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15173783 No.15173783 [Reply] [Original]

I put 90% of my savings to ONE at ~120 sats.

And now I am regretting it, why did I do this shit, I could have had a decent car with this, or couple holiday trips.

Now I have lost $1k already in a day.
I just followed what anon said on /biz/, I wanted "easiest 10x of your life" or "2500 sats in couple weeks"
Any help here? I am going with the "If I dont pull out I have lost nothing yet"

Is there any hope for harmony to rise 10x?

>> No.15173794

just buy btc, if thats too expensive buy ltc. and hodl. no reason to dabble in trash.

>> No.15173796

Switch it to Bitcoin and youll get it back

>> No.15173819

well I want to, but with the trade competition thinggy started it might go up in price, right?

So shouldnt I wait atleast to get my money back? Or is that too a fail

>> No.15173828

its over its going to .005

>> No.15173840

ONE was just part of the shitcoins of the month package. Next month there will be 3 more random shitcoins to come out of nowhere and have small pumps. and newfags like you will buy them after they pump to get dumped on.

>> No.15173852

>I just followed what anon said on /biz
Congrats, you've paid the entry fee. Now you know to do your own due diligence and take everything you see here with a bushel of salt.

>> No.15173891

well I took, that is why I didnt buy Link, VIDT, Bat and many others, I chose ONE because it seemed like the best choice out of all

>> No.15173910

it could also mean that my power of deduction is shit, which it more than likely is

>> No.15173980

>well I want to
good. do it otherwise don't complain about losing money, you know buying bullshit like one for a pity pump is retarded

>> No.15173995

And I really dont wanna invest in BTC since I wont even get 1 of them, meaning the price changes wont affect my investment as much, meaning BTC would have to increase 20% in value atleast to make me enough profit that it counts.

>> No.15174019

This. If it's being shipped here and it's a Chinese token, you should stay away.

>> No.15174026

I'll sell you my stack when it lists on coinbase

>> No.15174029


>> No.15174036

Not a Chinese token

>> No.15174063

Also I wanna wait till it lists on coinbase, and that trading competition too, I want to wait that out, because those have always made the coin raise in price, but I am scared it wont.

>> No.15174122

Do you click on those ads that say "how to make $10,000 a month" too, you fucking retard? I have less sympathy for ONE hodlers than I do for LINK hodlers.

>> No.15174141
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y-yes...I just want to get rich without being a wagey

>> No.15174150

forgot to add
>implying you can get rich by being a wagey

I only want money, because 99% of my problems are money, and if I get rich, afterwards I can spend my time on solving the 1% of my problems

>> No.15174151

daily reminder that all Harmony threads are pure uncut coordinated shilling. there is nothing organic about it. fuck all Harmony pajeets in the ass for taking advantage of newfags like OP.

>> No.15174157

trading competitions end up just being whale games where they dump and pump the price. Most of the time its more dump than pump with competitions. Its all rigged. All of it.

>> No.15174166

>I have less sympathy for ONE hodlers than I do for LINK hodlers.
yeah no shit cuz most LINK holders are up 8-10x and not justed into oblivion like ONE holders

>> No.15174249

only gonna tell u this once OP: use the shill/bash threads as a signal to investigate on your own. the fact u skipped vidt and link to buy this... ask urself why this should be over 10m market cap at this point in time.

>> No.15174290

okay, but I am gonna wait the competition and wait for the coinbase listing until EOM, if nothing has happened till then(meaning price increase) I will dump and then buy some other coins and hope I can salvage something.

>> No.15174301

God damn, why are you so impatient if you invest in crypto.
Swallow it and keep holding, will be worth it if you have the endurance.
Dont get emotional in such a swingy market

>> No.15174337

This. Maybe he sold and just caused that pump kek

>> No.15174364

I havent dumped anything yet, I have ~400k in ONE and I can wait, I was thinking on just leaving biz and not looking at my portfolio/wallets for couple days to take it out of my head for a while.

Gonna try to concentrate on other things

>> No.15174377

meant to say 400k ONEs*

not 400k worth of ONEs

>> No.15174409

Proud of you, son. Volatile market but the writing is on the wall. This will perform extremely well and you wont even have to wait too long

>> No.15174420

Pull out dickhead and learn your lesson. I bought a ton of garbage in 2018 and accepting my losses early saved my ass.

>> No.15174438


>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor

>> No.15174452

Seriously, think about holding LINK for two years, not selling at the top then having Sir Gay skeet all over you on the way to $1. One is a no-brainer.

>> No.15174456
File: 202 KB, 365x363, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so which one do I believe, I dont wanna lose my money and my shit.

Yeah I am gonna start that break now, cya next week, gonna go play some vidya to take my mind of this.

And hey, if I choose wrongly, I can always kms.

>> No.15174590

I am literally STILL (right now) up 10x on LINK. Let that sink in. Imagine what a 10x would do for your life in Mumbai.
>And hey, if I choose wrongly, I can always kms.
This is the stage of cope where you believe bad things won't happen because of how bad they are. The ONE chart doesn't actually look too bad so it isn't the WORST thing to hold on to for a bit, but it is definitely a shitcoin and definitely a Pnd so you already fucked up by buying it.

>> No.15174613

well I see death as a relievement from the hell that is life, with only reincarnation into a "heaven" of my choosing. monetary richness makes life better than dying, so I am holding on to the thinnest string that is getting rich from "10x to 100x" crypto

>> No.15174659

There's that cope again. You are confusing recklessness with bravery.
Recklessness is lazy and unthinking and justifies itself not with logic but with childish emotional appeals. It will not be rewarded.
Bravery is taking a calculated risk after exhausting every other option.

>> No.15174713

its not bravery, I am pretty fucking scared of losing shit.
I am childish, and I am pretty fucking naive if that didnt come apparent.

But I would like to think what I did was logical, since I dont see any other way of "making it"
I could be blind about this too.

>> No.15174781

bro you just posted cringe

>> No.15174793

Why did you believe an anonymous forum post over your own common sense and sense of restraint? That was really stupid.

However you still have a chance to sell. You are clearly gambling with money you could not actually afford to lose and you are emotional about it.

Pull out. Only play with a little bit.

>> No.15174801

>But I would like to think what I did was logical
No. It was emotional. You got a hot feeling in your stomach that you absolutely need to buy NOW aka "FOMO".
That was because a group of people acted with the deliberate aim of making you feel like that.
Recognising these feelings in yourself is investing 101.

>> No.15174831

You should have put your savings into a stable coin and used the celsius app to make a comfy 10% back on it your investment.

Not a paid shill btw. He could use nexo or crypto.com i dont give a fuck. Suck my balls.

>> No.15174921

Hello, newfag. You deserve it for being so gullible. If you really want to gamble you're money then look for "established" shitcoins that have been around 2018 or earlier and see if it's price in sats is at its lowest and just pray to kek that it goes up. Good luck retard.

>> No.15174935
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well with a little amount I would not "make it" because no coin had indicators that it would moon or go above 1000x like bitcoin and ETH did.

So a coin making 10x or 100x would be more probable, meaning I would have to invest 10x more to make it, logically, but more than likely that was just emotional thinking.

But I just want to be filthy rich, like not just couple millions, I have too much greed, I want that my me or my family wont have to experience poverty, hunger or famine again. same with my whole bloodline/distant family, I want none of them to be poor or to experience monetary hardships.

I just want to be useful to my family and to actually matter, which I dont currently, I live with a roommate to save on rent, and I live on welfare, and all these savings I have is because some distant uncle died and I inherited 10k€.

I have mental problems, a lot of them,but I dont like psychs or docs, or hospitals in general. that is why I dont have good relations with my family, and because I havent succeeded in life at all, being long term unemployed is dishonorable even in a job market where most of my age are unemployed, and I have shitty diploma in IT which most of the others applying for IT jobs have too.

>> No.15175016

Lol bro I am not the god of shitcoins. Telling me your sob story will not make your coin go up. Either make the effort to get better at investing or put your money somewhere more useful.
It sounds like you're in full denial at the moment so I'm going to break off our convo here.

>> No.15175033

well tell me a coin that is *more* probable to go up by 10x "soon" and I will invest in.

>> No.15175164
