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15190187 No.15190187 [Reply] [Original]

Social Security is the redistribution of wealth from millennials to Boomers. Bitcoin is how it gets redistributed back.

>> No.15190214
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BTC is now boomercoin. Its had all utility stripped away and been replaced by a husk propped up by hordes of braindead morons using logic like "BTC IS MUH KANG" to justify its #1 position in market cap. The only reason BTC became so successful in the first place is because it was useful, now its not.

Bitcoin Cash carries the torch of the original Bitcoin idea.

>> No.15190279

No one will use bch because there's a million cryptos faster and cheaper. Every TX crypto or smart contract crypto has flooded the market and diluted it's importance. Only boomers think BTC is dead. They've told us that for 10 years each time with a different reason but the market has spoken. BCH will always be a fork coin that forks when it disagrees and that splits their small user base. I'm sorry grandpa, you fell for the next BTC meme.

>> No.15191068

you dumb retarded zoomer shits have been saying this for years and market dominance has only go up

please go fuck yourselves you coping bastards