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File: 395 KB, 2000x1127, montecristo-no-2-final-third.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15203473 No.15203473 [Reply] [Original]

What are some luxury items worth indulging in if I ever make it?

>> No.15203479
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>> No.15203480

If you weren't a poor fag you would know

>> No.15203484


>> No.15203502


A dentist?

>> No.15203515
File: 335 KB, 2000x1371, golden-toilet-maurizio-cattelan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I'm definitely getting myself one of these babies. Got the room picked out and everything.

>> No.15203528


Are you by any chance of Arabian or Persian descent?

>> No.15203532

no. Why?

>> No.15203565


Because that kind of ridiculous distaste of everything golden usually is being shared by them. And Rappers.

>> No.15203573

Wine whisky cigars

>> No.15203576

I was making a joke. You must be autistic.

>> No.15203591

a see through toilet would be the shit

>> No.15203630
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Imagine that. An autist on 4chan. How could it ever happen?

>> No.15203652

Cigars, Fine whiskey, Fresh new set of veneers if you have fucked up teeth. A nice kitchen to cook in so you can try cooking.

>> No.15203661

Good caviar

>> No.15203677

A few houses around the world and a big loving family to fill them with.

>> No.15203679

Expensive restaurants are also cool in indulging I guess that's subjective, Fine dining to me is Red Lobster.

>> No.15203688
File: 232 KB, 1080x1350, wagyuBeef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is whiskey really that good? I've tried $500 champagne and it tasted like something worth $500.

I'd definitely treat myself to pic related once a week.

>> No.15203708


>> No.15203710

Based wagyu also checked, Yes a nice whiskey is good I prefer to mix mine with coke and also smoke weed at the same time for the ultimate relaxant.

>> No.15203711

pay for someone to keep you away from the retarded npc suggestions dropped in this. Hire someone who says no and gives you reality checks so you don't end up like most of crypto-twitter and become a living joke

>> No.15203729

utter garbage, it's just cow fat with little to no meat.
Fat is good, but only when there is meat.

>> No.15203737

>I prefer to mix mine with coke
Heathen, must be shite whiskey!

>> No.15203740

Have you ever had it? It melts in your mouth.

>> No.15203745
File: 41 KB, 710x533, org_trbo549[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is what true billionare elite must have for breakfast

>> No.15203747

Luxury sexdoll.

>> No.15203754

Only when I'm getting drunk with jack or Chivas, For 100$+ aged whiskey I sip while watching a good movie.

>> No.15203767
File: 105 KB, 990x660, recept-prigotovleniya-fuagra-iz-utinoj-pecheni-v-domashnih-usloviyah_3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and it indeed melts, but it is fat that melts. There are other types of luxury meat that also melt but has less fat.

May be it's just "delicacy" like Fu-a-gra, the liver of overweight duck but it's not everyone's taste.
Here is a duck being forced to eat through a pipe to become overwieght.

>> No.15203775

Oh my. I'll have to try that out too.

>> No.15203789

> For 100$+ aged whiskey I sip
Those are always nice, I never let people ruin them with coke ect. I find it crazy when people ask.
What about Buffalo trace, Woodford reserve or four roses small batch? All reasonably priced.
Jack NEEDS coke, the sour mash & the sweet botanical coke mix well. I don't like the single barrel or gentlemen shite. Much better bourbons to get for that price.
How about a scotch?
Have to say one of my favourite drinks ATM is gin & coke. ALWAYS get odd looks when I order it.

>> No.15204039

>Buffalo trace, Woodford reserve or four roses small batch
Poor fag shit

>> No.15204258

a math degree

>> No.15204274

miele appliances

>> No.15204312

I’ll still have my working class tastes for the most part. I will however be able to find my Palaeolithic diet to the fullest and be able to afford to get rid of every last processed grain in my house and have a purely natrual diet. My local butchers is good enough for me in terms of quality so I would just be buying more of their stuff I suppose

>> No.15204321


>> No.15204925
File: 6 KB, 278x181, EC636984-9BDC-4B3F-A0AC-9729C82C72C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original painting by a little-known Austrian artist whose career was cut short by his foray into politics. This is literally the only item on my "made it" list that I don't yet have. Antique (not the ww2 tourist) katana, but that was my first purchase when BTC hit $2000 for the first time

>> No.15204937

Swimming pool
Home gym
Home theater system

>> No.15204967

Some really fucking nice food, don't fall the gold leaf food meme though. I'm talking Wagyu Beef, Caviar, get that turkish meme nigger who salts slabs of meat to cook some food for you.

Other then that, I've always fancied the most ridiculous ass PC systems so I can kiss waifu's 16k rez boobs in VR

>> No.15204993

Luxury watches. They tend to be more on the asset side too.

>> No.15205290

> Fu-a-gra

Oh, go fuck yourself, illiterate fuckhead.

>> No.15205326

>What are some luxury items worth indulging in if I ever make it?

Being an adult and not having student loans. I literally can't imagine that.

>> No.15205359
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People like him really are a diamond dozen.

>> No.15205419
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>> No.15205457
File: 64 KB, 608x456, 9BE8A66C-5C92-4435-B543-70FBB18B7AB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that gold plated bread?

>> No.15205469


> got the room picked out

Wtf? Why not just replace the regular toilet in your bathroom?

>> No.15205479
File: 230 KB, 1200x900, LEGO-ROOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LEGOs. Plenty of LEGOs. Plus a full-blown LEGO Room where to play.

>> No.15205482

As a winemaker I can confirm. Wine is like golf, elite appreciate its finer qualities and it can also be considered an asset if you purchase the right bottles. The fine wine market traced gold for years but got hammered by the recession

>> No.15205494

I consider owning a home to be an expensive luxury, and refuse to purchase one unless I am making bank. If boomers did it for decades, its wasteful and decadent to do it, and homes are boomer catnip.

1. Buying a decent apt/home with solid location and size.
2. Home theater room
3. A solid sports car like a koeinessessigigigiggggg
4. A decent high fi system for both speakers and headphones
5. Some kind of boat to go fishing/diving on and entertain clients.
6. Start a food distributor/import company to enable me to travel and eat/buy the finest foods for cheap and make money doing it.
7. Next level dental maintenance since it impacts body health
8. Cryogenic body storage in a statistically minimum risk geographic area in case of death.
9. Use my heightened income to develop services companies to build real wealth.
10. An assload of children with different women to mimic Genghis khan’s impact on humanity.

>> No.15205607

>Here is a duck being forced to eat through a pipe to become overwieght
When I get rich I'll do this to women.

>> No.15205676

>all the eggs

>> No.15206131

1) hookers that are clean and well educated
2) assets, connections-making and legal counseling
The rest is a meme

>> No.15206254


>> No.15206360

>a bigger house than my current one, on a lake with a weight room and a pool
>a nice boat
>4 wheeler
>catered meals at home
>vacations around the world every few months

>> No.15206397
File: 355 KB, 1080x675, 0F0129B9-6AE1-4B6F-B556-706331FDCA2D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you?

>> No.15206400
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>> No.15206416

Raw unfiltered maple syrup and honey. Organic produce, chicken and beef that doesn't come in plastic bags cured with MSG. Soap / shampoo / hygiene products that aren't shit. A good bicycle. Frequent trips to the doctor, dentist, dermatologist. Occasional spa treatment. Invest in yourself, dumbfucks.

>> No.15206440

Try méditerranéan food or some gourmet Chinese stuff

>> No.15206467

I wish, that looks like paradise to me

>> No.15206468

Luxury? Surely things have the cost or value they have, you either need them or you do not.
Will you continue to think like a poor person if you do "make it".

>> No.15206476

Niggers. A couple of slaves around the house is the ultimate luxury

>> No.15206486

I smoke cigars and drink what ever alcohol dafuq i want right fuckin now , you poor fg .

>> No.15206508

A nutritionist/personal chef and a personal trainer. It would be a luxury to never have to worry about that stuff.

>> No.15206565

>not Philippino or South American ladies
When did you first realize you were gay?

>> No.15206592

Fine cigars aren’t really a luxury item, though I guess that depends on how many you smoke. Probably also if you are a poorfag everything is a luxury.

The Montecristo #2 you have in the picture can be has for about $15 US, shipped. You have to hunt around for vendors who will ship to the US despite the embargo.

There are some limited cigars that can be expensive, but quality wise that Monte #4 is very nearly as good.

Other than that you need something to cut the things with, a lighter, and a place to ash. $10 capital investment.

>> No.15206598

A $3000 bottle of wine ? I-I simply do not want it, I prefer this $5 bottle instead :^)
Everything I want, baby !

>> No.15206654

Private education for your kids. Music lessons, cooking lessons, get them into outdoor sports and shit.

>> No.15206667

Niggers work harder

>> No.15206694

Into the fire that burns eternal

>> No.15206735

I got a taste for whiskey trying different single malts, started with Scotch and found peat was a valuable addition. Grew from there.

>> No.15206753
File: 121 KB, 1433x1155, 237204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's literally my dream too anon.
gonna live innawoods in canada

do you want to come with me? :)

(pic related)

>> No.15206780

>making it
>wanting to get cancer
Never gonna make it

>> No.15206939

Now I know you’re trolling

>> No.15207055

OP why wont he ash the cigar lmfao

>> No.15207184

You got a good montecristo sauce for burgers?

>> No.15208023

no one is really getting more based than >>15203677

>> No.15208064

I'd build a monastery.

>> No.15208080

hot prostitutes. when you made it they can be cheaper as a wife.

>> No.15208195

Hes right.
>t. Persian with gaudy relatives.

>> No.15208265

It's not plated, it's solid gold

>> No.15208348

This is the correct answer.

>> No.15208359

A cigar is like $10 unless you want to get some ultra-deluxe blend, but it would hardly ever be any better than the current standard. Dropping $10 every couple of days isn't what I would call "luxury spending".

>> No.15208387


>force-feeding and torturing animals for your personal gratification


I'm not against eating meat, but that shit is fucked up

>> No.15208402
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You all need a lesson in luxury. I am disappoint

>> No.15208687

you will always be an incel.

>> No.15208726


>> No.15208781
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>> No.15208836
File: 3.86 MB, 375x221, AB61023B-2D39-4AF9-905E-E63603AC9579.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My end goal is rebuilding one of the twin towers, and crashing a remote controlled 747 into it exactly where it hit and watch it stand completely fine afterwards, thus eternally BTFOing the 911 report and mossad shills.

>> No.15209454

18 year old pussy