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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 169 KB, 1800x1306, 8B92658A-600F-447F-9A33-F949A2B5D8FF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15206014 No.15206014 [Reply] [Original]

I haven’t got into bitcoin and the worthless alt-coins but I’m definitely getting into Libra. Corporate currencies in my view are more reliable than alt-coins, bitcoin will still retain it’s status as an anonymous crypto-Coin that isn’t controlled by anybody (at least officially) and a good way to exist from these cryptos if the need arises. I’m also looking into getting the Chinese crypto currency backed by their government because I see China overtaking the US.

I’m a Gold and silver bug and will increase my ounces but I’m planning on getting into Libra and ChinaCoin when they release next year.

>> No.15206021

>what’s a stablecoin

>> No.15206024

Have sex and reassess

>> No.15206035


I know. What a brainlet haha

>> No.15206043

If you're a silver and gold bug you should be buying BTC, not a worthless premined stablecoin that will likely never even launch and remain eternal vaporware

>> No.15206056

>t.seething pajeets
I know you guys are banned from getting Libra, that’s why you’re so mad.

>> No.15206062

>investing in a stablecoin

the levels of stupidity i see on /biz/ daily shows me why most people will never make it

>> No.15206074

bitcoin is also not anonymous you fucking idiot. You came on this board spouting idiocy, kys

>> No.15206077

Corporations are going to rule the future. It’s best to get ahead and have a start compared to the rest of the population. Most people are not going to buy into Libra at the beginning but that number will rise to all Facebook users. I don’t care if a Jew rules the world, I just want to be financially diversified and safe. Bitcoin will be my exit strategy for these crypto-coins if it goes to shit. Gold and silver will be my bread and butter.

>> No.15206086

Nice try Rankeesh, how much is Zuckerstein paying you to shill this shitcoin here?

>> No.15206089

A lot of brainlets in this thread. If you invest in a stable coin and everything depreciates against it you are still making money.

>> No.15206105

Libra will never even fucking launch have you seen the backlash it's already getting from every major government?

>> No.15206115

No one is going to get IndiaCoin pajeet. Nobody wants to buy your goods lol. Invest in Libra or ChinaCoin if you’re a crypto-fag. Bitcoin has a high possibility of bottoming to zero.

>> No.15206118


nobody is going to fucking use the facebook meme dollars in real life lmao, thats the point. The only stablecoin that actually has any impact is tether

>> No.15206125
File: 1000 KB, 1440x1080, autist.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Libra is pegged to the US dollar. You can't "invest" in it because it's value relative to the dollar never increases.

>> No.15206135

Of course there is backlash because it will destroy the US dollar if enough people get on board. Facebook has 2.5 billion unique users monthly, that’s 1/3 of the world. I believe that Libra is going to launch because it’s based out of Switzerland and that’s why the US is seething so hard now.

>> No.15206142
File: 31 KB, 660x574, 52179A94-66D2-4CB4-A9E0-E80DC5263CC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alt coins in general

>> No.15206143


what if every company that is part of libra offers a libra back program that beats all cashback programs?

>> No.15206155

No, I’m serious, have sex incel.

>> No.15206171

checked. brainlet op needs to have sex

>> No.15206181

why would anyone want to go through the hassle? people already have creit cards. It will never take off.

invest, you are getting rused though. You're the target investor. People who don't know anything about crypto

>> No.15206183

>Libra is pegged to the US dollar. You can't "invest" in it because it's value relative to the dollar never increases.

For now, but the peg can change at any time and at any moment.

>> No.15206197
File: 49 KB, 500x500, F6F20B9E-6BF6-438F-9225-16A6520A188F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying people that invest in alt-coins know anything about crypto or economics in general
Sit down pajeet and stop shilling, ok?

>> No.15206226

alright zuckerberg, thats enough out of you.

you tried to come in here talking about libra and got btfo. let your thread die

>> No.15206227

brainlet eating poo.png

>> No.15206228

>Sit down pajeet and stop shilling, ok?

Its hilarious to read the fucking posts from people who have zero idea the ramifications that Libra brings to the table. Its more power than any corporation could have ever dreamed of, they might as well just be governments at this point.

>> No.15206233
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>> No.15206251

So what? We’re heading for a cyberpunk future anyways, might as well get a good start with future currencies.

>> No.15206260
File: 5 KB, 320x180, videoblocks-old-man-with-two-thumbs-up-happy-senior-man-giving-two-thumbs-up-isolated-on-white-background-human-facial-expressions-and-body-langauge_rxg4bhzy_f_thumbnail-small01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 OP

>> No.15206321

I'm right there with ya Anon.
I was just talking about how funny shit like this is.

> why would anyone want to go through the hassle? people already have creit cards. It will never take off.
> Sit down pajeet and stop shilling, ok?

fucking kek

> A major corporation that has specialized in fine tuning a social media empire using AI algorthms to produce dopamine induced coma's now can also reward its users with a currency it generated out of then air.

> Sounds dumb. just buy bitkerns

Anons, they are going to do shit with this coin YOU NEVER FUCKING DREAMED OF. And they will make it so it spawns 10 billions fucking alts that all offer different goods and services. It will spread to a point where you have so many fucking alts from so many different places and all of them will be calling out for you.

It will make the days of having a blockfolio during the 2017 Bullrun look like peace. Yeah it will fuck up governments. It will FUCK UP YOUR MIND AS WELL.

>> No.15206534

Facebook > Stripe > Xfers > Zilliqa partnership bread crumb