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File: 70 KB, 650x433, eczema-7-17-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15207304 No.15207304[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you cure eczema?

>> No.15207328

i believe its permanent desu

>> No.15207334

my personal recommendation is suicide

>> No.15207343

Find what you’re allergic to. Could
Be dairy, gluten, onions or something else. Eat anti inflammatory diet and eat lots of omega 3.

>> No.15207347

stop eating carbs

>> No.15207352

I have serraboic eczema in my head. I use nizoral

>> No.15207353

Fast for 7 days.

>> No.15207355

carnivore elimination diet for a couple of weeks and then start adding food back in and see how your skin reacts

>> No.15207381
File: 142 KB, 1300x1292, DF3E55A0-0D3C-405A-B56A-5535464A4E51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am pasting this from a previous post recently.

Things in caps are for tldr, I’m not knocking kefir, love the stuff also have a kefir mango lassi lol
Alrigt here’s the deal with eczema. You gotta go first principals, ie learn the pathophysiology of your particular situation.
Here’s the one key that all eczema has in common, mast cell activation and HISTAMINE. Eczema is caused when histamine receptors in skin are activated by free histamine traveling in your body. The source is both food (cheese, aged stuff) and mast cells.
Google selfhacked + histamine intolerance. I had a really bad kind of eczema.

HISTAMINE IS IN AGED FOOD, SO DO NOT DRINK LARGE AMOUNTS OF KEFIR IF YOU HAVE ECZEMA. The same goes for yogurt, aged cheese, anything where histadine breaks down j to histamine. I actually can eat yogurt again now that I am addressing mast cell destabilization. Antihistamines don’t eliminate histamine, you have to reduce the free histamine in your body.

Histamine comes from 1) food and 2) mast cells in your body.
Lookup th1 vs th2 on selfhacked, it’s oversimplified but it’s the big idea. Eczema is th2 immune response.

The expensive enzyme Diamine Oxidase ($1 usd a pill sometimes) helps a lot of taken before a big meal. Your body releases histamine for lots of functions, like producing stomach acid.

Reduce the histamine in your diet and look up diamine oxidase, it’s expensive and only reduces histamine in the gut before it goes into the blood, but there is also a small amount in pea sprouts, not joking (dr named jojena or something lookup DAO enzyme pea sprouts)

There is another enzyme that works in your blood but it can’t be added. Think about histamine and mast cells look it up.

>> No.15207390


>> No.15207403


>> No.15207406

defeat the jews

>> No.15207419

carnivore diet and fasting/sunlight

>> No.15207487

hydrocortisone + diprobase

>> No.15207496

topical magnesium, strontium, iodine and boron lotion

>> No.15207506

Mine went away on its own when I turned 20 or so. Guess I'm just based

>> No.15207534


I've seen this before, where are you getting this information?

>> No.15207558

Stop dairy and gluten fir 4 weeks. In the meanwhile sweat as much as u can. Drink coconut water 3x/w and sugar cane.

>> No.15207603

>Get skin cancer and salmonella to defeat eczema
Why are white people buying this carnivore BS so hard? You are as bad as vegans.

>> No.15207669

You need more chlorophyll.

>> No.15207680


by buying shock

>> No.15207726

This worked for me.

>> No.15207768

If you only eat meat and cut out all carbs, how the hell do you shit?

>> No.15207805

Same as usual. Fiber is a scam.

>> No.15207820

It's an umbrella term for many skin conditions and therefore could have many causes, but basically its an immune inflammatory response to SOMETHING irritating you.
Unfortunately for us that is actually unlikely to be food so don't listen to these "don't wear hats on sunday and only eat jam" faggots.
It could just as easily be caused by stress, or water on your skin, or temperature changes.
Go and see a professional dermatologist and maybe you can get to the bottom of it, but it is unfortunately not gauranteed.
What you can do however, is treat it with corticosteroids and then once it has healed keep it well managed in the hopes that this prevents it flaring.
Moisturise a lot. I recommend using argan oil, but just use whatever suits you best. Liiterally everyone has their own favourite they will try and tell you is best - just ignore. Shop around.
Good luck.

>> No.15207829

buy chainlink

>> No.15207832

pork chops

>> No.15207847

Try the Wim Hof method

>> No.15207913

If cortisone doesn't work you're fucked for life.
Changing your lifestyle and diet drastically may work

>> No.15207933

This is probably the best idea in the thread.

This too, though I'd start with a 7 day fast just to see if the condition improves.

>> No.15207989
File: 32 KB, 657x527, 080D2B95-5E34-4ACF-BB06-38635349A31A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s what I did and it works.
Eczema is an immune response to something in your diet but it’s also a response to decrease of vit D.
If you can isolate what’s in your diet triggering it, good..that may do it. But many simply cannot locate the culprit...so do what I did and it WORKS FOR ANYONE.
Go to a tanning booth once a week. DEVELOP A BASE TAN AND MAINTAIN IT.....DO ******NOT****** GET A BURN!!!!
The burn is what develops into skin cancers the mild base tan does not.
I go to a planet fitness and for 20/mo I work out, tan and see chicks...all good.
When you start your tanning, only do 1 minute daily for the first week, then 2 minutes 3x wk then work up to full time once a week after about 2 months.
I no longer wake up scratching til the point of blood...I’m sorry to say I tried to find out what in my diet caused it but couldn’t isolate it ... I’ve been tanning for a decade and haven’t had any flares at all! Plus the tan makes you look and feel better all year round.
Don’t listen to all the skin cancer scares, just avoid the burning by going slow...please at least try this for a few months and if you don’t see DRASTIC change by Halloween, I’ll be surprised.

>> No.15207990

Based and keto pilled

>> No.15208030

Vitamin D. Although Im in the sun a lot and still have eczema because I refuse to quit dairy.

>> No.15208170

Jew detected

>> No.15208290

keto mostly cleared it but a few spots are taking longer to clear.
im pretty sure its the dairy too

>> No.15208316

Why live? No seriously I'm a slavshit and drink a big coffee mug full of goat kefir every morning, I'd suicide

>> No.15208354

>thinks carbs are fiber
If you're going all meat, include shit like broccoli, brussel sprouts, string beans

>> No.15208365


>Eczema is an immune response to something in your diet but it’s also a response to decrease of vit D.

What if it's only on your hands? if it was diet, wouldn't it effect skin all over your body?

>> No.15208372

Did you try to cut out gluten? Coeliac disease is one of the causes for skin diseases and arthritis.

>> No.15208435


I thought the gluten thing was a meme

>> No.15208469


Baby moisturiser and switching to cold showers pretty much got rid of mine. Flares up a little bit in summer when it's hot but otherwise fine

>> No.15208489

Eczema can flare along ‘dermatomes’ ...basically patterns of skin/nerves that are similar embryologically. Those areas(for whatever reason) are similar enough but ever so slightly different from others as to be prone to allergens. It’s complex biology but yes the diet can have limited reactions in specific body parts

>> No.15208503

I have it on my head and face, around my nose and forehead. The only thing that actually works is Hydrocrotisone. But you can't use that all the time, so basixally half the year my skin is red and cracked and fucked up when I'm not using the Hydrocortisone.

>> No.15208525

i had eczema on my legs and hands when I was younger.
1. scratching makes it worse
2. moisturizer makes it better
3. for my hands, i had it for years, then someone told me to put vaseline on the area, and wear gloves to bed. it basically disappeared overnight and it never bothered me again. maybe try vaseline and leggings for your legs.

i never changed anything in my diet

>> No.15208537

>I thought the gluten thing was a meme
It is for hipster hypochondriacs, but coeliac disease is real (about 1% of the population have it).

>> No.15208582

Urea cream. Normally, the urea-based moisturizers to treat eczema are prescription only. However, I managed to find a product that sells on Amazon (PurSources) that is over the counter. It's actually sold as a foot cream but it's 40% urea and does the job against eczema. Also, because it's over the counter, the price is actually less than a co-pay.

Note that urea cream can only prevent the outbreak of eczema. If you've already got the open wounds or blistering, I'm not sure how effective urea cream is. For those instances, you typically need a corticosteroid such as clobetasol proprionate, which is only available by prescription.

>> No.15208585

Have the same thing, mostly goes away when I
1) go in the sun
2) exercise
3) try not to be stressed out

>> No.15208595
File: 443 KB, 840x854, 1549830322109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw psoriasis

>> No.15208677

stop eating garbage and take aloe and vitamin e internally

>> No.15208782


how bad?

>> No.15208801

sun is important
>t. avoided sun for 2 years and developed eczema and cured it with carnivore/sun/exercise

>> No.15208818

also cured by carnivore

>> No.15208875

I used to have bouts of eczema. Here's what made it worse:

1.) working in an asphalt plant. 400 F asphalt gives off alot of fumes. I worked in a lab.

2.) being stressed the fuck out

3.) not moisturizing

here's what made it better:

1.) not working in an asphalt plant

2.) not being stressed the fuck out

3.) moisturizing, though I don't have to do it now.

OTC cortisol cream will knock it out in a pinch. I had to use stronger shit before.

I also gave myself rashes all over my body by freaking out over a sex encounter I had; got tested and it was nothing. You can literally stress yourself into physical symptoms. Learn meditation, seriously, do it. Destress your life and not only will you run into less eczema, your overall health will improve dramatically.

>> No.15208885

Nah I did the keto meme it didn't do anything, even did a 7 day water fast and it had no effect

>> No.15208890

Wait for a stem cell treatment

>> No.15208905

Although sun works, even using an artificial UVB lamp on my face/hairline as a systemic effect on the rest of my body

>> No.15208933

>cured by carnivore

>> No.15208951

Steroid or topical tacrolimus with moisturiser and time

>> No.15208995

This. Had bad eczema on my hands for years when I was wagecucking on night shift. As soon as I got on days it cleared up. Sunlight is really important for regulating your cortisol levels.

>> No.15209010

I have this fucking shit on my scalp. Sometimes it goes away quite will or is minimal and sometimes it fucking flares up for no reason. Cold water showers seem to help better amd shampooning with the ketoconazole thing every 2 days helps as well. What doesn't probably help is hairwax, but I'm 19 I want to look good for fuck sake. I really wish there was a permanent cure. I got this when I was 17. Maybe the bear market increased my stress, but now my LINK bags being 30x should neutralise it.

>> No.15209265
