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15200872 No.15200872 [Reply] [Original]

Do chicks care about if guys are rich or not?

>> No.15200880

gold diggers do

>> No.15200898

The vast majority, yes.
But there are gems out there who would love you for you.

>> No.15200937

girls want you to have your shit together. you dont need to be rich, just stable and not a bum.

>> No.15200950

Yes all of them
There are homeless Chads that don't fuck good pussy because they're poor. If they had money they would be fucking models.

Also having money actually makes you better looking anyway.

>> No.15200955

And when you find her marry her

Cherish it

You'll never see a creature rarely leave its comfort zone or "natural habitat"

>> No.15200960

bro, you only need $75M to fuck 10/10's for $4k p/d for 50 years

>> No.15200969

No they unironically only care about confidence and how driven you are

>> No.15200970

My black friend is homeless and bangs bitches all the time. Great conversation with amazing sense of humor. Great guy...just dropped him off a plate for dinner

>> No.15200979

Bizarre cuck fantasy you have there
Seek help my friend

>> No.15200991
File: 80 KB, 935x1083, 0F77AE0C-BF3A-43EF-B2E0-9A909501F8EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps this infograph can illuminate the situation for you.

>> No.15201000

Woman view you as an investment. The more promising you like you will be, the more attractive you are to them. I'm not sure what their reaction would be if you're already rich.

>> No.15201155

Girls say:
>oh I don't need a rich guy

Girls want:
>to go on trips, eat at nice places, buy nice things

So yes they want a rich guy, but they don't want to say that they do.

>> No.15201236

only women can answer it, and there's none on this board
assuming they would be honest even if they do

>> No.15201253
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Depending on their age. College girls don't care at all. After college, less about money, more about career and potential. 26-35 all about money. 35+ desperatation

>> No.15202126

even academic experts claim most women are.

>> No.15202148

They think "rich" as in snobby kid who inherited 9 figures. They don't consider you rich if you're just able to afford an upper middle class life, they think that's the default you're supposed to provide.

>> No.15202174

explain to me what is so bad about having a cuckold fetish, about allowing your wife/gf to be truly satisfied by the huge black cock inside her while you sit back and jerk it? explain it to me.

>> No.15202183

Kill yourself mate you're not well

>> No.15202195

most don't that much ...
look, anon, it's rather simple: Girls too have one shot in life; so they don't want to bet on someone, who's a complete failure (either too fat, too lazy, too poor, too fucked up personality, too ugly)....

>> No.15202215

im poor as fuck and my girl never leaves my side

>> No.15202225

Not really, especially if it's a long term thing.

BUT having money will make everything v easy. Money signals success and people like success.

>> No.15202226

Happy hanukkah

>> No.15202227

they don't you only need to luck good and somehow manage to live paycheck to paycheck

>> No.15203638

Too bad there's no way to distinguish gems from gold diggers if people know you're rich.

>> No.15203693

Do guys care if chicks are rich or not? If it's a short term thing it probably doesn't matter at all. Long term some will want some proof that you're going to be good for them and not a drain on them. But thete are gold digging whores out there male and female.

>> No.15203694

They're hardwired to seek out a mate with the most resources. Think about primitive humans. Of course the cavewoman is going to go after the caveman who has the most shit. She knows that if she sticks with him, she has a much better chance of surviving. This ancient survival mechanism is still firmly planted in their brains and it always will be.

>> No.15204268

if you had a daughter what would you want her to care about in a partner?

there's your answer

>> No.15204392
File: 65 KB, 720x762, 768BA786-DD77-4C14-B382-DA4497409F4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw I make 200k but am too frugal to show it off. I wear 10 year old clothes with holes in them and drive unimpressive cars. I have an extremely basic minimalist apartment with shitty furniture that I got for free.
>if I date women they will either think I’m poor or too cheap

>> No.15204420


Most guys don’t but personally I would love to date a girl who makes more than me, 1. Because we would have more money between the two of us and 2. In the event of a divorce I wouldn’t have to pay alimony

>> No.15204473

Yes but indirectly, they care about social status.

>> No.15204581

it's an abomination to manhood for starters... and any guy that gets off or sexually turned on watching another man fuck the woman he claims to love is just secretly a queer. because only a half queer would want to watch another man fuck "his" woman. and sexualizing people for being black ... oh the hilarious racism of that.. so not only are you a half queer you're half some wierd racism fetish for black on white women. i'm just gonna hide any replies you make since it's obvious you're not a man and I dont normally talk to lesser creatures like cuckolds

>> No.15204740

I'm 31 now and making more money than ever in my life. Yet I got laid much more easily in my mid 20s when I was broke. When you're 30+ you're consider "old" by women aged 18-25.

Game > Looks > Money

By game I'm including confidence, social skills, charisma. Money only really becomes important to women when they're looking to marry and raise kids.

>> No.15204766
File: 11 KB, 305x279, 1345337634193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really didn't need this first thing in the morning.

>> No.15204777

Chicks are having sex with their pet dogs instead of you, they dont give a shit about your net worth

>> No.15204779

Of course they do anon. How are you not aware of that as an adult? (assuming you are)

>> No.15204788

my trips say otherwise. take the dog pill my friend its better you get it out the way early on

>> No.15204795

t. got dumped for being a bum

>> No.15204809
File: 132 KB, 1009x1152, whtr2pro1mf31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related.

>> No.15204819

So much cope itt, if you arent good looking then be prepared to have a shit sex life/relationship. Second to that, your gf will be spreading peanut butter on her vagina and have ur dog lick it instead on having sex with you
have sex incels

>> No.15204821

im 31 now and poorer than ever and i get laid easier than ever, especially with 18-25 yo women so ...

>> No.15204866
File: 417 KB, 422x509, emcel and chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can barely even consider women as alive. Who cares what these stupid whores want?

>> No.15204872

I guess men peak at different times in their life. Mid 20s I was a party animal and super cocky, and my hairline wasn't receding...

>> No.15204874

is vasectomy part of the cuckhold fetish? because it should be.

>> No.15204882

chicks care about good dick. sling good dick and you can get away with anything and she'll still take you back.

>> No.15205138



>> No.15206150

Who cares what a bitch cares about. Smd.

>> No.15206160

>chicks care about good dick
how does one provide good dick?

>> No.15206166

They start caring and stop being whores when they turn 30.

>> No.15206199

my oneitis ingored me for 5 years.. then i made it in 2017 from crypto and she told me she loved me. they only care about money

>> No.15206205

You’re the biggest beta faggot in the thread so far. Congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.15206235

i dont know why the weirdos on here care what my wife and i do in the bedroom
but i let my wife have other sex partners, never black ones
its fucking hot when shes moaning in ecstasy while getting nailed hard
the faggots here will never know what its like
probably all virgins

>> No.15206236

......nah you're just an autist with zero social skills

>> No.15206283

They don't.

>> No.15206670


People have different preferences.

>> No.15207018

You dont sound very experienced with life or women anon.
Theres always some smoking hot chick infatuated with some drug addled, out of work house painter who steals her car to fuck her sister.
That's life man

>> No.15207569

you have to fuck her mind. play a game. mine is giving her a release to be a complete whore with me. use words. bitches love words.

>> No.15207602

there's some porn interview where they ask the girls who their favorite porn star to work with is and they all said emanuel ferrara.

Aside from his freakishly large penis, you'll notice he spits mad dirty talk. Doesn't sound like much but THAT is what stands out to the girls. I want to get a mastery over that.

>> No.15207623

yeah listening to the opinions of fucking PORNSTARS is always wise

>> No.15207894

they're like the olympians of fucking. I already have pretty good dirty talk. you basically paint the frame of the sex into their head; in my experience girls go crazy for it, and it's something you can learn. I mean, why not put another tool in your box?

>> No.15208020

If you have to ask...

>> No.15208037

>something you can learn
Send knowledge please