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File: 44 KB, 420x534, 420full-dolly-castro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15196674 No.15196674[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

-These girls are so pretty, they are quite unreachable for most of us.
-Do you have to be rich, handsome or possess with great social skills to date with them?
-Usually, how do they find a guy?

>> No.15196712

Sergey did it. He made a scam ICO and made tens of millions scamming neets.

>> No.15196730

>IG thots
>Wants: money to vacation with and a photogenic chad to pose with
>Avoids: Poor and ugly people, introverts, complainers (bitter racist virgins, poor people, women that dont tow the line, etc)

>> No.15196732

make an account and DM them

>> No.15196760

>These girls are so pretty, they are quite unreachable for most of us.
The majority of them aren't as pretty as you think. They use makeup, angles, lightning, etc to give that impression.
>Do you have to be rich, handsome or possess with great social skills to date with them?
Yes but not necessarly all at the same time. You can be rich but not handsome and still get girls. You can be handsome but not have great social skills and still get girls. You can have great social skills but not rich and still get girls. Ideally having two of the 3 is better obviously.
>Usually, how do they find a guy?
They don't need to, guys come to them. However if they try to seek guys it's usually on sugar daddy/sugar baby dating websites like Seeking Arrangement. You can find plenty of thots there with verified instagrams. If you are rich then that's probably where you could "date" one of those Instagram models.

>> No.15196790

My friend they are whores. They are in a lower category of human being. You shouldn’t even look at them though I accept that we are all human and have weaknesses. But worrying about having sex with them is surely a sign of a character defect.

>> No.15196867

i used to be an instagram model and had ig model gfs. it's all marketing. yes you can fuck them, but both of your main goal ends up being having more photos to post, more likes, a whole other audience of people to use for yourself. so the sex is nice but in short it's a business arrangement and that's all ig models look for

>> No.15196868

Be very good looking while having an high prestige job (MD, lawyer) or be (semi)famous, even If its just local.
Thats how you can attend events where these people usually conglomerate.

>> No.15196872

Without technology and makeup theyd be like any other girl.

>> No.15196884

Just be a rich Arab oil Barron and fly them out to Dubai to use as your personal porta potty

>> No.15196911

don’t use seeking arrangements. girls on there will try and blackmail you threatening to release details to your work and family. other girls are simply fake snd scammers.

>> No.15196951

>girls on there will try and blackmail you threatening to release details to your work and family
lol dont tell them your name.. don't ever pick them up in your car.. don't ever take them to your house.. always hotels or their place.. and use a fake name

>> No.15196969
File: 83 KB, 750x893, 1560723513068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of them are paid escorts. They usually have an email on their bio or just straight up DM them. Guess who pays for their vacation to different cities in the world every week?

Also pro tip: if they have a picture in Dubai, they most likely have been used as human toilets by Abdul and mohammed

>> No.15197298


if you see an instathot traveling to a far off land, she's probably going there to jerk off an arabic oil baron's camel while getting pissed on and singing Stars and Stripes forever.

>> No.15198041
File: 129 KB, 2048x1366, sad twerk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I can't share a screencap, this is my last conversation with a russian Instagram thot:

Me: Hi, how can I get something a little more private?
Her: 100$, then ok.

That's it.

>> No.15198072

what is this arab oil baron human toilet meme?

>> No.15198075
File: 26 KB, 1000x1000, white-bemis-toilet-seats-1530slow-000-64_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5k USD and one of these bad boys will get you far with IG whores.

>> No.15198093

I think someone wrote a article about how oil Billionaires in the ME would pay for their trip to Dubai if they let them shit on her and if they got to gang bang her

>> No.15198096

They're no goddesses.

They're retarded cum dumpsters.

Don't elevate them.

Fuck them and throw them away.

Search for girl that can cook.

>> No.15198118

you have to be a rich arab. then offer them a lot of Money and shit in their mouth.

>> No.15198233
File: 144 KB, 682x600, 8658759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a job
>having a family that would bat an eye at your womanizing

>> No.15198326

dont go down this rabbit hole or you'll never think of women as being human again

>> No.15198382
File: 59 KB, 480x953, 1561597416468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody give me one bit of photographic/video evidence of these girls actually being Dubai porta potties.

PM screenshots are not evidence

>> No.15198489

check this one, she only got catfished but tells a lot on what she was prepared to do. it is pm screenshots, but she actually sent a picture of her passport

as you can tell im already in too deep on the rabbit hole

>> No.15198600

..how is that evidence? She AGREED to do it but that's obviously not the same as doing it, is it?

I can agree to murder a person on whatsapp, all they have to do is send me half up front and then I delete my profile

>> No.15198768

can you explain me the dubai toilet meme? I want to delve deeper into this blackpill

>> No.15198961

just google "dubai porta potty", or take a look at tagthesponsor.com
basically it's instagram "models" allegedly ready to suck arab dick pee and poo, getting catfished by random black knights to get them to agree to these sexual acts in exchange for money

>> No.15198979

Bro you're lost. Goodbye.

>> No.15199016

The Dubai princess paying women to fuck them is a proven hoax. Don't be suckered into believing these conspiracy theories. It's a nasty smear campaign against women perpetuated by incels who are jealous that women are making more money and becoming independent in life

>> No.15199022

yea still not evidence

key point is "allegedly". there's still no evidence that they've actually done those things

>> No.15199043


Based and redpilled

>> No.15199184
File: 112 KB, 650x303, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got to be fucking kidding

>I’ve had to have sex with a male German Shepard dog in front of them,

>I’ve had to stick numerous objects in my ass and their ass*s as well,

>I’ve got paid to eat sh*t, I’ve got paid to get beat up,

>> No.15199203

so for 5-10k I can have an instagram model suck my farts and eat my own shit after fucking them?

Wouldn't it be smart to blackmail them after for free sex for life?

>> No.15199215

This caliber of individual is absolutely shameless. She’d probably appreciate the free advertising.

>> No.15199280
File: 835 KB, 630x552, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt know women could be such whores
>pic related is ok with pooping & throwing up on her

>> No.15199556

Are you talking from personal experience or are you just parroting what others have said? Either way it's easy to avoid those problems.

>> No.15200090

>He does not know


>> No.15200217

She had no reason to agree to do it. As long as you can accept that she really agreed to do it over text than the intent is there.

>> No.15200230

They aren't paying taxes

>> No.15200260

The only thing worse than the actual instagram whores are the wannabe instagram whores.

>> No.15200475

You sound like a faggot.

>> No.15200508

A good % of it thots are escorts

>> No.15200519

My ex was an model.
The Sex was amazing but everything else about here was shitty.
Its really not worth the stress to get and hold one of these girls.
Unless you find an real unicorn ¯|_(ツ)_|¯

I know three models privatly, all of them have serious mental problems.

>> No.15200694

Do you have money? It's incredibly easy to fuck IG thots if you pay cash or fly them somewhere interesting. A friend of mine paid $3000 to raw dog a IG fitness girl with 500k+ followers when she was staying in our city for a couple weeks. He showed me the Instagram DM conversation and SMS texts to prove it.

>> No.15200746

just be yourself

>> No.15200783


>> No.15200794

>These girls are so pretty
>posts a fat shitskin with bolt-ons
If you're gonna put the pussy on a pedestal at least have some standards.

>> No.15200862

So are they real dubai princes or just LARPers btfoing out of the ig models?

>> No.15200981

Well the pilots sent to pick out these shores and the people who arrange their travel and accommodation are basically all westerners who pretty quickly put two and two together or outright witness this shit. I suspect these people who have blown the lid on this thing to be one of them.

>> No.15201010

You can fuck a girl in South America who looks just like Dolly Castro for like $200/hour, you don't have to be rich lol