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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 271 KB, 615x716, 1565442211922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15193572 No.15193572[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can I profit from this?

>> No.15193583

long Jews
long corruption
long the swamp

>> No.15193589


>> No.15193592

clown world.

>> No.15193599

This is good for LINK.

>> No.15193600

Write a book detailing your experiences as he ass raped you and your pals.

>> No.15193601
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>> No.15193602


>> No.15193604


>> No.15193611

Literally every news outlet

>> No.15193615

anyone wanna buy an island ?

>> No.15193616

Now all the jews, politicians and elites get to walk free
This world is fucked

>> No.15193618
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Shame wish he'd publically squealed then locked up in gitmo

>> No.15193621

Suicide by 7 bullets in the back of his head with a revolver.

>> No.15193622 [DELETED] 

Short activision

>> No.15193625




>> No.15193651
File: 1.81 MB, 390x300, giphy_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk how it works over at redit but when someone post something they usally have a link to the source.


>> No.15193659

"suicide" lmao, they kiled him. too many rich and powerful people would have gone down with him. now they are comfy again.

>> No.15193664

This is unironically bad news for Craig Wright

>> No.15193683

sell them proof he got '''suicided''' before ratting out his (((fellows)))

>> No.15193689

pls have dead mans switch pls have dead mans switch pls have dead mans switch pls have dead mans switch pls have dead mans switch pls have dead mans switch pls have dead mans switch pls have dead mans switch pls have dead mans switch pls have dead mans switch pls have dead mans switch pls have dead mans switch pls have dead mans switch pls have dead mans switch pls have dead mans switch pls have dead mans switch pls have dead mans switch

>> No.15193694

reminds me of the journalist that exposed the swedish kings hooker habits 10 yrs ago and then died in an "accident" one week later

>> No.15193696


>> No.15193704

Holy shit, everyone knew this would happen. Kek'd. Who will pay for it? No one.
Everything back to normal, let's go.

>> No.15193735

This... as if he was going to do hard time without naming all the names

>> No.15193742

There are rumours he got switched out with someone else and its not him that died

Apparently some van with an army guy came and he was taken out of his cell to go to the nurses but no nurse ever talked to him

>> No.15193755

wouldnt be surprised

>> No.15193758

Bullshit and you know it.

>> No.15193761


anyone remember this cunt? just went awol and apperantly had a "sex scandal".. out of the fucking ordinary.

>> No.15193763

Crazy conspiracy theory republicans will say he was killed

>> No.15193764

Someone check up on Nick Mullen and /pol/

>> No.15193766

>There are rumours he got switched out with someone else and its not him that died
This would involve to many people i would say, he is just a school teacher that knew to much.

>> No.15193768

Honestly feels bad man
The girls were THAT young
If they were 12 and below sure burn in hell but they were 15-19

>> No.15193774

lol get fucked nigger

>> No.15193775

G'day Moshe

>> No.15193777

no it wouldnt. these people are PAID to shut the fuck up and they work in the shadows of government. you really think anyone gives a shit what people do when theyre paid 5-10M to just shut the fuck up and do the job? and after theyre killed by some commie who doesnt know better to make sure the info never leaks.

>> No.15193789
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>> No.15193791

fuck this shit, he was one of us
where was the crime? i thought this was the land of the FREE?

>> No.15193792

I'm practically antifa and I'd still bet on it

>> No.15193802

not really, just the head of the prison, and the head of the prison tells people to stop watching cameras, and stop doing things
whilst the elites goons do their work

>> No.15193804


>> No.15193807

How do we short the world pedo elite? They can't keep getting away with it with such low effort.

>> No.15193815

careful now. we don't need any more 'unfortunate incidents' today now, do we ?

>> No.15193817

>They can't keep getting away with it with such low effort.
Thats where your wrong kiddo

>> No.15193821
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>> No.15193828

1. they switched him out
2. they brought him back, injected him with some shit and wheeled him back in and staged it.

2 doesnt seem plausible cause youd need a few bodies doing the work of staging a suicide and that would be too noticeable to other inmates.

>> No.15193829

lmao bro they will keep getting away with it. The global .01% are more powerful than any leader in the history of humanity. If one of them wanted to fuck your 10 year old son in front of you, guess what? You're about to watch your son get raped and nothing will ever happen to them.

>> No.15193830

When we make it
Will be also be pedo elite?

>> No.15193834

So they just suicided him.

>> No.15193841

Did i have a stroke?
Wtf was that

Anyway i was asking
When we make it
Will we also be pedo elite

>> No.15193844

>insider here

>> No.15193845

fake & gay

>> No.15193846

the problem is people are too glued to social media/tv's and are in constant fear of being a good goyim or having their playtoys taken away. this is a sheep herd mentality. we need actual visionaries that point this fucking flawed shit out to retards. but 99% of people will never act on it, until its too late. once the state has implemented robotic/AI surveillance, humanity will become nothing but sheer slaves. how can you go up against a robotic police force which has infinite resources at its dispense.

>> No.15193848

or.. the whole thing is a hoax to gaslight /pol/

>> No.15193851
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(((They))) are trying to contain the damage.

>> No.15193866

Reminder that Bill Clinton flew on Epstein's plane 27 times.

>> No.15193873

Pretty much this, they gave them the choice of taking enough money to live comfortably for the rest of their lives in silence or get suicided or killed in an unfortunate accident after watching their loved ones get the same fate, gee I wonder what they would take.

>> No.15193875
File: 180 KB, 700x700, 09-epstein-trump-maxwell.w700.h700[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bad Bill
>Bad, Bad Bill

>> No.15193895

>idk how it howrk over at redit guize
go back

>> No.15193899

> Federal lockup
> On suicide watch
> Commit a suicide

Nothing to see here, goys. Go and enjoy your short break from waging by getting drunk and high.

>> No.15193904

4chan (especially pol) hates to mention that trump has been to the island too

>> No.15193907

So is it Bill's island now?

>> No.15193946

/pol/ hates trump you utter newfag

>> No.15193951

Nice try rajeesh, but testimony say otherwise.

>> No.15193953

He didn't commit suicide the first time he got locked up on pedo charges

>> No.15193961

>How can I profit from this?
Short Trump businesses and anything connected to the Clintons.

>> No.15193974

Too tards rushing to Trumps defense

>> No.15193977
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>> No.15193986

Trump distanced himself from Epstein long before these charges were brought out

>> No.15193988

>on the most capitalist board on 4chan

>> No.15193995
File: 61 KB, 747x686, 1564987868606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do they setup these kinds of operations?

Do they just have insiders in every institution? How do they coordinate all this so that they get away with it?

>> No.15194000


>> No.15194030


>Bad tu
>Bad tu quoc

>> No.15194034

Antifa has the support of all megacorporations bruh. Get with the times

>> No.15194035

He was literally under 24/7 surveillance, yet managed to hang himself. Kek'd

The problem is that they literally said Trump didn't even sleep with a single girl in the testimony. + His arrest wouldn't have happened without Trump's approval.

>> No.15194040

The economy is saved. Short gold & silver

>> No.15194053

In the first incident some weeks ago he was in a cell with a former cop for whatever reason and had a mobile phone for whatever reason

>> No.15194063

trump is doing everything the kykes want, he's out next term, but the only person that would still be attacking trump online would be a dem shill or a totally braindead bernieboy

>> No.15194066

Have sex and reassess that statement, weirdo.

>> No.15194077

You’re an idiot

>> No.15194091

Since fucking when? Last thread I saw was filled with speculations between Eppy and Trump

>> No.15194105

If he wanted to fuck lolis he should have moved to somewhere like Mexico (where the age of consent is 12) and then fucked them legally

>> No.15194111

He clearly killed himself

>> No.15194124

Either he was killed to minimize damage or hes not in jail and walking free somewhere

>> No.15194129

Suicide i.e. tripped down three flights of stairs and caved his skull in.

>> No.15194132

He had a ranch there.

>> No.15194135

This is a fed downplaying what happened. Just a school teacher, just the biggest Jewish industrial pedophile in human history.

>> No.15194140

Ah so epstein was all in on vechaon too I see.

>> No.15194145

Notice the drop in Bitcoin's price at the time of news breaking about his death?

>> No.15194160

This is just karma for you white supremacist incels. Your stupid coins that you're trying to get rich off of and your biggest conspiratard bogeyman are both gone

>> No.15194163


He had, so they switched him, he’s probably fucking a teenager on some island right now

>> No.15194172
File: 158 KB, 929x625, Jeffs_Pad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just keepin an eye on y'all, and
this. Still time to decide if you want to be on the right side of History, for once
>he should have moved to somewhere like Mexico
bet he wishes he'd thought of that. He'd have bought a ranch there would have made Pic Related (NYC) 'look like a shack'. If walls had ears, the tales they'd tell. Jeffs walls def. had eyes, but what they saw might never be shared now, sadly

>> No.15194174
File: 104 KB, 622x653, Goebbels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Jew is showing Chaim.

>> No.15194176

t. Monstrously obese unproductive balding specimen

>> No.15194210

Pretty sure he had some people to release names in case he was (((suicided))).

>> No.15194225
File: 34 KB, 400x300, athf_ep039_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just investigate the island? Look for underground tunnels and whatnot?

>> No.15194233

No perp. Case over.

>> No.15194239

>underground tunnels

lol holy fuck you're retarded

>> No.15194243
File: 128 KB, 1280x1280, 1565447738619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOT the same NOSE

>> No.15194261

Nice try Lilith

>> No.15194278

is that really the body they're claiming is epstein's

>> No.15194296

Different nose, ear and wrinkles.

>> No.15194300

lmao, if thats the case he now enjoys drinks and cigars on some remote Island..

>> No.15194319
File: 275 KB, 1286x857, jeffrey-epstein-2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha thats NOT him.

>> No.15194327
File: 342 KB, 1286x857, jeffrey-epstein-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15194329

the fuck

>> No.15194338

>, just the biggest Jewish industrial pedophile in human history.
Known, just the biggest Jewish industrial pedophile in known human history. The big boys don't get caught, especially twice.

>> No.15194344

Ears are completely different. Why are American elites so sloppy with their plans?

>> No.15194350


>> No.15194363

because they get away with it.

>> No.15194389
File: 96 KB, 615x857, F7F9EACE-7893-4C4A-AA4B-481313A5861D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epstein’s semi-recent right ear, with Prince Andrew. Those are not the same men.

>> No.15194399

lmao this is hilarious knowing they killed some poor bastard for this. probably a junkie or homeless

>> No.15194401


>> No.15194449
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>hilarious that some innocent person was murdered to protect a pedo

hahaha.. yea real funny

>> No.15194573

>not finding this disgusting corrupt world we live in funny

there's nothing else to do besides laugh when you're powerless. we live in a society

>> No.15194589

and ripple

>> No.15194611

This thread is based.

>> No.15194617
File: 25 KB, 582x148, 1565452094497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone confirm this tweet?

>> No.15194619
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They can't keep getting away with it

>> No.15194692

>being that much of a brainlet to think it could be real
like you legit have a <80 iq to ask if it's real

>> No.15194703

You can expect a lot of profit from Telecoin. It looks pretty good.

>> No.15194755

Should have snitched on a video with his lawyers, he would have become /oursnitch/

>> No.15194782

muricans can't distinguish between teens and kids...
muricans think anything below 18 or even 21 is underage

>> No.15194832
File: 193 KB, 1068x1062, 1565449316524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prepared something special for you frens. thats not the same guy..

>> No.15194854

yeah not the same guy.
either journalist fucked up and confused two people taking photos OR they set up a fake death.

Occam's razor isn't helping me decide here, because knowing the powers that be both are equally likely.

if this is him, my opinion still stands about muricans being unable to tell the difference between teens and kids (even though it is very easy in english because thirTEEN, it's literally in the language) but that's a whole other debate.

if this is a fake death he is back on lolita island (funny how the media depicted the story Lolita being about rape when clearly it wasn't but *shrug*) having sexy time with teens.

>> No.15194855

No he was a based OG. OG dont snitch on friends. He preferred death rather than snitching.

>> No.15194864

This. And this time there won't be some "hero" who saves the day since robots do as they are programmed.

>> No.15194898
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We are always watching

>> No.15194901

Lmao actually believing this. Either he didn't have a deadmans switch, he was switched with a body double or he was caught offguard with all his blackmail material. I'm thinking the body double is the most likely scenario.

>> No.15194905

it's the same nose just different angle retard

>> No.15194910

Whilst the nose is clearly different...
I am wondering about the ear, would it be conceivable that his ear would have gotten deformed from strangulation's pull and the neck support they clearly have on him?

>> No.15194932

not sure, I do photography myself and the more pronounced (in the dead pic) shape of the nose would be constrated anyway in the living pic you linked. I am not saying it is impossible but seems a bit off...

>> No.15194952
File: 165 KB, 1000x432, 1549984649353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's what low IQ schizos believe
If he wanted to snitch on them all he would have some sort of a deadmans switch and they could kill him way before when he was free.
>I'm thinking the body double is the most likely scenario.
"most likely scenario" you schizos are so fucking retarded it's not even funny.
He doesn't want to face the whole world and doesn't want to end up in prison for his last days so he simply preferred to kill himself. but you retards have to invent a conspiracy..
the absolute state of low IQs

>> No.15194963
File: 218 KB, 558x518, epsteincollect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pocketnet.app I'm shilling the shit out of it and the boomer and qtards buy it like crazy pure unhinged conspiracy shit.
I claimed crisis, actors, image manipulation and foreign interference. I think if I get them on global jewish conspiracy I score a fullhouse or something.

In general gab will take off and pocketnet.app I think merely on conspiracy shit and the 2020 election if some dedicated anons can be convinced to buy in or accumulate a bag for free while it is still possible.
Since it is a utility token it gains value by pure adoption, eyeballs and market activity on the platform.

Use this referall link and we get both some initial bonus.

>> No.15194967

this is how skynet, a potentially the matrix begins.
one thing worth remembering is that the "elite" ended up getting owned as well.

>> No.15195001

in this case it is more a case of "who didn't want him to snitch?"

look at what happened to say, Kadhafi; a great buddy of the west one day, a tyrant to be destroyed the next...

>> No.15195021

The nose isn't that different besides the angle, could have just been swollen or something. I don't know enough about ears to comment on that.

>> No.15195045

he wasn't planning to snitch he could have done it long ago. most prison suicides happen during the first weeks.
also look at the nose here:


and here:

same person. it's all about angle and light

>> No.15195055

Nice try Lilith

>> No.15195077

take your meds schizo. fucking losers who can't accept simple truths like a world hated man on the spot light decides to kill himself instead of facing a jury, public humiliation/hate and a life sentence in prison.

>> No.15195082


guys the camera just malfunctioned, and then he shot himself twice in the head

its quite explainable

>> No.15195096

some of you depressed neets are contemplating suicide for far less than that.

>> No.15195106

>trusting fake news
how's the low IQ doing today? ever tried to..like...verify your source retard?

>> No.15195110

hey Bill

>> No.15195111

how the fuck would he hang himself while on suicide watch though?

>> No.15195119

I don't buy the body double theory, but it's pretty damn likely people wanted him to die and either killed him or let him commit suicide.

>> No.15195138

I cant find my meds because the lights just malfunctioned.

>> No.15195147

because many people still manage to kill themselves in prison even on suicide watch. it's not like the staff really cares if a criminal kills himself.

>> No.15195153
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>> No.15195154

you glowniggers are truly incredible. Must feel good to shitpost on 4chan while getting paid

>> No.15195180

camera malfunctioned... source retard?
it's tiring to be one of the only high IQ on this board.
>he doesn't believe the moronic conspiracy theory
>he's cia

>> No.15195198

>Fuck 30yo used-up roasties, stay away from 15-16 attractive girls goy!!!!
There is literally nothing wrong with being attracted to younger, healthier females

>> No.15195214

>found out from twitter
>opened the link and frantically looked for signs of a "fake" news website
>it's fucking real
and there's fucking nothing any of us can do about it

>> No.15195217

Morning rabi

>> No.15195223
File: 84 KB, 750x669, iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moronic conspiracy theory
>high IQ
Back to plebbit, Mr. 115

>> No.15195234

Kike leftists will say he committed suicide

>> No.15195261

schizos will say he was killed by clinton

>> No.15195286

chads will agree that he bought his way out of prison on the condition he alter his appearance and never appears in public again. He's enjoying a nice cocktail on a plane right now.

>> No.15195289

it's all on camera anyway. truth will be available soon to shut you schizos up.

>> No.15195307
File: 2.39 MB, 1436x1006, 1564462328102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I'm jealous of you, it must be nice living in a perfect world. A world where the news outlets never lie and the government only acts in your best interest. Why would the government ever intentionally harm its people? I'm jealous of your ignorance, I really am.

>> No.15195319

schizo this, schizo that. Is it really so implausible that at the very least they were purposefully lax in monitoring him?

>> No.15195328

>I'm jealous of your ignorance, I really am.

>> No.15195375
File: 344 KB, 1342x190, 1547130380609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are these?

>> No.15195378

imagine living life on retard mode (tutorial and easy mode are reserved for women); no need to give fucks anymore, everything works out fine, everything is simple and straightforward.

Such pleasant; I think I may give up and delegate my IQ to the powers that be, let them do the thinking for me. Pity I can't enter retarded tutorial mode as well (bimbo) life would be 100% constant bliss.

>> No.15195422
File: 717 KB, 1000x581, 1565455164852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He caught?

>> No.15195489

gargoyles, i believe.
no idea what they represent desu, but they prob. predate Epstein, and were donated along with the house via a kind former employer. Very kind in fact, that's one of NY largest townhouses (heated pavements n sheeit), believed to have been sold to Epstein (RIP) for 1 (one) dollar. The hallway is decorated with artificial glass eyes made for 2nd world war soldiers, and doubtless a few other 'eyes' as well. Fun pad, apparently. Was never invited sadly, but I'm imagining Eyes Wide Shut meets Rosemarys Baby. There, The Fuckhuge Mexican Ranch or Fun Island, choices, choices

>> No.15195547

Good. Fuck children.

>> No.15195568

all he did was diddle a couple kids

>> No.15195583

>Get full reconstructive surgery so you look exactly like Epstein
>Move to Cuba
>Occasionally leak photos of yourself posing as Epstein
>Wait for everyone to use your pictures on the news
>Sue them for using your photos of yourself without your permission

>> No.15195593


>> No.15195664

everything ITT thinks they are woke because they know it was a murder. You and every other faggot boomer on yahoo news. You're not special

>> No.15195678

Doesn't mean we shouldn't talk about it. The fact that it's so blatant too is fucked up.

>> No.15195697

I’m not sure if he’s out next term honestly...shit could go either way.

>> No.15195726

This would be hilarious if it was true...she’d finally be in “Trump” level of autistic

>> No.15195729
File: 258 KB, 839x586, ca0ff7f9a2b6465050577b78a80db585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Names start getting released less than 24 hours ago
>Epstein commits (((suicide)))
Really gets the noggin a joggin

>> No.15195862

>same shit that killed /pol/ is going to other boards
Take your meds schizos

>> No.15195873

sir... https://twitter.com/MichaelCoudrey/status/1160199691373621250