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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15181552 No.15181552 [Reply] [Original]

Fed is replacing "maturing assets" they bought as mid term dated bonds with ultralong bonds currently. 13 Billion in 30 year inital that were purchased by the FED as 7 year durations are being replaced with 30 year total ultralong bonds despite not being purchased as ultralongs intitally, FEDs risk adjusted portfolios are breaking down because the FED is loading up on these "liquid" ultralongs to boost cash accounts.

Banks have been caught manipulating LIBOR ONCE AGAIN, why is the news not talking about this? FED is loading up on liquid assets meaning OIS must not be looking good, what is the real LIBOR/OIS spread? It's got to be almost 100bp higher then whats being reported, how deep is this fucking scam?

QE4 is ongoing without telling anybody, Assets are being propped up already under the covers, we are being played hard.

Buy more bitcoin you future filthy rich fucking degenerates

>> No.15181621
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the goy is on to us. mods!

>> No.15182013


>> No.15182034
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>> No.15182049

I am a pajeet nigger chink and don't know much outside of shitcoin shilling and fudding. Can you speak more dumb so I can understand, OP?

Who is behind all of this?

>> No.15182237

Bassically the FED is spending billions of dollars morr then they are offically reporting buying bonds to prop up the treasury market and in turn grow their balance sheet now that they've ended QT, meaning they started ANOTHER round of QE unofficially right now

>> No.15182299

What the fuck are you on about

>> No.15182461

this, just rub one out bro

>> No.15182786

so is the economy crashing or what

>> No.15182901

How do you niggers ever expect to get rich

>> No.15182937

Source or jt didn't happen

>> No.15182968

Literally retarded. Consider the rope


>> No.15183118

i'm not jewish or under jewish mind control so being wealthy is not one of my priorities

>> No.15183172

Lol, I didn't say cash rich now did I you /pol/tard

>> No.15183197 [DELETED] 

I’d rather live like a rat than a slave.

>> No.15183225
File: 74 KB, 680x510, 39B2A759-6503-4E4C-A3B2-7BAF7C8DC8E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being wealthy is not one of my priorities

The fuck are you doing here then you cunt? Go away permapeasant.

>> No.15183510

This board is literally full of fundmanetally bullish equity NPC's

>> No.15183537

When we’re they caught manipulating libor. Source?

>> No.15183548

Lmao at this cope. Get the fuck off this board then

>> No.15183573

So in other words the Fed is following long-standing policy?
Ok fren

>> No.15183613

Traders at some of the big banks had been caught manipulating libor. There's evidence that this was directed by central banks.

>> No.15183620

lmao. last time i checked, heaven doesn't accept cash

it's not like you jews are going there anyways

>> No.15183629

You're really playing those Jews by being poor and devoid of political power lmao

>> No.15183668

Back in 2012 was the first time IIRC, just recently a whole new slew of lawsuits are being launched backed by fresh data from 2017 that the banks were manipulating libor AGAIN. These are NEW lawsuits not related to the old LIBOR scandle from 2012 and nobody is talking about it.

>effective July 31 2019
ask me how I knew you were retarded?

>> No.15183704

Where are you getting $71B from?

>> No.15183786

Under their example model allocation.
"For example, consider the situation where the SOMA holds $1 billion in Treasury note securities that mature on July 15. In this example, assume the Treasury is auctioning a 3-year, a 10-year, and a 30-year security for $38 billion, $24 billion, and $16 billion, respectively, on that same day. The $1 billion would be allocated across these three securities in proportion to their announced offering"

So technically it's only 42 Billion in long dated treasuries, the 16 billion in the 30 years allocation is the important part though considering the initial bonds were 30 year bonds purchased at 7 years until maturity and risk adjusted and still risk adjusted for the 7 years. This means they have 16 billion to reallocate into 5-7 year bonds from the open market that they shouldn't have

>> No.15183870

so, to be clear, consistent with long-standing policy, and no net additional principal is being added

>> No.15183912

If the goy doesn't know nobody needs to shut it down

>> No.15183951


I love how incels sit in their basements nitpicking over fed actions they have zero control over and can barely even profit from with their 15k in savings (if they can even make a profit) while Chad's are out there making 250k salary in sales commissions while fucking their hot milf clients and Stacy coworkers

>> No.15183954

That's not the long standing policy retard, they restarted rollovers at the beginning of 2017, and this is an almost 20 billion increase in the rollovers since then for the same initial with more long dated this time around. They are ramping up to fill the increased $350 Billion ceiling for SOMA with more open market assets starting with these treasuries which shouldn't exist.

>> No.15184034

This was combined with the ADDITIONAL 19 billion in the 30 year auction however which went for 2.33%. That means a total of 35 Billion in 30 year sold but only 19B reported as new issuance and 16B reported as rollover.

>> No.15184472

Yes it does. In the form of donation to the needy via your hard work to accumulate money and your selflessness to give it.

I ask again, what the fuck are you doing here?

>> No.15184514

that'll show 'em

>> No.15184521

post portfolio (or body)

>> No.15185396
