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File: 186 KB, 633x725, oh no no no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15210668 No.15210668 [Reply] [Original]

Nothing personel kids

>> No.15210692

imagine spending your time creating fake news instead of learning how to build smart contracts to get even more rich off link

>> No.15210701

source faggot

>> No.15210708

>t.coping linklett
I bet you held through the 4 dollar pump too didnt you

>> No.15210715
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>no link
>no source on image
>not even the name of the publisher or author
cool story you faggot

>> No.15210739


lol literally no one can prove that they are actually selling the coins. We know they've moved them, but if they sold 30 million worth of coins it would have dipped a lot further than 2$.. especially since daily volume on a good day is 70mm

>> No.15210802

well they are either selling them or setting up a ton of secret nodes for themselves

>> No.15210826

>“I’m financially ruined,” someone commented in that article ten days after it was published. “How is this legal???” asked someone else.

Fucking KEK, which one of you guys was this.

Here's the link btw: https://www.trustnodes.com/2019/08/11/half-a-billion-wiped-out-as-chainlink-devs-dump

>> No.15210840

It's obviously fake you had to google it to figure that out?

>> No.15210850

Imagine spending your time calling things fake news when all you have to do is check the dev wallets and watching them dump tokens in increments of 700k

>> No.15210853

It'd be personal, not personel - you fucking street shitting Pajeet

>> No.15210890


its so crazy to see articles fudding link lmfao

>> No.15210906

go back.

>> No.15211142
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>reliable source

>> No.15211166

the article is a complete joke just letting people see the article and how dumb it is

>> No.15211192

okay sir this is it, i'm calling my jewish lawyer right now and i'm going to sue the chain link cooperation in an english court

>> No.15211227



Noticed how none of the Stinklets can even attempt to refute it.

Let's it admit it, LINK's tokenomics are fucking criminal, Chink scam tier.

>> No.15211234
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Wtf I love LINK now. The team absolutely destroyed the upwards rising trend.

>> No.15211235



People still hold this? Lol

>> No.15211236
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>The 2017 ICO-ed Chainlink token, which back then raised some $32 million, has a very skewed distribution where the team seems to have kept some 650 million Links, with just 350 million currently circulating out of a total of one billion.

So which part of this is not true, Stinklet?

>> No.15211239
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>> No.15211252

Look at the comments kek.
/biz/ migrated.

>> No.15211253

Fuck off Brap, you think I don't recognise you on the official Chainlink discord, even after you tried to change your name. You're such a retard, imaging being so autistic to somehow lose moderator status in the unofficial discord, then throw a huge tantrum about it and spend money buying multiple sim cards in order to verify new accounts to get back in. Pathetic.

>> No.15211278

discord links or gtfo

>> No.15211300

Paying for decentralized data from a centralized source. API scrambling. You can't make this shit up. It's like walking into McDonalds ordering a turd and taking it home just to flush it down the toilet.

>> No.15211302

This article is rather weak. Just copypaste my irrefutable megathread that left all linkies traumatised.


>> No.15211316

This is what I’ve tried telling linkies for ages. There is no benefit to decentralising single-source data feeds. If there was. Nobody cares about oracleshit for a good reason. All people need is something to feed into a blockchain, they can do this themselves with 15 lines of code.

>> No.15211412

You got debunked so hard in that thread jackass.

>> No.15211425

> muh you don’t understand the tokenimics
> muh you don’t understand game theory
> muh platform agnostic

>> No.15211428

Why do nolinkers feel the constant compulsion to talk about our project?
It's like a bunch of kids trying to get into the treehouse club, just to tell everyone how stupid the treehouse club is.

>> No.15211436

Cause you spam the board with it? 90% of threads are about LINK

>> No.15211467

Just some idiot Redditor's blog that he ripped off from /biz/ FUD.

>> No.15211478

Because they're absolute faggots consumed with jealousy.

>> No.15211497

Because you((The Linkers)) CONSTANTLY talk about it here on /biz. For two years you Pajeet streetshitters have spammed and shilled this fucking board. TWO YEARS. Why the fuck do you think we're talking shit on you? It's not like we want to talk about you faggots and your endless retardation about "muh ora les problemo". It's a fucking scam and a shitcoin like the rest of the others pajeetxoins shilled on here. Get the fuck over it crybaby and invest in a proper fucking project and listen to some of the smart people on here if your brainlet brain can spot them. Link isn't the next moonshot you retard

>> No.15211499


>> No.15211519
File: 13 KB, 381x400, 1319767194003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you're absolutely SEETHING

>> No.15211524

Man, you are reeeeally having a hard time coping!

>> No.15211525

You dont understand how 4chan works

>> No.15211533
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>> No.15211572

Point to where. This is why the butthurt ensued for the whole thread. Using evidence, I backed you all up into a corner where you had to admit one of two things; either that you bought a funding token from an illegal ICO, or the devs are just dumping on you because, well what the hell can anyone actually do to Chainlink, no matter how much they dump? Nothing at all.

So which is it, did you put thousands of dollars into an illegal security for funding the project, or did you get dumped on so devs can cash out and get double-pegged by the finest ladyboys they can find?

You are in checkmate, yet you don’t even know the game you’re in. It’s like watching insects navigate obstacles with you linkies.

>> No.15211593

Get fucked then KYS

>> No.15211650

Rent free, Jagdeep.

>> No.15211673


Absolutely based.

>> No.15211686
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It's already too late anon. His delivery is en route to binance right now

>> No.15211689
File: 279 KB, 945x745, CFF2EB1A-FC1C-49C1-A416-8AD818F3860F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure like to talk a lot about absolutely nothing at all, don’t you? Kys faggot you ain’t making anyone sell

>> No.15211717

you have to go back faggot

>> No.15211745

fuckin based

>> No.15211750
File: 405 KB, 1124x1338, 1565075574776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin kek. based.

>> No.15211800

They're wording it as if they sold $600MM of tokens. The outsourced pajeet who wrote this article for $15 probably doesn't even know how market cap works.

>> No.15211815

Take your Pajeet fud back to your shitting street cocksucker

>> No.15211837

Finally a breath of fresh air today.

>> No.15211850
File: 96 KB, 467x348, D25692B2-2C57-416E-92AF-9F35FA386E4E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we see a linkie backed into a corner. Completely unable to respond in anything other than deflections and gay jokes.

You can never debate me, because you are on a losing side. Do not bother responding. I always have and always will BTFO of every single linkie to dare click my post number.

Select one of the two options. You bought a funding token, like an XRPtard, or your devs are cashing out slowly. One of these conditions MUST be in play. So which way do you wish to admit you’re a dumb cunt who doesn’t understand crypto?

>> No.15211877
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no hard feelings

>> No.15211919
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>> No.15211926


>> No.15211938

the article may be fake but it's 100% true that devs are dumping LINK straight to earth's core (not that it needs any help, it's heading there anyway long term)

>> No.15211942
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>> No.15211965


>> No.15211987

Quality posts per usual /u/DetectiveAnon!

I'm too poor for gold, so here's my silver!

>> No.15211989

I read it, complete joke and shit tier article.

>> No.15212029

Yeh, I am tramatised at being in the green 800% brainlet. Comedy gold. We aren't laughing with you, it's at you. Lol.

>> No.15212046

>be me
>make my own website
>find controversial topics
>write half ass articles
>post to online communities to drive traffic
Nice job faggot. I played this game a couple years ago. The only problem is that /biz/ tards, if they even clicked, won’t click on your links. There is a better way to manipulate people into clicking your ads but I’m keeping that secret to myself because it’s getting me about $850 in passive income each month. For anyone that thinks trustnodes is anything other than some faggot larping then kys.

>> No.15212154
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>> No.15212216


>> No.15212221

>that ansolute FUD article
We really are going to make a lot more money bros.

>> No.15212670

>lol literally no one can prove that they are actually selling the coins
Token (((moving))) stops when the price goes down, resumes when the price goes up. How brainlet should you be to not see the obvious?
>t. 20k holder