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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15170060 No.15170060 [Reply] [Original]

Fucking hell. I have to go to work at 2pm. I don't wanna goooo!!!!!
Seriously, fuck this country for making it structured in such a way where I HAVE to rely on an employer for survival. Fuck them.

>> No.15170075

Why don't you move into the forest and live off the land like Unabomber you whiny bitch

>> No.15170093

I don't mind work, but fuck the world for forcing me to work 40 hours a week. Should really be 32 hour work weeks.

>> No.15170103
File: 224 KB, 1200x1600, Easy_Cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is some real and easy cheese for you my frend

>> No.15170125

wage cuck untill you have 1.5 mil on bank and then live off of interests, profit

>> No.15170141


You could probably cut it to 6 hours a day for a 30 hour work week and we'd still have a good workflow and output of economic necessities, but with far superior QoL for citizens since they'd have more time to tend to personal hobbies/family/relaxation

>> No.15170142

>he didn't buy rsr

>> No.15170150

Yes, Friday should be voluntary.

>> No.15170155

He still worked jobs on the occasion for the locals around

>> No.15170156

Shekelstein would find a way to cut our hours and not increase hourly wage to compensate

>> No.15170180

Boomer, I wasn't raised this way. If you throw an animal raised in the zoo all their lives into the wild, they'll die.
Even if I didn't die, I'm not used to it. I've been to accustomed to society.

I mind POINTLESS work which is the grand majority of jobs. Also, the lack of "work from home" jobs is one of the things I loathe the most. I hate needing "perfect attendance" too. Some jobs, it makes sense (say maybe nursing), but not with all jobs.

Why stop there? The lower, the better. The real issue is the cost of living. Affordable as fuck housing (small homes) should be a thing.

>> No.15170218

Honestly I wish more places let me do that. But then they fuck you over on bennies, or Mr shekelstein says no. I have to put in 40 hours of labor at my job, I'd rather just work 9-5 with an unpaid lunch personally.

>> No.15170320
File: 94 KB, 1066x1062, crunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually funny story about that. My coworker at whole foods is old, and wanted to move to working four 9 hour days. Originally they let him, and let him keep bennies, but then store leadership found out and got pissed because "it's not fair". So he tried to do four 8 hour days. And I guess there's some weird shit where even though he's full time from a legal standpoint, whole foods doesn't consider it that. So he has to work 5 days a week. Pretty lame, considering I think he just turned 59 or so.

Dude just work for 50 years and die lmao

>> No.15170338


Wanna own your own shit and live off of the land? Nope, fuck you. Pay the taxes, slave. (((We))) OWN you. It's written in our holy books.

>> No.15170374
File: 23 KB, 480x542, baguettesurchien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wanna avoid the housing jew sometime and try and live out of a van. That's the biggest scam of them all. Older I get, more I realize I don't give a shit about possessions. But since Jews fucked up marriage and family model, I'm realizing it during a time where I don't have to worry about it.

>> No.15170417

>Even if I didn't die, I'm not used to it. I've been to accustomed to society.
Lol you sound like a trophy wife who instigates a divorce and demands half of her rich husband's wealth just because she's "accustomed to it." Fuck you, if you dont like it make your own way.

>> No.15170472

What a retard. Try living on the land for a month. Easy to talk shit. Not so easy to back it up.