well start studying now, whether you pass it on monday or not. I trust you anon. I was literally a lazy dumbass for the first three years of highschool. Maths were the hardest part for me. When I realized that I couldnt study economics as I wanted withouth the maths, I payed a private professor and studied till I passed. At that time I didnt know the full extent of the possibilities offered by the internet. Now I study almost everything by my own because its all there. Textbooks, videos, excercises and its Solutions. You cant fail anon.

>> No.15213233

Look at that guy, Jb statistics, videos. He has everything you need. Normal distribution and all of that explained.

>> No.15213238

OP I guarantee your issue is just one of two things, maybe both:

1.) You don't know how to study. You stare at your textbook, read things once, say "I don't understand" and then fucking lock up mentally. Don't do this shit, just watch other people solve similar problems, copy them step by step, read DIFFERENT textbooks and examples to see it from as many angles as possible.

2.) You have an undiagnosed learning disability.

If you cannot even learn some math to pass a high school course in your mid 20s, you are doomed to learn anything else in real life. Learn how to fucking learn properly and stop getting dejected and staring at your book feeling sorry for yourself.

>> No.15213241

I'm a wagecuck. Tomorrow I will work for almost 9 hours.

I will try it thank you

>> No.15213245

Your diction is good enough that I believe you are not particularly stupid, just below average and maybe with a learning disability. Look for a Canadian equivalent of the GED and look for free online tutoring.

t. Masters degree holding fintech professional who believes in you ly man :)

>> No.15213252

Bad study habits and discipline are probably your biggest problems.

>> No.15213259

Look up Khan Academy as well, for math and science. Thugnotes for many English books.

>> No.15213262

Jesus Christ anon I struggled in high school too but how the fuck did you fail for 2 years? I make my living off of trading crypto but shit could hit the fan and you really need at least a highschool degree as a foundation.

>> No.15213267

Canadian GED doesn't have any value for post-secondary education, might as well not get it as you still need the highschool course pre-requisites to get into a university program.

>> No.15213281

Could still help him improve his work options, but yeah makes sense. With that in mind he should definitely make finishing high school his priority with that as a fallback.

>> No.15213311

This guy has a point. You might very well fail. But you have 7 days to possibly study a dozen+ topics how are you already telling yourself you will fail?

Even if you do fail it doesnt matter. You cant call it quits if you have plans for your future and you should, you are 20.

I can sympathize since i finished high school with 5th grade reading levels and 5th grade math but. You are at the bottom step. This exam is the easiest challenge from here on. It only gets harder from here and you are gonna need a mentality change if you want to /makeit.

It's like when you are at the gym and your brain keeps telling your body it can't do that extra rep, even though it can. You gotta shock your brain out of that thinking

>> No.15213326

I'm just scared of failing, then I will have wasted my time on all that coursework and ill look like a failing retard

>> No.15213377

What job pays 40k without a hs degree? Construction?

>> No.15213382

it literally gets harder from here on though.

>I am scared of wasting my time

Is not high school anymore though. Time doesn't really matter. You are a man, the only thing asset given to you in abundance to sacrifice for a better tomorrow is time.

If you failed it costed you 1 year of your long plentiful adulthood to learn your lesson and be more mentally resilient and strong from now on. It sucks but it seems worthy to me.

If you dont fail and you start studying with discipline starting tomorrow, then you will have still learned the lesson you need to learn to get mentally stronger

>> No.15213392




>> No.15213395

And btw you better start buying as many linkies as possible that may be your only way out op

>> No.15213408

> not buying UND but still wanting to make it